Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Mercer Maine Incorporated 1804 For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2005 Contents Contents ...................................................................................................... 2 Annual Selectmen/woman’s report 2005 .................................................... 3 NOTICE ...................................................................................................... 4 THANK YOU ............................................................................................. 5 Town Officers ............................................................................................. 7 Notice to Taxpayers .................................................................................... 9 Selectmen/woman’s Financial Report ...................................................... 10 Treasurer’s Report .................................................................................... 18 Tax Collector’s Report .............................................................................. 20 2005 Valuations: Town of Mercer ............................................................ 24 Shaw Library Treasurer’s Report.............................................................. 37 Planning Board Report .............................................................................. 38 SAD 54 School Board Report ................................................................... 39 Fire Warden’s Report ................................................................................ 41 Recycling Report ...................................................................................... 42 Shaw Library Trustee Report for 2005 ..................................................... 43 Historical Society Report .......................................................................... 44 Old Home Days Committee Report .......................................................... 45 Report of the North Pond Association ...................................................... 46 EMA/C.E.R.T. Activities for 2005 ........................................................... 47 2006 Annual Warrant ................................................................................ 48 Sandy River Recycling Association.......................................................... 55 2 Annual Selectmen/woman’s report 2005 As we worked through this year we have found that one of the most important issues in this town are the road conditions. Whether it be summer or winter season the maintenance and upkeep of the roads have always provided town interest and enthusiasm. We’d like to provide the town citizens with some updated information. The Pond Road paving project completed about 3500 feet of new black top, and we have received many positive comments from the residents. We look forward to our 2006 paving project, and are suggesting resurfacing the Rome Road. The summer road project on Sandy River Road included building up the surface of the road and replacing culverts for a section of about 2000 feet, and we hope that the improvements will provide increased safety and better conditions. With heavy rains and extreme runoffs causing road deterioration, we have made many road repairs and improvements. FEMA funds allowed the repairs on Rome Road, Pond Road, Corson Road, Brown Road and Ladd Road to be completed this past summer. Now, on to other interesting matters that will affect us all. We first want to state our appreciation to the town residents for their patience and understanding regarding any inconvenience of town office business due to Cheryl McAfee’s illness over the past year. The selectmen/woman and other town employees have tried to help and assist Cheryl during these hard times and we wish only for her complete recovery. Our town office has received some new equipment that has helped improve the daily service to the town. The new telephone/ answering machine with fax and a new copy machine had to be replaced. Additionally we have developed a software program to assist with our tax assessing workload. And finally, a short tax update. We incurred in 2005 an increase in our snow removal contract. Additionally, increases in our annual school commitment, and dump/waste management disposal fees have soared along with fuel prices. The assessors and their field agent evaluated new lots, assessed new buildings and additions, reviewed and updated the improved buildings and other structural changes. They also reviewed tree growth applications and the required 10 year updates, calculated penalties for acreage removed from tree growth, and updated the list of homestead exemptions and veteran exemptions. In addition, the assessors applied a 20% increase town wide to the 2001 valuations of existing and unchanged structures. This 20% increase is in line with the state’s guidelines. Respectfully Submitted, Norman Redlevske 3 Jesse Crandall Lenore Morey NOTICE Town Meeting This Year Will Be Held On Saturday, March 4, 2006 11 A.M. Election of Moderator Mercer Elementary School 11 A.M.-6 P.M. Polls Open for Election of Town Officers and Officials Mercer Elementary School. Registrar of Voters on Duty 4:30 P.M. Public Supper at Vestry 6:30 P.M. Business Meeting Mercer Elementary School Mercer Town Office Hours Monday Thursday 1st and 3rd Saturday 9:00-1:00 5:00-8:00 p.m. 9:00-1:00 7:00-8:00 p.m. 9:00-1:00 7:30-1:00 Telephone/Fax 587-2911 Wednesday 4 THANK YOU The Selectmen/woman of the Town of Mercer would like to express their appreciation to Harriett Varney for all the work she has accomplished this year. Her willingness to research various topics and present her findings has been valuable to the town officials. For your patience, thoroughness, and dedication to the town of Mercer, we would like to say Thank you. Advancing the town technologically has not been an easy task, but Fred LaPlante has succeeded in this through countless volunteer hours on the computer system. Making the most of the town’s electronic resources, Fred has upgraded several of our computer programs and has donated equipment as well as time. The efficiency of the town’s business in the future will be due, in part, to this man’s work. Thank you Fred. 5 General Information JANUARY 1 Fiscal year commences. Dog licenses due. MARCH 4 Annual Town Meeting APRIL 1 Assessors in session at the town office, 10-12 AM, to receive lists of taxable property and notification of assessors forms. Assessment date for Real Estate Taxes. Veterans and others exempt by law must notify assessors in writing by this date. Deadline for tree growth approval. DEC. 31 Fiscal year ends. Taxes unpaid as of January 1 will be listed in the town report. Vital Statistics Population BIRTHS…………1 2005 MMA……………648 DEATHS………..6 2000 CENSUS……….648 MARRIAGES…..3 1990 CENSUS……….593 1980 CENSUS……….448 Dogs Licensed : Females & Males:…………………… 18 Spayed Females & Neutered Males 72 Respectfully Submitted, Cheryl McAfee Town Clerk 6 Town Officers Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor 1st Norman G. Redlevske 2 nd Jesse Crandall 3 rd Lenore Morey Town Clerk/ Tax Collector/ Treasurer Cheryl McAfee Registrar of Voters, Deputy Clerk/ Tax Collector/ Treasurer Sherry Dellarma Directors of SAD #54 Robert Gardner - Term exp. ’06 John Chamberlain – Term exp. ’07 Trustees of Shaw Library Ethel Herbert – Term exp. ’06 Beatrice LaPlante _ Term exp. ’07 Francis Fenton _ Term exp. ’08 Cherie Sadler _ Term exp. ’09 Marlene Redlevske _ Term exp. ’10 Planning Board William Toth, Denis Culley Julia Howard, Norman Redlevske Lenore Morey CEO - Plumbing Inspector Robert (B.J.) Tibbetts Constable Dave Welch Fire Wardens Dennis Obert Chris Holt, deputy Jesse Crandall, deputy Animal Control Officer Debra Coyne 7 Budget Committee Chris Holt, Chairman Eric Bunker, Robert Burr, Eda Benttinen, Denis Culley Snowplowing Dun-Rite Construction 8 Notice to Taxpayers The State provides for the excising of automobiles and other equipment on or before April 1, 2006. All such equipment not so excised on April 1, 2006 will be assessed as personal property and taxed at the Town rate. Veterans and others exempt by law must notify the Assessors in writing on or before April 1, 2006 for tax exemptions. (If you presently receive a Veterans exemption, no action is necessary.) The Assessors will be in session at the Town Office, Mercer, on Saturday, April 1, 2006 for the purpose of receiving lists of taxable property. Notification of Assessors Forms Due April 1, 2006 At the 1992 Town Meeting, an ordinance was passed which requires all taxpayers to notify the Assessors if they have created new taxable property by 1) constructing a new building of over 100 sq ft; 2) expanding an existing building by over 100 sq ft; or 3) moving a building or mobile home into town. The notification form, which is available from the Town Clerk, is brief and simple. Its purpose is to make the Assessors aware of new taxable property to help keep our tax system current, accurate and fair. Your cooperation in complying with this ordinance would be appreciated. 9 Selectmen/woman’s Financial Report SAD # 54 Assessment Expenditure 427,212.78 427,212.78 SOMERSET COUNTY TAX Assessment Expenditure 60,678.72 60,678.72 SUMMER ROADS Appropriation Surplus Excise FEMA Total 35,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 41,682.38 96,682.38 Expenditure Mercer Sand &Gravel (equip/material) 55,265.57 Warren and Kincaid (materials/trucking) 24,157.46 Paris Farmer’s Union (calcium/fabric) 12,356.99 Norman Redlevske (brush cutting) 892.03 Norman Redlevske (FEMA admin.) 1,603.17 George Davis (cold patching) 480.00 George Davis (brush cutting) 240.00 Pike Industries (pond rd. paving) 331.80 Eagle Rental (chipper rental) 185.95 Oakes and Parkhurst(mirror for Rome Rd) 95.00 Gerald Gilman (bush hogging) 60.00 Surplus Balance 1,014.41 WINTER ROADS Appropriation FEMA Total 10 71,404.12 6,157.95 77,560.07 Expenditure Mainely Log Homes (winter 04/05plow.) 30,666.64 Dun-Rite Const. (winter 05/06 plow) 22,740.00 Warren and Kincaid (sand and trucking) 10,620.00 Monson Co. (salt) 11,459.40 Mercer Sand & Gravel (mixing salt/sand) 5,016.00 Hammond Lumber residents sand shed) 753.67 Central Me. Newspaper(plow bid posting) 695.07 Norman Redlevske (FEMA admin.) 236.85 Balance (4,627.56) POND ROAD PAVING PROJECT Appropriation DOT Grant Excise Total Expenditure Pike Industries 19,488.00 34,512.00 6,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 DIRT ROAD PROJECT (improvement of Sandy River Rd) Appropriation Surplus Total 8,000.00 17,000.00 25,000.00 Expenditure Warren & Kincaid (material/trucking) 18,157.86 Mercer Sand & Gravel (labor/equip/mat) 3,105.00 Surplus balance 3,737.14 FIRE PROTECTION Appropriation Expenditure Norridgewock Fire Department Surplus balance 11 13,600.00 13,000.00 600.00 TOWN EXPENSE Appropriation Reimbursements Total Expenditure Waste Management of Portland Clark and Wallace Harriett Varney Cheryl McAfee (elec/reimb.) Maine Employers’ Mutual Somerset Registry TDS Telecom Deck Copy and Print Norman Redlevsk (plowing/reimb.) Brian Ferrara (Shelves) Central Maine Power Sherry Dellarma Alan Gove (plow/shovel) Irving Oil Central Me. Septic Lori Corson Kyes Insurance Ethel Herbert Stephanie Obert Relizon(checks) Ray Berube(shovel/mow) Julia Howard(reimbursements) Frederick Heating Deborah Tracy Mark’s Printing House William Charles Minda Jones Staples (Copier,Fax,Phone) Paper Klip Joyce Martin Surplus Balance 12 15,000.00 2,322.00 17,322.00 2,400.00 2,267.16 2,044.96 1,145.00 1,960.75 928.00 915.71 832.50 657.54 587.44 430.44 355.00 386.79 336.72 315.00 234.00 175.00 168.00 148.50 144.89 139.00 157.02 108.40 48.00 87.50 51.50 42.00 22.47 20.82 18.00 193.89 SALARIES Appropriation Expenditure Cheryl McAfee Norman Redlevske Jesse Crandall Lenore Morey Sherry Dellarma Julia Howard Heather Ferrara Surplus Balance 27,150.00 12,950.00 4,100.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 2,340.00 369.25 190.75 0.00 SOLID WASTE Appropriation 14,000.00 Bag Sales Revenue 5,397.33 Expenditure Waste Manage.(rental/fuel fees/disposal) 11,708.36 James Corson (462 hrs. @ 8.00) 3,696.00 Target Industries (bags) 1,914.00 Gerald Gilman (plowing) 1,190.00 Gerald Gilman (bush hogging) 140.00 Central Maine Septic (Toilet Rental) 480.00 Alan Gove (plowing) 128.00 Ray Berube(clean-up) 42.00 Surplus balance 98.97 GENERAL ASSISTANCE Appropriation Disbursed State Reimbursed Surplus balance 5,840.00 1,293.00 646.50 5,193.50 SHAW LIBRARY Appropriation Expenditure 13 4,500.00 4,500.00 TAX ASSESSING Appropriation Expenditure Harriett Varney (field agent) Norman Redlevske (field agent) Julia Howard (clerical) Balance 3,500.00 2,430.50 975.00 94.50 0.00 MERCER TAX MAPS Appropriation Expenditure Sackett and Brake Harriett Varney(labeling maps) Surplus balance 3,500.00 1,400.00 300.00 1,800.00 CEMETERY CARE Appropriation Expenditure James Corson (ground maint.) Surplus balance 3,000.00 1,200.00 1,800.00 RECYCLING Appropriation Expenditure Josh Corson (248.2 hrs @ 8.00) Sandy River Recycling (1 yr Service) Mercer Redemption (bags) Surplus balance 3,000.00 1,906.00 876.15 45.00 172.85 CHARITIES Appropriation Expenditure Cheryl McAfee(Christmas baskets) Debbie Gardner(Christmas baskets) Three town families ($200 each) One town family($100.00) Norridgewock Food Cupboard 14 1,500.00 232.65 91.94 600.00 100.00 375.41 Norridgewock Airport Total 100.00 0.00 SELECTMEN/WOMAN’S SECRETARY Appropriation Expenditure Julia Howard Cheryl McAfee Jessica Dixon Heather Ferrara 2,000.00 Surplus Balance 1,543.25 227.50 213.50 15.75 0.00 ANIMAL CONTROL Appropriation 1500.00 Dog Fees (license fees) 456.00 Expenditure Franklin County Animal Shelter(yearly fee) 808.74 Ephraim Romero (salary/ exp, May-Nov) 608.52 Debra Coyne (salary/ exp, Nov-current) 225.14 Surplus balance 313.60 CEO/PLANNING BOARD Appropriation Expenditure Harriett Varney (Secretary) Mike Zarcone (yearly CEO retainer) Balance 1500.00 1000.00 500.00 0.00 LIABILITY INSURANCE Appropriation 3,170.00 Expenditure Kyes Insurance Co.(Building & Contents) 1,500.00 Kyes Insurance Co. (Blanket Liability) 1,670.00 Balance 0.00 PUBLIC OFFICIALS INSURANCE Appropriation 15 1,066.00 Expenditure Kyes Insurance Co. (Public Off. Liab.) Balance 1,066.00 0.00 WORKER’S COMP. INSURANCE Appropriation Expenditure Me Employer’s Mutual Balance 760.00 760.00 0.00 MMA Appropriation Expenditure MMA (Annual Membership Dues) MMA GA forms Surplus balance 1,300.00 1,257.00 20.00 23.00 YOUTH LEAGUES Appropriation Expenditure Smithfield Boosters Mercer Youth League Surplus Balance 1,000.00 850.00 150.00 0.00 NORTH POND ASSOCIATION Appropriation Expenditure Balance 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Appropriation Expenditure FCC license Jesse Crandall (reimburse for tower) Maine State Surplus (sleeping bags) Surplus balance 16 1,000.00 600.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 STREET LIGHTS Appropriation Expenditure CMP (Salt Shed) CMP (Street light) CMP (Blinking light) Balance 700.00 416.92 124.07 159.01 0.00 RECREATION COMMITTEE Appropriation Expenditure Norman Redlevske (Old Home Days) Surplus balance 500.00 400.00 100.00 MERCER BOG RIDERS State Reimbursement Expenditure 343.14 343.14 TOWN AUDIT Appropriation Expenditure Balance 17 880.00 880.00 0.00 Treasurer’s Report Cash Receipts 2005 From State of Maine FEMA/MEMA……………………………………….. Municipal Revenue Sharing…………………………. D.O.T. Block Grant…………………………………… Homestead Reimbursement………………………….. Tree Growth…………………………………………… Veterans……………………………………………….. General Assistance……………………………………. Judicial Court (State of Maine)……………………… 47,840.33 42,344.00 35,028.00 19,546.00 5,727.00 471.00 2,424.10 210.00 153,380.43 FROM TAX COLLECTOR 2005 Real Estate Taxes…………………………………489,573.54 2005 Real Estate Interest……………………………… 162.81 2004 Real Estate Taxes………………………………… 39,140.08 2004 Real Estate Interest……………………………… 257.31 2005 Excise Tax………………………………………... 82,404.12 2005 Boat Excise……………………………………….. 1,235.00 2005 Dogs………………………………………………. 264.00 612,936.86 FROM TREASURER 2004 Tax Lien Taxes…………………………………… 2004 Tax Lien Interest………………………………… 2003 Tax Lien Taxes…………………………………… 19,722.60 207.08 6,235.36 2003 Tax Lien Interest………………………………… 2003 Tax Lien Charges……………………………….. 2002 Tax Lien Taxes………………………………….. 365.00 137.10 354.40 2002 Tax Lien Interest………………………………… 2002 Tax Lien Charges……………………………….. Tax Acquired Property……………………………….. 73.19 71.26 650.00 27,715.99 18 OTHER SOURCES Miscellaneous (includes Kilponnen)……………… Federal/State CERT…………………………… Trash Bags…………………………………………….. Redeposit returned checks…………………………… Plumbing Permit fees………………………………… Planning Board Permits……………………………… 62,030.16 6,148.25 6,256.00 1,917.20 845.00 220.00 77,416.61 Total Receipts………………………………………… 871,659.89 Beginning Checkbook……………………………….. 134,867.41 Interest……………………………………………….. 2,867.32 Total………………………………………………….. 1,009,394.62 19 Tax Collector’s Report TREASURER’S REPORT CASH DISBURSEMENTS 2005 S.A.D. #54………………………………………… 427,212.78 Winter Roads…………………………………….. 81,939.63 Pond Road Project………………………………. 60,000.00 Summer Roads…………………………………… 96,682.38 Somerset County Tax……………………………. 60,678.72 Officer Salaries…………………………………… 27,150.00 Dirt Road Account………………………………. 21,262.86 Fire Department…………………………………. 13,000.00 Landfill Dump Service…………………………… 19,298.36 CERT Program………………………………….. 6,148.25 Town Expense……………………………………. 16,235.00 Shaw Library…………………………………….. 4,500.00 New Assessments………………………………… 3,500.00 Liability Insurance……………………………… 3,170.00 Returned Checks………………………………… 3,417.00 Cemetery………………………………………… 1,200.00 Taxes, Fica, Medicare………………………….. 2,489.85 Public Officials Insurance……………………… 1,066.00 Secretary………………………………………… 2,000.00 General Assistance……………………………… 407.00 Animal Control…………………………………. 1,642.32 MMA Dues………………………………………. 1,277.00 Workers’Comp Ins……………………………… 783.00 Recycling………………………………………… 2,683.15 Mercer Tax Maps………………………………. 1,700.00 North Pond Association………………………… 1,000.00 Emergency Services……………………………. 1,000.00 Youth Ball Teams………………………………. 1,000.00 Charities………………………………………… 1,500.00 Town Audit…………………………………….. 880.00 Plumbing Inspector……………………………. 633.75 Street Lightss…………………………………… 700.00 Planning Board………………………………… 1,500.00 Recreation Committee………………………… 400.00 Plumbing Permits……………………………… 211.25 845,320.89 Ending checkbook balance…………… 164,013.72 Total………………………………………… 1,009,334.61 20 Outstanding Taxes Owner Adams, Michael Adams, Michael & Cynthia Anderson Jr, Lawrence B Ayer, William & Karen Bacon, James F Berube, Ray & Tara Bickford, Derek & Bishop, Alan & Helmi Bouchard, Wayne & Joshua W Brackett, David Brown, Dana C Burrell, Sydney J Bussell, Eric Cahill, John Catabia, Leonard & Barbara Cautillo, Joseph A Chamberlain, Eric Collicut, Roy S & Shellyann Conant, John, Dwayne & Gregory Corson, charles W Cousineau Lumber Inc Cousineau Lumber Inc Cowing, Joan R Cowing, Joan R Crowley, Brian J Cushman, Bruce D & Jennifer J Davis, Lillian Dellarma, Brent Dellarma, Peter & Sherry Doane, John E. Doane, Kenneth L IV Doore, Stephen C. Doyle, James F. Dunne, Thomas J. Evans, Joyce Farley, Deborah 21 Map 10 8 10 7 2 11 13 9 10 9 7 8 9 4 6 7 3 7 2 8 6 6 4 13 10 8 8 7 11 2 6 2 6 8 1 5 Lot Tax Unpaid 18-5 142.27 79.13 7-6b 17.16 17.16 18-6 506.35 297.35 36-1 767.12 767.12 1-10 373.59 373.59 11 552.28 552.28 16-1 399.90 399.90 32 747.32 747.32 21-1 35.75 35.75 19-1 474.22 474.22 42-5 699.00 699.00 14 854.88 33.86 36 142.37 142.37 5-4 995.11 995.11 11 1449.68 1449.68 20-1a 424.00 424.00 23 236.81 236.81 42-4 1902.37 1902.37 8 679.55 679.55 34 619.36 619.36 41 268.41 268.41 28 576.99 576.99 6 233.81 233.81 22 &23 1823.77 1832.77 21-2 414.73 414.73 42 1022.89 1022.89 16 211.64 211.64 16 129.72 129.72 17 522.09 522.09 8-7,8 270.38 270.38 22-2 515.41 515.41 8-3 247.28 247.28 39 190.19 190.19 48-1 1,799.57 1,799.57 16-4-1 208.78 208.78 3-1 100.10 100.10 Owner Ferrara, Donald & Frances Ferrara, Donald & Frances Fluet, Louis Fox, Wendy L. Garand, Kelly Genness, Fayelyne Gibson, James A. & Cynthia Herbert, Joshua Hewett, Shirley Hodgdon, Linda E. Hughes, Dorothy T. Ingraham, Daphlin E. Judkins, Phyllis Kennedy, Linda Kranor, Randy L. Lamarre, Edward & Sandra Lancaster, Carroll & Karen Landry, Mary E. Levesque, Maurice R. Malo, Glenn, Thomas & Ronald Markham, John Jr. McGlashing, James & Teresa Mills, Scott Mosher, Gary Osgood, Jonathan Paradis, Carla Olson Paradise Inc. Phillips, Shirley Pine, Ronald D. & Cynthia Plourde, Dorothy M. & Joseph D Poirier, Michael & Deborah Poirier, Michael & Deborah Poirier, Michael C. & Deborah *Puccio, Carmen & Norma Redlevske, Bradley R Redlevske, Brent Redlevske, William T. Richard, Michael 22 Map 7 9 3 8 8 10 4 9 5 8 1 5 3 3 2 6 8 7 6 10 8 9 10 2 7 11 13 7 10 4 5 7 5 4 7 7 3 7 Lot Tax Unpaid 30-3 28 9 43 7-7 18-1-2 2 5-4 18 33 18-2 15 21-1 16 1-9-1 17-3 21 48-1 22-1 18-9 7-9 33 7 1-9 9 19 18 42-2A 9 5-1 13 42-5A 16 1 27 1-1 1 22 757.57 1,567.45 630.57 861.85 276.43 169.54 907.86 454.64 447.59 2,568.85 769.63 527.67 317.25 257.93 151.58 592.99 542.18 1,297.08 591.76 394.01 189.85 537.77 288.86 542.69 1,302.50 365.44 1,266.41 1,109.07 1,388.79 1,253.67 1,044.19 144.79 769.40 1,363.30 730.60 229.82 228.80 225.10 757.57 1,567.45 630.57 861.85 276.43 169.54 907.86 454.64 447.59 101.73 769.63 527.67 317.25 257.93 151.58 592.99 542.18 506.55 591.76 394.01 189.85 537.77 288.86 542.69 1,302.50 365.44 1,266.41 1,109.07 1,388.79 1,253.67 844.19 144.79 769.40 1,363.30 760.30 229.82 228.80 225.10 Owner Romero, Elvin & Emily Rosado, Ruthann Senechal, Christian J. Smith, Leland Smoulcey, David A & Janet L Stevens, Jodie S Surette, Ralph H. Taylor, Paul H. Taylor, Paul W. Tracy, Dana C. & Loretta J. Tracy, Derek C. * Varney, Harriett Wells, Violet Wheaton, Barry Wolf, Patrick A. & Suzette C. Wolf, Patrick A. & Suzette C. Yoder, Timothy R. Young, David B. & Maureen E. Zambelli, Stephen Kitchen, Stephen & Martha *Paid after books closed 23 Map 7 13 6 2 3 14 9 2 7 7 11 6 14 1 10 10 1 7 7 Lot Tax Unpaid 52-3 19 3-1 13 16-2 3 19-7 10-2 58 13-1 22 32-B 23 13-2 24 25 5 40-2 42 1,430.19 2,161.77 167.31 4,024.42 195.91 1,359.72 213.93 81.55 158.22 398.21 475.45 836.68 1,760.27 564.18 153.01 948.53 703.27 288.29 533.13 71.50 1,430.19 2,161.77 167.31 4,024.42 195.91 1,309.72 213.93 81.55 158.22 398.21 475.45 836.68 1,760.27 564.18 153.01 948.53 703.27 288.29 21.11 71.50 2005 Valuations: Town of Mercer Owner ABBOTT, SHARON L. ADAMS, MICHAEL ADAMS, MICHAEL ADAMS, MICHAEL & CYNTHIA ADDAMS, CARRIE J. ALLEN, JEAN H. ALLEN,JEAN H. ANDERSON JR., LAWRENCE B. ANTHOS, HARRY AVANT, EARL S JR & RICKI L AXELMAN, DAVID / DORNEY, ANN AYER, BRYANT & VICKIE AYER, WILLIAM & KAREN BACON, JAMES F. BAKER, DEAN BAKER, KENDALL & BARBARA BARBAGALLO, JOSEPH & VIOLET BARBIERE, DANIEL, JR. BARRON, WILLIAM E. BARTHOLF, MYCHAEL F. & SUSAN ANN BEALE, RUTH E. BEAN, ROBERT E., TRUSTEE BEAN, ROBERT E., TRUSTEE BEAULIER, RICHARD & FRANCES BEDFORD, RAYMOND & STACY BEDFORD, RAYMOND & STACY BEEUWKES, CHRISTIAN & DOROTHEA BEEUWKES, CHRISTIAN & DOROTHEA BELANGER, COLE A & SUSAN BENTTINEN, DAVID D. & EDA L. BENTTINEN, DAVID D. & EDA L. BERNARD, EUGENIE C. BERUBE, RAY & TARA BESSEY & SON, E.D. BICKFORD, DEREK & BISHOP, ALAN & HELMI BLAIR, PAUL BLAISDELL, MEADY J. & ANITA G. BLAISDELL, MEADY J. & ANITA G. BLAISDELL, MEADY J. & ANITA G. BLISS, NORMAN I. BLISS, SHIRLEY A BOLDUC, CINDY G. & DANIEL BOLDUC, ROBERT BOLSTER, BRYAN L & LUANN BORMAN, ROBERT & DIANA BOTTRILL, JUDITH E BOUCHARD, JOSEPH E. & KRISTEN AN 24 Map 2 10 10 8 10 13 13 10 7 14 1 12 7 2 14 14 15 7 7 4 13 7 7 7 4 4 6 11 4 1 3 8 11 6 3 9 8 13 13 13 3 3 1 1 1 15 10 10 Lot Land Building 1-4 11600 0 18-5 0 0 18-7 0 0 7-6B 1200 0 3 13230 72151 4 22300 15626 5 48480 18409 18-6 17900 9916 42-2 26500 93818 17 98000 37046 2 & 4 42101 6711 3 13920 34411 36-1 14500 52145 1-10 32700 6425 1 & 2 109824 22930 20 47040 0 22 76320 0 58-1 11064 0 21 29600 0 3-1 29500 197917 20 95266 96798 20-1 22825 218363 20-1-1 13125 25 15040 72338 8-B 18980 86637 12-1 15600 79764 20 19600 0 31 20108 76936 4-B 27800 17885 10 13500 62279 18 & 19 34500 45743 7-4 13375 0 11 13050 38571 36 0 0 16-1 19900 8065 32 13485 38775 23 29900 0 32 & 33 117906 47169 37 4750 0 38 4000 0 30 17275 47792 30-1 13875 27883 12 & 12-1 40100 97690 12-2 13500 71341 17 16596 8859 17 124040 69719 11-3 19450 258344 18-8 31100 9374 Owner BOUCHARD, WALTER & FRANCES BOUCHARD, WAYNE & JOSHUA W BOWKER, BRIAN BOYNTON, MELVIN BRACKETT, DAVID BRADLEY, ALBERT N. & KATHLEEN D. BRADLEY, NORMAN & RITA BRANN, CLAYTON & MARIA BRANN, LETHA BRANN, LETHA; CLAYTON D; & BREDBECK, ANDREA BROWN , DOROTHY BROWN, DANA C. BROWN, MICHAEL R BUNKER, ERIC R. BUNKER, ERIC R. BUNKER, ERIC W. & SUSAN BURKE SR., JOHN BURR, ROBERT & MARY BURR, ROBERT & MARY BURR, ROBERT A & MARY E BURR, ROBERT A. & MARY E. BURRELL, SYDNEY J. & BUSHNELL, CHARLES BUSHNELL, CHARLES A. & ROBERT BUSHNELL, CHARLES A. & ROBERT BUSHNELL, ROBERT BUSHNELL, ROBERT & DAVID BUSHNELL, WILLIAM BUSSELL, ERIC BUTT, CRYSTAL G. BUTTLE, KENNETH & PAULETTE CAHILL, JOHN CAHILL, WILLIAM J. JR. CASHMAN, DONALD J & SHIRLEY CASHMAN, DONALD J. & SHIRLEY CATABIA, LEONARD & BARBARA CAUTILLO, JOSEPH A. CENTRAL MAINE POWER CO. CHAMBERLAIN, ERIC CHAMBERLAIN, EVERETT B. II CHAMBERLAIN, JOHN & PEGGY CHAMBERLAIN, JOHN & PEGGY CHAMBERLAIN, MARGIE CHAMBERLAIN, MARGIE CHANDLER, JENNIFER D CHARLES, RAYMOND F & MARYELLEN CHRISTY'S COUNTRY STORE CIMAGLIA, GEORGE CIVITELLA, DONALD & DONNA CLEMENT, CLAY P. & LAURIE 25 Map 13 10 10 6 9 14 10 6 6 6 10 12 7 1 9 9 9 10 6 8 6 5 8 6 1 2 6 6 6 9 10 15 4 4 2 2 6 7 1 3 3 3 6 3 6 7 7 8 5 10 1 Lot Land Building 17 49040 22310 21-1 0 22 12600 0 29 51100 138123 19-1 17992 28170 9 95120 61497 21 7000 0 30-1 16340 88795 34 22700 31412 30 92288 0 18-1 0 0 3 2000 42-5 28600 33281 3 0 0 6-B 17000 0 22 28500 126933 4 12300 0 27 35200 0 23 20600 2220 46-1,2,3 45100 230420 16 36500 82948 20 0 0 14 22300 50482 25 31100 0 15 12900 0 9 6450 0 25 0 22690 6 27848 0 6-1 20552 36 0 22956 5-1 13500 57111 21 76320 0 5-4 15000 67588 13-1 96976 0 8-6 13744 23326 8-10 19908 13197 11 16468 84908 20-1A 19650 10000 999 695104 0 23 16560 0 24 76400 0 21,26&163 0 0 26-1 & 3 29100 105500 25 48480 0 26 100300 51761 3-1 21100 26807 42-1 20420 80867 1-3 19740 225933 21 28900 79672 11 35300 315994 16-4 29260 52400 Owner CLEMENT, GEORGE E COLLICUT, ROY S. & SHELLYANN COLSON, DANA CONANT, JOHN, DWAYNE & GREGORY COOKE, JASON P. & PATRICIA M. CORSON, CHARLES W. CORSON, KATHLEEN A. CORSON, KATHLEEN A. CORSON, SCOTT M & HEATHER COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS COUSINEAU LUMBER, INC. COUSINEAU LUMBER, INC. COWING, JOAN R. COWING, JOAN R. CRANDALL, JESSE J. & DEBRA J. CROWLEY, BRIAN J CROWLEY, ELISABETH CROWLEY, ELISABETH CROWLEY, ROBERT CULLEY, DENIS T. & BETTY D. CUNLIFFE, DONNA CUNLIFFE, DONNA A. CURRIER, ENID CURRIER, ENID CUSHING, DOUGLAS A & LORI A CUSHMAN, BRUCE D. & JENNIFER J. CYR, ROGER J DACOSTA, ALBERT & SANDRA A. DAVIS JR., GEORGE DAVIS JR., GEORGE DAVIS, DANIEL A & MAUREEN D DAVIS, DANIEL E & MAUREEN D DAVIS, EUDINE DAVIS, EUDINE E DAVIS, GEORGE S JR DAVIS, LEONA & GEORGE, JR. DAVIS, LILLIAN DEGREGORY, ANTHONY JR. DEL BENE, JACK O DEL BENE, JACK O DELLARMA, BRENT DELLARMA, KIMBERLY DELLARMA, PETER & SHERRY DEPERON JR., ROBERT DEVOLVE, RICARD & MARY L. DEWDNEY, PETER G. & BETSY J.A. DIAMOND, FREDRICK C. DICRANIAN, DIANE DICRANIAN, SHIRLEY DIXON, JR. JEROD DOANE, JOHN E. 26 Map 6 7 2 2 2 8 7 8 12 9 6 6 4 13 8 10 10 10 10 4 11 11 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 11 9 9 8 8 7 11 8 8 2 14 7 9 11 5 7 2 7 9 11 7 2 Lot 3 42-4 8-4 8 8-1 34 39 34-3 4 30 28 41 6 22 & 23 1-1-2 21-2 10 14 14-1 9 6 4 17 20 7-5 42 7-6A 21 31 2 18 12-A 1-1A 7-8 12 3 16 34-2 11 14 16 5-1A 17 31 3-3 1-6 &5B 20-2 13 2-1 38 8-7,-8 Land Building 18175 0 29540 103493 20680 38777 30580 16941 35680 0 37880 18432 26080 0 15400 26568 19380 136438 18100 65704 24801 0 15600 0 14600 1750 97140 44026 31352 35189 12500 13372 32820 96115 27576 0 22180 150814 20800 39548 1106 0 3870 0 1200 0 0 0 19806 168225 24100 60431 15200 30134 14600 11512 26700 60245 12880 0 19500 104562 4000 14500 18163 13280 0 22800 0 16250 99683 14800 0 17200 13217 1000 0 98000 87488 14500 7571 15000 110132 20900 28610 20380 3000 14200 0 53020 54239 14400 0 21300 38193 16500 84474 15220 57478 23652 8256 Owner DOANE, KENNETH L IV DOANE, RICHARD L. & JANE A. DOANE, RUSSELL W DOODY, JAMES M. & DEBORAH J. DOORE, STEPHEN C. DOREY, DUANE DOYLE, JAMES DOYLE, JAMES F. DOYLE, MICHAEL DUBAY, IVAN & EVELYN E. DUBAY, LEO PAUL DUBAY, LEO PAUL DUBOIS, RICHARD & HEIDI DUNNE, THOMAS J DUPERRY, DANIEL & ROLAND DUQUETTE, LARRY J DURAND, NELSON & BARBARA DURKIN, MICHAEL E. & SHARON L. DURRELL, CONSTANCE DURRELL, GILBERT C. DURRELL, GILBERT C. DUTILL, PAUL & DALE DWYER TRUST, MARY G. (CANCILLA) EAST MERCER CEMETERY EVANS, JOYCE EZHAYA, SHEILA FAHEY, EARL N. FARLEY,DEBORAH FENTON, FRANCIS & FENTON, FRANCIS & FERRARA, BRIAN S FERRARA, DONALD & FRANCES FERRARA, DONALD & FRANCES FERRARA, DONALD K. JR. FISH, BETTY FISHER, FREDERICK O. FLUET, LOUIS FORTIN, MICHAEL L. & WANDA L. FOSS, ARNOLD & LORRAINE FOSTER, CHRISTIE L FOSTER, CHRYSTAL FOSTER, CRYSTAL FOSTER, STEPHEN A FOWLE, JEFFREY E. & ROBIN L. FOX, WENDY L. FREESE, WESLEY A. & MARGARET FRENCH, PETER J & JOSEPHINE L FRENCH, RONALD FRENCH, RONALD GAGNE, PENNY GAGNON, NORMAND H. & MARION J. 27 Map 6 6 6 13 2 7 10 6 4 5 9 9 6 8 10 8 14 13 9 9 9 1 8 8 1 5 8 5 9 9 11 7 9 9 2 4 3 5 7 5 7 7 5 8 8 7 9 9 9 14 5 Lot 22-2 22 22-3 24 8-3 24 4 39 13 26 9 19-4 7-2-3 48-1 15 26 4 21 15 10 17 6 13-1 9 16-4-1 18-3 7 3-1 7 20 15 30-3 28 28-2 1-5 4 9 17 4-1 1 2-1 2 7-1 15 43 4 6 3 27 6 29-1 Land Building 13230 35813 31364 20556 7840 90240 21224 17292 0 33320 16200 36506 13300 0 73410 0 14400 0 19700 78593 13880 0 15250 119169 50428 75416 28600 0 29500 53410 72000 41878 63360 19306 9400 0 6090 43879 81000 10086 17590 55784 23380 73645 0 0 14600 15000 17509 27400 0 7000 0 15900 98668 15900 48212 14065 56544 14500 38477 27900 94712 15200 78173 15000 31044 19300 22789 20100 36996 21900 116511 20040 48900 33200 0 21970 16000 53592 16600 0 23900 97512 21340 51929 22980 100529 19268 3500 37900 51247 38400 0 70560 29699 26600 0 Owner GAGNON, RONALD A. & CYNTHIA L. GARAND, KELLY GARDNER, ROBERT E. & DEBORAH P. GARDNER, ROBERT E. & DEBORAH P. GEIS, DOUGLAS D GENNESS, FAYELYNE GENNESS, PATRICK J. GENTILI, STEVE J GEORGE, ELIAS & GABRIELLE GERRIE, STEVEN A & JEAN C GEVECKER, KARL R. TRUST GHAPCO INC. GIBSON, JAMES A. & CYNTHIA GILBERT, CAROL ANN & A. J. GILBERT, MARC J & CORINA A GILMAN, GERALD W. GILMORE, MICHAEL J. GLEDHILL, SARAH GOODWIN, ROBERT GOODWIN, ROBERT E. GOODWIN, ROBERT E. GORDON, THOMAS U. GOVE, ALAN T. & NANCY J. GREANEY, SCOTT R. GULICK, CHARLES D & SANDRA H HAKALA, TERESA A. HALLEE, JEAN HAMSHIRE HILL CEMETERY HANCOCK, TIMOTHY S. & DONNA W. HARVEY, CHARLES & KATHLEEN HARVEY, CHARLES & KATHLEEN HASENKOPF, HAROLD & MAREN HAYDEN, WANDA M. HAYNES, JERRY D. & BARBARA A. HEBERT, KERRY D. HENDRIX, RALPH W & MELANIE A HERBERT, ETHEL HERBERT, JOSHUA HEWETT, SHIRLEY HEYWOOD, WILLIAM H. & JOAN L. HILTON, ALAN & ELAINE HINKLEY, CLYDE L. & MARY F. HINKLEY, JOHN & LINDA HODGDON, LINDA E HOLT, CHRISTOPHER HOOPER, JOEL R. HOOPER, JOEL R. HOWARD SR., SCOTT HOWARD, SCOTT HOWARD, SCOTT HOWARD, SCOTT 28 Map 5 8 2 3 8 10 8 5 13 10 15 13 4 7 9 7 7 8 7 7 7 3 11 9 7 3 6 3 6 6 6 13 1 14 5 6 9 9 5 6 10 2 7 8 6 2 3 7 3 3 7 Lot Land Building 29/2/26-1 42700 155494 7-7 18020 1311 1'S&3'S 30814 64365 28 13750 25769 38 & 40 75200 0 18-1-2 9700 3-1-1 25180 35055 1-1 12800 14 98000 28077 11-2 20076 172802 23 77600 62044 13 63024 30605 2 28740 47747 57 59600 0 19 38612 33955 10 21100 33664 40-1 27100 29034 7-10 12884 0 3-6 12840 0 3 & 3-2 27940 107912 3-4 12600 0 4 & 5 26300 14120 14 13920 73710 1 38700 126131 14-1 18000 97344 17-1 17100 40895 5 10500 0 11 0 0 13 16000 131940 19 30100 117877 17-5 12300 0 35 44640 13694 9-1 24900 55756 19 94080 23299 4 0 0 32 33900 80163 5 13875 43418 5-4 13500 31293 18 16200 28100 3-2 17200 16029 6-1 13500 37502 12, 14-17227286 35890 20-7 22020 24665 33 23100 169540 1 26500 133354 4 11700 0 27 55020 122562 30-1 17290 92042 3 29600 0 19-1 10700 0 31 16120 73670 Owner HOWARD, SCOTT HOWARD, SCOTT HOWARD, SCOTT HOWARD, SCOTT HOWARD, SCOTT & MARTHA HOWARD, SCOTT & MARTHA HOWARD, SCOTT & MARTHA HOWARD, SCOTT & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT D,SR. & SCOTT D.II HOWARD, SCOTT D. & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT D. & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT D. & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT D. & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT D. & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT D. & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT D. & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT D. & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT D. & MARTHA E. HOWARD, SCOTT JR. & JULIE HOWARD, SCOTT SR & MARTHA E HOWARD, SCOTT SR. & MARTHA HUBACH TRUST, FREDERICK W HUGHES, DOROTHY T. HUNTER FAMILY TRUST HUNTER FAMILY TRUST INGRAHAM, DAPHLIN E. JAROSZ, KENNETH W. JEWELL, WAYNE JONES, FE B. JONES, LEROY & DOLLIS JONES, RUSSELL & SUZANNE JOSEPH, JOHN JUDKINS, PHYLLIS JUSKEWITCH, SHERWOOD & DAWN JUSKEWITCH, SHERWOOD E. & DAWN L KAY REALTY TRUST KELLER, BENJAMIN L & JILL M KENNEBEC VALLEY FORESTRY KENNEDY, LINDA KEVETT III, HARRY F. KIMBALL REVOCABLE TRUST KING, ROBIN L. KITCHEN, STEPHEN & MARTHA KITCHEN, STEPHEN & MARTHA KNAUF, DONALD & JULIETTE P. KNIGHT, JOHN STEPHEN KONOFF, ABRAHAM & RHONDA KRAMER, STEVEN L. KRANOR, RANDY L. LADD CEMETERY 29 Map 8 9 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 3 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 8 12 15 1 4 13 5 2 13 6 5 10 4 3 2 15 6 8 8 3 13 1 2 10 10 13 1 10 7 2 2 Lot Land Building 35 14400 0 5-1 39446 800 26 61800 9632 48-2 16556 0 29B 14500 12290 32-2 14800 56706 53 15000 44136 32 11700 0 32-5 15850 48619 18-1 28580 12582 6, 7 & 7 30640 0 12 15600 0 30 & 30-2 16700 0 32-1 9000 0 32-3 10740 0 32-4 9620 0 32-6 15700 51321 32-7 11150 0 52 46000 0 17 38500 60838 4 12470 18995 2 19100 68066 10 252920 178056 18-2 21300 45520 5 29700 0 3 96960 0 15 34900 2000 8-2 16812 0 2 48960 29077 3-4/5 21692 74923 30 14600 0 11-3A 15500 103977 2-2 16740 107100 21-1 12500 20060 10-4 0 0 12 128240 63237 40 13300 0 3-1 15550 59920 19 300 0 16 19700 11337 28 & 29 100237 17681 16-1 22648 16484 18,19-1-1140486 38627 9-1 27700 47691 15-2 4000 200 30 103234 58182 13 0 0 12 19532 0 20-4 19900 30984 1-9-1 10600 0 6 0 0 Owner LADD, BERT D. LADD, BLACKE LADD, FRED LADD, GRACE LAGASSE, LINWOOD LAGASSE, LINWOOD & SHIRLEY A. LAGASSE, LINWOOD L, & SHIRLEY LAHTI, ERIC R. & SUSAN A. LAKE, SEMONE M. & MARSHALL M LAMARRE, EDWARD & SANDRA LAMBERT, DENNIS & SHARON LAMBERT, DENNIS & SHARON LAMBERT, GUINEVERES LAMPHIER, ERNEST & PRISCILLA LANCASTER, CARROLL & KAREN LANDRY, GERALDINE LANDRY, MARK D. TRUSTEE LANDRY, MARY E. LANGLAIS, DAVID LANGLAIS, DAVID S. LANGLAIS, MICHAEL A & MARILYN A LANGLAIS, PAUL & LYNNE M LAPLANTE, FREDERICK & BEATRICE LAPOINTE, DARRYL & DENISE LAVOIE, JOSEPH T. & CLAIRE M. LAWRENCE, RICHARD AND SANDRA LAWS, ROBERT LAZARSKI, JANUSZ W. LEIB, DONALD T. LEIB, DONALD T. LEO, CHRIS & HEATHER LEO, CHRISTOPHER & HEATHER M LEONE, JOHN M. & SUSAN LEVESQUE, MAURICE R. LEVIS, JAMES S. JR. LOADWICK, ALFRED LOADWICK, ALFRED LOADWICK, ALFRED, & CHARLES LOADWICK, CHARLES LOADWICK, CHARLES LOADWICK, RICHARD & ANNIE M. LOISELLE, DONALD LORD, THOMAS LORD, THOMAS LOVEJOY, FRANK & RITA G. LUFKIN, JILL L. LUKE, CARTER & DARLENE SCHILLER MACIOCI, JOHN MACKEY, JANICE E MAGNANI, GINO MAINE HAVEN LLC 30 Map 9 10 1 2 6 6 8 11 8 6 5 7 11 9 8 7 7 7 2 15 15 15 2 7 2 2 2 8 15 15 1 1 5 6 14 7 8 8 8 8 11 1 15 15 13 15 15 14 13 8 13 Lot Land Building 36 14500 0 27-1 11600 600 18 23400 0 7 13800 0 14 25700 69623 11-1 & 12 48380 10887 45 32400 0 16 15400 26963 3-2 21140 178797 17-3 18232 36236 3 & 3-2 10150 0 34 & 35 27380 98425 26 22180 98440 35 17460 50986 21 14500 36415 48-1 33473 48-1A 16200 0 48-1 26900 76805 10-3 0 15 80336 41140 20 78320 63053 14/14-1 128432 59249 3,-3,-4 21700 150088 3-5 13250 0 8-9 20676 27639 19,19-1 133954 58711 10-1 12500 6435 7-3 18420 52592 1 67680 7933 2 3090 0 8 28100 62604 13-1 15851 31-1 27300 11704 22-1 22100 32282 13 72484 32485 42-1-A 19980 32525 31 0 10037 31 22700 0 31 0 11553 32 21500 0 1 16108 19484 19 6300 0 3 91432 31355 4 3300 0 39 46656 8523 25 128312 131756 9 & 8 377900 68605 10 98000 46231 15 71280 23485 28 17200 16596 12 105403 749205 Owner MAINE HAVEN, LLC MALLETTE, ROBERT MALO, GLENN, THOMAS & RONALD MANNETT, JR. THOMAS & NANCY MANNETT, JR. THOMAS W. & NANCY MANNETT, THOMAS & NANCY MANTER, LURA ANN MANTER, WILLIAM & LAURAINE MARKHAM, JOHN JR MARTIN, JOYCE MARTIN, SHARON MAYOU, TERRY A MCAFEE, CHERYL D.& JOHN L. MCCORMICK, ANTHONY & CATHERINE MCDOWELL, CARO MCGLASHING, JAMES & TERESA MCNAIR, WESLEY & DIANE MEOLA, EARL F. & NANCY MEOLA, EARL F. & NANCY L. MEOLA, EARLE F & NANCY L MEOLA, EARLE F & NANCY L MERCER FR 3 LLC MERCER HISTORICAL SOCIETY MERROW, R. LORING MERRY, FRED W. & BONNY L. MERRY, FREDERICK W. MEUNIER, WAYNE D. & LINDA T. MEYER, BRUCE & CAROL MEYER, CHARLES J. & BARBARA A. MILLS, SCOTT MITCHELL, EUGENIA D. MONTGOMERY, KEVIN & MELISSA MONTGOMERY, KEVIN M & MELISSA G MORABITO, DANIEL G. MOREY, ALLEN & LENORE MOREY, ALLEN & LENORE MORGRAGE, ESTATE OF LORRAINE MOSHER, GARY MOSHER, GARY D & MICHELLE L MUKAI, KENNETH & JEANNE MULHALL, THOMAS D & PAMELA L MURCH, RICHARD C MURPHY, CHARLES MURRAY, REGINALD & BARBARA MUSE, DEBORAH NEUBAUER, BARBARA NORBERTO, MARK & SHELLY NUNNALLY, JESSE C. & JOAN OBERT, DENNIS A. & JOANNE M. O'BRIEN, WALTER & LINDA O'BRIEN, WALTER & LINDA 31 Map 13 2 10 9 9 9 6 3 8 9 4 6 9 9 10 9 11 7 1 5 5 13 11 1 6 4 10 4 4 10 15 4 13 1 13 4 15 2 8 7 15 10 9 13 6 6 9 13 12 5 5 Lot Land Building 16 8465 0 1-7 16600 0 18-9 25700 1853 16 18600 0 12 4000 0 17-1 9500 38 19900 40785 29 17800 44644 7-9 13276 0 25 13500 89960 2-3 17800 4324 3-B1 19992 37916 5-3 12825 18000 6-2 14040 20 & 20B 26900 32743 33 14500 36106 24 17200 65567 55 31628 19879 9 36600 1403 5 13500 27509 8 8225 0 26 106769 22605 30-1 0 0 16 32600 502 27 77400 835 10, 11-1 23180 28857 5-B 13500 79601 1-B-1 19220 101614 1-B 24820 36624 7 20200 0 16 77040 0 13-3 7940 8 48960 29559 9-2 16600 0 34 45640 56409 5-2 9245 2880 26 110000 27959 1-9 32700 5250 46 38984 117911 50 & 51 22100 83963 13 105776 104713 18-1-1 0 19-5 & 19 14840 0 25 71280 58386 21-1 14920 0 3-B 17200 13813 5-2 17450 94473 27 95398 49432 1 17032 63423 23 24600 0 24 14760 96325 Owner ORR, KENNETH & JEAN M OSGOOD, JONATHAN OUELLETTE, DANA PARADIS, CARLA OLSON PARADISE INC. PARLIN, KERRY PARLIN, RICKY & DONNA PARLIN, RICKY & DONNA PARLIN, ROGER & KAREN F. PARLIN, RONALD PARLIN, RONALD PARLIN, RONALD PARLIN, TERRY G. & LINDA L. PARLIN, TINA PARLIN, VERNA PARLIN, VERNA PARTRIDGE, BARRY D. & ADINA G. PARTRIDGE, BARRY D. & ADINA G. PEACE, REBECCA A PEREIRA, GEORGE F. PERKINS, ETHELYN PERKINS, ETHELYN PERKINS, ETHELYN PERRAULT, STEVEN & JANET PERRY, JESSE E & CYNTHIA J PERRY, JESSE E & CYNTHIA J PHILLIPS, SHIRLEY PICARD, GARY & PICARD, MICHAEL & ROSABELLE PIERCE, DONALD I. & MARGARET S. PIERCE, DONALD I. & MARGARET S. PIERCE, DOUGLAS PINE, RONALD D. & CYNTHIA PITCHER, TERRY E. & CHERYL D. PLOURDE, DOROTHY M & JOSEPH D POIRIER III, FRANK POIRIER, MICHAEL & DEBORAH POIRIER, MICHAEL & DEBORAH POIRIER, MICHAEL & DEBORAH POIRIER, MICHAEL C. & DEBORAH POMELOW, CHAD & DEBORAH POOLE, JO-ANN POTRATZ, CHARLES A. POUDRIER, ALBERT POULIN, PETER P. POWERS, PAUL PRATT, LORING PREBLE, JAMES H. II PRESTON, CHERYL PROULX, DAVID A. & LOUISE J. PUCCIO, CARMEN & NORMA 32 Map 7 7 10 11 13 7 6 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 7 7 2 14 11 7 9 11 11 7 7 7 7 5 5 6 7 6 10 7 4 5 3 5 7 5 6 14 8 4 14 11 8 9 10 13 4 Lot 44 9 6-2 19 18 11 7 & 7-2 47 45 37 46 47 15 7-2-1 8 15 11-1 14-1 7 20-5 24 13 21 43 6 18 42-2A 16C-1 16C 42 52-2 42-2 9 40 5-1 16-B 2 13 42-5A 16 28-1 15 13 2-1 7 20 37 19-2 19 6 1 Land Building 25900 165859 30092 73992 9500 0 14355 11200 87360 1200 68300 49609 39640 0 18352 86368 16800 0 22880 830 21500 9344 4050 0 19800 0 14500 121454 37500 66160 21200 0 22940 0 52416 0 21100 47050 14100 0 2000 0 13050 71715 13630 13892 14500 47462 26000 0 51500 49624 15000 80557 16893 48242 18952 64623 20100 84689 12125 0 20100 50471 28900 81218 31780 112579 17100 83569 15200 0 23600 17594 15000 71020 10125 0 23540 30264 312 0 115200 30912 39100 19727 24100 41086 101520 59763 14210 47120 51600 0 12560 43231 15400 0 77398 35691 24500 83836 Owner QUALITY WOOD ENTERPRISES QUIMBY, JOAN M. QUIMBY-EVERETT, LINDA RAMSEY, EDWARD A. JR. RANCOURT, EARL & ANNETTE RANCOURT, EARL & ANNETTE G REDLEVSKE, BRADLEY R. REDLEVSKE, BRENT REDLEVSKE, HARVARD REDLEVSKE, HERMAN & FAYE C REDLEVSKE, HERMAN & FAYE C REDLEVSKE, NORMAN G. & BECKY K. REDLEVSKE, WILLIAM T. REDLEVSKE, WILMER & MARLENE REED, CHARLES & BEVERLY REED, CHARLES & BEVERLY REED, CHARLES & BEVERLY H. REED, CHARLES B & BEVERLY H REED, CHARLES B. & BEVERLY H. REED, CHARLES R & BEVERLY H REID, FRANK REYNOLDS JR., FREDERICK C. RICHARD, MICHAEL RILEY, WILLIAM & INA RIVER OAKES LTD. PARTNERSHIP RIVER OAKES LTD. PARTNERSHIP RIVER OAKES LTD. PARTNERSHIP ROACH, WALTER III & PAMELA ROBBINS LIVING TRUST ROBBINS, CHARLES A III ROBBINS, LIVING TRUST ROLLINS, SHERRILL M ROMERO, ELVIN & EMILY ROSADO, RUTHANN ROSS, DOREEN R. ROSS, NANCY A. & JOHN B. ROULEAU, ROBERT ROY, VALERIE J WORTHEN & S.A.D. #54 SADLER, LYNDON & CHERIE L SANDY RIVER GRANGE #89 SAVAGE, EDWARD SCHULZE, JOHN C& YVONNE M SENECHAL, CHRISTIAN J. SHAW LIBRARY SHIELDS, MERRILL & VIOLET SHUCAVAGE, LEONARD B. & JENNIE M SHUTE, COLE D. SIKORSKI, MARILYN SIROIS, EDMOND & MARILYN SLONGWHITE, GLENN & 33 Map 7 9 2 8 4 13 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 7 3 15 2 2 15 2 9 10 7 6 7 7 7 10 6 13 7 11 7 13 8 7 6 8 7 7 11 7 14 6 11 11 1 8 7 6 8 Lot 30-4 11 1 48 13-2 10 27 1-1 1 5 19 23 1 56 32 24 10 2 28 1-5 34 20-B-1 22 8 14 17 28 18-4 42-1 36 52-1 30 52-3 19 3 26 3-3,&-1 5-1 33 48-2 27 29 5 3-1 9 18 16-3 7-2 20-6 4 48-1A Land Building 19525 245231 4000 0 18600 0 21100 6989 7920 88128 50329 28300 35791 14210 14861 29500 81296 41900 47171 30800 7330 26300 118622 16000 0 20300 134613 97372 26314 130618 76222 1206 0 34600 0 9780 15187 20600 0 21100 1100 12300 0 14500 14241 15000 33739 26500 202756 16400 0 13300 0 11570 0 20100 67004 22560 0 8825 0 13050 63577 12500 100513 128592 22581 35148 154071 21100 107291 22650 38851 21880 96277 0 0 14815 61592 0 0 30300 27225 113861 78271 11700 0 0 0 14605 36623 15544 0 19665 13018 15240 0 10500 0 28852 0 Owner SMART, ANDREW D & HOLLY A SMITH, FRANCES SMITH, FRANCES H. SMITH, LELAND SMITH, ROGER P SMITH, SANDRA J SMITHERS REALTY TRUST SMOULCEY, DAVID A & JANET L SOMERSET TELEPHONE COMPANY ST. LEDGER, NOME STATE OF MAINE STATE OF MAINE STATE OF MAINE STEELE, DUNCAN R STEVENS, JODIE S STEVENS, ROGER STEVENS, ROGER E. JR. & STACY L. STEWARD, JAMES A & SECHA E STEWARD, WILLIAM & WANDA STOCKTON, ROY E. & LORRAINE M. STORMS, CARLTON & PAMELA STORMS, M. CARLTON & PAMELA A. STORMS, M. CARLTON & PAMELA A. STRATTON SR., CECIL & RUTH STROMAN, JEFFREY & KATHRYN STUBBS TRUST, EDWARD F. AND SURETTE, RALPH H. TAYLOR, GEORGE A TAYLOR, PAUL H. TAYLOR, PAUL W. TAYLOR, PENNY TENBROEK, FRANK THERRIEN, DEBORAH L THERRIEN, DEBORAH L THOMAS, ARTHUR & MARY THOMAS, LOWELL W. & PATRICIA M. THOMAS, MAURICE E. THOMAS, MAURICE E. THOMPSON, DAVID W. & MARION THOMPSON, ROBERT S. SR. & TIBBETTS ROAD TIBBETTS, CHARLES TIBBETTS, CLIFFORD E TIBBETTS, CLIFFORD E TIBBETTS, JAMES & SHEILA TIBBETTS, JASON & DANIELLE TIBBETTS, ROBERT TIMBERLANDS LLC TIMS, GARY R & NANCY M TIMS, GARY R & NANCY M TOBIN, GERALD D. & KRISTINE F 34 Map 10 9 15 2 10 7 10 3 11 9 6 5 5 6 14 1 14 6 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 14 9 9 2 7 7 13 4 4 8 8 5 5 12 7 5 3 5 5 6 6 7 1 2 2 9 Lot Land Building 15-1 15400 0 37 34600 0 27 106800 0 13 250905 30523 13 48600 0 42-3 13800 0 28 8300 0 16-2 19700 7000 5 12325 4581 35-1 22284 31 0 0 18-4 0 0 21-1 0 0 17-1 22792 95415 3 72000 23085 14 10600 0 21 47040 22508 17-2 19300 143092 5-3 18400 64476 18-2 29300 21837 17-4 13230 0 18 20100 138038 17 & 17-6 15888 0 13 20900 44239 52-2-1 16700 73226 11&12 90240 29627 19-7 14960 0 10-1 21000 10-2 13500 3000 58 11064 0 44-1 16000 73380 11 61328 106394 8 45700 46830 12 46000 0 29 32940 60019 29-1 33260 153103 25 & 25-1 38340 79168 27 4000 0 31 47040 44943 40-1-1 17812 10854 0 0 12 20100 84329 6 41700 37792 7 64600 0 24 13500 70516 7-2-2 19800 147401 39-1 18100 20186 1 0 0 1-8 23100 14201 1-11 46600 8 18600 0 Owner TOTH, EDWARD TOTH, REVOCABLE TRUST TOUPIN, PAUL R. TOWN - BACK LOT TOWN OF MERCER TOWN OF MERCER TOWN OF MERCER TOWN OF MERCER TOWN OF MERCER TOWN OF MERCER TOWN OF MERCER TOWN OF MERCER TOWN OF MERCER TRACY, DANA C. & LORETTA J. TRACY, DEBORAH TRACY, DEREK C TRACY, VICKI JO TREPANIER, EDWARD TRUE, BEVERLY TRUE, GREGORY A. TRUE, KENNETH & MARY L. TRUE, RALPH TRUE, RALPH & EARL TRUE, RALPH N. TRUE, RALPH N. TRUE, RALPH N. TRUE, RALPH N. TRUE, RALPH N. TRUE, RALPH N. TRUE, RALPH N. TRUE, RALPH, EARL TRUE, WILLIAM TRUE, WILLIAM TURK, WILLIAM & NANCY TURNER, DAREN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH UNITED METHODIST VESTRY VAN BURGEL, BARBARA VAN BURGEL, DAVID & SCOTT, KATHY VAN BURGEL, DAVID P. VARNEY, HARRIETT VILLAGE CEMETERY VOELKEL, WILLIAM VON HONE, KARL, AMY & WALTER A. W. & H. REALTY TRUST WALLACE, GARY E. AND ELAINE J. WALLACE, KENNETH WALLACE, KENNETH & IVA JANE WARREN, CHARLIE & JAUNETTA M WARREN, TERRY W. & MELODY WASS, RUSSELL D. JR. & LILLIAN A 35 Map 6 4 1 11 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 15 10 7 1 11 11 13 11 6 6 10 5 5 6 6 10 10 10 10 14 10 10 10 8 11 11 5 3 3 6 12 5 7 5 8 7 14 9 1 4 Lot 2 7 22 & 23 8 39 44 14 8 16 17 10 7 18-3 13-1 5-1 22 4-2 7 12 3-5-1 10 18-2 10 11 33 35 2 6 18 23 16 1 & 5 26 11-1 18 25 28 14 15 10 & 14 32-B 4 19 20-8 2 & 9 22 7 18 2 7&7-1 14 Land Building 44100 32994 29500 99871 33800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6360 0 14500 26347 18670 73285 12615 33633 19650 95466 48960 12574 14500 52321 12510 18100 66304 0 0 12400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11375 0 26900 68263 18600 5959 0 0 72000 9516 25300 38704 29690 55533 13520 0 8400 0 0 0 0 0 31300 73840 27300 57395 39500 36102 39100 32409 0 0 27520 0 29240 0 42400 0 23100 71523 18800 107975 72000 18007 23100 121240 67700 79553 14250 22877 Owner WASS, RUSSELL D.JR.& LILLIAN A. WATSON, MARY B WATSON, RUSSELL W. JR. & JOANNE WEIS, KAREN S. WEISHER, KARA M. WELCH, DAVID & DEBRA WELLINGTON, DAVID L & PATRICIA A WELLS, VIOLET WENNINGER, RAY & SUSANNE WENNINGER, RAY & SUSANNE WEST DOLORES WHEATON, BARRY WHITE, HERBERT F. WHITNEY, MARK & DONICE WHITNEY, STEPHEN F. WILDE, RICHARD A. WILLIAMS, KENNETH & WILLIAMS, KENNETH & WILLIAMSON, JAY JR. & KATHRYN WILSON, JAMES A. WOLF, PATRICK A. & SUZETTE C. WOLF, PATRICK A. & SUZETTE C. WOLK, ERMA WORSTER, GUY B. WORTHEN, JONAS WORTHEN, JONAS WORTHEN, JONAS WORTHEN, JONAS WORTHEN, JONAS WORTHEN, JONAS WORTHEN, VERNON E II & CINDY A WORTHEN, VERNON E II & CINDY A YALE, HENRY I. & WINNIFRED M. YATES, MARGARET B. YEATON CEMETERY YODER, TIMOTHY R YOUNG, DAVID B. & MAUREEN E. ZAMBELLI, STEPHEN ZARTMAN, ELLEN ZARTMAN, ELLEN ZIMMER, RANDOLPH & CAROLYN ZIMMER, RANDOLPH & CAROLYN ZIMMER, RANDOLPH & CAROLYN 36 Map 14 7 2 8 7 7 1 14 15 15 2 1 7 9 3 3 15 15 7 6 10 10 11 14 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 13 7 7 1 7 7 3 3 1 6 8 Lot 8 3-7 1-3 34-1 54 49 18-2-1 23 18 19 8-5 13-2 20-3 23 31 13 5 6 36 9 24 25 23 22 8 10 & 12 11 24 25 27 5 30 9 21-1 6 5 40-2 42 8-1 8 16-2 29-B 41 Land Building 85440 57568 15280 0 24900 40927 15250 22207 21500 0 14500 47740 17000 77559 94080 29016 77040 0 77040 0 19300 22149 23892 15561 15000 0 30200 105937 22528 105704 13500 27749 46080 0 3140 0 16600 0 17100 22548 10700 0 25300 54031 19040 41228 70560 0 14500 62783 33600 0 47500 52800 38400 14871 34400 0 52400 3060 51180 77475 32500 80467 48960 44924 30800 0 0 0 18220 43960 20160 0 24000 26282 13500 58833 8000 1503 14800 0 22300 94155 15600 0 Shaw Library Treasurer’s Report Balance as of December 31, 2004 Incoming funds – Town of Mercer Miscellaneous Deposits Total Paid Out Central Maine Power TDS Telecom Postmaster Salaries Ethel Herbert Mary Harris Robert Davis Supplies Donation Mercer Old Home Assoc. Check Reorder Books Total Expenditures Ending Balance December 31,2005 Interest Money Market Fund Miscellaneous Funds to Library Verizon Refund Total Year End Balances Checking Account Savings Account CD 1960 CD 1961 Oppenheimer Fund Respectfully, Marlene J. Redlevske,Treasurer 37 509.41 4500.00 254.90 $5264.31 1031.86 485.83 7.40 1010.00 1205.00 314.00 833.70 50.00 10.50 242.27 $5190.56 73.74 93.65 61.25 100.00 254.90 4551.92 2562.71 5279.23 5246.61 4064.00 Planning Board Report In 2005, the Town of Mercer five-member Planning Board (1) reviewed and approved a four-lot subdivision; (2) received and approved two shoreland zoning permit applications; (3) met with the Code Enforcement Officer to receive his overview and to learn about the local Holding Tank Ordinance which the town may vote to enact; (4) upon learning after-the-fact of an unapproved lot created in an existing subdivision, guided the owner back to compliance; and (5) developed a protocol for the town office to follow upon receipt of a request from CMP or TDS Telecom for a Certificate of Compliance. The Planning Board also discussed comprehensive planning. They voted to submit an article for the town to vote on at the town meeting as to whether or not to form a Comprehensive Planning Committee. Fourteen plumbing permits were issued by the Code Enforcement Officer in 2005. Our Code Enforcement Officer of many years, Michael Zarcone, has recently passed away. We would like to extend our sympathy to his family and friends. Additionally, we would like to extend a welcome to our new C.E.O, B.J. Tibbetts of Mercer, and thank him for his interest and anticipated participation in the year ahead. 38 SAD 54 School Board Report Last night I began reading the national best seller “The World is Flat” by Thomas Friedman, an in-depth look at the global supply chain for services and manufacturing in the 21 st century. This “flattening” of the globe has and will require each of our children to study harder and gain more skills just to stay in place. Maine has already begun initial steps to create a more seamless education system Pre-K to 16 (early childhood through college) that will allow all students to meet higher standards, to ensure that students gain access to and succeed in post-secondary education and training. The Maine Department of Education has four goals; 1. All students will be ready for Kindergarten 2. Graduate all high school students ready for college. 3. Ensure that all college students earn a degree. 4. Provide quality educators & required technology to assure success. Too many children enter Kindergarten with physical, social, emotional and cognitive limitations that could be minimized or eliminated through early attention to the child and family needs. With the pending consolidation of Mercer, Smithfield and Norridgewock schools, SAD 54 can redirect resources of personnel and design the new school to accommodate Pre-K and day long Kindergarten programs. Currently, only 50% of Maine high school graduates enroll in college, and in recent years there has been a decline in students expressing a desire to attend college, particularly among males. Our district is moving forward to achieve a goal of 70%, and to graduate all high school students ready for college, citizenship and careers. The school administration has made changes to assure that all students have equitable access to a college ready curriculum. A chief reason that Maine students do not go to college is money. Over a quarter of all public schoolchildren in Maine live in poverty. A post-secondary education is imperative to break the 39 cycle of poverty and elevate future incomes and quality of life. Perhaps, the Mercer Budget Committee for 2006 can lead the way and develop a scholarship program for its youth, with the help of local businesses & organizations. Finally, SAD 54 will continue to support the Laptop Computer Program and continue to be an innovator leader of technology in the classroom. The district has always recognized the relationship between teacher quality, teacher preparation, and classroom instruction to the quality and achievement level of our students. We will continue to encourage teachers to obtain Master Degrees and require ongoing quality professional development. In closing, the citizens of Mercer more than ever need to support our school district, get involved as a volunteer or mentor, visit our schools and attend the bi-monthly school board meetings. Respectfully Submitted, Bob Gardner SAD 54 School Board Director 40 Fire Warden’s Report Calls in Mercer Trees on power lines Fire Alarm Fire (Chimney) Fire (Grass/woods) Fire (Structure) Fire (Vehicle) Miscellaneous Vehicle Crashes Assist EMS/Ax Total 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 6 7 25 Burn Permits issued in 2005: 70 Reminder: Please dial 911 instead of any other non-emergency number. It is illegal to have an outside burn without a proper fire/burn permit. Due to the conditions of the town burn pile, burning at the transfer station is no longer permitted. Many inappropriate items were placed in the burn pile. The town burn permit has been revoked for a period of time. Further research is needed to determine compliance for reissue of permit. Burning in a barrel is against the law. For a burn permit contact Dennis Obert 587-4331 Chris Holt 587-4551 Jesse Crandall 587-2569 Respectfully submitted, Dennis Obert, Town Fire Warden 41 Recycling Report Mercer residents recycled 18.69 tons of waste in 2005, down 20.5% from the previous year total of 23.5 tons. There was less contamination this year than last year as the dump attendants and residents are putting more effort into sorting the recycled items. The price for recyclables remained high through 2005 allowing the Sandy River Recycling Assoc. to replace one garbage truck, maintain equipment and offset the high price of fuel. Recycling remains a cheaper alternative to Norridgewock’s Waste Management landfill. It would be nice to see the town regain its momentum and increase the recycled tonnage which will help lower the cost of the waste that is sent to Norridgewock. We sent 156.1 tons of trash to Norridgewock in 2005 resulting in a sharp increase in our waste disposal expense. We pay $58/T for trash hauled to Norridgewock and $40/T for recyclables sent to Sandy River. Due to an increase in recycling revenue, Sandy River Recycling lowered the hauling cost from $45/t in 2004 to $40/t in 2005. It’s unlikely there will ever be a reduction in price for trash taken to Norridgewock. Obviously, less recycling means more trash hauled to Norridgewock and therefore more expense. In addition, the use of the blue bags allows Mercer residents to pay only for the waste they generate without having to bear the burden in cost belonging to those who produce larger amounts of garbage. It’s only fair to pay for what you throw away. Respectfully submitted, Mary Burr, Mercer Representative Year End Quantities Material pounds Cardboard Occ 7,155 Newspaper Onp 16,450 High grade h-g 0 Mixed paper m-p 5,720 Plastic 1,620 Glass 2,325 Tin 3,960 Alum 140 Total 37,370 42 tons 3.58 8.23 0.00 2.86 0.81 1.16 1.98 0.07 18.69 Shaw Library Trustee Report for 2005 The year 2005 was a good one, thanks to the support of this community. We now have 7000 books and 2000 of those are youth and children’s. 4000 books are catalogued in the computer. Monthly we receive beautiful new children’s books in which we are able to purchase for a small amount if we write a book review. Please stop by and see some of these. A well-received tool for the community has been our computer with Internet service. Another popular piece of equipment is our color copier/fax machine. Bonnie Dwyer from the Maine State Library came and did a training at our request. She instructed us how to pick out for discard books that are too old or in bad condition. That is an ongoing project! We have 74 regular patrons in which 26 are children. Please note our hours and stop in as we have a supply of videos, tapes, CDs. There are also used books for sale. As always, thank you for those that have generously contributed to our shelves. Respectfully submitted, Cherie Sadler, Trustee Library Hours Monday 3:00-6:00 Tuesday 8:30-11:30 Wednesday 4:00-6:00 Thursday 12:00-3:00 Saturday 12:00-3:00 43 Historical Society Report The Mercer Historical Society has been active in 2005 with the move of the museum from the upstairs of the Shaw Library into the space vacated by the Mercer Town Office. This move has made for easier access to the Society’s artifacts for its members and the interested public. The Historical Society was also the recipient of a tract of land between the Mercer Vestry and the Rollins’ home. Eric and Donna Cunliffe generously gifted the land to the Society. Many historical artifacts remain housed in the homes and barns of the Society members. With the limited space in the Shaw Library basement, it is the Society’s intention to build a barn style building on the donated land where the larger artifacts can be housed and be visible for the public and school students. The Farmington Historical Society has created a wonderful replica museum, which we would like to emulate. The Mercer Historical Society consists of folks interested in preserving Maine history and sharing their information and artifacts with others. We welcome new members and their involvement in the community. Respectfully submitted, Mary Burr/President 44 Old Home Days Committee Report Our year of 2005 was a busy year for the Old Home Day Committee. Activities included a yard sale, a special appearance from Life Flight helicopter, demonstrations from the Norridgewock Fire Department, State Police K-9 Unit, Somerset County Sheriffs Dept., and the RFGH Ambulance. The Historical Society building was open for viewing, as well as the Grange open with Bake Sales, Crafts, Pie Judging Contest and a Book Sale. Saturday ended with a Pig Roast, Talent Show and a Street Dance. Sunday activities included a pot luck dinner and a Church program featuring four different vocal groups. The annual horseshoe tournament was at the town office. The weekend was a success bringing in $1300 to benefit the repairs of the Mercer Union Church on the hill. In November we tried our first Hunters Breakfast at the Mercer School bringing in over $200, we hope to make this an annual event. The Mercer Union Church has been added to the State Historical Registry, and work is now being done to enter it into the National Historical Registry. This will allow us to apply for a Grant to make necessary repairs to the existing structure. Upcoming events: Maple Breakfast on Maine Maple Sunday, March 26th from 8-10 at the Mercer School. Watch for flyers on the NEW Mercer Throw!!! (Trust us, it’s gonna be great!) Schedule of Events for the Old Home Days Celebration: August 5th and 6th Saturday: FUN Children's Activities, Lawn Sale, Pie Judging Contest, Bake Sale, Pig Roast, Looking for talent for the Talent Show, to finish the evening off , we have a DJ lined up for the Street Dance – Radio Personality Jon James! Sunday: The traditional Church Service, Famous Potluck Dinner, and musical program at the Church on the hill. Meetings are held on a monthly basis, preparing for the Mercer Old Home Days celebration. We invite all those interested to attend our monthly meetings, contact Linda Quimby with thoughts and ideas 634-2332. 45 Report of the North Pond Association As President of the North Pond Association, I want to give the townspeople of Mercer a full accounting of our 2005 Milfoil Inspection Program. I feel that all the towns bordering the lake went the extra mile helping to prevent an infestation of these noxious weeds and I can’t thank you enough for this support. We trained 22 people to inspect boats for Milfoil. We had 63.5 hours of paid inspections, and an additional 66 hours of volunteer inspections. There were almost 700 actual inspections and we sent 71 plant fragments for identification. We covered the boat landing during the busiest hours along with almost every day of the week. Milfoil Program Breakdown Income Town of Mercer Town of Rome Town of Smithfield Member donations Private Grant $1000.00 $1000.00 $1000.00 $2308.60 $1652.80 Total Milfoil income $6961.40 Expenses Boat ramp sign BRCA Payroll costs BRCA admin. Costs Total CBI salaries $137.80 $225.00 $500.00 $5437.22 Total Milfoil expenses $6299.22 Carryover to 2006 $662.18 * Surrounding lakes have had Milfoil plant fragments, this means that we can’t relax our efforts any time soon. We hope to inspect boats for many years to protect North Pond from this invasive plant. North Pond Association became a 501c3 organization this year, meaning that donations given to us are tax deductible. We have opened our membership to anyone who would like to support our efforts. Individual membership are $10 and family memberships are $20. The application(s) for everyone interested can be found at the Mercer Town Office. North Pond Association remains committed to continuing the Courtesy Boat Inspection Program. With the help of the neighboring towns, we can meet the Milfoil challenge! Again, I want to thank the voters of Mercer for their help to the North Pond Association and ask you to continue to support us in 2006 in our efforts to preserve and protect beautiful North Pond. Respectfully, Cheryl Murdock President, North Pond Association 46 EMA/C.E.R.T. Activities for 2005 The year 2005 was a busy one for the Town of Mercer Emergency Management as it continued to upgrade and enhance its capabilities of providing assistance to its citizens in the event of a natural or manmade incident by the acquisition of needed equipment and the training of both staff members and response team volunteers. Of particular note was the receipt of three grants which totally funded the various projects without the use of local tax dollars. Two Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Grants totaling $18,905 allowed us to equip our two existing teams with radios, first aid kits, fire aid kits, fire extinguishers and other tools, provide Search and Rescue, Medevac, CPR/AED recertification and Wilderness Medicine training, purchase and equip a Mobile Operations Trailer, and certify two additional teams. The standards in protocol and interoperability that the Mercer Community Emergency Response Teams have set have made them the model that the Maine EMA and the Somerset County EMA use to encourage the establishment of CERTs in other jurisdictions. All that training and equipment was put to use during a Tri-County Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) exercise held in September as the Mercer EOC was manned during the exercise to provide radio communications and the CERT Operations Trailer was set up at a staging area to provide logistical and manpower support. A Homeland Security Grant totaling $14,460 allowed us to equip the Emergency Operations Center and the Mobile Operations Trailer with communications systems complete with back-up inverters and battery power. A portion of this grant, which will provide the Elementary School with an emergency generator and other related equipment and designate the building as a Red Cross Shelter, is still pending. Continuing programs include additional enhancements of the EOC, and additional Wilderness Medicine training toward EMT certification, Forest Fire training and additional equipment for the new CERTs. Being added this year is the FEMA-mandated National Incident Management System (NIMS) training for all Emergency Management/Homeland Security Personnel as well as any and all municipal employees who may become involved with the system. Jesse Crandall, Director Richard Smith, Deputy Director 47 2006 Annual Warrant To David Welch, Constable of the Town of Mercer in the County of Somerset, GREETINGS: In the name of the State of Maine you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Mercer qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet at the Mercer Elementary School in said Town of Mercer on Saturday, the 4th day of March 2006, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, to elect all Town Officers. The polls open immediately after the election of a Moderator and will remain open until 6 o’clock PM. The business meeting will be held in the gym of the Mercer Elementary School beginning at 6:30 PM. ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator to preside at said meeting. ARTICLE 2. To elect a Town Clerk, 3 Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor, a Tax Collector, a Treasurer, a Trustee of Shaw Library for 5 years and two Planning Board Members for 3 year terms, that board to meet with Selectmen within 60 days for the purpose of electing a Chairperson. ARTICLE 3. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the salaries of town officers. Budget Committee recommends: 1st Selectman 2nd Selectman 3rd Selectman Town Clerk Treasurer Tax Collector Dep. Clerk/Collector Registrar 48 4,100.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 3,000.00 3,200.00 7,000.00 2,400.00 250.00 _________ $27,150.00 ARTICLE 4. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for annual dues of the Maine Municipal Association. Budget Committee recommends $1,300 from surplus. ARTICLE 5. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for Liability and Property Insurance plus Bonds. Budget Committee recommends $3,345 from surplus. ARTICLE 6. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for Liability Insurance for Public Officials. Budget Committee recommends $1,066 from surplus. ARTICLE 7. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for Worker’s Comp Insurance for town employees. Budget Committee recommends $760.00 from surplus. ARTICLE 8. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for General Assistance. Budget Committee recommends $5,840.00 from surplus. ARTICLE 9. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for Cemetery Care. Budget Committee recommends $3,000.00 from surplus. ARTICLE 10. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate to operate the Street Light, Traffic Light and for electricity to the Salt Shed. Budget Committee recommends $850.00 from surplus. ARTICLE 11. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for Assessing. Budget Committee recommends $4,000.00 from surplus. ARTICLE 12. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for the Selectmen’s Secretary, to take minutes of the Selectmen’s Meetings and perform other duties assigned by the Selectmen. Budget Committee recommends $4,000.00 from surplus. 49 ARTICLE 13. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for the Code Enforcement Officer and/or Planning Board. Budget Committee recommends $1,500.00 from surplus. ARTICLE 14. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for Animal Control. Budget Committee recommends $1,500.00 from surplus. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to form a Comprehensive Plan Committee—to consist of five people appointed by the Selectmen, plus any others who care to volunteer—and, if so, to see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate as an initial budget for this committee. Budget Committee recommends $500.00. ARTICLE 16. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for the Mercer Bog Riders. Budget Committee recommends all state refunds of registration fees. ARTICLE 17. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for the Recreation Committee. Budget Committee recommends $500.00. ARTICLE 18. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for recycling. Budget Committee recommends $3,000.00. ARTICLE 19. Shall an ordinance entitled “Town of Mercer Solid Waste Disposal Ordinance”, which was adopted by Article 15 at the 1994 annual town meeting, be amended as follows: Section 4 Incentives and Fees A. The incentive of free recycling of all clean, properly sorted and properly processed recyclables shall be offered to users of the 50 Town of Mercer Solid Waste System under the authority of this Ordinance. Standard sized trash bags with the name and seal of the Town of Mercer on them will be available, for $1.00 each, at the Town Office and the Waste Transfer Station. This is a user fee that will be charged for all municipal solid waste deposited at the Town of Mercer Waste Transfer Station. The amount of this user fee may be adjusted in the future by vote of town meeting [Amendment is underlined.] Budget Committee recommends. ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to increase the price of the solid waste blue bags. Budget Committee recommends $2 per bag. ARTICLE 21. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for Solid Waste Disposal and Blue Bags. Budget Committee recommends $18,000.00. Shall an ordinance entitled “Town of Mercer Holding Tank Ordinance” be enacted? Budget Committee recommends. ARTICLE 22. ARTICLE 23. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate to contribute to various Youth Leagues. Budget Committee recommends $1,000.00. ARTICLE 24. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate to donate to various Charities, ½ of which will remain in town. Budget Committee recommends $1,000.00. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to approve the Agreement on the Maintenance and Operation of Shaw Library. Budget Committee recommends. 51 ARTICLE 26. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for Shaw Library. Budget Committee recommends $4,500.00. ARTICLE 27. To see what sum of money the town will raise and appropriate to donate to the Mercer Historical Society for support in their effort to build a permanent museum which will house Mercer’s historical artifacts on the land donated to the Historical Society. Budget Committee recommends $3,000.00. ARTICLE 28. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate to contribute to the North Pond Association’s efforts to prevent invasive milfoil from infecting the lake. Budget Committee recommends $1,000 ARTICLE 29. . To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for Town Expense. Budget Committee recommends $15,000.00. ARTICLE 30. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the Town Audit. Budget Committee recommends $880.00. ARTICLE 31. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for Fire Protection provided by the Town of Norridgewock Budget Committee recommends $16,225.00. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town wants to rescind its March 4 2000 affirmative vote and adopt an E911 addressing system, with individuals having the option whether or not to report their E911 addresses to the phone company. Budget Committee recommends. ARTICLE 33. Shall an ordinance entitled “Town of Mercer Addressing Ordinance” be enacted? Budget Committee recommends. 52 ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to accept all new funds that might be received from FEMA and MEMA in 2006 and appropriate those funds to the proper accounts. Budget Committee recommends. ARTICLE 35. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate to preserve the Town of Mercer’s historical records and make this collection available to the public. Budget Committee recommends $500.00 ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to apply for a Maine State Archives Grant for the preservation of the Town of Mercer’s historical records and to make this collection available to the public. Budget Committee recommends. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to accept all funds from Governmental Homeland Security Funding and appropriate those funds to the Citizen Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) ARTICLE 38. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to appropriate for Winter Roads, including plowing, sanding and stockpiling sand and salt. Budget Committee recommends $100,000.00--$85,000.00 from excise, $15,000.00 to raise and appropriate. ARTICLE 39. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for repaving the Rome Road. Any balance to be transferred to the summer road account. Budget Committee recommends $60,000.00-- $35,012.00 from DOT Block Grant, $24,988 raise and appropriate. ARTICLE 40. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for Dirt Roads. Budget Committee recommends $25,000.00. 53 ARTICLE 41. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for Summer Roads. Budget Committee recommends $55,000.00. ARTICLE 42. To see what sum of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for supplies for Emergency Management Services for the Town. Budget Committee recommends $1,000.00 ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to elect from the floor at this meeting, five individuals to serve as a Budget Committee. The Committee to meet with the Selectmen within 60 days for the purpose of electing a Chairperson. ARTICLE 44. . To see what percentage the Town will vote to deduct on all taxes assessed in 2005 that are paid in full on or before the 30th day after the date of the tax bills. Budget Committee recommends 2%. ARTICLE 45. To see what rate the Town will vote to charge and collect interest on all taxes assessed in 2006 that are unpaid 60 days after the date of the tax bills. Budget Committee recommends 8% per annum. 54 Sandy River Recycling Association 2005 has been another good year for the Sandy River Recycling Association (SRRA). Member towns have recycled 1,917.6 tons in 2004. Revenue from sales of material for the calendar year was $153,908, a decrease of $3,231 from 2004. Prices paid for recycled material were still stable but slightly less than in the previous year especially in the third quarter. The Association Directors voted to keep member town allocations at $40 per ton again this year. SRRA markets all of our material through a marketing co-op. This co-op is operated by the Maine Resource Recovery Assoc. (MRRA) a nonprofit organization. This year the co-op again marketed more material than it budgeted for and decided to give it’s members rebates for the second year in a row. SRRA should receive about $800. The Directors decided to return this money to our member towns. The shares range from about $7 to $228. These rebates will be deducted from each member’s allocation. This is the second year money for the sale of recyclables has been returned to the towns. Total operating costs for the year 2005 were $195,098.78 or $2,901.22 under the approved 2005 budget. The food waste composting pilot project we started last year is up and running. We started picking up post consumer food waste from the food service (Aramark) at U.M.F. in September and Franklin Memorial Hospital in October. As of the end of 2005 we had added almost 7 tons of food waste to leaves and horse bedding. Some of this compost should be ready to use sometime next summer and we are hoping to sell it to offset our operating costs. 55 Please feel free to call the SRRA office or e-mail us at with any questions about recycling, composting, or solid waste. Respectfully submitted Ron Slater Mgr. SRRA Tonnage Comparisons Town Carr Valley Carthage Chesterville Eustis Farmington Industry Kingfield Mercer Mt. Vernon New Vineyard Rangeley Rangeley Plt Sandy Rv Plt Sidney Strong Temple Weld Wilton Total 56 2000 112.7 16.0 47.7 86.5 699.0 50.6 177.8 21.1 80.5 27.7 172.4 12.6 12.6 123.6 47.7 28.5 35.5 307.5 2060 2001 115.4 15.7 51.9 81.4 659.0 45.7 184.0 21.7 89.7 25.6 160.0 13.1 15.5 127.1 53.6 29.9 33.9 368.1 2109 2002 113.1 15.6 50.5 88.7 669.3 43.6 192.4 20.6 88.1 31.2 169.8 14.2 12.7 129.9 41.5 30.7 36.3 368.3 2117 2003 107.4 14.5 51.6 91.9 626.1 43.0 185.7 18.0 83.2 29.6 159.8 13.6 18.3 134.9 40.1 26.9 30.7 378.6 2054 2004 116.0 16.4 53.8 86.1 627.7 45.9 171.5 23.5 91.9 31.6 153.5 16.2 17.2 136.3 33.9 34.1 28.9 402.1 2087 2005 112.1 16.8 41.8 93.9 629.9 49.6 153.4 18.7 84.0 29.5 142.9 17.3 15.9 131.6 27.8 28.2 34.2 290.4 1918 Senator’s Letter goes here 57