MBA7012: STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT CARDIFF METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, BULGARIA MBA7012: STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT SEMESTER 2 MODULE LEADER: Ivelina Yoveva CONTACT DETAILS: Email: 1 MBA7012: STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT Aims: 1) The central aim of the module is to allow the student to develop knowledge and understanding of the key issues associated with Strategic Retail Management. 2) The student will learn how to develop a pre-defined and well-integrated strategy, 3) How to approach decision-making and how to adapt to today’s changing and complex retail environment 4) To develop skills in researching and analysing retail opportunities. 5) To gain an understanding of how to assess an organisation's ability to enter and compete in an international markets. Learning Outcomes: 1. Knowledge & Understanding On successful completion of this module you will have developed an understanding of major issues related to Strategic Retail Marketing 2. Subject-Specific Skills On successful completion of this module you will have developed prerequisite skills to develop and implement a successful strategic retail plan. 3. Personal Transferable Skills On successful completion of this module you will be able to assess an organisation's ability to enter and compete in a differentiated retail environment. Outline Syllabus: An overview of Strategic Retail Management Situation Analysis Targeting Consumers Choosing a Location Managing the Retail Environment Merchandise, Marketing and pricing Communicating with Consumers Integrating and Controlling Retail Strategy MBA7012: Lecture /Seminar Programme: SEMESTER 2, 2011/2012 The following provides an indication of the areas to be covered in lectures. Wk 1 Topic (note topic not sequential) Introduction to Strategic Retail Management 2 MBA7012: STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Situation Analysis: Understanding the Environment Identifying and Understanding Consumers / Information Gathering Trading Area Analysis Retail Organization and Human Resource Management Developing Merchandise Plans /Implementing Merchandise Plans Establishing and Maintaining a Retail Image /Promotional Strategy Integrating and Controlling the Retail Strategy IMPORTANT RESOURCES Recommended course textbooks Levy, Michael, Weitz, Barton A., (2009) Retailing Management Berman, Barry, Evans, Joel R., (2009) Retail management: A Strategic Approach Omar, Ogenyi E., (1999) Retail Marketing Cox, Roger, Brittain, Paul, (2004) Retailing: An Introduction Davies, Barry J., Ward, Philippa, (2002) Managing Retail Consumption Waller, Derek L., (2003) Operations Management: A Supply Chain Approach Varley, Rosemary, (2005) Retail Product Management: Buying and Merchandising Additional books which you may find useful 1. Blythe, J (2003), Marketing Strategy, FT Prentice Hall 2. Brassington F, Pettitt S, (1999), Principles of Marketing, 4/E, FT Prentice Hall 3. Crouch, S (1996), Marketing Research for Managers, CIM/ Butterworth-Heinemann 4. Kotler, P. (2006), Marketing Management 12th Ed , FT Prentice Hall 5. McDaniel, Gates. (2007), Market Research 7th Ed , Wiley 6. Proctor, T (2000), Essentials of Marketing Research, FT Prentice Hall 7. Schiffman L, Kanuk, L (2000), Consumer Behaviour, Prentice Hall 8. Wetherly P (2008), The Business Environment , Oxford, Oxford University Press 9. West D, Ford J, Ibrahim E (2006), Strategic Marketing, Oxford University Press 10. Wright, R (2006), Consumer Behaviour, Thomson Other resources International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management Journal of RetailingAcademy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review Strategic Management Journal Journal of International Business Studies Harvard Business Review Journal of Business Research Plagiarism and Referencing You may be tempted to hand in essays, projects or other pieces of assessed coursework containing work that you know are not completely your own, hoping that the tutor won’t notice. This may be for several reasons such as shortage of time, hoping for a better grade than would be achievable under a particular set of circumstances or perhaps even lack of 3 MBA7012: STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT knowledge regarding how to correctly reference the sources of data used. This is plagiarism – it is a matter that the University takes very seriously indeed - and it usually takes one of four forms. (a) Copying chunks of text from books, dissertations, journals or the web without acknowledgement. (It is permissible, even desirable; to quote extensively from the work of other writers on your subject, but all quotations should be fully referenced). (b) Paraphrasing ideas from texts without stating their origin. (Instead, use phrases such as “According to Jobber (1995).” or “Wright & Taylor (1994) propose that ..” or similar acknowledgement). (c) Colluding with other students and submitting identical or near identical work. (d) Copying the work of another student without that student’s consent. References: Please note you have to properly reference minimum 20 academic sources. If less than 20 academic sources have been properly cited in the text the mark will be capped to 40%. Note that ALL sources must be included in BOTH the reference list at the end of the assignments and in the text. Attendance: If you are absent, you will be responsible for the information covered. If you miss class, please contact another student from the course to determine what you missed. You are responsible for any scheduling and room changes made. Announcements will be given in class and in the Blackboard site. Lecture Theatre Etiquette: Please be on time! It is a huge distraction to the class and the lecturer if students arrive late to class. Please make arrangements to be on time. If you are late more than two times (more than five minutes) we will need to set a meeting to establish why. Please be awake for class! If you are found to be sleeping or with your head down and eyes closed, you will be asked to leave. In addition the following applies to all sessions: Please turn your cell phone to silent during class. No text messaging Please remove earphones and turn off MP3 players in class at ALL times including during tests. If you bring a laptop to class, it is expected you will not be doing other work, browsing the internet, chatting, shopping or playing computer games during class. 4 MBA7012: STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT CARDIFF METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE MBA Programme 2012 Assignment 1: Individual Assignment SUBMISSION MONDAY 19/03/2012 Individual Essay: 50%: “All retail companies operate within a “macro environment or the sphere of influence outside the company that shapes how companies do business” You are required to prepare an individual essay of 2500 words in which you will be required to discuss and evaluate how changes in the Macro environment can impact on internal strategy decision making in the retail context. 1. Assess the theories of change and their application to the retail industry (10 Marks) 2. Clearly define what constitutes a strategy and present the theoretical underpinnings that surround the concept (15 Marks). 3. An account of the major concepts and themes that are manifest in an evaluation of the Macro environment (Demographic Environment, Technological Environment, Social Environment, Political / Legal Environment, Economic Environment) and establish the benefits of understanding the macro environment in relation to leadership and strategy development (15 Marks) 4.. The provision of relevant examples of Retail brands that have adapted to change and why in the context of The Role of Technology, Socio-cultural influence, and Economic pressures, lifestyle changes and employment changes etc. (35 Marks). 5. Systematic, logical approach and a presentation font that should be Times New Roman, size 12 with a regular typeface and 1.5 spacing. Sub-headings, page numbering, and clear sign posts as to content are all essential (10 Marks). 6. Correct use of the Harvard referencing system and at least 20 sound academic references that have not been simply gleaned from lecture material (15 Marks). NB: Reports must be submitted to the following e-mail: by 17.00 p.m on the due date. Plagiarism and collusion will be heavily penalised and may result in failure of the assessment and/or module and/or exclusion from the University. Work not correctly referenced (including data sources) will be capped at 40%. Work must be submitted to e-mail: as required or the marks will be withheld. Deliverables and submission: Students should submit to Academic Affairs Office, Varna by the due date. Learning Outcomes: This assignment assesses the following module learning outcomes: 1. Explain and clarify the concepts of strategy making 5 MBA7012: STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT 2. Evaluate the elements that impact on retail practise and strategy. MARKING SCHEME: An answer that demonstrates an excellent understanding of the question and of the complex issues involved. There is a sound basis of relevant factual knowledge and/or theoretical issues included. Most of the important issues as dealt with in a detailed, specific and systematic way. Evidence of creativity, 70%+ critical analysis and a wide base of referenced material beyond that of the 1st class core subject matter are included. No significant omissions or errors in written or oral communication. An answer that demonstrates a clear understanding of the question and grasp of the complexity of the issues involved. There is a sound basis of relevant B factual knowledge and/or theoretical issues involved, with a few significant omissions of errors. The issues involved are dealt with overall in a systematic 60-69% way. Some of the issues may be limited in critical approach but organised to 2.1 class show a comprehensive understanding. An answer that demonstrates an understanding of the basic issues in the question. There is a basis of factual knowledge and/or/ relevant theoretical C issues. Although some errors and omissions may be apparent, most issues are dealt with clearly and accurately. The majority of issues have been dealt with 50-59% at a level available through course material. The answer shows planning in its 2.2 class construction, with a clear train of thought or development of argument present. Average competent performance will be presented. An answer that demonstrates limited understanding of the main issues. There is relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues, however, D this may be dealt with in a patchy and/or poor and confused for lower D grades. Many significant errors may be present. Lacks clarity of expression. 40-49% The answer may be poorly planned and with little development of argument. 3rd class FAIL GRADES: grade E may be compensatable if other assessments gain high marks An answer that fails to demonstrate any appreciable understanding of the basic issues of the question. Relevant factual knowledge and/or factual E awareness of theoretical issues, if present at all, are very poor and limited. Many significant errors and omissions are apparent. Much or all of the 35-39% answer is irrelevant to answering the particular question. Poorly organised. Attempts an answer, but relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of the theoretical issues is very poor. Only superficial points are made. The answer F is so short or irrelevant that only a few marks are justified. For example, one or two points made which show only some peripheral awareness of possibly -35% relevant issues. No answer presented. A zero mark may also be warranted for unfair practice such as plagiarism or collusion. 0% A 6 MBA7012: STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT MBA Programme - 2012 Assignment 2: Group Assignment SUBMISSION MONDAY 16/04/2012 Group Report: 50% You are required to work in a GROUP of 5/6 maximum. Groups MUST BE ONLY BE DRAWN FROM WITHIN YOUR SEMINAR GROUP. If you DO NOT JOIN A GROUP you will either be put into an ad hoc group or have to do the assignment by yourself! You are an established Retail Consultancy firm and have been approached to identify, for a key fashion retailer, the suitability of launching a new range of clothing stores aimed at 35-50 year old female, professional consumers. The stores are to be opened in Sofia, Varna, and Burgas. You are tasked with establishing for the retail group: The suitability of the project as a whole (you will need to evaluate key trends, growth and decline, psychographic elements, geo-demographic suitability etc) Competitor identification How the retailer might satisfy consumer needs with their product portfolio How the retailer might build long term advantage over there perceived competitors Provide a long term strategy for product differentiation. Marks will be awarded for: 1. Identifying and evaluating the segment who might utilise the product being suggested (15 Marks) 2. Identifying elements that might affect their overall plan (15 Marks). 3. Appropriate Competitor Analysis (10 Marks). 4. Identifying the best way to communicate with your identified market i.e. what type of IMCs best suit your target consumer (10 Marks). 5. Outline a prospective entry mode (10 Marks). 6. What you intend as a follow up strategy (20 Marks). 7. Systematic, logical approach to the presentation (10 Marks). 8. Correct use of the Harvard referencing system and at least 20 sound academic references that have not been simply gleaned from lecture material (10 Marks) NB: Students are advised to bring to the attention of the module leader any problems at an early stage. Students are advised to keep records of group meetings in the form of a diary/minutes to allow for evaluation of contribution and effort (include attendance and non-attendance, objectives set, contribution of each individual, targets met etc.). 7 MBA7012: STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT NB By doing this, individuals who consistently miss group meetings or fail to deliver on agreed objectives can be highlighted. Students should submit a printed copy of the assignment and presentation slides at the Academic Affairs Office, Varna and to the following e-mail: by 17.00 p.m by the due date. Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand and appreciate the underlying theories of strategic planning. 2. Critically analyse prospective opportunity 3. Demonstrate an ability to formulate and assess retail strategy. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of both the process and the complexities associated with the implementation of a strategic plan. MARKING SCHEME: An answer that demonstrates an excellent understanding of the question and of the complex issues involved. There is a sound basis of relevant factual A knowledge and/or theoretical issues included. Most of the important issues as dealt with in a detailed, specific and systematic way. Evidence of creativity, 70%+ critical analysis and a wide base of referenced material beyond that of the 1st class core subject matter are included. No significant omissions or errors in written or oral communication. An answer that demonstrates a clear understanding of the question and grasp of the complexity of the issues involved. There is a sound basis of relevant B factual knowledge and/or theoretical issues involved, with a few significant omissions of errors. The issues involved are dealt with overall in a systematic 60-69% way. Some of the issues may be limited in critical approach but organised to 2.1 class show a comprehensive understanding. An answer that demonstrates an understanding of the basic issues in the question. There is a basis of factual knowledge and/or/ relevant theoretical C issues. Although some errors and omissions may be apparent, most issues are dealt with clearly and accurately. The majority of issues have been dealt with 50-59% at a level available through course material. The answer shows planning in its 2.2 class construction, with a clear train of thought or development of argument present. Average competent performance will be presented. An answer that demonstrates limited understanding of the main issues. There is relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of theoretical issues, however, D this may be dealt with in a patchy and/or poor and confused for lower D grades. Many significant errors may be present. Lacks clarity of expression. 40-49% The answer may be poorly planned and with little development of argument. 3rd class FAIL GRADES: grade E may be compensatable if other assessments gain high marks 8 MBA7012: STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT E 35-39% F -35% 0% An answer that fails to demonstrate any appreciable understanding of the basic issues of the question. Relevant factual knowledge and/or factual awareness of theoretical issues, if present at all, are very poor and limited. Many significant errors and omissions are apparent. Much or all of the answer is irrelevant to answering the particular question. Poorly organised. Attempts an answer, but relevant factual knowledge and/or awareness of the theoretical issues is very poor. Only superficial points are made. The answer is so short or irrelevant that only a few marks are justified. For example, one or two points made which show only some peripheral awareness of possibly relevant issues. No answer presented. A zero mark may also be warranted for unfair practice such as plagiarism or collusion. 9