Internet Teaching Tools for Language Arts and Reading Sheila Barnes 106746985 1 Internet Teaching Tools for Language Arts and Reading This presentation will explore free, on-line teaching tools geared towards language arts and reading teachers. Several tools with teaching strategies will be highlighted. We will review different strategies to enhance teaching and see examples of various educational language arts sites and ways to use them. The Internet is a rich resource for teachers, but locating very specific examples and how to use them can be time-consuming. So, we have culled the Internet for the best material to be used in the classroom. 106746985 1 Opening Activity TRLD is a free web based bookmark portal that allows users to store, sort, add to, and share your bookmarks from anywhere on the Web. This is great for sharing with students, friends and family. As part of today’s workshop, we will begin by having you create your own bookmark portal list. 1. Choose a name that you would like the bookmark list to be called. Examples, mathmadness, mathmatters, socialstudy, sheilabarnes etc. 2. In your browser address or location window, type the following 3. Along the top navigation, click on the New Account link to sign up. 4. Users must enter an account name, authoring password, contact name, and email address. Users may choose to have their list published or non-published. Enter a name that your students will recognize. Click on Finished. 5. You will receive a Confirmation that gives directions on accessing your account. In addition, users can upload their bookmarks and favorites from existing computers to the iKeepBookmarks site. Scroll down and click on Begin using account. 6. Now, let’s make a bookmark on your links (Internet Explorer) bar or Personal Toolbar (Netscape) so that you can easily add sites to your bookmark list. At the top right corner, click on login in by typing your account name and password. 7. Click on the Popup along the top. Click on the words in red and drag to your links navigation bar or personal toolbar. Drag this --> <-- Drag this 8. Now you are ready to add sites as we travel the Internet. Click on Favorites or Bookmarks and choose iKeepBookmarks to add to your own collection. 106746985 2 Workshop Agenda iKeepBookmarks Introduction and Background Goal Elementary Sites Middle Sites High School Sites Tools and Strategies Closing Questions?? 106746985 3 Types of Sites Information- provides source material on specific subject Email Project- interactivity between student/teachers Activities- these could be ideas and strategies for teaching or student input Interactive Activities- word search, online quiz, vocabulary practice, or practice activities with instant feedback Reference- online media centers Data – collected resources on a particular subject Skill Support- practice on punctuation, or identifying verbs, Ask an Expert- pose questions by email or check FAQ area Lesson Plans- collections and ideas world wide Teacher Tools- free tools to develop custom curriculum material 106746985 4 Language Arts Elementary Sites Activity Suggestion Authors Web Site Jan Brett’s web page is full of neat stuff. Eric Carle’s web site Dictionaries This is a dictionary with simple definitions and links to more information. Ezines This is a new on-line magazine designed to foster love of reading and writing. It accepts submissions from students. Grammar Activities habet.htm Virtual Alphabet TML/schoolhouse.html This is Schoolhouse Rock. These are madlibs. Large Language Arts Sites The English Zone provides on-line activities. Kathy Schrock’s Literature and Language Arts guide is full of links to good resources. On-line Literature Collections Children’s Literature Web Guide is the premier literature site on the Internet devoted to children. Stories and more found here. On-line Media Center This is the Internet Public Library. Go into the Youth Division to see a well- organized collection of material for students. They also have a good reference collection. Plays This is a play called, “The Legend of Lightning Larry.” Poetry 106746985 5 Activity Suggestion Research Tools Thesaurus Writing Projects 106746985 Web Site This is a collection of poems by Kenn Nesbitt. Scroll down and check out The Funny Forty. This is a collection of search tools for young students. This is Webster's Thesaurus. This is a collection of on-line research resources. This is Monster Exchange, an on-line project. This is a form for posting stories on-line. It is from Candlelight Stories. This is a student-created page for writing. 6 Language Arts Middle Grades Activity Suggestion Biographies Ezines Fairy Tales Grammar Online Authors 106746985 Web Site This dictionary contains biographical information on over 18,000 people from ancient times to the present day. These are the notable men and women who have shaped our world. Information contained in the dictionary includes birth and death years, professions, positions held, literary and artistic works, awards, and other achievements. These on-line lessons explain what a biography should be and shows the student how to write their own. Civil War Times Parents and Children Online Together Tales of Wonder- A good site tying social studies with language arts, it consists of a matrix of links to tales from other nations and from Native Americans. A resource for teachers or students. A game that helps the student identify the parts of speech at the beginner and advanced level. mmon The LinguaCenter Grammar Safari provides activities for students to "hunt" and "collect" examples of specific words as they are found in documents on the Internet. One assignment involves a safari journal. A list of resources to use in a safari are also available for the teacher. On-line reference resource for students. Study the rules and definitions and strengthen your skills. Offline practice and answers provided. Links for Authors and Illustrators online The Author Corner provides links to information on a wide 7 Activity Suggestion Online Literature Online Media Centers Publications Reference Material Vocabulary Writing 106746985 Web Site variety of authors. Great place for students to find out about authors whose books they are reading. University of Memphis- E Books Anne Frank House, a very moving and easily navigable site filled with historical annotations, pictures, and documentation from the Diary of Anne Frank. This is a good place to start research on the Holocaust or to supplement current language arts and social studies material. Internet Public Library Teen Section Midlink Online Magazine Guide to Grammar and Writing Vocabulary University- interactive vocabulary games for the elementary, middle and high school levels that teach vocabulary skills and give immediate correct responses to incorrect answer submissions. The Five Paragraph Essay, a step-by-step guide to writing a five-paragraph essay. Great resource for teachers and students. 8 Language Arts High School Activity Suggestion American Author Websites Current Events Grammar Literature Mythology Reference Material 106746985 Web Site Maya Angelou Willa Cather E.E. Cummings mings.htm Emily Dickinson inson.htm Frederick Douglass A clearinghouse for news and resource sites available in subject area or timeline format. It is separated into Teacher & Student divisions and covers: news, homework help, a game room, and a multimedia library for new and archived audio/video clips. Superteach offers grammar, mechanics, and writing help and advice. It also has exercises to do along with answer keys. Resource for teachers and students that provides information regarding sentence parts, clauses, paragraph unity, etc. Excellent source. Web page for Charles Dickens that provides information and links to studies of the man and his works. Neat site with information about gods and heroes in Greek mythology. Also includes teacher resource page with lesson/project ideas. There is also an encyclopedia. 9 Activity Suggestion Research, Study Skills, Teaching Tools: Speech/Listening Vocabulary Writing 106746985 Web Site Provides study questions for teachers and students On plays by Shakespeare . The author of the site gives permission to use the questions as long as you say that he is the author. Full texts of many works of classical and popular fiction. One of the best parts of this site is the section on American Literature. This site also has A BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE and BREWER'S READER'S HANDBOOK. (You can search the handbook and find literary references and explanations.) peaking/Public_Speaking.html Resource provides tips for public speaking and a link to famous speeches. Site provides links to interactive crossword puzzles and word searches. ects/la/b6u3.html Step-by-step guide for students to develop a newspaper electronically through the use of the computer. Purdue University Online Writing Lab. Handouts on writing, planning, and genres. 10 Teaching Tools Activity Suggestion Free Worksheets Quia SchoolNotes TrackStar Xcursion Central Puzzlemaker 106746985 Web Site Offers elementary teachers free worksheets both to print and for on-line practice. This site even has a worksheet generator for teachers to develop handouts to meet their own specifications. Create your own learning activities. Create your own free homework page or newsletter online. A great site for teachers to pre select Web sites, pose relevant questions, and place on-line for students to access. Easy to use and quick to post on-line for immediate student use. Internet-linked, curriculum-based "field trip" developed by teachers for classroom use. Topics are grade and subject specific. "FoolProof Xcursions" have been approved and recommended. Existing lessons can be modified for a teachers specific classroom needs. Puzzlemaker allows teachers to create puzzles and games for newsletters, flyers, handouts, or classroom assignments. Possible puzzles include: maze, word search, crossword, number block, math square, cryptogram, and others. This is a nice teacher utility. 11 Web Resource Reference Chart ELEMENTARY Information Sites Email Project Activities Reference Sites Data Sites Ask an Expert Skill Support Virtual Field Trips 106746985 World Writers Monster Exchange Journey North Internet Public Tall Buildings Ask Dr. Math A Plus Math Museum MIDDLE SCHOOL Quotation Resource International E-mail Study of Japan Virtual Reference Infonation Ask Dr. Science Grammar/Writing Guide The Jason Project HIGH SCHOOL Virtual Museums ePALS American Memory Online Writing Lab ENC Data Ask An Energy Expert Learning Webs Electronic Ellis Island 13