On June 22 2001 the Information Services Branch launched a new system for remote access to Library databases.
EZproxy is an authentication system that allows students and staff to authenticate once against their Novell account using existing network account login and password details. Once this is done they are given a seamless interface into subscribed databases allowing access regardless of location or ISP. http://www.ballarat.edu.au/library/navigate/help/ezproxyguide.shtml
What is EzProxy?
How do I access databases using EzProxy?
Do I need to enter my username and password if I want to search a different database?
EzProxy Help
What is EzProxy
The University of Ballarat Library subscribes to a number of databases that are for the exclusive use of
University of Ballarat staff and students. When a user attempts to access these databases from off campus using an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or other service not related to the University of Ballarat, we use an authentication system that allows us to verify that the user is a member of the University community.
EzProxy is an authentication system that allows students and staff to authenticate once against their Novell account using existing network account login and password details. Once this is done they are given a seemless interface into subscribed databases allowing access regardless of location or ISP. EzProxy eliminates the need for multiple passwords and is the preferred authentication system used by a number of other libraries to provide access to licensed databases.
How do I access databases using EzProxy?
Library databases are accessed via Navigate the University Library gateway to a range of online databases.
NaviGate enables staff and students to search for appropriate databases for their topic in a number of ways including subject or topic area, by host or by simply browsing the list of available databases. Once an appropriate database has been located NaviGate provides either a link to more information or a direct URL link to the database.
The first time that a staff member or student links to a database via NaviGate from an off campus location the following screen will appear:
To login
select your "organisational unit" from the drop down menu. For example if you are a Mt Helen
Business student you will select "Mt Helen Student - School of Business"
enter your username. This is the same username that you use to access the University of Ballarat on campus computer network. If you are a student this will be your current University of Ballarat ID number.
enter your current network password. If you have forgotten your password contact staff at the
Mt Helen Information Desk - (Phone: 03-5327 9594) or email libinfo@ballarat.edu.au
Once you have correctly entered your username and password details you will be taken to the database that you selected to search.
Do I need to enter my username and password if I want to search a different database?
Once you have entered your username and password you will be able to move from one database to another without needing to login again. However if you close the connection to your ISP or the connection shuts down and you need to redial before searching you will be asked to re-authenticate as above.
EzProxy Help
For more information or if you have problems accessing library databases using EzProxy please contact the Mt
Helen Information Desk - (Phone: 03-5327 9594) email libinfo@ballarat.edu.au