Quiz 2

1. When using a quotation in your writing, you must
a) Use the quotation to give your opinion
b) Tell the reader where the quotation came from
c) Change the words so that it says the information you need
d) Use the whole sentence from the source
2. In a paper, you should
a) Use a lot of long quotations
b) Write one body paragraph about each of your sources
c) Explain all the information from sources in your own words
d) Cite sources at the end of the body paragraph
3. Paraphrasing means
a) Changing the vocabulary of the author's passage
b) Changing the word order of the author's passage
c) Changing the sentence structure of the author's passage
d) Changing the vocabulary, word order, and sentence structure of the author's passage
4. Which of these sentences would be good to use as a “quotation” in a paper about changing the
drinking age law in the United States?
a) From the end of Prohibition until 1984 drinking ages were determined by the states.
b) The decrease in drinking and driving problems are the result of many factors and not just the
rise in purchase age or the decreased per capita consumption.
c) Almost impossible to police effectively, the current law sends a signal to the young that our
legal system is capricious, weak, occasionally vindictive, and not to be respected.
d) In reviewing drinking age legislation around the world, it is clear that different countries have
different views on youth and drinking.
5. Here is a quotation from this source: May, P. (2003). Soft drinks and obesity. Ekaf Medical
Journal, 223-243.
While soft drinks have never been proven to cause obesity directly, there is a clear link
between drinking soft drinks and feeling hunger, which means that those who drink soft
drinks are more likely to eat more (240).
Which of the following uses of this information is NOT plagiarism?
a) According to May (2003), while soft drinks have never been proven to cause obesity directly,
there is a clear link between drinking soft drinks and feeling hunger, which means that those
who drink soft drinks are more likely to eat more (p. 240).
b) Soft drinks may not make people overweight, but “there is a clear link between drinking soft
drinks and feeling hunger, which means that those who drink soft drinks are more likely to eat
c) Soft drinks may not make people overweight, but there is a connection between drinking soft
drinks and having hunger, which shows that those who drink soft drinks will probably eat
d) Drinking soft drinks does not exactly make people overweight, but as May (2003) states,
“There is a clear link between drinking soft drinks and feeling hunger, which means that those
who drink soft drinks are more likely to eat more” (p. 240).
6. How is this source written as an in-text citation?
Amos, J. (2003, September 11). Call for drinking age hike. BBC News. Retrieved from http://news
(Amos, J., 2003).
(Amos, 2003).
(BBC News, 2003).
(“Call for drinking age hike,” 2003).
7. The sources on the Reference page are listed
a) in chronological order
b) in the order in which they are used in your paper
c) in alphabetical order
d) first books, then journals (newspapers and magazines), and finally internet sources
8. For which sentences must there be an in-text citation in my paper with the thesis “High schools
should be allowed to have soft drink vending machines”? Circle more than one answer.
a) Studies show that most US high schools have vending machines.
b) Coca-Cola and Pepsi are two large soft drink companies.
c) As teens drink more soda, consumption of milk has decreased by 40%.
d) Coca Cola argues that soft drinks can be part of a healthy diet and are not a cause of obesity.
e) High schools should be allowed to have soft drink vending machines.
f) At Hoover High School in Laerton, Colorado, parents have protested the placement of vending
machines in the school's hallways.
1.B; 2.C; 3.D; 4.C; 5.D; 6.B; 7.C; 8.A, C, D, F