Managing Multimedia Projects

Multimedia suggests a new perception of changes in the use of integrated information
technology that can increase our ability to process information for training applications. These
changes enabled by multimedia are reflected in the combined use of different types of
information exchange. The multimedia learning environment should not represent a passive
object that only contains information but should become an effective instructional tool for
training personnel or courseware designers and, on the other side, a useful learning resource for
trainees who can access information, manipulate it and build new knowledge.
To get the full benefit out of the multimedia technology, the setting must include suitable tools
for handling and integrating the learning materials in a sensible and pedagogic way. The paper
addresses to the needs of a training manager who wants to commit himself to develop a
multimedia package for training application. Based on the experience of the Industrial Centre
at the Hong Kong Polytechnic, this paper identifies a variety of those needs and suggests a
realistic approach to the management of a multimedia project, including hardware and software
tools, guidelines and the major activities that should be managed.
Training often involves working with an expert in order to acquire the skills and knowledge
necessary to gain proficiency within a particular subject area. To achieve the required standard,
it is necessary for a student or trainee to practice using his/her incipient skills for various
purposes, such as planning, decision making, problem solving, or acquiring a new skill.
The training process itself is not necessarily a linear one but can involve a range of non-linear
activities in order to achieve the expected learning outcome. In general, it involves the
transition from ‘novice’ to ‘expert’ behaviour within a chosen skill domain (Baker, 1994).
However the transition process would not be the same for everybody with different background
and capability. Not all the transitions in the course of training will automatically lead to the
achievement of an expected standard in a particular domain. Sometimes learning and training
activities may fail. In view of this, the creation of appropriate interactive training environments
with integrated self-paced learning activities would be useful.
Multimedia provides an effective way for interactive learning. Research into the development
and use of computer-based interactive technologies for instruction and learning has revealed
increasing evidence of their effectiveness (Bosco, 1986; Dalton, 1986; Fletcher, 1990; and
Maher, 1988). By interactive learning the users are in control of their own learning progress,
working at their own pace, allowing interaction and providing feedback. Briggs (1970)
recommends that using the events for a given instruction as a guide for selecting media often
results in more than one medium being used due to the different functions and stimuli required
for each event. The study of Baker (1994) indicates that interactive learning is a necessary and
fundamental mechanism for knowledge acquisition and the development of both cognitive and
physical skills.
Interactive multimedia suggests a new perception of changes in the use of integrated
information technology that can increase our ability to process information for training
applications. Employing interactive multimedia systems in the enhancement of the learning
process will have a definite advantage. It enables standard instructions to be delivered in a more
interesting way with more flexibility in choice of time and place of instruction. These changes
enabled by multimedia are reflected in the combined use of different types of information
exchange. The multimedia learning environment should not represent a passive object that only
contains information but should become an effective instructional tool for training managers or
courseware designers and, on the other side, a useful learning resource for trainees who can
access information, manipulate it and build new knowledge. To realise this potentially powerful
multimedia tool, the art and science of the technology is placed in the hands of a training
manager, who in turn must orchestrate the interactive experience for the final user.
This paper discusses the fundamentals the subject and focuses on the activities that would be
involved in managing a multimedia project for training. The major ones include:
Understanding multimedia applications
Determining hardware and software requirements
Building the project team
Analysing the application needs
Producing the media
Validating the application
Before designing a computer-based training programme it is important to understand the nature
of the multimedia environment and how interactivity works.
The term multimedia has been loosely defined but, literally, it refers to anything that uses more
than one way to present information. In the computer world, multimedia refers to software
programmes that use more than one method of communicating information to the user - such as
text, graphics, sound and video. Multimedia on computers is not new. The integration to text
with graphics has been an important part of many software applications for years. Any software
that uses graphic images (such as charts and drawings) to illustrate the text information
displayed on a computer screen is an example of multimedia application although not in the
exact way we interpret the term today.
Until more recently multimedia has come to mean more than the integration of text and simple
graphics. It now includes sound, video and animation. Using this technology on an ordinary
personal computer (PC), we can simultaneously communicate with text, still graphic images,
and animated images, while listening to an explanation of what is shown on the screen. It
involves multi-sensory learning and helps promote active involvement of students.
Components of Multimedia
Multimedia usually involves text, graphics, animation, and sound. Above all, it requires
interactive links to make it possible for programme integration.
Text - Similar to printed publications and other media, text is the basic element of
communication and it is essential for any multimedia programme. In fact, multimedia packages
often involve the conversion of a book to computerised form, allowing the user to look up
information quickly with built-in interactive links.
Graphic Images - By graphic images, we generally mean a "still" image such as a photograph
or line drawing. As humans, we find visual objects more interesting and easier to be perceived
than text. However, graphic files are larger than text files and consequently require more
computer storage space. This is one of the reasons that multimedia applications require a large
hard disk drive or equivalent storage capabilities such as a CD-ROM.
Animation - Animation refers to moving graphic images or "videos" - for example, the
movement of a mechanism. Just as a photograph is a powerful communicating tool, a small
movie/video "clip" is even more powerful and is especially useful for illustrating concepts that
involve moving objects. As animation files require much more storage space than ordinary
graphic files involving a single image, this often necessitates the use of a CD-ROM drive or a
large hard disk drive.
Sound - It can substantially reinforce our understanding of information presented together with
text and graphic images. The incorporation of sound in a multimedia programme can provide
the user with information not possible using other methods. As with graphic images and
animation, sound files are very large and require lots of disk space.
Interactive Links - An important function of multimedia is its interactive nature. This means
that the user can manipulate screen "objects" such as clicking a button or highlighted text with
a “mouse” and cause the programme to respond in a certain predetermined way. A "button" is a
screen object with a label that indicates what action it activates. For example, the user may
click on a "Pause" or "Replay" button to control the animation display. Or there may be a
screen button indicating "Sound" that when clicked on causes the programme to play a
recording of instructions or a musical tune. It is this interactive nature of multimedia that makes
it extremely useful in providing information to the user. Unlike a book, which is designed to be
read from page to page (sometimes called "linear" information), multimedia allows users to
access information any way they choose (sometimes called "non-linear" information access).
Because of this, multimedia is a more flexible and effective way to learn.
Hardware Considerations
Hardware considerations can be complex, and even frustrating as new technologies are
constantly introduced. The confusion, however, can be minimised by concentrating on the
media components needed to support the applications. What level of quality do your graphics
have to be? Do you need high-fidelity audio? Do you need motion pictures? What kind of user
interface device is appropriate? As you consider these questions, you can match your needs
against your available funding, and select the system components that will serve your purpose
within your budget. As time goes on, the technology will provide greater quality at less cost,
and you will be ready to take advantage of it as it comes along.
Technology Trends
Before a discussion of the hardware and software needed to develop multimedia programmes, it
is important to have some understanding of the latest development of the technology which
supports multimedia work.
Compression technology for graphics and video images Compression is an important part
of integrating multimedia into one’s work, because files containing graphics (especially high
quality colour graphics) can be as large as several megabytes. A video can contain thousands of
individual images; each made up of many thousands of bytes. Compression can dramatically
reduce the file size of an image or movie. The development of low cost storage media and
standards, such as the still image compression technique JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert
Group) and MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group - a real-time video compression technique),
have made it possible to store, retrieve and manipulate video and audio data streams in a much
economical way.
Sound cards
Typical features of sound cards on the market are: waveform audio
record/playback, sound synthesis, MIDI interface and CDI interface. Waveform audio in 8, 10,
12-bit sample formats is now available. The basic trend is toward 16-bit stereo, with CD-quality
sampling at 44 KHz and a MIDI. Another trend is toward the use of more sophisticated
synthesis and sampled sound to replace or complement FM synthesis in reproducing sound.
Windows sound system
The recently announced Microsoft Windows Sound System, a
hardware software combination, exploits the audio capabilities inherent in Windows 3.1. It will
enable the use of audio in activities such as adding voice annotations to documents, and
incorporating sound into presentations. The Windows Sound System comes with several
utilities that enable the user do things like play an audio CD and mix sound from different
sources, such as the microphone and a cassette tape.
Digital video cards The technology in this respect is relatively new. The market growth of
digital video cards depends very much on application software. Such software is scarce in the
market right now. There are very few software houses developing this type of software as there
is a lack of hardware platforms and a universal standard. Moreover, the bottleneck of
transmission bandwidth and size limitation of available rewritable storage media also restricts
the use of these products. Recent surveys indicates that digital video capability will be one of
the slower aspects of multimedia to catch because it remains relatively expensive and difficult
to use. In short, without a breakthrough in compression technique, speed and storage size of
rewritable storage media at affordable prices, the market for digital video card will still be
CD-ROM stands for
Compact Disk - Read Only Memory.
CD-ROM is not rewritable. Unlike like
floppies and hard disks which are
magnetic, a CD-ROM is an ‘optical’
storage device. Very large multimedia
programmes with information up to 600
MB can be made available on a CDROM. When selecting a CD-ROM
drive, close attention should be paid to
the access (seek) time and transfer rate.
The MPC standard (see following
details) required a transfer rate of at
least 150 KB per second, but higher
transfer rate such as double-speed will
improve the performance.
Computer platforms and upgrades
Upgrades in kit form or individual subsystems such as boards/cards or disk
drives will prove to be the most viable
solution of multimedia installation in
the near term. It can be expected that
PC and workstation manufacturers will
begin turning to embedding multimedia
sub-systems over the next two to three
MPC Standard
386SX running at 16 MHz
3.5 inch high-density floppy drive
(1.44 MB)
30 MB hard disk drive
CD-ROM drive with data transfer
rate of 150 KB/sec
Standard VGA (640x480 with 16
8-bit 11 KHz ADC (analog-digital
8-bit 11 KHz and 22 KHz DAC
(digital-analog converter)
2-button mouse
Joystick & joystick port
Parallel port & serial port
101-key enhanced keyboard
Table 1
Minimum hardware requirements to meet the MPC
standard for running multimedia under Windows
The Multimedia PC (MPC) standard
Since multimedia is an emerging computer technology, it could be confusing for inexperienced
multimedia users to determine not only what hardware they need but also its compatibility. To
help solve this problem, some standards have been set up so that the user can easily purchase a
multimedia computer having all of the components to run full multimedia programmes.
One very popular standard that has been developed to ensure that a computer system has all the
necessary capabilities to run multimedia software is called “MPC” standard, which stand for
Multimedia PC (Tway, 1992). Only new computers that meet or exceed this standard may carry
the MPC trademark. This standard, developed by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with
various hardware manufacturers, refers specifically to PCs running Multimedia under
Windows. This standard also ensures that any separately sold hardware or software carrying the
MPC logo will be compatible with each other and with the MPC computer system. Table 1 lists
the minimum hardware requirements to meet the MPC standard of running multimedia under
Hardware requirements
To equip multimedia for use by a large group of trainees could be expensive, especially when
‘stand-alone’ type of facility is employed. Before investing on multimedia, you should carefully
consider the needs of your application. It is not necessary to have all the components of an
MPC computer to enjoy multimedia. For instance, if animation or video is not a part of the
multimedia you want to run, you would not have to worry too much about storage and video
setup. Whatever you decide to purchase, it is always a good idea to understand the various
components that are included in the MPC standard because some of them may apply to you.
Fig. 1 illustrates the various components useful in running multimedia and additional
components that can help you develop multimedia.
Video Monltor
Video capture board
Stero Speakers
Computer Monitor
Sound Board
System Unit
CD-ROM Drive
Figure 1 Multimedia Hardware Components
Software considerations
Different hardware components create different levels of complexity; adding multiple software
facilities increases the magnitude of that complexity. As a project manager involving the
development of multimedia, you must evaluate software options and allocate resources in this
complex environment. These options include - What resolution and colour setting is needed by
your graphics? Do you need sound and animation? What functions do you need to handle the
presentation logic and hardware features? How powerful does the presentation system need to
Hardware alone cannot do the job. Compatible software is needed if you plan to build your own
multimedia programmes. The general functions of the software are to create and combine the
media, build sequences of events, present the application to the user, and interpret any
interactions. To accomplish these multiple goals requires multiple software components. They
fall into several categories as follows:
Operating System The computer’s operating system is the basic software that controls how
the computer works. Like other software, multimedia is developed for specific platform, and
must be run on that platform in order to be compatible.
There are several platforms that support multimedia programmes. One of the earliest was the
Macintosh, which has built-in multimedia capabilities. PC-compatible computers commonly
run multimedia programmes under either DOS or Windows. In spite of the limitations of DOS,
it does offer some advantages if you do not want to spend a lot of money on your computer
system. However, DOS-based multimedia programmes do not provide the highly effective
graphical interface provided by Window-based multimedia. In adopting MPC Standard, you
will need a fast machine (at least a 386), and (in addition to DOS) a version of Windows that
has multimedia capabilities.
Authoring Software Authoring is a significant part of multimedia design and production. The
function of authoring software is to incorporate the various components of multimedia. It
provides tools, templates, and techniques to construct the application with interactive links.
Most authoring software use a high-level facility which allows authoring without the need for
programming skills. But, as with any other type of software, the various multimedia software
packages have their weak points. Some software may only do an adequate job for certain tasks.
Because of this, most people who develop multimedia rely on additional software packages to
create or modify specific types of files before incorporating them in the multimedia programme.
This supporting software may be a charting tool, a graphic or animation software.
There are several authoring packages for the PC applications under DOS, Windows and
Macintosh. The cost of these multimedia development tools range from about US$300 to
$8,000 or more. Authoring tools costing around US$500 or less include Multimedia Toolbook,
Microsoft Multimedia Development Kit, HyperWriter, HyperCASE, LinkWay, HSC
Interactive, AskMe 2000 and AuthorWare Star. Higher-end software includes IconAuthor
(about US$5,000) and AuthorWare Professional (about US$8,000). The more expensive
authoring tools generally provide a richer programming environment and support better
animation and sound effects. Software changes so rapidly that any detailed information of
specific packages can easily become obsolete. Recent computer magazines and periodicals are
good sources for up-to-date software comparisons and reviews.
Another critical consideration is the license arrangement that will be needed to allow the
application to be delivered. This is especially true in higher level software in which the
authoring package creates presentations that are run on delivery systems with a smaller
programme called ‘Runtime’. The runtime programme determines how the media is packaged
and delivered to the training sites.
Graphics Packages Paint or drawing software allows you to create, save, display, modify,
and animate multicoloured images for multimedia applications. It is also very useful in
modifying and enhancing graphics images produced using a scanner of screen capture software.
Windows has a built-in painting package called “Paintbrush” that may be adequate for most
needs. However, more powerful painting software is available, such as CorelDraw,
Micrographix Designer, AutoDesk 3-D Studio, PhotoMagic, Picture Publisher, PhotoStyler, and
Harvard Draw.
General Purpose Languages These provide support for unique operation or combinations
that high level authoring software cannot handle, for instance, access to special routines, access
to databases, or record keeping tasks using database or spreadsheet software.
Presentation/Runtime Systems These are used on the systems at the delivery sites to present
the multimedia images, recognise user interactions, and respond intelligently according to the
author’s coded sequences. Some runtime programmes are governed by a licensing agreement,
restricting their commercial use. Thus, apart from in-house applications, the right for any
commercial use of the runtime programmes should be carefully check.
Team building is essential for most large projects in any discipline. For multimedia projects a
development team, comprising of several specialists, is required. These specialists may include
the ones who perform the instructional design, development, production and authoring work. In
more specific terms you, as a project manager, may need the following personnel to help:
 Graphic Designer:
 Script Writer:
 Audio/Video Production
 Author:
 Subject Experts:
 Programmer:
Design and develop computer graphics.
Create and document the scripts, storyboards, and
explanatory notes.
Create and merge the audio, sound effects, and video
Integrate the text, graphics, and video presentation into
organised sequences with the aid of a computer-based
authoring tool.
Provide specialist inputs for the development of the
and monitor the production of the content to meet the
Design special routines in a general-purpose language to
support or extend the application.
Securing personnel with the right skills and building them into a team can be just as challenging
as creating the application itself. In building the team, maintain a ‘skills’ perspective. You
probably will not need a person for every speciality since some individuals may have multiple
skills. However, it is unrealistic to expect any one member to possess all the sophisticated skills
required for the development of an multimedia application. Hence, before the project starts, you
must secure approval of the management to commit the required resources including hardware,
software, people and space.
The development of multimedia training packages usually involves a number of quite clearly
defined steps. The conventional development cycle usually involves the following basic steps:
needs analysis; requirement specification; learning/ instructional design; implementation; and
evaluation and testing.
Identify the needs This is essential for any type of training programme design and
development. Before going into the production stage, the programme developer must consider
the entry competency of the trainee, and determine what the application is designed to do. The
analysis will help later on in determine if the medium will support the objectives.
State Objectives The preliminary output of the need analysis is a statement of the overall aim
and a set of specific objectives, which provide the frame work of instructional design. In
identifying the objectives, there are some factors to be considered. The following are some of
the important questions that have to be answered:
 Is multimedia a better approach than the existing one in meeting the course
 Will the programme involve active interaction between the users and the media?
 Will the users be involved in the evaluation process which provides the necessary
 Is training available for instructors/tutors on the use of the multimedia techniques and
the theories behind?
Select media and determine the type of presentation Once the purpose of the application
has been determined, the next step is to decide on the type of presentation it should have and
how the application will be delivered so that a working design can be created up front. The
consideration should include:
 What multimedia components will be included? Will it includes graphic images,
animation, narration or sound?
 What quality of media is expected? Colour and resolution of display? Quality of
music and sound effects?
 Will sufficient technical resources and support available for the development of the
 What kind of computers is available for running the application? (Size and color
capability of monitors, available RAM and hard disk space.)
 Are there any other hardware requirements, including sound cards, CD-ROM drives,
or video players?
Regarding the delivery requirements, it is important to design for the least capable system that
the application will run on. For example, if the delivery system is equipped with 16-colour
monitors and no sound cards, it would be a mistake to create applications that use 256-colour
graphics and sound replay.
Gather training material This stage connects the user’s entry level skills and knowledge with
the expected outcome. Gathering and organising available materials, or designing new materials
are the options within this step. The task also involves deciding where the resources will come
from. If the required material (such as photographs or music) is not available, it will have to be
created or acquired elsewhere. Some public-domain material may be downloaded from the
library or published resources, but be sure the necessary permission is obtained.
Design and integrate the media using ‘Authoring Tools’ The task is to incorporate the
various components of multimedia in a logical sequence of learning events using suitable
authoring software. This is a big task requiring considerable creative input and technical knowhow in the use of the software. Most authoring software tools provide a way to create the
various types of components for a multimedia programme, such as text or graphics. But as
pointed out earlier, the software may only do an adequate job for certain tasks. Because of this,
most people who develop multimedia rely on a number of additional software packages to help
them create or modify specific types of files before incorporating them in the multimedia
Design interactive links
Next, design
interactions with the authoring tool to provide
interactive learning paths and the required
feedback. The design considerations should
 What information is on screen?
 How can the user respond? (eg. by
clicking the mouse on a button or
pressing a particular key on the
keyboard, or by typing a correct entry
or dragging a movable object on screen)
 When the user gives the right answer,
what kind of feedback will appear on
screen? What path will the application
follow next?
Figure 2
Editing interactive links with an authoring tool
Evaluate the deliverables The final authoring phase provides the first opportunity to review
the application before it will be delivered. Using the runtime programme, each section can be
evaluated by the designers, peers, and selected members of the target audience. There is still
time to act on their suggestions and smooth out the last wrinkles before the application is
subject to final validation.
Figure 3
Screen display from the multimedia programme Authorware
illustrating the operation principle of an combustion engine
(NB: Screen button is provided for activating an animation of the piston movement)
Implement and evaluate trainee’s performance This is where analysis of user performance
and the provision for feedback is integrated. At this implementation stage, trainees are given the
opportunities to practice what they are expected to learn and receive feedback and
reinforcement. There must be events in the multimedia instruction which will allow students to
respond and receive immediate feedback on the appropriateness of their performance and
response. A full and adequate validation should include a pro-test that tests the trainee’s
achievement of the objectives, but is completely different from the tests included in the
application itself. The final analysis should include:
 Are the objectives effectively met?
 Is the multimedia approach cost effective?
 Are the author-defined user interface (eg. menu design, control icons) appropriate for
the application, the user, and the environment?
 If not, how can the ‘media of instruction’ be improved as an on-going educational
development process?
Due to the complex nature of multimedia programmes, the design considerations cannot be
fully discussed. Instead, the paper focuses on the needs of a training manager who wants to
commit himself to the development of a multimedia for training. These needs include an
understanding of how multimedia works, what resource is needed, and how the project is
managed to achieve an effective outcome.
The selection of hardware and software, in particular the authoring tools, is a critical decision
in a multimedia project. It will have a profound effect on the first project to be implemented,
and will likely affect all other projects to follow. Considerations can be complex, and even
frustrating as new computing technologies are constantly introduced. The confusion, however,
can be minimised by concentrating on the media components needed to support the
applications, and by matching the needs against the available funding. As time goes on, the
advancement of technology will provide better quality at lower cost, and we shall be ready to
take advantage of it as it comes along.
Baker, P.G., (1994, Feb.), Designing Interactive Learning. In T. Jong & L. Sarti, Design and Production
of Multimedia and Simulation-based Training. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Bosco, J., (1986), An Analysis of Evaluations of Interactive Video, Educational Technology, 26(5), 7-17.
Briggs, L.J., (1970), Handbook of Procedures for the Design of Instruction, Pittsburgh: American
Institutes for Research.
Dalton, D.W., (1986), How Effective is Interactive Video in Improving Performance and Attitude?
Educational Technology, 26(5), 27-29.
Fletcher, J.D., (1990, July), Effectiveness and Cost of Interactive Videodisc Instruction in Defense
Training and Education, [IDA Paper P-2372] Alexandria, VA: Institute for Defense Analyses.
Maher, L., (1988), Hands-on Verification of Mechanics Training, A Cost Effectiveness Study of Videodisc
Simulation, Sacramento: California Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Automotive
Tway, L.E., (1992), Welcome to Multimedia, MIS Press, New York.