COUN111604 - Fulton County

November 16, 2004, 6:30 P.M., in the Assembly Room of the Fulton County Office Building.
Meeting Called To Order:
Council Members present at this meeting were Judy DeVries, Earl Gaerte, Christopher Sailors,
David Helt, Harry Richter, James Widman and Gary Sriver; also, County Auditor Denise J.
President Chris Sailors called this November 16th, 2004 Meeting to Order asking all to stand for
the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Council Minutes:
Chris referenced the minutes of the previous meetings that they have in their packet, September
21st and October 19th meetings. The minutes of the September 21st meeting were tabled, so he
called on Gary Sriver to make a motion to proceed with the minutes of September 21st and
untable those. Gary Sriver made the motion; James Widman seconded this motion. Motion
carried 7-0. Chris asked for any additions or corrections to these minutes. Corrections were
made. Judy DeVries made a motion to approve the minutes of September 21, 2004. Earl Gaerte
seconded this motion. Motion carried 7-0. The minutes of October 19th, 2004 were reviewed.
Chris mentioned these minutes were slightly different from those of September 21st. He stated
probably from here on out there would be a lot of paraphrasing done in these minutes versus the
verbatim, word for word that has been done in the past. Chris stated as far as questions on
discussions in meetings, as there has been a lot of discussion in the past, this is available on the
tapes and can be reviewed. James Widman made a motion to approve the minutes of October
19th, 2004 as amended. David Helt seconded this motion. Motion carried 7-0.
County Clerk:
Clerk Karen Miller informed the Council that she went before the Board of Commissioners last
evening discussing with them the condition of her copy machine that she previously had talked
about in the fall. Karen said on Election Evening her other copier went down and now both of
them are down. Karen contacted Anco requesting a different statement/proposal than she had
requested in the past because she was now in need of two copiers as opposed to one; she
explained this to the Council. The price quoted for two (2) Cannon 2800 Copiers was
$11,480.00, which she said they went ahead and made the purchase of these. Karen stated this
money will be coming out of her Clerk’s Fax Fund and she had sufficient money to cover both.
Karen continued to explain the features she gave up such as the sorter/stapler as she will have
money in her next year’s budget that she can use. The cost for these is between
$980.00/$1000.00 and she will purchase them after the first of the year. She said they now have
the copiers. Karen proceeded to answer questions.
Karen stated she had received the contracts for the Maintenance Agreements with CSI, which are
usually signed between November and December for the next year. Karen explained they had
budgeted $10,400.00, for the Software Maintenance Agreement and two other smaller contracts
on the Hardware Maintenance. Karen detailed the costs and what had taken place because of the
storm damage. Karen stated that the larger contract had to be approved and signed by the
Commissioners, which they did last evening. The two smaller contracts, Karen signed and sent
back. Karen answered questions regarding these maintenance agreements.
Sheriff’s Department:
Sheriff Roy Calvert introduced nurse Tina Grist, Contract Manager for Health Professionals,
LTD., the Health Care Contract. She stated the proposed cost was $55,380.76, which she
explained as she provides the Nursing Services 24/7 in Fulton County, for the inmates at the
Fulton County Jail. She stated this is the revised contract, which she explained and answered
questions. She detailed and explained her duties. The discussion continued.
The Sheriff presented an Appropriation Request for Garage & Motor in the amount of $7500.00
and $500.00 Jail Cleaning Supply, which he explained and was discussed.
The Sheriff reported that the jail is up and running with all the cells locking. He explained and
thanked them for this. He submitted the Monthly Reports for October 2004.
Tornado Warning System Additional Appropriation
Request for Nyona Lake:
Cathi Collins, a resident of Nyona Lake returned and informed the Council that she had
approached the Liberty Township Advisory Board in regards to half of the amount that she had
asked for previously and they were in agreement to giving the $4,175.00, a third of the Tornado
Siren Funding. She is now asking the Council for the other third, or $4,175.00. She answered
questions and discussion continued. Chris called for a motion to approve the Appropriation
Request to be funded from the County Community Host Fee Receipt Fund in the amount of
$4,175.00 for the purchase of a Tornado Siren for Nyona Lake. Harry Richter made the motion
and James Widman seconded this motion. There was no further discussion; motion carried 7-0.
Cathi Collins thanked the Council in behalf of the community.
Public Health Coordinator Request:
Wes Burden from the Health Department stated he had come to answer any questions the
Council might have as Diane Jones, R.N., had previously sent out a summary of this position.
Wes said that the CDC has given grants to the Department of Health for them to hire a person to
be a Public Health Coordinator for Fulton County and to work with the Health Department. A
discussion followed. Wes answered questions from the Council and there being no further
questions, they thanked him.
Assessing Software & Trending Information
County Assessor:
County Assessor Susan Carr reported regarding computer software that Virginia Whipple of
Appraisal Research was in her office today. Susan stated they will be going to the Trending
Rules and she asked Ms. Whipple to explain the Trending Rule to the Council. Susan gave
handouts to the Council, then explained the proposals and continued to explain her situation.
Susan answered questions from the Council and the discussion continued. Virginia Whipple
explained the Trending Process to the Council and what the Trending Proposal covered. Susan,
Ms. Whipple and Carol Loebig answered questions. Chris said he would entertain a consensus
motion to go forward with Susan and Carol’s recommendation. Gary Sriver made this motion;
seconded by Earl Gaerte. Questions and discussion continued. This motion carried 7-0.
Council recessed at 8:05 p.m.; back in session 8:15 p.m.
Emergency Management Grant Appropriation Request:
Director Susan Griffith explained the Homeland Security 2004 Grant in the amount of
$80,833.65 that the county has received and stated that the money is already here. The Council
reviewed and discussed the breakdown for this Grant. Susan answered questions during this
discussion. Chris called for a motion to approve the Homeland Security 2004 Grant in the
amount of $80,833.65. Harry Richter made this motion; James Widman seconded the motion.
No further discussion; motion carried 7-0.
The Council reviewed a Transfer Request from Emergency Management from Repair Equipment
to Gasoline, $150.00. This was discussed. Gary Sriver made a motion to approve this Transfer
Request; David Helt seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Amendment to Inventory Deduction Ordinance:
Chris referenced copies of an Amendment to the Inventory Deduction Ordinance. Chris said this
can be discussed and have a first reading if the Council agrees. Chris explained the origin of this
Ordinance and the change from the uniform to the allocated method of distribution of tax dollars.
Chris stated any action on this needs to be done before January 1st so that it could take effect for
2004 payable 2005. There was an explanation and discussion at this time. Chris read Ordinance
DATED December 11, 2002
WHEREAS, IC 6-1.1-12-41, as added by P.L. 192-2002 (ss) (“Act”) authorizes the
adoption of an ordinance in a county to provide that a deduction applies to the assessed value
inventory located in the county;
WHEREAS, the Act provides that the deduction is equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the assessed value of inventory located in the county for the appropriate year of assessment;
WHEREAS, the Act provides that “inventory” has the meaning set forth in IC 6-1.1-311;
WHEREAS, the Act provides that an ordinance adopted in a particular year applies to
each subsequent assessment year ending before January 1, 2006;
WHEREAS, the Act provides that the entity that may adopt the ordinance is
(1) the county income tax council if the county option income tax (“COIT”) is in effect
on January 1 of the year in which an ordinance under this section is adopted;
(2) the county fiscal body if the county adjusted gross income tax (“CAGIT”) is in effect
on January 1 of the year in which an ordinance under this is adopted: or
(3) the county income tax council or the county fiscal body, whichever acts first, for the
county not covered by (1) or (2).
WHEREAS, CAGIT was in effect in Fulton County (“County”) on January 1, 2002, and
the County Council (“Council”) is the entity authorized to adopt the ordinance under the Act;
WHEREAS, the Council now desires to adopt an ordinance to provide that a deduction
applies to the assessed value of inventory located in the County; and
WHEREAS, the Council now desires to provide a deduction beginning with the 2003
assessment year.
1. A deduction equal to 100% of the assessed value of inventory located in the County
and began with the 2003 assessment year.
2. That the Fulton County Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the
individual taxing units to have the CAGIT tax colleted under this ordinance to be
distributed using the States Allocated method instead of the Uniform method.
The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to provide a certified copy of
this ordinance to the Department of Local Government Finance and to the assessor
of each township located in the County before January 1, 2005.
This ordinance takes effect upon passage.
Adopted this _____ day of _____________, 2004, by a vote of ____ayes and ____nays.
ATTEST: __________________________________
Denise J. Bonnell, Fulton County Auditor
Chris stated he would offer a second reading by Title Only, if there is no objection. There being
no objections, Chris read, Ordinance #111604 Amendment to Ordinance #111902-A,
Amendment To The Ordinance Providing 100% Deduction For Assessed Value Of Inventory,
Title Only. Chris called for any discussion; there was none. Chris said the third and final
reading of this Ordinance would be on the Agenda for the December Meeting.
Appropriation Request:
County Clerk
Absentee Board
$ 300.00
Gary Sriver made a motion to approve this approve this request. Judy DeVries seconded the
motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Sheriff’s Department
Sheriff-Garage & Motor
$ 7,500.00
Jail-Cleaning Supply
$ 500.00
Jim Widman made a motion to approve each appropriation request, as presented. Earl Gaerte
seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
County Commissioners
State Meetings & Conference
$ 1,500.00
This was discussed. Gary Sriver made a motion to approve this request. Harry Richter seconded
the motion. Motion carried 5-2 (Gary, Chris).
Cleaning Services
$ 4,860.00
Earl Gaerte made a motion to approve this request. Harry Richter seconded the motion. Motion
carried. 5-2 (Earl, Jim)
$ 10,000.00
Harry Richter made a motion to approve this request. Jim Widman seconded the motion.
Motion carried 7-0.
Circuit Court
Continuing Education
$ 150.00
Jury Meals/Lodging
$ 600.00
Judy DeVries made a motion to approve this request. Earl Gaerte seconded this motion. Motion
carried 7-0.
County Community Host Fee Receipt Fund
Longevity Pay
$ 15,000.00
Jim Widman made a motion to approve this request. Gary Sriver seconded this motion. Motion
carried 7-0.
Law Enforcement Equipment
$ 4,000.00
David Helt made a motion to approve this request. Judy DeVries seconded this motion. Motion
carried 7-0.
Emergency Management
04 Homeland security Grant
$ 80,833.65
This Appropriation Request was presented, discussed and approved earlier in this meeting.
County Community Host Fee, Receipt Fund
Tornado Siren-Nyona Lake
$ 4,174.00
This Appropriation Request was presented, discussed and approved earlier in this meeting.
Transfer Request:
Drainage Board
Publish Legals
$ 247.99
Computer Software
$ 247.99
Gary Sriver made a motion to approve this Transfer Request. Jim Widman seconded this
motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Superior Court
Petit Jurors
$ 550.00
Jury Meals/Lodging
$ 450.00
Office Supply
$ 550.00
Office Supply
$ 450.00
This was discussed. Jim Widman made a motion to approve this Transfer Request. David Helt
seconded this motion. Motion not approved 2-5. (Judy, Dave)
Petit Jurors
$ 250.00
Copier Maintenance
$ 250.00
Earl Gaerte made a motion to approve this Transfer Request. Harry Richter seconded this
motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Probation (Users Fund)
Earl Gaerte made a motion to approve this Transfer Request. Judy DeVries seconded this
motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Emergency Management
Repair Equipment
$ 150.00
$ 150.00
This Transfer Request was presented, discussed and approved earlier in this meeting.
Old Business:
Dave Helt said he attended the November 4th United Way Grant Meeting and they are having
another meeting December 7th. Dave stated they are looking for seven partners for a Lilly
Community Grant. Dave was hopeful of having an explanation sheet by this evening; however,
he did not receive it. He proceeded to brief the Council regarding this grant and a discussion
New Business:
Chris said it’s time for the Council to make their annual appointment to the FEDCO Board. He
has served in this position and with the Councils’ approval he would continue to serve. Harry
Richter made a motion to reappoint Chris Sailors to the Fulton Economic Development Board of
Directors. Gary Sriver seconded this motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Chris gave a report on their meeting with the EMS. It was noted that 1983 was last Audit for the
EMS and the board was in favor of having another one done. This discussion continued.
The next Council Meeting will be December 14, 2004, at 6:30 p.m.
This concluded all the business transacted. Harry Richter made a motion to adjourn. Judy
DeVries seconded this motion. Motion carried 7-0. Meeting adjourned.
Christopher Sailors, President
David Helt, Vice-President
Gary Sriver, Member
Harry Sriver, Member
James Widman, Member
Earl Gaerte, Member
Judy DeVries, Member
Attest: __________________________________
Denise J. Bonnell, Fulton County Auditor
Note: (tapes of this Council Meeting are filed in the Auditor’s Office).