SME (solid Modeling)

Department of Automobile Engineering
Integration of function within the factory requires a product definition that is unique
and consistent throughout the design and manufacturing process; it is computer graphics
that makes possible a practical implementation of this dictum. We know that the geometry or
the shape of any product can be fully described with the help of three spatial dimensions so
computer models must also be three-dimensional.
A solid Model is an electronic description of a physical object or a group of physical objects.
2D and 3D CAD drawings are also electronic descriptions but they do not contain
information about the nature of space enclosed by the geometry used to describe the object.
A 2D drawing presents the visual aspect of an object from a particular viewpoint in space.
Whereas a 3D drawing contains a description of the object’s appearance, and is valid from
any viewpoint. However, Solid modeling (SM) requires the application of concepts that are
academic in 2D drafting. The most obvious difference with SM, however, is that traditional
engineering drawings are two-dimensional and solid models are inherently threedimensional. While 2D drawings can be created manually or electronically, solid models
must be created in an electronic ”drawing universe”.
Solid models themselves are not
physically accessible. CAD workstations are used to create, edit and display 2D
representations of the electronic solid model.Solid models are located in an electronic space
that is defined in terms of 3D Cartesian coordinates. This is known as the 3D workspace or
the model space. Three-dimensional co-ordinates are used to specify the location of points
in space, the distances between pairs of points and displacements between consecutive
positions of a point. A co-ordinate system consists of an origin and a system of reference
planes or axes.
Three-dimensional CAD models can take three forms:
1. Wireframe: It includes only points in space and the lines connecting them. Objects are
represented by their edges.
2. Surface: Mathematically defined areas span the edges of the Wireframe.
3. Solid: The space enclosed by the surfaces is defined and forms a closed volume.
Solid models are the least abstract and most realistic of the three forms; they necessitate
far more computing power for their creation and management than the other two forms. Solid
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Department of Automobile Engineering
Modeling (SM) attracts designers because the construction of complex models, especially
those that lack symmetry, is very easy. Wireframe representations of complex objects are
very difficult to “understand” visually, because computer displays and paper plots seldom
give an indication of depth. Seeing all the edge at once leads to perceptual confusion
because of ambiguities.
A complex object can be decomposed into surfaces, which can be broken down into
points and lines. Solid and Surface models also allow the generation of images with hidden
surfaces removed, which are more realistic.
Some shapes can be represented by surfaces instead of solids. Thus even designers
who believe in the essential superiority of solid representations are forced to resort to
surfaces for certain complex objects. Many SM systems closely integrate surface and solid
The most important aspect of solids is that their integrity can be computationally
determined. In other words, SM systems with the aid of the computer can tell if a given
object is a legitimate solid or not.
Solid modeling is important because it is the key to obtaining productivity promises that
computers offer designers.
Designing is a very complex process. It is not simply a matter of filling in the blanks in a
formula and obtaining an optimal answer; it is an iterative process that involves much trial
and error, along with analysis. A lot of analysis tools are available today, which need solid
models to work upon.
The next portion of the design process that is most susceptible to improvement through
computers is design verification. In this phase, a proto type of a design is built and tested.
Generally, the prototype is modified and tested many times before the design process
moves to production.
Computers make it possible to build software prototypes. These are models that exist only
within the memory of the computer. These models can be subjected to computer-based
simulations of the prototype tests, and the results can be used to build a real prototype.
The major benefits of verifying the design within the computer are speed, cost, and
flexibility. It is usually much faster to build a model within a computer than in machine shop,
and costs are generally lower. Moreover, computer-based simulations can often be better
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Department of Automobile Engineering
representations of real-world conditions than those to which physical prototypes are
More realistic representations are required by some manufacturing tasks, such as
metal cutting with numerically controlled (NC) machine tools. CAM systems for designing NC
tool paths typically employ the second-level “surface” geometry in addition to wireframe,
because the entire area of a part must be represented in order to tell the cutting tool where
to go.
But the highest form of realism requires that the interior of the part be represented as well.
For that we need level three: SM systems. Solid models can be used to faithfully represent
the entire geometry of a part, not just that of exterior. SM can therefore be used to determine
if parts in an assembly will interfere with one another in operation-something that wireframe
and surface representations cannot do.
Hence solid modeling is one of the best tools used in the design process. Solid models are
less abstract (more real) than drawings or 3D wireframes, their behavior under a variety of
simulated conditions can tell us enough about how the real thing will behave to make the
modeling process worthwhile.
Solid models are easier to fix and easier to change than actual prototypes, and are less
expensive. Infact a digital model can be more faithful to the proposed product than a
prototype, because the limitations of prototype fabricating techniques often yields
compromises that are very different from what will be made in the factory. A digital model
does not suffer from the same constraints.
Mechanical design and manufacturing have been the areas in which SM has found greatest
application to date. Architecture and construction can make productive use of solids, but
have largely been prohibited from doing so until recently because of the cost of sufficiently
large systems to handle architectural problems. SM systems are now being used to design
power plants. The cost of design errors showing up in construction was so great that
expensive systems to avoid such problems were readily justified.
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Department of Automobile Engineering
2. Sketcher workbench
The Sketcher workbench provides a simple method for creating and editing 2D geometry
as well as creating relations between geometrical elements.
2.1 Entering Sketcher Workbench
Creating a sketch: To create a sketch, you have several possibilities:
Select Start -> Mechanical Design -> Sketcher from the menu bar.
Select the Sketcher icon
and click the desired reference plane either in the geometry
area or in the specification tree, or select a planar surface.
Absolute Axis Definition icon
and specify the reference plane, and the origin and
orientation of the axis system. This enables you to create a positioned sketch.
Editing sketch: Double-click the sketch or an element of the sketch either in the geometry
area or in the specification tree.
2.2 Creating a Positioned Sketch
Creating a positioned sketch enables you to define (and later change) explicitly the position
of the sketch absolute axis. Creating a positioned sketch also ensures associability with the
3D geometry. Click the down arrow next to the Sketcher icon
Absolute Axis Definition icon
, and select the Sketch with
. The Sketch Positioning dialog box appears. In the Type
field in the Sketch Support area, two options are available: Positioned (pre-selected): creates
a positioned sketch for which you specify the origin and orientation of the absolute axis.
2.3 Using Tools For Sketching
Snap to Point: If activated, this option makes your sketch snap on the points of the grid
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Construction/Standard Elements: If activated Construction elements aim at helping you
in sketching the required profile. (Construction elements are not taken into account when
creating features, note that they do not appear outside the Sketcher.) If deactivated the
elements you are now going to create will be construction element.
Geometrical Constraints: When selected, the Geometrical Constraint option command
allows forcing a limitation between one or more geometry elements & creates Geometrical
Constraint when sketching elements.
Dimensional Constraints: When selected, the Dimensional Constraint option command
allows forcing a dimensional limitation on one or more profile type elements.
Grey: Construction Element Elements that are only visualized by, the sketch. These
elements are used as construction lines. These elements cannot be visualized in the 3D and
therefore cannot be used to generate solid primitives.
Yellow: Non-Modifiable Element For example, uses edges. These elements cannot be
modified, graphically speaking.
Red Orange: Selected Element A subgroup of elements actually selected (the Select icon
is similarly active).
Under-Constrained Element
Element not changed
Fixed Element & Iso-Constrained Element
Over constrained Element
Inconsistent Element
2.5 Using Smart Pick
Using SmartPick, you will easily specify a location: somewhere on the grid, using
coordinates, on a point, at the extremity point of a curve, at the midpoint of a line, at the
center of a circle or an ellipse, all over a curve, at the intersection point of two curves, etc.
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Department of Automobile Engineering
Note that if you position the cursor outside the zone that is allowed for creating a given
element, the
symbol appears.
2.6 Creating Constraints
a) Creating Dimensional/Geometrical Constraints
Set dimensional or geometrical constraints between one, two or three elements.
Dimensional constrain will appear between two selected elements. For editing, double-click
the constraint you wish to edit.
b) Creating a Contact Constraint
This constraint can be created between either two elements. These constraints are in
priority: concentricity, coincidence and tangency.
c) Creating Constraints via a Dialog Box
Click the Constraints Defined in Dialog Box icon
from the Constraint toolbar. The
Constraint Definition dialog box appears indicating the types of constraints you can set
between the selected elements (selectable options). These constraints may be constraints to
be applied either one per element (Length, Fix, Horizontal, Vertical) or constraints between
two selected elements (Distance, Angle, Coincidence, Parallelism or Perpendicular). Multiselection for Constraints is available
d) Auto-Constraining a Group of Elements
The Auto Constraint command detects possible constraints between the selected
elements and imposes these constraints once detected. Select the profile to be constrained.
Click the Auto Constraint icon from the Constraint toolbar.
Creating a Profile
Profiles may be composed of lines and arcs, which you create either by clicking or using the
Sketch tools toolbar. Press and hold the left mouse button down / Dragging the cursor allows
you to activate the Tangent Arc mode automatically
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Department of Automobile Engineering
Creating a Rectangle
Creating an Oriented Rectangle: creates a rectangle in the direction of your choice by
defining three extremity points of the rectangle.
Parallelogram: Creates Parallelogram using two points.
Elongated Hole: Creates elongated hole using two points.
Creating a Cylindrical Elongated Hole: Creates elongated hole using two points. In
this you are going to define the (i) circle center, (ii) arc extremities and the (iii) radius of the
cylindrical elongated hole.
Creating a Keyhole Profile: creates key hole using two centers & two radii. Position
the cursor in the desired field (Sketch tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
Creating an Hexagon: creates hexagon using hexagon center and then either a point
on this hexagon or the hexagon dimension and angle.
Creating a Circle
It shows how to create a circle. By default, circle centers appear on the sketch.
Create circle using centre point and radius. By clicking small arrow on icon displays
following option to draw circle.
Three point Circle: Draw circle using three point.
It shows how to create a tri-tangent circle by creating three tangents. Click three
elements (lines). The tri-tangent circle appears.
Creating a Spline: Draws spline passing through clicked points. Double-click the
control point you wish to edit.
i) Creating a Parabola by Focus
Click the Parabola by Focus icon
from the Profiles toolbar (Conic subtoolbar). To create
a Parabola click the focus, click apex and then the two-extremity points of parabola.
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Department of Automobile Engineering
j) Creating a Hyperbola by Focus
Click the Hyperbola by Focus icon
from the Profiles toolbar (Conic subtoolbar). To create
a hyperbola click the focus, center and apex, and then the hyperbola two extremity points.
k) Creating a Line: Creates line by clicking on two points. Click the line first point (first
point). Position the cursor in the desired field (Sketch tools toolbar) and key in the desired
values for second point. To edit, double-click the constraint corresponding to the value to be
Creating an Infinite Line: To create an infinite line either horizontal or vertical, or still
according to two points you will specify select option in tool bar.
Creating a Bi-Tangent Line:Click the Bi-Tangent Line icon from the Profiles toolbar
(Line subtoolbar). Click two elements to witch line should be tangent.
Creating a Bisecting Line: Click two points on the two existing lines, one after the
other The infinite bisecting line automatically appears, in accordance with both points
Creating an Axis
This task shows how to create an axis. You will need axes whenever creating shafts and
grooves. Click the Axis icon from the Profiles toolbar. Position the cursor in the desired field
(Sketch tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
Creating a Point: Click the Point icon from the Profiles toolbar. The Sketch tools
toolbar displays values for defining the point coordinates:
Creating Corners
You can create rounded corners between curves. Click the Corner icon from the Operations
toolbar. Select the two lines. and the two lines are joined by the rounded corner which
moves as you move the cursor. Enter the corner radius value in the Sketch tools toolbar.
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Department of Automobile Engineering
Creating Chamfers
Click the Chamfer icon from the Operation toolbar. Select the two lines. Click when you are
satisfied with the dimensions of the chamfer.
c) Trimming Elements
Trimming two elements: Click the Trim icon from the Operations toolbar. The Trim
toolbar options display in the Sketch tools.. Select the first line. Position the cursor on the
element to be trimmed.
Trimming one element: This task shows how to trim just one element. Click the Trim
icon from the Operations toolbar. Click the Trim One Element option
. Select the two
curves. First curve will only be trimmed by second curve.
Breaking and Trimming
This task shows how to quickly delete elements intersected by other Sketcher elements
using breaking and trimming operations. Click the Quick Trim icon from the Operation
toolbar (Relimitations subtoolbar). The possible trim option commands are displayed in the
Sketch tools toolbar. These options are Rubber In, Rubber out, and Break.
Closing Elements: Used to close open circle profile
This task shows how to close circles, ellipses or splines using relimiting operation. Click the
Close icon from the Operation toolbar (Relimitations subtoolbar). Select one or more
elements to be relimited. For example, a three point arc. The arc will now be closed.
Breaking Elements
The Break command lets you break any types of curves. The elements used for breaking
curves can be any Sketcher element. Click the Break icon from the Operations toolbar.
Select the line to be broken. Select the breaking element The selected element is broken at
the selection. The line is now composed of two movable segments.
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Department of Automobile Engineering
Creating Symmetrical Elements (Mirror)
This task shows you how to repeat existing Sketcher elements using a line, a construction
line or an axis. Select the profile to be duplicated by symmetry. Click the Symmetry icon from
the Operations toolbar. The selected profile is duplicated .
Translating Elements
Perform a translation(Shifting) on 2D elements Click the Translation icon from the Operation
toolbar Enter the number of copies you need. The duplicate mode is activated by default.
Select the element(s) to be translated. Click the translation vector start point or select an
existing one. Click OK in the Translation Definition dialog box to end the translation.
Rotating Elements:
Rotates the selected closed profile( Drawing) using rotation center point and or click a point
to define the reference line that will be used for computing the angle. Select or click a point
to define an angle. Click OK in the Rotation Definition dialog box to end the rotation.
Scaling Elements:
Using this tool we can scale an entire profile. In other words, you are going to resize a
profile to the dimension you specify. Click the Scale icon from the Operation toolbar
(Transformation subtoolbar). The Scale Definition dialog box appears. Select the element(s)
to be scaled. Enter the center point value in the Sketch tools toolbar or click the center point
on the geometry. Enter Scale Value in the displayed Scale Definition dialog box. Selected
elements will be scaled according to scale factor.
Offsetting Elements
Using this tool we can duplicate an element of the following type: line, arc or circle. Click the
Offset icon from the Operations toolbar (Transformation subtoolbar). There are two
possibilities, depending on whether the line you want to duplicate by offset is already
selected or not: If the line is already selected, the line to be created appears immediately. If
the line is not already selected, select it. The line to be created appears. Select a point or
click where you want the new element to be located. The selected line is duplicated
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Department of Automobile Engineering
Projecting 3D Elements onto the Sketch Plane
This task shows how to project edges (elements you select in the Part Design workbench)
onto the sketch plane. Click the Project 3D Elements icon from the Operations toolbar (3D
Geometry subtoolbar). Multi-select the edges you wish to project onto the sketch plane. The
edges are projected onto the sketch plane.
Intersecting 3D Elements with the Sketch Plane
This task shows how to intersect a face and the sketch plane. Select the face of interest.
Click the Intersect 3D Elements icon from the Operations toolbar (3D Geometry subtoolbar).
Creating Silhouette Edges
This command create edges to be used in sketches as geometry or reference elements.
Click the 3D Silhouette Edges icon
from the Operation toolbar (3D Geometry sub-
toolbar). Select the surface or edge. The silhouette edges are created onto the sketch plane.
Cutting the Part by the Sketch Plane
We are going hide the portion of material we do not need for sketching. Select the plane on
which you need to sketch a new profile and enter the Sketcher workbench. Click the Cut Part
by Sketch Plane icon
on the Tools toolbar to hide the portion of part you do not want to
see in the Sketcher. You can now sketch the required profile.
Select the Tools -> Options command to display the Options dialog box. The Options dialog
box appears. Expand the Mechanical Design option, and then click Sketcher. The Sketcher
tab appears, containing the following sets of options:
a)Grid: options available Display, Primary spacing, Graduations and Snap to point.
b)Sketch Plane: options available Shade sketch plane, Position sketch plane parallel to
c)Geometry: options available Create circle and ellipse centers.
d)Constraints: options available Create detected constraints
e)Colors: options available Visualization of diagnostic.
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Department of Automobile Engineering
The Part Design application makes it possible to design precise 3D mechanical parts; from
sketching .Part Design application will enable you to accommodate design requirements for
parts of various complexities, from simple to advance.
3.1 Opening a New CATPart Document.
To open a new CATPart document, Select the File -> New
icon. The New dialog box is
displayed, allowing you to choose the type of document you need. Select Part in the List of
Types field and click OK. or click->start->Mechanical Design-> Part Design. The Part
Design workbench is loaded and a CATPart document opens.
The Part Design workbench document is divided into: a) the specification tree, b) the
geometry area, c) specific toolbars.
You will notice that CATIA provides three planes to let you start your design. Actually,
designing a part from scratch will first require designing a sketch. Sketching profiles is
performed in the Sketcher workbench, which is fully integrated into Part Design. To open it,
just click the Sketcher icon
and select the work plane of your choice. The Sketcher
workbench then provides a large number of tools allowing you to sketch the profiles you
You can display the Reference Elements toolbar using the View -> Tool bars -> Reference
Elements (extended/compact) command.
This task shows the various methods for creating points in 3D environment. Click the Point
. The Point Definition dialog box appears. Use the combo to choose the desired
point type.
Coordinates: Creating point with X, Y, Z coordinates in the current axis-system
On curve: Creating point on curve.
On plane: Creating point on plane
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Department of Automobile Engineering
On surface: Creating point on a surface.
Circle center: Creating point of a circle, ellipse.
Tangent on curve: Creating point tangent to curve.
Between: Creating point between two other points.
Click the Line icon
. The Line Definition dialog box appears. Use the drop down to
choose the desired line type. Following option will occur.
Point – Point: Create line between the two points.
Point – Direction: Create line from a point along a direction.
Angle or normal to curve: Create line at an angle to curve.
Tangent to curve: Create line tangent to curve.
Normal to surface: Create line normal to surface.
Bisecting: Create line for bisector of two lines.
Click the Plane icon
. The Plane dialog box appears. Use the drop down option to
choose the desired Plane type. After selecting the option, it is represented by a red square
symbol, which you can move using the graphic manipulator.
Offset from plane: Create a plane at a distance from reference plane.
Parallel through point: Create a plane passing through a point & parallel to ref. plane.
Angle or normal to plane: Create a plane at an angle to reference plane and Through
three points, Through two lines ,Through point and line, Through planar curve,
Tangent to surface, Normal to curve, Mean through points, Equation.
Features are used to make up your part. Some operations consist in adding material, others
in removing material. In this assignment, you will learn how to create the following features:
Pad, Pocket, Shaft, Groove, Rib, Slot, Loft, and Remove Loft.
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Department of Automobile Engineering
a) PAD
Creating a pad means extruding a profile or a surface in one or two directions. Select Sketch
as the profile (the sketch profile must be closed) to be extruded. you can use the following
options too: Up to Next ,Up to Last, Up to Plane, Up to Surface. Direction option lets you
choose which side of the profile is to be extruded.Mirrored extent option extrudes the profile
in the opposite direction using the same length value. If you wish to define another length
for this direction, you do not have to click the Mirrored extent button. Just click the More
button and define the second limit.
b) Multi-Pad
With this task you can extrude multiple profiles belonging to a same sketch using different
length values. The multi-pad capability lets you do this at one time. Select Sketch that
contains the profiles to be extruded. Note that all profiles must be closed and must not
intersect. The Multi-Pad Definition dialog box appears and the profiles are highlighted in
green. For each of them, you can drag associated manipulators to define the extrusion
Creating a pocket consists in extruding a profile or a surface and removing the material
resulting from the extrusion. All option of pocket is same as that of pad but instead of adding
material pocket command or feature removes material.
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Department of Automobile Engineering
This task shows you how to create a pocket feature from distinct profiles belonging to a
same sketch and this, using different length values. The multi-pocket capability lets you do
this at one time. It is also same as that of pad but removes material.
e) Thin Solids
When creating pads, pockets and stiffeners, you can now add thickness to both sides of their
profiles. The resulting features are then called "thin solids". This task shows you how to add
thickness to a pad. The method described here is also valid for pockets. Enter Thickness1 's
value, and click Preview to see the result. A thickness has been added to the profile as it is
extruded. The profile is previewed in dotted line. Enter Thickness2 's value, and click
Preview to see the result. Material has been added to the other side of the profile. To add
material equally to both sides of the profile, check "Neutral fiber" and click Preview to see the
result. Checking the "Merge Ends" option trims extrusions to existing material.
To use shaft you need an closed profile, and an axis about which the feature will revolve.
You can create shafts from sketches including several closed profiles. These profiles must
not intersect and they must be on the same side of the axis. If needed, you can change the
sketch by clicking the field and by selecting another sketch in the geometry or in the
specification tree. But you can also edit your sketch by clicking the icon
that opens the
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Sketcher. Once you have done your modifications, the Shaft Definition dialog box reappears
to let you finish your design. The application previews limits LIM1 that corresponds to the
first angle value, and LIM2 that corresponds to the second angle value. The first angle value
is by default 360 degrees. Enter the values of your choice in the fields First angle and
Second angle. Alternatively, select LIM1 or LIM2 manipulator and drag them onto the value
of your choice. Click Preview to see the result. Click OK to confirm. The shaft is created. The
specification tree mentions it has been created.
Grooves are revolved features that remove material from existing features. Click the Groove
. Select the profile. The Groove Definition dialog box is displayed. The application
displays the name of the selected sketch in the Selection field from the Profile frame. The
Selection field in the Axis frame is reserved for the axes you explicitly select. For the
purposes of our scenario, the profile and the axis belong to the same sketch. Consequently,
you do not have to select the axis. The system previews a groove entirely revolving about
the axis.
You can create grooves from sketches including several closed profiles. These profiles must
not intersect and they must be on the same side of the axis. If needed, you can change the
sketch by clicking the Selection field and by selecting another sketch in the geometry or in
the specification tree.
The application previews the limits LIM1 and LIM2 of the groove to be created. You can
select these limits and drag them onto the desired value or enter angle values in the
appropriate fields. Click the Reverse Direction button to inverse the revolution direction. Click
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OK to confirm the operation. CATIA removes material around the cylinder. The specification
tree indicates the groove has been created. This is your groove: Click OK to confirm.
h) Hole
Creating a hole consists in removing material from a body. Various shapes of standard holes
can be created. These holes are:
Counter Bored Countersunk
By default, the application creates the hole normal to the sketch face. But you can also
define a creation direction not normal to the face by un-checking the Normal to surface
option and selecting an edge or a line.
i) Threaded Holes
The Thread capability removes material surrounding the hole. To define a thread, you can
enter the values of your choice, but you can use standard values. You can define three
different thread types:
No Standard: uses values entered by the user,
Metric Thin Pitch: uses AFNOR standard values,
Metric Thick Pitch: uses AFNOR standard values.
Define the parameters as per your requirement to create threaded hole.
This task shows you how to create a rib that is how to sweep a profile along a center curve
to create material. To define a rib, you need a center curve, a planar profile and possibly a
reference element or a pulling direction. It should be kept in mind that 3D curve if selected as
center curves must be continuous in tangency & if the center curve is planar, it can be
discontinuous in tangency. To create Rib, Click the Rib icon
. The Rib Definition dialog
box is displayed. Select the profile you wish to sweep. Your profile has been designed in a
plane normal to the plane used to define the center curve. It should be a closed profile. The
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Department of Automobile Engineering
application now previews the rib to be created. You can control its position by choosing one
of the following options:
Keep Angle: keeps the angle value between the sketch plane used for the profile and the
tangent of the center curve.
Pulling Direction: sweeps the profile with respect to a specified direction. To define this
direction, you can select a plane or an edge.
Reference Surface: the angle value between axis and the reference surface is constant.
The Merge ends option is to be used in specific cases. It creates materials between the ends
of the rib and existing material provided that existing material trims both ends. Check the
Thick Profile option to add thickness to both sides of Sketch.2. New options are then
available. Click OK. The rib is created. The specification tree mentions this creation.
k) Slot
This task shows you how to create a slot that is how to sweep a profile along a center curve
to remove material. To define a slot, you need a center curve, a planar profile, a reference
element and optionally a pulling direction.
Click the Slot icon
. The Slot Definition dialog box is displayed. Select the profile. The
profile has been designed in a plane normal to the plane used to define the center curve. It is
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Department of Automobile Engineering
closed. Slots can also be created from sketches including several profiles. These profiles
must be closed and must not intersect.
You can control the profile position by choosing one of the following options: Keep angle,
Pulling direction, Reference surface. The Merge ends option is to be used in specific cases.
It lets the application create material between the ends of the slot and existing material.
Check the Thick Profile option to add thickness to both sides.
l) Loft
You can generate a loft feature by sweeping one or more planar section curves along a
computed or user-defined spine. The feature can be made to respect one or more guide
curves. The resulting feature is a closed volume.
Click the Loft icon
.The Loft Definition dialog box appears. Select the three section
curves. They are highlighted in the geometry area. The Loft capability assumes that the
section curves to be used do not intersect. Click Apply to preview the loft to be created. You
can note that by default, tangency discontinuity points are coupled. Several coupling types
are available in the Coupling tab: Ratio, Tangency, Tangency then curvature, Vertices.
By default, the application computes a spine, but if you wish to impose a curve as the spine
to be used, you just need to click the Spine tab then the Spine field and select the spine of
your choice in the geometry. Click OK to create the volume. The feature (identified as is added to the specification tree.
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Department of Automobile Engineering
m) Remove Lofted Material
This task shows how to remove lofted material. The Remove Loft capability generates lofted
material surface by sweeping one or several planar section curves along a computed or
user-defined spine then removes this material.
Click the Remove Loft icon
. The Remove Loft Definition dialog box appears. Select
required sections & guide curves if needed. By default, the application computes a spine, but
if you wish to impose a curve as the spine to be used, you just need to click the Spine tab
then the Spine field and select the spine of your choice in the geometry. Click OK to create
the lofted surface. The feature (identified as is added to the specification tree.
Select the profile to be extruded. This profile has to be created in a plane normal to the face
on which the stiffener will lie. You can use wireframe geometry as your profile. If you need to
use an open profile, make sure that existing material can fully limit the extrusion of this
profile. Click the Stiffener icon
. The Stiffener Definition dialog box is displayed.
Two creation modes are available:
From side: the extrusion is performed in the profile's plane and the thickness is added
normal to the plane. Check the Neutral Fiber option. This option adds material equally to
both sides of the profile. Optionally click Preview to see the result. Click OK. The stiffener is
created. The specification tree indicates it has been created.
From Top: the extrusion is performed normal to the profile's plane and the thickness is
added in the profile's plane. The "Neutral Fiber" option adds the same thickness to both
sides of the profile. You just need to specify the value of your choice in "Thickness 1" field
and this thickness is evenly added to each side of the profile. Conversely, if you wish to add
different thickness on both sides of the profile, just uncheck the "Neutral Fiber" option and
then specify the value of your choice in "Thickness 2" field.
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Department of Automobile Engineering
Edge Fillet
Edge fillets are smooth transitional surfaces between two adjacent faces. With the use of a
constant radius: the same radius value is applied to the entire edges. Click the Edge Fillet
. The Edge Fillet Definition dialog box appears. Select the edges. The edge selected
then appears in the Objects to fillet field. CATIA displays the radius value. Clicking Preview
previews the fillet to be created. Two propagation modes are available: Minimal, Tangency.
If you set the Tangency mode, the option "Trim ribbons" becomes available; you can then
trim the fillets to be created. Use Limiting Elements to limit the fillet. When filleting an edge,
the fillet may sometimes affect other edges of the part, depending on the radius value you
specified. With the Edges to keep option the application detects these edges and stops the
fillet to these edges.
a) Face-Face Fillet
You generally use the Face-face fillet command when there is no intersection between the
faces or when there are more than two sharp edges between the faces. Select the faces to
be filleted. Click Preview to see the fillet to be created. Click OK. The faces are filleted. This
creation is indicated in the specification tree. Instead of entering a radius value, you can use
a "hold curve" to compute the fillet. Depending on the curve's shape, the fillet's radius value
is then more or less variable.
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b. Tritangent Fillet
The creation of tritangent fillets involves the removal of one of the three faces selected. You
need three faces two of which are supporting faces. Select the faces to be filleted. Select the
face to be removed. The fillet will be tangent to this face. Click Preview to see the fillet to be
created. The creation of this fillet is indicated in the specification tree indicates the opposite
portion of material. Click OK.
2 Chamfer
Chamfering consists in removing or adding a flat section from a selected edge to create a
beveled surface between the two original faces common to that edge. The default
parameters to be defined are Length1 and Angle. You can change this creation mode and
set Length1 and Length2. Chamfers can be created by selecting a face; the application
chamfers its edges. Click Preview to see the chamfers to be created. Click OK. The
specification tree indicates this creation.
3 Basic Draft
Drafts are defined on molded parts to make them easier to remove from molds. The
characteristic elements are:
Pulling direction: this direction corresponds to the reference from which the draft faces are
Draft angle: this is the angle that the draft faces make with the pulling direction.
Parting element: this plane, face or surface cuts the part in two and each portion is drafted
according to its previously defined direction.
Neutral element: this element defines a neutral curve on which the drafted face will lie. This
element will remain the same during the draft.
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The Propagation option can be set to: None: there is no propagation, Smooth: the
application integrates the faces propagated in tangency onto the neutral face to define the
neutral element.
Parting = Neutral to reuse the plane you selected as the neutral element. If Keep Parting
=Neutral, you then can also check the option Draft both sides. Click OK. Material has been
removed & the face is drafted.
a) Variable Angle Draft
Click the Variable Angle Draft icon
. The Draft Definition dialog box that appears, displays
the variable angle draft option as activated. Select the face to be drafted. Select face as the
neutral element. The application detects two vertices and displays two identical radius
values. Increase the angle value: only one value is modified accordingly in the geometry. To
edit the other angle value, select the value in the geometry and increase it in the dialog box.
To add a point on the edge, click the Points field. You can add as many points as you wish.
Click OK to confirm.
b) Draft from Reflect Lines
This will draft a face by using reflect lines as neutral lines from which the resulting faces will
be generated. Click the Draft from Reflect Lines icon
. The Draft from Reflect Lines
Definition dialog box is displayed and an arrow appears, indicating the default pulling
direction. Select the face. The application detects reflect line and displays it in pink. This line
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is used to support the drafted faces. Enter an angle value in the Angle field. The reflect line
is moved accordingly. Click Preview to get an idea of what the draft will look like.
Shelling a feature means emptying it, while keeping a given thickness on its sides. Shelling
may also consist in adding thickness to the outside. Click the Shell icon
. The Shell
Definition dialog box appears. The selected face becomes purple. Select the face to be
removed. Enter the Default inside thickness field. Click OK. The feature is shelled.
You can add or remove thickness to parts. Click the Thickness icon
. The Thickness
Definition dialog box is displayed. Select the faces to thicken. Enter a positive value. Click
OK. The part is thickened accordingly.
The Thread/Tap capability creates threads or taps, depending on the cylindrical entity of
interest. Click the Thread/Tap icon
. The Thread/Tap Definition dialog box is displayed.
Select the cylindrical surface you wish to thread. Select the upper face as the limit face. Limit
faces must be planar. The application previews the thread.
Following are different transformation features available
The Translate command can be applied to current bodies. It is used to move model or object
from one place to other place
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Click the Translate icon
. The Translate Definition dialog box appears. Select a line to
take its orientation as the translation direction or a plane to take its normal as the translation
direction. Specify the translation distance by entering a value. Click OK .
2 Rotation
This task shows you how to rotate geometry about an axis. The command applies to current
bodies. Click the Rotate icon
. The Rotate Definition dialog box appears. Select an edge
as the rotation axis. Enter a value for the rotation angle. The element is rotated. You can
drag it by using the graphic manipulator to adjust the rotation. Click OK to create the rotated
element. The element (identified as is added to the specification tree.
3 Symmetry
Symmetry acts like mirror command. It is used to move similar model using reference. Click
the Symmetry icon
.The Symmetry Definition dialog box appears. Select a point, line or
plane as reference element. Click OK to create the symmetrical element. The original
element is no longer visible but remains in the specification tree. The new element (identified
as is added to the specification tree.
Mirroring a body or a list of features consists in duplicating these elements using symmetry.
You can select a face or a plane to define the mirror reference. Multi-select both pads as the
features to be mirrored. Click the Mirror icon
. The Mirror Definition dialog box appears.
Select the lateral face to define the mirror reference. The application previews the material to
be created. Click OK to confirm the operation.
7 Pattern
You may need to duplicate the whole geometry of one or more features and to position this
geometry on a part. Patterns let you do so. CATIA allows you to define three types of
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patterns: rectangular, circular and user patterns. These features accelerate the creation
Rectangular Pattern
Using rectangular pattern command you can repeat the geometry multiple times in
rectangular pattern.
Circular Pattern
Using circular pattern command you can repeat the geometry multiple times in rectangular
User Pattern
The User Pattern command lets you duplicate a feature as many times as you wish at the
locations of your choice. Locating instances consists in specifying anchor points. These
points are created in the Sketch. Select the feature you wish to duplicate. Click the User
Pattern icon
. The User Pattern dialog box is displayed. The feature appears in the
Object field. Select 'Sketch ' in the specification tree and click Preview. Click OK. The
specification tree indicates this creation.
Scaling a body means resizing it to the dimension you specify. Select the body to be scaled.
Click the Scaling icon
. The Scaling Definition dialog box appears. Select the reference
point located on the body. Enter a value in the Ratio field or select the manipulator and drag
it. The ratio increases as you drag the manipulator in the direction pointed by the right end
arrow. Click OK. The body is scaled. The specification tree indicates you performed this
a) Measuring Distances & Angles between Geometrical
Entities & Points
This task explains how to measure minimum distances and angles between geometrical
entities (surfaces, edges, vertices and entire products) or between points. Click the Measure
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icon. The Measure Between dialog box appears. The Measure Item command
is accessible from the Measure Between dialog box. Simply click the Measure Item
in the Definition box. Select the desired measure type.
Any geometry (default mode): measures distances and angles between defined geometrical
entities (points, edges, surfaces, etc.). Exact else approximate (default mode): measures
access exact data and wherever possible true values are given. If exact values cannot be
measured, approximate values are given (identified by a ~ sign). Approximate: measures are
made on tessellated objects and approximate values are given (identified by a ~ sign). Click
to select a surface, edge or vertex, or an entire product (selection 1). Click to select another
surface, edge or vertex, or an entire product (selection 2).
A line representing the minimum distance vector is drawn between the selected items in the
geometry area. Appropriate distance values are displayed in the dialog box.
b) Measuring Properties
This task explains how to measure the properties associated to a selected item (points,
edges, surfaces and entire products). This command lets you choose the selection mode,
the calculation mode and axis system when measuring properties. Switch to Design Mode.
Set View -> Render Style to Shading with Edges. Click the Measure Item
icon. The
Measure Item dialog box appears. By default, properties of active products are measured
with respect to the product axis system. Properties of active parts are measured with respect
to the part axis system. The Keep Measure option lets you keep current and subsequent
measures as features. This is useful if you want to keep measures as annotations for
Measuring Inertia
This task explains how to measure the inertia properties of an object. You can measure the
inertia properties of both surfaces and volumes. The area, density, mass and volume
(volumes only) of the object are also calculated. Measures are persistent: a Keep Measure
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option in the Measure Inertia dialog box lets you keep the current measure as a feature in
the specification tree.
Click the Measure Inertia
icon. Click to select the desired item in the specification tree.
The Dialog Box expands to display the results for the selected item. The measure is made
on the selection, geometry or assembly. To measure the inertia of individual sub-products
making up an assembly and see the results in the document window, you must select the
desired sub-product. In addition to the center of gravity G, the principal moments of inertia M
and the matrix of inertia calculated with respect to the center of gravity, the dialog box also
gives the area, volume (volumes only), density and mass of the selected item.
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Assembly modeling is the process of creating designs that consist of two or more
components assembled together at their respective work positions. The components are
brought together and assembled in Assembly Design workbench by applying suitable
parametric assembly constraints to them. The assembly constraints allow you to restrict the
degrees of freedom of components on their respective work positions. The assembly files in
CATIA are called Product files. There are two methods to invoke the Assembly Design
workbench of CATIA. The primary method to start a new product file is by selecting File >
New from the menu bar to open the New dialog box From this dialog box select Product, as
shown in Figure The other method of invoking the Assembly Design workbench is by
choosing Start > Mechanical Design > Assembly Design from the menu bar.
A new file is started in the Assembly Design workbench. The screen display of CATIA after
starting the new file in the Assembly Design workbench is as shown in Figure. You will
notice that the toolbars related to assembly are displayed
Approach In CATIA you can create assembly models by adopting two types of approaches.
The first design approach is the bottom-up approach, and the second one is the top-down
Bottom-up Assembly:
The bottom-up assembly is the most preferred approach for creating assembly models. In
this of approach, the components are created in the Part Design workbench as (*.CATPart)
file. Then the product (*.CATProduct) file is started and all the previously created
components are inserted and placed in it using the tools provided in the Assembly Design
workbench. Adopting the bottom-up approach gives the user the opportunity to pay more
attention to the details of the components as they are designed individually. Because the
other components are not present in the same window, it becomes much easier to maintain
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a relationship between the features of the current component. This approach is preferred for
large assemblies,especially those having intricate individual components.
Top-down Assembly:
In the top-down assembly design approach, components are created inside the Assembly
Design workbench. Therefore, there is no need to create separate part files of the
components. This design approach is completely different from the bottom-up design
approach. Here you have to start the product file first and then, one by one, create all
components. Note that even though the components are created inside the product file, they
are saved as individual part files and can be opened separately later. Adopting the top-down
design approach gives the user the distinctive advantage of using the geometry of one
component to define the geometry of the other. Here the construction and assembly of the
components takes place simultaneously. As a result of this, the user can view the
development of the product in real time. This design approach is highly preferred, while
working on a conceptual design or a tool design where the reference of previously created
parts is required to develop a new part.
As mentioned earlier, while creating an assembly using the bottom-up approach components
are created in separate part files and are then inserted into the assembly file. They are
assembled at their working position by applying assembly constraints to them. To create an
assembly using this approach, it is recommended to insert the first component and fix its
position after properly orienting it in the 3D space. The other components can be inserted
and positioned with reference to the first component. The method used for placing
components inside the product file is discussed below.
Inserting Components in a Product file
Menu: Insert > Existing Component
Toolbar: Product Structure Tools > Existing Component
Moving and Rotating Using the Manipulation Tool
Toolbar: Move > Manipulation
Menu: Edit > Move > Manipulate
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The Manipulation tool is used to move or rotate the component freely by dragging the
cursor. To translate or rotate any component, choose the Manipulation button from the
Move toolbar; the Manipulation Parameter dialog box is displayed, as shown in Fig.
Moving Components Using the Snap Tool
Toolbar: Move > Snap > Snap
Toolbar: Edit > Move > Snap
The Snap tool is used to move the component by snapping the geometric element of first
component on the other component or on the same component. The movement of the
component depends on the selection of the selected first will move to snap the second
After placing the components in the product file, you need to assemble them. By assembling
the components, you will constrain the degree of freedom of the components. Constraints
help you to precisely place and position the components with respect to the other
components and the surroundings in the assembly. Various types of constraints available in
CATIA are discussed below.
Fix Component Constraint
Menu: Insert > Fix
Toolbar: Constraints > Fix Component
The Fix Component constraint is used to fix the location of the selected component in the
3D space. Once the orientation of the component is fixed, its orientation cannot be changed.
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Coincidence Constraint
Menu: Insert > Coincidence
Toolbar: Constraints > Coincidence Constraint
The Coincidence Constraint is applied to coincide the central axis of the cylindrical
features that are selected from two different components.
Contact Constraint
Menu: Insert > Contact
Toolbar: Constraints > Contact Constraint
The Contact Constraint is applied to make a surface to surface contact between two
selected elements from two different components.
Offset Constraint
Menu: Insert > Offset
Toolbar: Constraints > Offset Constraint
The Offset Constraint is used to place selected elements at an offset distance from each
other. It also makes the two planar faces parallel to each other.
Angle Constraint
Menu: Insert > Angle
Toolbar: Constraints > Angle Constraint
The Angle Constraint is used to position two geometric elements at a particular angle with
respect to each other. You can also use this tool to make two selected elements parallel or
perpendicular to each other.
Fix Together
Menu: Insert > Fix Together
Toolbar: Constraints > Fix Together
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The Fix Together constraint is used to fix the position of the selected components with
respect to each other. Once the selected components are fixed together, they can be moved
as a single component such that the position of one component with respect to another
component remains the same.
Quick Constraint
Menu: Insert > Quick Constraint
Toolbar: Constraints > Quick Constraint
In CATIA, there is an option in which the software applies the most appropriate constraint to
the entities in the current selection set.
Reuse Pattern
Menu: Insert > Reuse Pattern
Toolbar: Constraints > Reuse Pattern
Sometimes, while assembling the components, you may need to assemble more than one
instance of the component in a specified arrangement. CATIA provides Resume Pattern
tool to insert and constrain multiple copies of a component over an existing pattern.
Inserting Existing Components With Positioning
Menu: Insert > Existing Component With Positioning
Toolbar: Product Structure Tools > Existing Component With Positioning
The Existing Component With Positioning tool is used to insert, position, and apply
constraints to a component in a single operation and is an enhanced form of the Insert
Existing Component tool. By using this tool, you can save the assembly creation time.
Menu: Edit > Move > Explode in assembly design
Toolbar: Move > Explode
Generally, an assembly model consists of a large number of parts. Some of the parts
are assembled inside the other parts. Therefore, these parts are not visible and the user is
unable to see all components present in the assembly. To resolve this problem, the
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assembly is exploded such that all components are moved from their original position to a
location where they are clearly visible. To explode an assembly, choose the Explode button
from the Move toolbar; the Explode dialog box will be displayed, as shown in the Figure .
The Explode dialog box
Make sure Product1 is activated in the Specification Tree before invoking the Explode
tool. If there are multiple assemblies in the product file, you can select any one of them to
explode. You can set the parameters for exploding the assembly in the Explode dialog box.
The options of this dialog box are discussed below: The Depth drop-down list is provided
with two options. If the First level is selected from this drop-down list, the parts of the
subassembly are not exploded. Rather, the subassembly will be treated as a single
component. The components of the subassembly will be exploded only if the All level option
is selected from the Depth drop-down list. The Selection selection area displays the number
of products that have been selected for explosion. The Fixed Product selection area is used
to select a part of the assembly that needs to be fixed, while exploding the assembly. All
other parts will be moved with respect to it. In the Type drop-down list, there are three
options. By default, the 3D option is selected, which enables the assembly model to explode
in the 3D space and the components are placed arbitrarily in it. The assembled view of the
Belt Tightener assembly is shown in Figure A and Figure B shows the position of
components, after the assembly is exploded using the 3D option.
A The Belt Tightener Assembly
B components in 3D explosion of the assembly
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If you select the 2D option from the Type drop-down list, the components are exploded and
placed parallel to the viewing plane. Figure 11-54 shows the Belt Tightener assembly
Figure-c Front view of the exploded Belt Tightener assembly exploded using the 2D option
The third option provided in the Type drop-down list is the Constrained. This option is
selected to explode the assembly in such a way that some of the constraints applied to the
parts are maintained. This results in a more organized explosion, as shown in the Figure d
Figure D Figure showing the exploded assembly with Constrained selected as the type
After all selections are made in the Explode dialog box, choose the Apply button; the
assembly will be exploded and the Information Box will be displayed. This box intimates
you that the exploded parts can now be moved using the 3D compass. Move the
components to arrange them in a more realistic manner, if required. Choose the OK button
to close this Information Box. You can clear the Show this message next time check box
to prevent the Information Box from appearing every time you explode a model. Finally,
choose the OK button from the Explode dialog box to close it and then choose Yes from
the Information Box. The exploded assembly is shown in the geometry area.
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Many of us love how CATIA V5 works in 3D. But eventually we need to create 2D
representations of our 3D models. This is when Drafting or drawing mode in V5 comes in.
Open the model for which drafting is to be performed
We have to create separate file for drawing, to this Click on.
Filenew following dialog box will appear.
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Select Drawing as a type and click ok
To accommodate drawing on paper we have to select drawing size.
Select Standard as ISO and Sheet Style as A4 ISO
To create front view of object click on front view icon as show in figure.
Now select the part from window menu as shown.
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Now, in part drawing select the desired viewing plane/face/surface for front view. At the right
bottom corner of window, we can see the preview of front view. Click on desired plane.
You will get the front view on drawing sheet as shown below.
Using Handle outside the ring we can rotate the front view and using blue arrow button you
can revolve the front view.
Now click anywhere outside the drawing to get front view drawing on sheet. You can move
drawing at the top left corner of the shit by dragging drawing (Grab red rectangle)
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We can scale (Change size of Drawing) drawing by using property dialog box.
1. Right Click on front view
2. Click on properties
3. Change scale from 1:1 to 1:2 to make drawing half of its original size
Now Click on projection view to create other view i.e. Top View , Side View etc.
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Create Top View and Side view simply by hovering mouse as show below
Now Use Auxiliary View tool to create Auxiliary vies
By Clicking Auxiliary view Button you have to Draw any inclined line to create Auxiliary view
in that direction as shown below
Then we will get Auxiliary view according to first angle as below
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Now Drag Dimensioning icon from toolbar and click on it to give dimensions for all drawing
After dimensioning the drawing look like as shown below.
Isometric projection is a method for visually representing three-dimensional objects in two
dimensions in technical and engineering drawings To Draw ISOMETRIC view we can use
current sheet or new sheet. To create new sheet we have to click on new sheet icon on
toolbar as shown figure.
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The New Blank Sheet is generated in TAB. We can switch between drawings using this TAB
Now to project isometric view on this blank sheet, expand view toolbar and click on Isometric
View Icon (Make sure it is of orange color after clicking)
Now select the part drawing from window menu for which you want isometric view as shown.
Now select the desired plane or surface to generate isometric view.
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Using Handle outside the ring we can rotate the isometric view and using blue arrow button
you can revolve the isometric view.
Now click anywhere outside the drawing to get isometric view drawing on sheet. You can
move drawing by dragging drawing (Grab red rectangle). You Can also Scale (Change
Size) of isometric view using properties.
You can give dimension to isometric view using dimension tool as shown below.
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To print drawing on A4 size paper, click on filePrint.
Make following changes in print dialog box.
Select printer as “ Nitro PDF creator” from drop down menu.
Make Scale 100%
Click on “Properties” button to change properties.
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After clicking on properties button you will get the following properties dialog box,
1. In this dialog click on “Page” TAB
2. Set paper orientation as Landscape
3. Set paper size is equal to A4
4. Click ok.
1. Click ok again on Main Print Dialog box.
2. Type your roll number in save dialog box
3. Click on save button to save pdf file at desire location i.e. pendrive.
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