nomination for 1997 mt - Mt. Angel Chamber of Commerce

Nomination for 2015 Mt. Angel First Citizen Award
The Mt. Angel Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the 2015 First Citizen Award. The
awards banquet will be held on Monday, February 23, 2015 at the Festhalle. Persons interested in
submitting a nomination should complete the information below. Additional sheets and information
may be attached if necessary. Any Mt. Angel area resident is eligible. The award is based on a
record of service and contributions to the Mt. Angel Community. Nominations are also requested for
Business of the Year and Special Awards. More nomination forms can be found on the Mt. Angel
Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Mt. Angel Websites. Nominations must be received by
Friday, January 16, 2015.
Nominee for 2015 First Citizen Award
2015 Business of the Year Award
2015 Special Award
NOMINEE’S NAME ____________________________________________
ADDRESS ___________________________________ PHONE _________
OCCUPATION ________________________________________________
Award Categories (check one)
 First Citizen ___
 Business of the Year ___
 Special Award ___
ACHIEVEMENTS: Please list items such as awards, volunteer service, organizations person has belonged to, offices held,
professional accomplishments, areas of inspiration or outstanding performance.
Please return by Friday, January 16, 2015 to:
Mt. Angel Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 221
Mt. Angel, Oregon 97362 Nominations may also be dropped off at Columbia Bank, Wells Fargo or
US Bank