Section IV Assessment #8 Rubric

School Counselor
KSDE Assessment 8
CESP 822: Assessment in Counseling
Summer 2008
Name: _____________________________
Counseling Assessment Exam
Exam #3
Exam #3 is worth 50 points and will be weighted as 25% of your grade in the
course. If you have any questions, ask them during the exam.
Multiple Choice (1 pt. each)
1. Which of the following is not a use of tests of educational ability?
a. To assist in the determination of learning problems.
b. To assess how well a class, grade, school, school system, or state is learning
content knowledge.
c. To assist in career and occupational assessment.
d. To assist in the determination of giftedness.
e. To help determine if a child is ready to move to the next grade level.
2. If you are considering using the Iowa Test of Basic Skills to determine how much your
students have learned in the last year, you need to check that there is evidence for this
a. convergent validity
b. face validity
c. predictive validity
d. bonded validity
e. content validity
3. Which cognitive ability test is the most popular college admission exam on the
undergraduate level?
a. The CogAT
b. The ACT
c. The GRE
d. The MAT
e. The Otis-Lennon
4. Which of the following tend to have the weakest reliability and validity?
a. survey battery achievement tests
b. diagnostic tests
c. readiness tests
d. K – 12 cognitive ability tests
e. college placement and graduate school cognitive ability tests
School Counselor
KSDE Assessment 8
5. Which of the following is true about the WISC-IV?
a. It provides a full scale IQ.
b. It provides four composite scores useful in identifying learning problems.
c. Subtests use a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3.
d. The full scale IQ is reported with a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15.
e. All are true
6. Which is not a popular interest inventory?
a. The Self-Directed Search
b. The Career Occupational Preference System
c. The Strong Vocational Interest Inventory
d. Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
7. The purpose of the Total Response Index on the Strong Vocational Interest Inventory
a. To allow an individual to compare his or her interests to the interests of same sex
individuals who are satisfied in their jobs.
b. To identify an individual’s broad interest areas (e.g., science, math, music)
c. To give a breakdown of client responses on the test.
d. To identify an individual’s top three Holland Codes.
e. To give an estimate of work style, learning environment, leadership style, and risk
8. Which is not one of the Holland Codes?
a. Realistic
b. Enterprising
c. Artistic
d. Social
e. Contemporary
9. If during the development of a multiple aptitude test, the test publisher finds a number
of high correlations among several of their tests, this could be an indication of:
a. high validity, as the test shows inter-test purity.
b. high reliability, as the tests are highly correlated with one another
c. the need for further refinement of the test, as some of the tests may be measuring
similar factors
d. low practicality because time could be saved by administering less tests
e. none of the above
School Counselor
KSDE Assessment 8
10. Which item is not true about the ASVAB?
a. It consists of eight power tests for which separate scores are given.
b. The power tests have been shown to measure similar qualities that are measured
in intelligence tests.
c. Combinations of the power tests form three composite scores are in the areas of
verbal skills, math skills, and science and technical skills
d. The three composite scores tend to be important for success in a number of jobs.
11. Special aptitude tests:
a. Measure a homogenous area of ability.
b. Are generally used to predict success in a specific vocational area of interest.
c. Are frequently used as a screening process to assess one’s ability to perform a
certain job or to master a new skill at work.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
12. Based on your readings in the text, special aptitude tests can be found in all but which
of the following areas.
a. Mechanical
b. Clerical
c. Artistic
d. Recreational
e. Musical
13. Which of the following is not a use of clinical assessment?
a. To help clients gain greater insight.
b. To aid in case conceptualization and mental health diagnostic formulations.
c. To assist in the decision-making concerning the use of psychotropic medications.
d. To assist in treatment planning.
e. None of the above (all are uses).
14. Which of the following is not a use of clinical assessment?
a. To assist in court decisions.
b. To identify psychopathology.
c. To aid in diagnostic decisions for health related problems (e.g., Alzheimer’s).
d. To identify individuals at risk (e.g., students at risk for suicide).
e. None of the above (all are uses).
School Counselor
KSDE Assessment 8
15. One of the greatest advantages in using the MMPI-II is which of the following?
a. Its ease in interpretation of the results
b. Its speed of administration (25 minutes or less)
c. Its helpfulness in identifying possible Axis I clinical disorders
d. Its helpfulness in identifying possible Axis II personality disorders
e. Its helpfulness in identifying personality characteristics of generally mentally
healthy and “normal” individuals
16. Which is not one of the dichotomies or dimensions on the Myers-Briggs?
a. Extroverted or Introverted
b. Sensing or Intuiting
c. Experiencing or Deducting
d. Thinking or Feeling.
e. Judging or Perceiving
17. Projective tests:
a. are a type of objective personality test
b. are based on the clinician’s interpretation of a client’s response to a stimuli
c. are used infrequently these days.
d. are not considered particularly helpful in the clinical process.
e. All of the above
18. Which is not true about the Thematic Apperception Test?
a. It has 31 cards.
b. Usually, only 8 to 12 cards are used.
c. Each card has a separate inkblot on it.
d. In response to showing the cards, the examiner asks the client to create and
describe a story that has a beginning, middle and end.
19. The Bender-Gestalt II measures all but which of the following?
a. Developmental level
b. Psychological functioning
c. Neurological deficits after a traumatic brain injury
d. Mental ability
20. Which of the following is most true regarding drawing tests (e.g. House-TreePerson)?
a. Provides an objective measure to obtain personality deficiencies.
b. Can be given quickly and do not require artistic prowess.
c. Have been shown to have excellent validity and reliability.
d. Can often be used alone in the assessment process due to their test worthiness.
e. All of the above are true.
School Counselor
KSDE Assessment 8
21. Sentence completion tests:
a. Are projective techniques in which clients respond to the stems of sentences.
b. Can provide valuable information quickly.
c. Generally have limited validity and reliability information.
d. All of the above.
22. Which is most true about the EPS sentence Completion Technique?
a. The reliability estimates and validity are considered quite high/good for this
instrument considering its projective nature.
b. This instrument is useful for working with the mildly mentally retarded
c. It is useful for screening patients for paranoia, schizophrenia, and other clinical
d. It utilizes T scores and scales with 70 or greater indicate tendencies toward
e. All of the above.
23. All but which of the following are strengths of informal assessment techniques?
a. They add to the total assessment process and increase our ability to better
understand the whole person.
b. They can be created so they assess the exact attribute we are attempting to
c. They can often be developed or gathered in a rather short amount of time.
d. They are generally free or low cost procedures.
e. They are generally highly valid and reliable.
24. According to the text, two types of observation are:
a. non-intrusive and naturalistic observation.
b. event and time sampling.
c. enmeshed and disengaged observation.
d. controlled and spontaneous observation.
e. focused and open-ended observation.
25. Because we tend to identify with the individuals we are rating, we sometimes rate
them higher than we actually believe them to be. This concept is called:
a. generosity error.
b. interrater reliability.
c. criterion referenced rating.
d. the "Halo" effect.
School Counselor
KSDE Assessment 8
26. This kind of rating scale has a statement followed by words that reflect a continuum
that range from favorable to unfavorable regarding the quality being measured.
a. Semantic Differential
b. Rank Order
c. Numerical
d. Graphic (Likert-Type Scale)
27. This kind of rating scale provides a statement followed by one ore more pairs of
words that reflect opposing traits.
a. Semantic Differential
b. Rank Order
c. Numerical
d. Graphic (Likert-Type Scale)
28. After sharing information about one’s family in a graduate class on family systems,
the instructor asks each student to write down on a piece of paper the student with whom
they most identify. The instructor then maps out the responses on the board. The
instructor is using which of the following techniques?
a. a rating scale
b. an observational technique
c. a behavior checklist
d. a feeling word checklist
e. a sociometric technique
29. Two expert raters are trained to rate the ability of graduate students to use different
kinds of questions when gathering information. After three weeks of training, their
interrater reliability is .60. These raters:
a. have achieved high interrater reliability
b. have a way to go before they are proficient at rating.
c. need to make the definitions of “the use of questions” a little more vague so their
ratings will improve
d. None of the above.
30. In which of the following does cross-cultural fairness impact informal assessment
a. Use of more objective measures, such as numerical scales and Likert scales,
mitigates concerns of cross-cultural fairness when using informal assessment
b. Due to unconscious or conscious bias, an examiner, observer, or rater may
misinterpret the verbal or nonverbal behaviors of a minority client.
c. Because informal assessment procedures are developed by the examiner, they are
less prone to cross-cultural bias.
d. Cross-cultural issues are not particularly relevant to informal assessment
e. None of the above.
School Counselor
KSDE Assessment 8
Short Answer (2 pts. each)
31. There are many situations in which a decision must be made as to whether a score is
so extreme that we give a label to those with such an unusual score or we call these
individuals “exceptional” in some way. How extreme do scores have to be before we
usually do this?
32. Assume that you administered the Peabody Individual Achievement Test to Helen.
Her score on the Written Expression subtest was at the 48th percentile. How would you
tell her parents how she did on this subtest, WITHOUT USING THE WORD
33. Assume that you administered a test over the last three chapters in social studies to
your fourth graders. Elliot’s score was 87% correct. How would you tell his parents how
he did on the social studies test? Do not assume that his parents understand what percent
Fill-in-the-blank (1 pt. per each blank)
34. Instead of considering how all their students did on the achievement test, the eighth
grade teachers _______________________ the data (results/scores) by gender.
35. When you administer the Stanford-Binet , first you administer the Vocabulary subtest
and use it as a ___________________ to know where to start each of the other subtests.
Once you start to administer a subtest, you must establish a _______________________.
You stop administering the subtest when you reach a ___________________.
School Counselor
KSDE Assessment 8
True or False (1/2 pt. each)
36. Crystallized (learned) intelligence will generally increase with age while fluid
(innate) intelligence tends to slightly decline as we age.
37. Because individual intelligence tests are given by an examiner, one-on-one,
there is great opportunity for error in their administration and their reliability
tends to be low.
38. On the Stanford-Binet, the basal level is determined, which is the highest
point where the examinee is able to get all the questions right on two consecutive
age levels.
39. Confidence intervals on the WISC-IV reflect measurement error in the test.
40. Although the WISC-IV is helpful in determining a broad array of cognitive
functioning, it generally is a poor test to determine giftedness.
41. The combination of an interest inventory with a multiple aptitude test allows
one to examine two important attributes in the career choice process.
42. When placed on a hexagon, the closer the Holland interest areas are to one
another, the more similar are their qualities.
43. The ASVAB has been shown to predict poorly for military occupations.
44. Because occupational and career assessment has such a narrow focus, these
instruments should only be administered by school counselors highly trained in
them, school psychologists, and clinical psychologists.
45. Due to the subjectivity of rating scales, the Halo effect is probably minimal.
46. Interrater reliability measures the agreement or consistency among 2 or more
evaluators observing a behavior or phenomenon.
47. Validity of informal assessment techniques has to do with how well the
examiner is defining that which is being assessed.
48. Because informal assessment procedures are developed by the examiner, they
are less prone to cross-cultural bias.
School Counselor
KSDE Assessment 8
Match the Theorist with the Model (1/2 pt. each)
___ 49. Spearman’s Two-Factor Approach
A. Process model, not a cognitive
model. Cognitive structures are developed
through a process of assimilation and
___ 50. Thurstone’s Multifactor Approach
B. Three kinds of cognitive ability:
operations; contents, and product. 180
possible combinations.
___ 51. Vernon’s Hierarchal Model of
C. The “g” factor mediates general
intelligence and “s” factor mediates
specific abilities.
___ 52. Cattell’s Fluid and Crystal
D. All people have some of eight or nine
factors: Verbal-Linguistic, MathematicalLogical, Musical, Visual-Spatial, BodilyKinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal,
Naturalist, and Existential.
___ 53. Guilford’s Multi
Factor/Dimensional Model
E. Seven factors related to “g”: verbal
meaning, number ability, word fluency,
perception speed, spatial ability, reasoning,
and memory.
____ 54. Piaget’s Cognitive Development
F. Two “g” factors: gf intelligence: innate
culturally free intelligence; and gc: acquired
as we learn.
____ 55. Gardner’s Theory of Multiple
G. Four levels: 1: “g” factor; 2: major
group factors, verbal-numericaleducational and practical-mechanicalspatial-physical, 3. minor group factors,
and 4. specific factors.