* * *
We start our summer worship schedule June 5 th
, with worship moving to 8:30am and Sunday school following at 9:45am for the months of June, July and August. That morning, we’ll celebrate
Jesus’ ascension, with Ascension Day having occurred on June 2 nd
June 12 th
is Pentecost Sunday and we’ll celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit, which marks the birth of the Christian church. Worship that morning will include communion and the celebration of the June baptismal anniversaries.
June 19 th
is Trinity Sunday, as well as Father’s Day, and that morning we’ll recognize those from our congregation who are graduating this year.
And finally, on June 26 th
, following our morning worship service, the Vacation Bible School closing program will be held in the Fellowship Hall.
* * *
It’s not too late to sign-up for the summer camping season. Brochures are available on the table in the back of the sanctuary describing the camps available this summer at Mensch Mill, our Conference’s UCC summer church camp in Alburtis, PA.
More detailed information along with registration information is also available online at www.menschmill.org.
And don’t forget, tuition reimbursement is available from both the church and the Sunday school here at St. Paul’s.
June 2 nd
– Ascension Day
Bible study 7:00pm
June 5 th – Summer Worship Hours Begin…
Worship 8:30am
Sunday school 9:45am
June 7 th
– Sunday School Mtg. 7pm
June 9 th
– Pottsville Soup Kitchen Ministry 4:30-7pm
June 12 th
– Pentecost Sunday; worship, communion and the celebration
of June baptismal anniv. 8:30am
Music Ministry, Luther Ridge 2:30pm
June 14 th
– Capital Improvements Comm. Mtg. 6pm
Consistory Mtg. 7pm
June 15 th – Cabinet Mtg. 6:30pm
June 16 th
– Bible Study 7pm
June 19 th
– Trinity Sunday/Father’s Day; worship and recognition of
graduates 8:30am
June 20 th
-24 th
– Vacation Bible School 6:15-8:30pm
June 26 th
– VBS program 9:45am
June 30 th – Bible Study 7pm
July 2 nd
– Leymeister/Putlock wedding 2:30pm
July 3 rd
– Worship and communion 8:30am
* * *
Don’t forget, the sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated on the 2 nd Sunday of the month , Pentecost Sunday, June 12 th
Please note that this change only applies to the month of June. In July, we will return to our regular schedule of celebrating communion on the 1 st
Sunday of the month.
* * *
Yep, it’s that time already! Time to mark your calendars! Our summer worship schedule begins Sunday June 5 th
and continues through August 28 th
Just as in previous years, during the months of June, July and August, worship will be held at
8:30am on Sunday morning, with Sunday school to follow at 9:45am.
We’ll return to our regular worship schedule (9:15am Sunday school and 10:30am worship), on September 4 th
Consistory has designated that our June Communion Offering will be combined with the Camp
Support Offering on Father’s Day, to support the programs and ministries at Mensch Mill.
Mensch Mill is our local UCC Camp and Conference Retreat Center, located in Alburtis, PA.
The continued support of Mensch camping ministries by churches in the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference, allows the camp to charge only about 70% of the actual cost of camp.
This summer at least one young person from St. Paul’s will be attending camp at Mensch Mill.
* * *
June 12 th is Pentecost Sunday and it’s also the day for us to receive the Strengthen the Church Offering. This is the 2 nd
of 4 annual special offerings that we’ll take for the ministries of the wider church.
The 1 st thing you’ll want to know about the Strengthen the Church Offering is that 50% of the funds collected stay right here in the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference. The other half of the money helps to fund youth and young adult programs, new church starts and church revitalization programs, as well as lay and
pastoral leadership programs, throughout our denomination.
* * *
I’m sure by now; everyone has seen or heard of the devastation from this spring’s tornados and flooding that has occurred throughout the south and the midwest.
The UCC has committed a minimum of $250,000 for the relief, recovery, and rebuilding efforts in these areas.
At the time this article is being written, Consistory had not met yet, to designate a specific day for a special offering, however I’m sure one is coming and it will be announced very soon.
In the meantime, as with any disaster, if you’d like to, you can donate to the relief efforts right now. Just mark an envelope
“spring storms” and place it in the offering plate or hand it to our Church Treasurer, Financial
Secretary or the Pastor.
All donations will be sent through One Great Hour of
Sharing, so that you can be assured that 100% of your donation will go directly to the relief efforts, since unlike other charitable organizations, administrative costs are not covered by donations, but by Basic OCWM giving.
Pastor Brad attended the spring meeting of the Schuylkill Assoc. on Sunday May 1
Peter’s UCC in Frackville. st
, at St.
The afternoon began with worship and the focus was on the theme of “Stepping Outside Your
Doors,” as churches were invited to share ways that they were doing just that with the hope that new ideas may be sparked and to encourage co-operation and the sharing of resources.
Reports were given by the Treasurer and various committees. A formal vote was taken to remove from the rolls of the UCC; Grace Mahanoy City, St. John’s Zerbe and First Pottsville.
Two of these congregations no longer exist and the 3 rd voted years ago to leave the UCC.
Mrs. Susan McCartney and Rev. Ed Gobrecht were elected Moderator and Vice-Moderator respectively. Revs. Claude Schach and Mary Lou Eckels and Mr. George Tomchick were elected to the Committee on Ministry. The Rev. Barbara Kershner and Mrs. Jean Maffeo were elected to the Nominating Committee.
A report from the conference, updating the search for an Interim Conference Minister was given by Conference Vice-Moderator Mrs. Janis Edwards.
The meeting concluded with the installation of officers and committee members and the announcement of future Assoc. meetings and event dates.
If anyone has any questions about the meeting, please feel free to speak with Pastor Brad.
* * *
Pentecost Sunday is June 12 th
, Trinity Sunday is June 19 th
, but before we celebrate those events in the life of the church, we celebrate Christ’s Ascension, with Ascension Sunday on June 5 th .
Ascension Day is the 40 th
day after Easter (June 2 nd
) and it marks the day on which Jesus went to the Mount of Olives with his disciples, and ascended to heaven (Acts 1:1-12).
There are several wonderful Ascension Day hymns, including our opening hymn that morning,
“Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise” and our sermonic hymn “Alleluia, Sing to Jesus”. As well as the very recognizable “Crown Him with Many Crowns,” which is our closing hymn that day.
As you’ve probably noticed by reading these hymn histories; revisions, changes and the reinterpretation of hymns is commonplace, and “Crown Him with Many Crowns” is no exception.
The hymn was originally written in 1851 by Matthew Bridges, who had left the Church of
England and converted to Catholicism three years earlier. It consisted of six, eight-line stanzas and was titled, “The Song of the Seraphs.”
In 1874, Godfrey Thring, a staunch Anglican clergyman feared that the lyrics were too
Catholic, so he wrote six new verses. Although unclear, it’s believed that the name change occurred about this time as well.
The information for this article came from the book “Then Sings My Soul,” by Robert J. Morgan.
in 1851 by Matthew Bridges, who had left the Church of England and converted to Catholicism three years earlier. It consisted of six, eight-line stanzas and was titled, “The Song of the
In 1874, Godfrey Thring, a staunch Anglican clergyman feared that the lyrics were too
Catholic, so he wrote six new verses. Although unclear, it’s believed that the name change occurred about this time as well.
The information for this article came from the book “Then Sings My Soul,” by Robert J.
* * *
* * *
During our worship service on Sunday June 19 , we will be recognizing and congratulating the graduates from our congregation.
If you or someone you know from our congregation is graduating from High School, College, a
Technical School or some other institution of higher learning, please contact the church office by
June 6 th , so that we may recognize them for their fantastic achievement.
* * *
A representatives from each church organization is asked to attend the meeting, and bring schedules for the upcoming year.
It's time to start thinking about our annual family baseball outing!
This year we're planning something a little different -- a bus trip with St. Mark's UCC in
Cressona to the Lehigh Valley IronPigs! For those of you who don't know, the IronPigs are the
Philadelphia Phillies' Triple A affiliate, and they play in a brand-new stadium in Allentown.
Here are the details:
IronPigs v. Buffalo Bisons
Game time: Sunday, July 31 ,
5:35 PM at Coca-Cola Park,
Cost: $25 per person, includes motor coach transportation, admission, and $5.00 food voucher.
We will depart from the R&J Tours lot at 3:30 PM, and the approximate return is 9:45 PM.
Signup deadline is Sunday, June 26. Please see Mike Rubinkam for details.
* * *
We are continuing the
“Pine Creek Country Gardens” ticket sale.
The tickets are $5.00 each , and can be used at Pine Creek, for $5.00 toward the purchase of any living plant item (hanging baskets, perennials, annuals, trees, shrubs, etc.) The tickets can be combined toward a larger purchase, and are good through June 30.
St. Paul’s will get $1.00 for each ticket sold. This is an easy and profitable fundraiser for us at
St. Paul’s, and the Fundraising Committee hopes that you will support us again this year.
You can purchase as many tickets as you like- they make great gifts! If you would like to purchase tickets, please speak to Kelly Palerino or any member of the committee. Thank you for all you support.
* * *
Thank you to everyone who helped and supported the following fundraisers.
The sausage and pie sale-profit 1302.55.
The Avon sale-profit was $310.00
Moyer's Dutch Market Sub Sale-profit $145.00
Watch for future fundraisers:
FCR Fundraiser– June 20-21
Apple dumplings in the Fall.
Gift cards in Nov.
And other fundraisers being discussed.
The next meeting is Wednesday, August 17 at 6:00 PM.
New people are always welcomed and encouraged to come!
June 7 th
– Albright’s Woods playground (Orwigsburg) @ 6:30 pm
14 th
– Blue Mountain Elementary East playground @ 6:30 pm
20 th – 24 th – Vacation Bible School 6:15pm – 8:30pm daily
26 th
– VBS closing program @ 9:45am (during Sunday School) followed by covered dish and ice cream sundae party
28 th
– Summit Station playground @ 6:30 pm
July 9 th
– Sunday School Picnic
12 th
– Schuylkill Haven elementary playground @ 6:30 pm
18 th
– Pool party see Krista or Aaron Clauser @ 12 - ?
- Bring your own lunch
24 th
– Family outdoor game day – covered dish and ice cream
sundae party – game @ 4 pm dinner @ 5:30 pm (We will
be inside for a movie if there is rain)
26 th
– Sweet Arrow Lake playground @ 6:30 pm
31 st
– Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs baseball game – please sign-up in advance
August 9 th
– Albright’s Woods playground @ 6:30 pm
14 th
– Family outdoor game day – covered dish and ice cream
sundae party – game @ 4 pm dinner @5:30 pm (We will
be inside for a movie if there is rain)
23 rd – Blue Mountain Elementary East playground @ 6:30 pm
These activities are open to EVERYONE, and we hope you can come out and join in the FUN!!
* * *
Walk a little slower, Daddy, said a little child so small.
I’m following in your footsteps and I don’t want to fall.
Sometimes your steps are very fast; sometimes they’re hard to see.
So walk a little slower, Daddy, for you are leading me.
Someday when I’m all grown up, you’re what I want to be.
Then I will have a little child who’ll want to follow me.
And I would want to lead just right, and know that I was true;
So walk a little slower, Daddy, for I must follow you.
—Author unknown
The regular meeting of the Consistory of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ was held on April 19, 2011. The meeting was called to order by President Carol Mengel. Pastor Brad
Walmer opened the meeting with scripture and prayer.
The weekly envelope donations year-to-date as of April 17, 2011 are as follows: 2011
$37,230.50; 2010 $36,555. We are $863.26 behind budget.
Report on file.
Paper towel holders will be placed in the upstairs Sunday School bathroom and the men’s
restroom downstairs. A third paper towel holder will be kept in storage.
We are eligible for a $30 rebate from PPL for the copier.
We will look into new electrical ballasts for the lights to reduce energy consumption
Conduit will be painted when weather permits.
The sign needs to be checked for condensation.
We will see about installing an outlet to accommodate heat tape above the ramp door.
We may need a new pole for the power line to the picnic pavilion.
The spotlights at the corner of the church are out.
Furnace needs to be cleaned in the fall.
Lower level floors will be cleaned at 8 a.m. on May 7.
The sign-up sheet for lawn mowing has been put out.
New bulbs were placed in the exit sign.
Must check with maintenance for the lawn mower must be performed.
Must check with maintenance for the lawn mower must be performed.
Water is being tested for bacteria.
Thermostats will be adjusted when the temperatures change.
Report on file.
Considering changes to the confirmation program beginning in 2010. Ideas include pushing back the age at which confirmation class begins, to 13 years of age (8 th grade) for first year and
14 years of age (9 th
grade) to second year. Educational/service field trips and training for mentors are other ideas under consideration.
Meeting at 6 p.m. May 25.
Copier arrived and is being set up.
Graduates will be honored June 19, 2011.
Cheryl Zimmerman made new chair covers for the folding chairs in the front of the sanctuary.
The wall around the stained glass window must be fixed.
A key is required to turn the elevator fan on.
It was discussed that the communion table should be left by the altar on Sundays when we do not have communion so the children have more room to sit during the children’s
A defibrillator (AED) has been moved to the top of the wish list. We will check into prices.
Irene Mengel returned $100 from her trip abroad. The money will be used to help a child or children go to camp.
Respectfully submitted,Zimmerman, Deacon
* * * * * *
It’s June already! No more school! The lazy days of summer are here! But things aren’t slowing down here at St. Paul’s, especially for Sunday School! Be sure to read this month’s newsletter carefully because there are lots of dates to mark for June…
Sunday, June 5th – Summer Sunday School schedule begins.
SS begins at 9:45 A.M.
Tuesday, June 7th - Bi-monthly Sunday School Teachers and
Officers Meeting beginning at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room.
Sunday, June 19th - Happy Father’s Day!
Monday, June 20th through Friday, June 24th - Vacation Bible School every evening
from 6:15 to 8:30 P.M.
Sunday, June 26th – Vacation Bible School Closing Program during the SS hour in the
Fellowship Hall.
Sundays, June 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th
– Sunday School from 9:45 to 10:15 A.M.
ANYTIME – Sign up to help with Vacation Bible School and/or the 50th Annual St. Paul’s
Summer Hill Community Festival (SS Picnic)!
…to all our dads!!! Please join us on June 19th for Sunday School. The children will be giving out special treats and heartfelt hugs to ALL the dads present. We hope you will start your special day in this very special way!
There’s still time to take advantage of the summer camping programs at Camp Mensch Mill .
Pick up a brochure from the table at the back of the sanctuary, call (610) 845-7013, or go online to www.menschmill.org.
Amy Rubinkam will still welcome you help for Vacation Bible School.
Talk with her on
Sunday morning.
Lots of help will be needed for the SS Picnic and it’s not at all too early to offer your services!
Please talk to Kristy Reber or contact any of the following chairpersons if you would be willing to help in any way:
Pies: Bill Reber
Hot Dog Stand: Deb Clauser and Pam Clauser
Soup: Pam Clauser and Marion Bartolet
Candy Stand : Brian Clauser
Drinks: Brandi and Jason Kline
Fish Pond : Louise Jacoby
Children’s Activities
: Young Adults Plus + (Craig/ Vicky Borger)
Any help with advertising will also be greatly appreciated, even if YOU just spread the word of a GOOD time to be had on the Summer Hill on Saturday, July 9th!
Enjoy the long, warm summer days, but, don’t get too lazy! There are just so many great things to do here on the beautiful Summer Hill! We’ll look forward to seeing you HERE!
* * *
The April Meeting was attended by 6 members. Business discussed:
-New rods/ curtains will be purchased for the Fellowship Hall windows.
-Geraniums were ordered for Pentecost
-Possible entertainment for the Pancake and Sausage Supper in Jan. of 2012
-Need a program for the Everybody’s Birthday Party in March of 2012
-Have possible program for the next Mother Daughter Banquet in May 2012
-Mission for April- $150 to the Red Cross
-There’s enough pancake mix and syrup for the Mother’s Day Breakfast
-Dandelion wine is in progress
-Upcoming activities for 2011:
August 30 – meeting at 7 PM
September 22 – cut veggies for Non-member meat pie sale at 9 AM
September 23 – bake meat pies – 7 AM (Deadline to order is
Sept. 11– give orders to Bonnie Reber or Helen Michelson)
September 27 – meeting at 7 PM
October 6 – New Windsor work day – 6 AM
October 13 – cut veggies for Member meat pie sale at 9 AM
October 14 – bake meat pies at 7 AM
October 25 – meeting at 7 PM
November 16 – mix mince meat at 9 AM
November 21 – bake mince pies at 7 AM
November 22 – bake other pies at 7 AM
November 29 – meeting at 7 PM
December 1 – Secret Pal dinner at Summit View at 6 PM
December 5 – Friendly Circle Christmas Dinner – Hoss’s at 6 PM
The closing program will be on Sunday, June 26 th
beginning at
9:45 AM. It will be followed by a delicious covered-dish lunch!
This year, our program is SonSurf – Beach Bash , which will be packed full of beach excitement and fun! We will have a great time with lively songs, hilarious skits, creative crafts, exciting games,
Bible stories and tasty snacks – all of the things that make
Vacation Bible School so much fun for our children.
On top of that, we will be helping children learn about how to serve God. VBS can be an inspirational and educational experience for your entire family.
We are looking for volunteers to assist with crafts,
story time, kitchen duty, games or any other aspect of VBS .
Lots of help is needed during the week and at the closing program, so please complete the Vacation Bible School Volunteers form and return it to Amy Rubinkam or place in the offering plate during church. Please use the Child Registration Form to enroll all children in this year’s VBS.
* * *
Name: _____________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
Phone (day):__________________________
Phone (evening):______________________
* * *
The quilters are “busy as bees” on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Talents
are varied and many– not just quilting. Knitting, crocheting, cooking, and baking are just a few!
Snacks at 10:30 AM are always “yummy”! If you need a lift out of the
“dool-drums”– stop in and see us. Guaranteed to work!!
A Bee
* * *
Exercise Class still meets on Mondays and Thursdays from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. There’s lots of room, so come out and join in the FUN!! There is no cost, and you can exercise at your own pace.
A ‘Cisor
Hi! You may have noticed some changes in the bulletins and Newsletters over the past few weeks??!! I hope you noticed how “clean and sharp” everything is, and how you don’t have ink rubbing off on your hands!
The church has recently purchased a new “Sharp” copier, and got rid of the old “ink guzzling” duplicator machine that we had for almost 20 years!! In addition to the new copier, there has also been some new bulk-mail postal laws put into effect.
I have been trying to learn how to use this new and awesome “high-tech” machine with my current computer programs, and learn all the new mailing rules! Also, with MUCH help from
Pam Clauser (my computer “guru”!!), we are working out all the computer/ copier/ networking
“bugs” in the system! Be patient with me!
I was excited to change the cover of the Newsletter to a top to bottom format, rather than the side to side way it has always been done. I quickly found out that it does not meet postal regulations, and it costs us more! I also really wanted to staple the Newsletters and Annual
Reports; but, even though staples are permitted, that also would cost us more $$$$!
I will be stapling the weekly bulletins, and looking for your feedback on what you think!! If you have any concerns about the staples being an issue with recycling our paper for cow bedding, don’t worry! I spoke to the
Moyer Farm, and the staples are not a problem for their shredder!
At this time, I am not able to merge the weekly “Communitas” into the format I use for the bulletins. So, that will remain a loose insert, and be handed out by the greeters each Sunday.
I just thought I would give you a little inside info. on the church office changes! I also wanted to again thank Elaine Moyer for her MANY years assembling the bulletins. Because of our new machine, she was able to retire!!!
Thanks, Kelly
* * *
Tues., June 14 - Bubeck Park
4:00 - 8:30 PM
All Sch. Haven Citizens that live in the borough, are a member of the Sch. Haven Sr. Citizens,
and are over the age of 50, are invited to attend.
There will be food, games, music, health screenings, information booths, etc.
Please see the flyer on the bulletin board in the narthex . for more information.
Thanks to:
-to Beth and John Satterwhite for sponsoring the shut-in mailing for June
-to Verna Ebling, Bill and Bonnie Reber, Ardith Moyer, and Shirley Reber for putting together the May Newsletter
-to Pastor Brad and Fern Felty for the very nice and useful gifts and cards I received for
Secretary’s Day (or, as it is now called…
Administrative Professionals Day!!!) I appreciate your thinking of me! Kelly
-to Bill Reber for serving on the lawn committee in May.
-Rev. Walmer,
You will never know how much Jim and I appreciated your visits– at the house and the nursing home. Thank you! Ruth Yoder
-Hi everyone,
Been meaning to write and thank all of you for the nice evening you hosted on March 26th. It is so nice of the U.C.C. churches to honor their volunteers. It was a delicious meal and I especially want to thank your kitchen help for their hard work and for seeing that I got thing to eat with my gluten-free diet. I’m really grateful for people who go out of their way to see that I can enjoy a full meal like everyone else. Thanks again,
Gary Kramer (a Lutheran) and Willie Kramer (St. Mark’s UCC)
-Dear friends of Lancaster,
Thank you for the gift of $937.00 to the Annual Fund at Lancaster Theological Seminary. We are grateful for your investment in our mission to educate women and men called to God’s
Service in our churches and communities.
Your contribution to the Annual Fund immediately:
• Helps to close the gap between tuition and the actual cost to provide theological education--a difference of approximately 530,000 per Lancaster Seminary student each year.
• Enables the seminary to expand our core degree programs with innovative offerings like the
Master of Divinity degree specialization in chaplaincy in partnership with Lancaster General
Hospital and the specialization in spiritual direction with the Shalem Institute.
• Supports our continuing education programs and our Leadership Now youth program-one of the top three of its kind in the nation.
Now more than ever, our world needs what Lancaster Theological Seminary has to offer. With gifts like yours, Lancaster Seminary can continue to provide a setting for substantive and respectful dialogue about profoundly important topics. And your generosity ensures that thoughtful, capable leaders will continue to meet the needs of our churches and communities.
As the Apostle Paul proclaimed, "How can we thank God enough for you..." At Lancaster
Theological Seminary, we too say thank you for your support.
With gratitude,
Kelly Lyons Schober
Executive Director of Advancement
Now more than ever, our world needs what Lancaster Theological Seminary has to offer. With gifts like yours, Lancaster Seminary can continue to provide a setting for substantive and respectful dialogue about profoundly important topics. And your generosity ensures that thoughtful, capable leaders will continue to meet the needs of our churches and communities.
As the Apostle Paul proclaimed, "How can we thank God enough for you..." At Lancaster
Theological Seminary, we too say thank you for your support.
With gratitude,
Kelly Lyons Schober
Ex. Director of Advancement
* * *
School’s out, kids are home, and the favorite phrase is “I’m Bored!!” Some can find many things to do– go exploring, hobbies, camps, vacations, etc.
St. Paul’s has a newly organized library, and there’s something in it for all ages, and all kinds of readers. Reading can take you on many adventures, and to places you only dream to go.
Books are available in all levels– nursery, teens, adults, fiction, non-fiction, resources for teachers, and materials for VBS and church school. There are videos, CD’s, and there are crafts and craft ideas available. Come in and check it out, or speak to Judy Heim for more info. I am an avid reader here at St. Paul’s and use the library quite often.
So, stop in and see what you might be missing!
The Church Mouse
* * *
“Rest is not idleness,” said John Lubbock, “and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water or watching the clouds float across the sky is hardly a waste of time.”
Most of us need more, not less, rest built into our daily routine. Only when we are quiet can we hear God’s whisper.
Summer is a great time to find a peaceful, outdoor spot to read, rest and pray — even if only
for a few minutes. God is eagerly waiting for us to make space for him.
* * *
“Christian faith is a grand
1 - Richard Reis
3 - Amy Crouse
4 - John Krause cathedral, with divinely pictured windows. Standing without, you see no glory, nor can imagine any. But standing within, every ray of light reveals a harmony of unspeakable splendors.”
—Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Rodney Ulsh
- Natalie Rubinkam
- Kate Rubinkam
- Brandon Elo
5 - Mark Palerino
- Jackie Eckert
- Brandon Fry
- Darren Heim
6 - Charles Eckert
- David Deibert
7 - Chloe Powell
8 - Jean Schneck
- Katie Miller
10 - Leisa Leymeister
12 - Sherwood Felty Sr.
- Annetta Zemencik
- Jessica Moyer
- Kaylee Clauser
- Michelle Walmer
13 - Esther (Cookie) Mengel
15 - Nelson Moyer
- Charles H. Fix
16 - Shirley Deguire
17 - Judy Heim
- Ronald A. Faust
23 - Cindy Clauser
- Elijah Shawver
24 - John Ulsh
- Kyle Hunter Ulsh
25 - Ryne Alyn Fessler
26 - Kelly Palerino
- Connor Kerstetter
27 - Nancy Wesner
- Linda Reed
28 - Denise Miller
29 - Betty I. Reber
- Larry Miller
30 - Vicky Borger
- Callie Palerino
* * *
1 - Joseph and Cherie Powell
2 - Larry and Sally Reber
4 - Dawn and Bill Mattes
9 - Michael and Bonnie Marshall
10 - Kevin and Jill Kerstetter
11 - Dorie and Shirley Reber
- John and Beth Satterwhite
13 - David and Pauline Smith
15 - Nancy and Peter VanDeest
15 - Aaron and Krista Clauser
16 - Michael and Samantha
18 - Rebecca and Mark McBreen
19 - Marvin and Elaine Reichert
- Russell and Mae Peiffer
20 - Diane and Gary Bechtel
- Nancy and Michael Yob
21 - Paul and Marion Bartolet
24 - John and Linda Epler
26 - Tom and Lucinda Nagle
28 - Allen and Jeanette Krammes
- Brian and Cindy Clauser
30 - Earl and Lorraine Phillips
- Paul and Ellen Heisler
- Paul and Sharon Shealer
Brianna Lynn, daughter of Brian Peiffer and Sherri Haller
Jordan Amy, daughter of
Nelson and Gail Moyer
Rachel Emma, daughter of
Michael and Marcella Moyer
Nathan Nicholas, son of
Jonathan Rodnick and Melissa
Bear Strohecker, son of Aaron and Krista Clauser
* * *
Sponsored by
Child Evangelism Fellowship® of Schuylkill County, Inc.
1673 Long Run Road
Schuylkill Haven PA 17972
Telephone: 570.739.4425
E-mail— cefschpa@verizon.net
In order to guarantee a spot at camp: Registration forms MUST be received in the CEF
office 5 days prior to the chosen week of camp
Register early; there is a maximum number of campers allowed in accordance with the number of staff.
A child who is not registered and comes on the first day may not be able to stay if his age group is filled.
June 27-July 1 Tamaqua
Lewistown Valley, Tamaqua
July 4-8—Auburn
Christmas Pines Camp
July 11-15—Valley View
Valley View Park
July 18-22—Pine Grove
Manbeck’s E. C. Church
July 25-29—Pottsville
God’s Mountain, Palo Alto
Aug. 8-12—Schuylkill Haven
First United Methodist Church
Camp costs only $30 for the whole week.
You can deduct $5 if your registration is received in the
CEF office no later than 14 days before the first day of camp.
Any child who completed kindergarten through (and including) grade 6 may come. Older (7 th grade and above) children may qualify to serve as helpers. Call the CEF office
for information.
9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. a day packed with Bible lessons, crafts, recreation and surprises. Swimming is scheduled every day at Auburn. Please be sure your child wears sneakers.
Each camper and staff member should bring a lunch and drink each day. Sno-Kones will be served every afternoon.
Camp Registration forms are available on the table in the back of the sanctuary.

This Old Testament symbol of Christ represents him as the leader of the “herd,” as well as a sacrifice for people’s sins. Jesus’ sacrificial death was foretold in Genesis 22, when God instructed Abraham to kill his only son, Isaac. But God provided a ram to take Isaac’s place, just as he provided Jesus, God’s only Son, to take our place on the cross.
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Featuring: Corina Sowers-Adler
Zion Blue Mountain UCC
(Rt. 22 and 183, Strausstown)
Doors open at 5:15 PM, and
Dinner is served at 6:00 PM
Cost is $20 per person, and tickets are purchased in advance
(610-488-6722 or 610-488-7361)
Karen Kingsbury, a noted Christian author of many books wrote a series about a fictional family, the “Baxter’s”. Through several series and years, she told of the lives and trials within the family and siblings. The main theme is “family is the most important thing, next to God. No fame, success, money, things, etc. can compare to family.” Not having a family is a lonely place.
Perhaps for some people, most have died or moved away, or are astranged for some reason. She states people should find an extended family– in church, work, friends, volunteering, etc. Not all people are loveable, but all need loving. We often need to just love to get past hurts and strained relationships. In one series she states we all need time, touch, and testimony.
Spend time with each other
Touch– a pat on the back, a hug, etc.
Testimony– share your story/ your faith journey, or ask them to share theirs
Jeremiah 29:11 - “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.”
God has you here to serve one another– love acted out is serving
Share something together– a hobby, interests, etc.
Laugh often
Be patient
Share something together– a
hobby, interests, etc.
3. Laugh often
4. Be patient
5 Fix yourself first, instead of
always trying to fix others–
your spouse, co-workers,
friends, etc.
6. Love is a language– touch often
St. Paul’s is a neat church family– Yep! Full of love, pats, hugs, smiles, snickers, arguing, disagreeing, thick-headedness, etc.– Just like any family! (Sharing, caring, supporting, etc. etc.)
Like any extended family, there’s always room for more… for YOU!
From a St. Paul’s Member
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Busy. We’re all so very busy, and we consider that a virtue.
We measure our days by how much we accomplish.
Long ago, the psalmist was aware of mankind’s workaholic tendencies. “It is in vain,” he wrote, “that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives sleep to his beloved” (Psalm 127:2, NRSV).
Balance, beloved. God isn’t a slave driver. Work and rest in good measure, for God is pleased to give you both.
May 30 - June 5
(Seventh Sunday of Easter)
Acts 1:6-14
Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35
I Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11
John 17:1-11
June 6 - June 12
(Pentecost Sunday)
Acts 2:1-21
Numbers 11:24-30
Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
I Corinthians 12:3b-13
Acts 2:1-21
John 20:19-23
John 7:37-39
June 13 - June 19
(Trinity Sunday)
Genesis 1:1-2;4a
Psalm 8
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Matthew 28:16-20
June 20- June 26
(Second Sunday After Pentecost)
Isaiah 49:8-16a
Psalms 131
1 Corinthians 4:1-5
Matthew 6:24-34
June 27- July 3
(Third Sunday After Pentecost)
Genesis 22:1-4
Psalm 13
Jeremiah 28:5-9
Psalm 89:1-4, 15-18
Romans 6:12-23
Matthew 10:40-42