FEBRUARY 2011 Sue Faust NEWSLETTER Pastor’s Message . . . I have an idea! It’s not a brilliant idea. It’s not even an original idea. But I believe this idea could double our worship attendance, and more importantly, it will build God’s Kingdom. It’s not about seminars, or conferences, or programs. It’s not something that’s going to cost the church financially. It’s far too simple for that, so simple that the first disciples used this idea to build the early church. Here’s the idea: I challenge each of you to bring a friend, neighbor, or family member to church to worship. It’s as simple as that! The early disciples were notorious for bringing others to Jesus. People were asking, “What is Jesus all about? Why would I want to follow Him? Why should I follow Him?” So an invitation was given - “Come and See.” Today people are asking those same questions. They are looking for someone- a specific someone and that is Jesus. And for some, the only way they are going to meet Jesus is by a personal invitation - “Come and See!” Of course the invitation to come and see Jesus is open to everyone every Sunday we gather to worship, but we have designated a “Bring a Friend Sunday” as Sunday, February 13th. Invite friends, neighbors, brothers, sisters, parents and children to “Come and See.” Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Kris FEB. 2011 GREETERS Matthew Faust Jessica Faust FEB. 2011 ANNOUNCER FEB. 2011 ACOLYTE Cameron Crum VALLEYS WEB SITE AND EMAIL You can access The Valleys Evangelical Covenant Church Web Site at http://ValleysECC.net or www.valleysecc.net and our email is valleysecc@verizon.net if you need to get in touch with us. FEBRUARY OFFERING TEAM is Team 2: Dennis Leitzel -Captain; Janette Leitzel, Ken Breeman, Sandy Zimmerman. Please tell the Captain if you are unable to be there for a Sunday in your month. The Captain is responsible to get someone to help with the Offering Team if a member of the team cannot be there. On the 1st Sunday of the month Offering team is responsible to bring the food baskets to the altar with offering to be blessed. LAY READERS FOR FEBRUARY 2011 Feb. 6 - Sue Faust; Feb. 20 - Ron Zimmerman; Feb. 13 - Donna Novinger Feb. 27 - Christopher Maichle If you cannot read on your scheduled Sunday, please call Pastor Kris at church (896-3118) or her home (657-9563). If you would like to read scripture, please see Pastor Kris or the Church Secretary Donna Novinger. Thank you WE LIFT OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN PRAYER... Please remember our list of people and their families who continue to need our prayers, thoughts, phone calls, and cards: Members & Friends of The Valleys: *(new) Leon Shaffer* (Home); Tom Shoop* (Harrisburg Hosp.); Lanny Millette & Family*; Gerry Wiest*; Gerry Hile*; Kim Stout*; Kathy Casner*; Mandy (Gelnett) Stough*; George Graff*; Mike Keller*; Dale Kopenhaver*; Peggy Berra; Bob Endy; Joan Spring; Charles “Cappy” Reisch; Margie Zeigler; Aaron Johnson; Darcy Kopenhaver; Jill Knorr; John Hane; Vickie Shoffler; Alan Snyder; Steve Sobotor; Cathie Taylor; Justin McGarrity; Wayne Orndorff & Linda Farrel; John Rampack; June Wiest & Family; Nevin Maurer; Todd Rebuck; Sue Maichle; Daniel Pesich; Minnie Baker; Walt Dobbin; Kay Hendershot; Baby Marissa Faust; Carol Genett; Kelly Zeigler; June Harris, (SV); Arlene Keiter, (Stonebridge Health & Rehab). Our Shut Ins: Howard Hoover; Anna Portzline; Lydia Peiffer; Mark Peiffer, (The Manor at Susquehanna Village Rm. 106); Margaret A. ([Mrs. Irvin] Shoop, (Polk Assisted Living Rm. 305B); Nancy Davis, (The Manor at Susquehanna Village, Rm. 115). If a member of your family is hospitalized, please call the church office (896-3118) or Pastor Kris (657-9563) to notify us. Thank you. Note: Susquehanna Lutheran Village in Millersburg is now called The Manor at Susquehanna Village. It is abbreviated as SV on our Prayer List. Polk Personal Care. It is abbreviated as Polk PC. ** If a service or activity has to be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions during the winter, please check the following TV stations - WHTM Channel 27 and WHP Channel 21 to see if Valleys appears on their cancellation display. ****************************************************** FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART The Senior Citizens will meet on Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011 at 11:00AM for their Feb. covered dish meal and meeting at The Valleys. Please join them for an afternoon of fellowship. BIBLE STUDY Pastor’s Hours: Pastor Kris is in her office for your convenience Mondays 10:00AM - 1:00PM; Tuesday 10:00AM - 1:00PM Thursday 10:00AM - 1:00PM or any other time by appointment. Her home phone number is 657-9563 or you may leave a message at the church office (8963118) if she is unavailable at other times. The February Monday Morning Bible Study to be announced. This is open to everyone who would like to learn more about the Bible. Join us and renew your spirit as you walk with God. READ YOUR BIBLE DAILY - RENEW YOUR SPIRIT! CHOIR NEWS UPCOMING MEETINGS AT VALLEYS Elders Meeting will be held on Mon. Feb. 7th at 7:00PM. Deacons Meeting will be held on Tues., Feb. 8th at 7:30PM Council Meeting will be Wed., Feb. 16th at 7:30PM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choir practice is on Thursday evenings at 7:30PM (except for the week of Council Meeting, then it is on Tuesday evening) We can always use more Sopranos, Altos, and Tenors! If you like to sing, please join us! NURSERY ATTENDANTS FOR FEBRUARY 2011 FEB. SERVICE CANCELLATION POLICY **************************************************** 613 20 27 - Ann Hale Sherry Byerly Carol Cooper Brandi Crum We really need some more volunteers in the nursery. If You would like to volunteer to be a Nursery Attendant, see Sherry Byerly or Donna Novinger or phone the church office at 896-3118. Thank you. FLOWER SPONSORS FOR FEBRUARY 2011 FEB. 6 13 20 27 - Ken Breeman Alvin & Gloria Duttry open open The cost for Altar flowers is $30.00. You may put it in your weekly envelope. Please mark it “Flowers” so the Financial Secretary can credit it properly. There are still a number of open dates. on the Flower Sponsor sheet on the bulletin board! 27 - Brooke Croutheramel 28 - Boyd Dimpsey, Myra Hoffman, Tom Lauver, and Michelle (Shoop) Hoy FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations and Best Wishes for a very Happy Anniversary to the following couples celebrating Anniversaries! May your special day be blessed with Love, Happiness and flowers! February 2011 Feb. 11 - Janet and Gary Noblit - 50 yrs. Golden Anniversary 14 - Angela and Robert Thompson - 7 yrs. 14 - Jennifer (Rickert) & Justin Rubendall - 3 yrs. 16 - Gloria and Alvin Duttry - 9 yrs. 17 - Laura and Clarence Roush - 49 yrs If anyone’s birthday or anniversary was missed, please see Donna Novinger or phone the church (896-3118) or email Donna at valleys@eccverizon.net and it will be corrected. Thank you. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE March Newsletter articles are due by Sun., Feb. 16, 2011. FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY WISHES Congratulations and Best Wishes to everyone born in February. May your day be filled with love, hearts and flowers. February 2011 Feb. 1 -Hannah Klinger 3 - Robert Charles Guzman 8 - Riley Dunn 9 - David Berra, Ashlee Ryan Rickert 10 - Ann Hale 14 - Robin (Hatcher) Kreiner 15 - Elvin Lebo 16 - Kim Baker, Christine Campbell, Tom Degnitz 17 - George Graff 19 - Whitney Faust, Paul Strohecker 21 - Scott Hebert 22 - Andrew Snyder 23 - Zachary Allen Campbell 24 - Hannah Elizabeth Gonder Bring a Friend Sunday Sunday February 13th has been designated a “Bring a Friend Sunday”. Invite friends, neighbors, brothers, sisters, parents and children to - “Come and See.” If everyone brings one person we can ’overflow’ the church. YOUTH NEWS The Youth Group is again participating in the SOUPER BOWL OF CARING on February 6, 2011.“Vote” for the team you would like to see win the Super Bowl by placing your donation in the pot. All SOUPER Bowl donations will go to the Upper Dauphin Human Services on Clearfield Street in Elizabethville. The Youth are planning a LOCK-IN on Fri., Feb. 11th from 7:00PM thru Sat., Feb. 12th 8:30AM. Alternate dates, in case of snow, will be Feb. 25th thru Feb. 26th. The Youth are allowed to invite one guest to the LOCK-IN. All youth attending the LOCK-IN must have a permission form from their parents (see Donna Novinger to get a permission form). The Youth Group will meet on the Feb. 20th for their regular meeting at 6:30PM unless otherwise indicated in the bulletins and newsletters. If you are in 5th grade thru 12th grade, please bring a friend and join us and share your ideas! WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO BRING YOUR FRIENDS! Please see Donna Novinger or Marie Herb if you have any questions. CONFIRMATION CLASS Confirmands and Mentors will meet following the morning worship service on Feb. 6th. There is no meal. you for your help! GIANT GIFT CARDS $25, $50 and $100 gift cards are available (our church makes $5 for every $100 spent). The more cards purchased, the more money will be made!. Purchase as many gift cards as you wish. Use your Giant gift card any time you shop. By doing our normal food shopping, something we do every week, or purchasing gift cards for family and friends we can help The Valleys raise money! Stop by the table in the church narthex to pick up your gift cards on Sundays before or after church! FOOD BANK UPDATE “. CHILDREN’S CHURCH There will be Children’s Church on Sunday, February 13th and Sunday, February 27th. If you would like to help with Children’s Church, please see Marie Herb. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEALS-ON-WHEELS DRIVERS are needed to deliver meals in the Halifax area. Contact Jean Patton at 896-8836 if you can spare a few hours a month to deliver meals. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIRECTORY ADDRESS CHANGES If you have any address changes or phone number changes, please call the church office (896-3118) or e-mail us at valleysecc@verizon.net (please include a street address also if you have a P O Box) or a new phone number.) Pick up our updated 2010/2011 Directory (one per family please). Having current information will help us to continue to send information from The Valleys to our members and friends. Thank . . . Whoever shares with others should do it generously. “Romans 12:8 Share your belongings with your needy fellow Christians” Romans 12:13. There are so many families who are in need of help, let us reach out in love to help our neighbors as Jesus instructed us. Food items that are needed are peanut butter, jelly, canned meats (Spam, ham, chicken, etc), canned tuna, mac & cheese, and canned fruit. Also donations of soups, pastas, cake mixes, cookie mixes, brownie mixes, canned vegetables, potatoes (can or box) or any other food items are greatly appreciated. Your kindness can change lives! Let us show love to our neighbors by giving generously to the Food Bank. On the first Sunday of the month, your food donations will be blessed during our Worship Service at The Valleys and then taken to the Upper Dauphin Human Services Center Food Bank. Thanks to all of you for your continued support of the Upper Dauphin Human Services Center Food Bank (20 Clearfield St. Elizabethville, PA) ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FAMILY GAME NIGHT Please join us for a Family Game Night on Sunday, February 13th at 5:00PM at The Valleys. Bring your favorite covered dish (and the recipe), a favorite game, and join us for good food, fellowship, fun, laughter and some surprises! CHILDRENS DRAMA CHOIR… directed by Michelle Cooper, is a Choir of singing and drama designed for children in Kindergarten thru 6th Grade. This Choir will share with the Congregation at various times throughout the year in Worship. Come and join us on the 1st Sunday of every month during Sunday School and also on the 3rd Sunday of every month during Church for an hour of singing, drama, and fun! UPCOMING EVENTS Pastor Kris will be away Jan. 31st thru Feb. 4th Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 3- Senior Citizens Covered Dish Meal & Meeting at Valleys 11:00AM; Choir, 7:30PM 6 - Conf. & Sun. School, 9AM; Church, 10:15AM; SOUPER BOWL OF CARING donations collected by Youth Group following church. NO Fellowship Meal this week. Mentors & Confirmands meet after church. N0 Youth Group Meeting in evening 7 - Bible Study, 10AM; Elders, 7:00PM; Dartball - St. John‘s at Valleys, 7:30PM 8 - AARP Driver Safety Classroom Course, 12:30-4:30PM; Deacons, 7:30PM 10 - “In It Together” Discussion Group, 1:00-2:00PM; Choir, 7:30PM 11-12 - Youth Group LOCK-IN, 7:00PM Friday night thru 8:30AM Saturday morning 13 - Conf. & Sun. School, 9AM; Church - Bring a Friend Sunday - 10:15AM; Family Game Night, 5:00PM - bring your favorite covered dish and the recipe. (Child. Ch.) 14 - Bible Study, 10AM; Dartball at Faith UM, 7:30PM 15 - AARP Driver Safety Prog., 12:30 to 4:30PM; Choir 7:30PM 16 - Council Meeting, 7:30PM 17 “In It Together”, 1:00 - 2:00PM; Halifax Community Circle of Prayer Meeting at Zion Stone Church, 7:00PM 20 - Conf. & Sun School, 9AM; Church, 10:15AM; Youth Drama Choir; G. S. Valentine’s Day Dance, 3:00 - 5:00PM; Youth Group, 6:30PM 21 - NO Bible Study 0r MOW; Dartball - St. Christopher at Valleys, 7:30PM Feb. Feb. Feb. 24 27 28 * * * * * “In It Together”, 1:00 - 2:00PM; Choir, 7:30PM Conf. & S. School, 9AM; Church, 10:15AM (CC) Bible Study, 10AM; Dartball - Lykens UM at Valleys, 7:30PM Weight Loss Group, Mondays, 5:30PM; G. S. Leaders, 1st Mondays, 6PM G. S. Troop 775 3rd Mon, 6 to 8PM G. S. Troop 463 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6 to 8PM G. S. Troops 728 & 737 1st, 3rd, & 5th Wed. evenings, 6 to 8PM G. S. Troop meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30PM ADULT SUN. SCHOOL PREVIEW FOR DEC. FEBRUARY is the last month of the quarter. We are studying the theme “ASSURING HOPE”. For FEBRUARY, the topic is “JESUS, THE PROMISED SERVANT-LEADER” The scriptures used this month are from MARK. Here is a listing of the readings, topics, discussion leaders and ideas/questions that make up our sessions for the month. Please join us. FEB. 6 - SCRIPTURE - MARK 8:27-9:1 TOPIC - JESUS IS THE MESSIAH DISCUSSION LEADER - TO BE ANNOUNCED FEB. 13 - SCRIPTURE - MARK 9:2-13 TOPIC - THIS IS MY BELOVED DISCUSSION LEADER - ANN COOPER FEB. 20 - SCRIPTURE - MARK 10:35-45 TOPIC - JESUS CAME TO SERVE DISCUSSION LEADER - DONNA NOVINGER FEB. 27 - SCRIPTURE - MARK 13:14-27 TOPIC - COMING OF THE SON OF MAN DISCUSSION LEADER - REV. KRIS HECKARD The FEBRUARY lessons teach us about Jesus. Each of these lessons brings a unique way of understanding Jesus and his teachings. By understanding what they mean we can refine our relationship to God. SEE YOU IN SUNDAY SCHOOL! FEBRUARY ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS FEB. 6 - To be announced 13 - Ann Cooper 20 - Donna Novinger 27 - Rev. Kris Heckard Note to Teachers: Please see Dave Novinger or Boyd Dimpsey if you need to switch Sundays with another teacher. DARTBALL NEWS Valleys played at St. John’s Lutheran (SJ) on Jan. 3, 2011 to begin the 2nd half of the Dartball season. In the 1st game SJ took the lead 2 to 0 when teammate Ryan Henninger hit a HOMERUN in the 2nd inning. In the 4th inning SJ scored 2 runs for a 4 to 0 lead. Valleys hit 2 runs in the 7th and SJ hit 1 run giving them 5 to 2 lead. Valleys hit 1 run in the 9th but came up short and St. John’s won the 1st game 5 to 3. The 2nd game SJ took the lead 3 to 0 in the 1st, increased their lead 6 to 0 in the 3rd. Valleys had 1 run in the 4th, but SJ had 1 run in the 5th with Valleys still behind 1 to 7. Valleys hit 2 runs in the 6th but SJ had 3 runs in the 7th for a 10 to 3 lead. Marie Herb (Valleys) got a HOMERUN in the 8th but St. John won the 2nd game 10 to 4. Faith United Methodist (FUM) played at Valleys on Jan. 10th. Valleys took the lead 1 to 0 in the 3rd inning. In the 4th inning (FUM) took the lead 3 to 1 as teammate Howard Bahner hit a HOMERUN. FUM increased their lead 9 to 1 by the 8th inning. Valleys hit 2 runs but just couldn’t get any more and Faith won the 1st game 9 to 3. The 2nd game Valleys took a 1 to 0 lead in the 1st inning but FUM came back with 2 runs and Valleys tied the score 2 to 2 in the 3rd. Valleys took the lead 6 to 2 in the 4th but FUM shortened the lead 5 to 6 in the 5th. FUM took the lead 7 to 6 in the 7th but Valleys tied the score 7 to 7 in the 9th. Faith won the game in the 11th inning 8 to 7. Valleys played at St. Christopher Lutheran (SC) on Jan. 17th. Valleys took the lead 1 to 0 when teammate Donna Novinger got a HOMERUN (throwing left handed) in the 2nd inning but SC came back with 4 to 1 lead in the 3rd. SC hit 1 run in the 5th for a 5 to 1 lead. Valleys had 1 run but SC had 2 more runs in the 7th giving SC a 7 to 2 lead. Valleys only hit 1 more run in the 9 th and St. Christopher won the 1st game 7 to 3. The 2nd game Valleys again took a 1 to 0 lead but SC took a 6 to 1 lead in the 5th; increased it 8 to 1 in the 7th and had an 11 to 1 lead in the 8th to win the game 11 to 1. THE VALLEYS ECC - IN IT TOGETHER No matter who you are or where you are on the journey of faith, The Valleys ECC - In It Together is for you. This is a relational study and dialogue that encourages new friendships and helps us to discover how relevant God’s Word is for us in our lives today. We will begin the second week in February with a 12 week discussion series. Our study and discussion will be based on outlined material from James W. Moore’s book, “Moments That Take Your Breath Away.” Designed to fit the busiest of schedules, there are two options offered for study and discussion - (1) Beginning February 7th on Facebook, Monday Thru Thursday at your convenience, or (2) in-house at the Valleys ECC beginning on Thursday, February 10th from 1:00 - 2:00PM. No homework! Just show up and get involved! Instructions for Facebook. You must set up a Facebook account. After setting up your account, in the Search box, type Valleys ECC In It Together. This will take you to the group page. To the right of the screen check - Request to be a member. The notice will be received by Pastor Kris and she will add you to the Group. If you need any assistance, please see Pastor Kris. Postings will begin on Monday, February 1st. Topics of Discussion: Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Week 5: Week 6: Week 7: Week 8: Week 9: Week 10: Week 11: Week 12: It’s not the number of Breaths we take, but the number of moments that take our breath away. Moments we know we are standing on Holy Ground. Moments when we say “Ah.” The Moments when God meets us with loving kindness. Moments when we move forward, trusting God. The Moments when God gives us strength to rise above bitterness. Moments when Faith overcomes doubt. Moments when God redeems our troubles. The Moments of responsive gratitude. The Moments when the Holy Spirit uses us. The Moments when we truly celebrate life. The Moments when we realize that God Really does Love Us. It’s time again for the Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center Baby Bottle Campaign. To participate, just pick up one of the empty baby bottles on the table in the narthex (please put your name and phone number and how many baby bottles you take) and take it home. Fill it with your spare change (dollar bills and checks are accepted too), and return it to The Valleys by February 20th Money will be counted on the 21st, and only bottles returned by that day will be included in the total money that our church donated. Receipts will only be given for personal checks. Lifeline encourages the participation of children in helping to fill the bottles, however, they have asked that you please check what is being put into the bottles, as last year there were several play-money coins that jammed up the coin counter at the bank. Monies this year will be used to help meet the ever-rising budget. As soon as Lifeline receives necessary permits and inspections, the ultrasound machine will be purchased. At that time the Nurse Manager and Physician will begin. The physician will be volunteer, but the Nurse Manager will be a paid position. The salary has already been budgeted, as well as training for the sonographer, and supplies for the operation of the machine. The total operating budget for Lifeline PCC for 2011 is $102,955 A reminder that Lifeline PCC serves the local communities, encompassing upper Dauphin, lower Northumberland, and eastern Schuylkill counties. Your participation is truly appreciated, and Lifeline extends its thanks to you in advance. NOTE: Please return bottles even if they are not filled. Please see Marie Herb if you have any questions. Valentines to give your children Acceptance - Teach kids that you love them for who and what they are. Give this gift with a kiss. Self-confidence - Help children understand that they can trust themselves. Give this gift with a hug. Life without needless fears - Don’t let your kids see you as a worrier. Give this gift with laughter. Appreciation - Help children acquire a spark of gratitude and enjoy all of life. Give this gift as they go out the door. Faith - Introduce your children to God, the best friend they’ll every have. Give this gift by taking them to church every Sunday. Be a disciple A girl returning home from Sunday school expressed disappointment with the class’s reaction after the day’s lesson. “We were taught to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations,” she said, “but we just sat!” - Source unknown Encouraging words I am made in God’s image, and he doesn’t make any junk. God loves me and wants me to live a fulfilled life. Communing with God constantly brings light, direction and blessings from him. Life is astonishingly wonderful. Even the rough spots often turn out to be pluses. Hard lessons make me wiser, kinder and more fruitful. When I feel box-in or blocked, I can know that in God’s good time, he will help me be victorious. Bible Quiz First Corinthians 13 is a popular Scripture reading at wedding ceremonies. The so-called “love chapter” provides an extended definition of what Paul calls “the greatest” gift (verse 13). Which of the following characteristics of love isn’t found in 1 Corinthians 13? A. Love is patient. B. Love rejoices in the truth. C. Love believes all things. D. Love is childlike. Answer: D HALIFAX COMMUNITY CIRCLY OF PRAYER Everyone is invited to join in a community prayer meeting. The meeting occurs on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00PM. The February 17th meeting will be at Zion Stone Church on Million Dollar Rd.