April 1998 Page - CYSA District II

CYSA District II
April 22,1998
Jeff Stanga, Commissioner
Dave Mann, Assistant
Mel Dutra, Registrar
Ed Erginsoy, Treasurer
Dave Mann, Coaching (Acting)
Adrian Rodriguez, Recreation
Valerie Todd, Tournaments
Dave Morton, Referees
Dick Mussallem, Morgan Hill
Steve Wincor, Communications
Ana Kielbasa, District Cup
Jack Salvemini,
Rich Suess, Mt. Hamilton YSL
Bruce Ball, C3PL
Dale Deg, South San Jose YSL
Tom Quirk, Central Valley
Jim Domke, Sunnyvale Alliance
Paul Vargas, West Valley YSL
(New Pres.)
Craig van Keulen, Orchard Valley
Merijane Lee, District Spring
Dan Perera, Santa Cruz YSL
Luis Mora, Central Coast YSL
Bruce Renati, Redwood City YSL
Dean Adams, Los Gatos YSL
Tim Timon, Santa Clara YSL
Paul Gallegos, North Valley
Bob Joyce, De Anza
Terry Pipp, District II Spring
G U15-U19 - Half Moon Bay
Mike Farant, DeAnza Registrar\
Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. Guests introduced
themselves. Lucy not in attendance. Steve Wincor taking
meeting minutes. Quorum established.
Ed Erginosy presented Jeff with a District II gavel. It was
noted that it was very effective in keeping the meeting in
Minutes of March meeting were reviewed. The corrections
were made to the web-based minutes. Rick Nelson received
the Volunteer Award, Bob Joyce the Merit Award. North
Valley phone number for Paul Gallegos is 254-0318.
Minutes approved with the above changes.
Registrar Report
1. Rejection forms were handed out for leagues that
were present. The forms need to be corrected ("Red
Lined") in the next two weeks. The forms need to
be returned to the D2 Registrar. A floppy of the
corrections can also be supplied to the Registrar in
conjunction with the hard copy forms.
2. The above task must be completed in order to close
out the year.
3. A new Kreg program is required for '98 - '99
season it is version 3.8. Mel will be handing these
out to those successfully closing out their year.
4. Mel has brought with him Single Event Player
Forms, Player Passes, and Parent Pamphlets for
those requiring them. Please see Mel following the
5. Total registered players for D2 is 19,860. This
number is not accurate since Almaden is missing
over 1,000 of their players due to technical
glitches. Once all figures are tallied Mel figures the
total should be around 22,000.
6. An order has to be placed for Team Manuals and
Game Cards. Mel will figure this amount out and
verify with Jeff.
Tournament Director Report
1. The Tournament Calendar is now released. It
should be available on the D2 web site this coming
weekend. Corrections to the D2 schedule will also
be listed on the web site. These mistakes have been
clarified and notification to the CYSA-N office has
been made.
2. Kellog Cup is a sanctioned event, but the normal
procedure of notifying the D2 Tournament
Coordinator has not been followed. Terry Pipp will
notify Justin as to the problem.
3. Applications for the '98-'99 season should not be
mailed any earlier then the date listed on the form.
4. A copy of the rules for Kellog Cup are required to
be delivered to the D2 Tournament Coordinator.
Morgan Hill Complex Report
1. This weekends cup games have been relocated by
Bob Askof to the Sacramento Cherry Island
Complex. The reasoning had to do with lodging
concerns. Jeff responding to many phone calls on
this issue.
2. A contract/agreement has been made with the San
Jose Clash soccer team for use of the Morgan Hill
Complex for practice. Two and half fields will be
utilized Monday thru Friday by the Clash. The
Clash will paying an unstipulated amount for the
use of the fields.
3. Schedules for the Complex were handed out.
ODP Director Report
1. ODP Registration forms have been received and
will be distributed by next week. Due to
registration problems several Leagues players will
not be notified of the tryout dates. All League
Presidents are encouraged to contact their
coaches/players to remind them of these tryouts.
Extra copies of the form will be available form
2. Dates 5/30-31 and 6/13-14 please refer to
VIII. Premier League Report
1. Five girls teams have applied. Four teams will be
2. No boys teams have been received as of this date.
Jeff advised to beat the bushes for candidates.
Referee Director Report
1. It was noted that the State Cup Referees have not
been paid as of this date. All forms have been
filled out and submitted. Several raised the
concern about non-payment for services of the
referee. Contact is to be made with Steve Dippert
to resolve this matter.
2. Payment to non-registered referees was discussed.
Under the US rules it states that non-registered
referees who are called upon by the officiating
team to assist during times of "unforeseen
circumstances" can be utilized as officials.
Therefore it assumed since they are providing this
service that they should be paid. Much discussion
3. MOTION: Unregistered Referees who are
requested, by officiating staff, to referee games
will be paid for their services. Dan Perrara, S.C.
YSL Motion, Bob Joyce Seconded.
DISCUSSION: Possibly add "unforeseen
circumstances". CALL FOR QUESTION: The
MOTION, as originally stated, PASSED
4. Question regarding Referee badges. Please
contact Bill Highline in Half Moon Bay.
Treasurer's Report
1. Current bank balance is $54,713.56.
2. Checkbook has been balanced and verified to
Guest Presentation from Jones Chocolate Fund Distributors
1. Carrier pack has 40 $1.00 bags of chocolate
2. Packs and boxes of unused items can be returned
for credit
3. Around 40%+ of funds can go potentially to the
League for fundraising
4. Account is set-up for 30 days
5. Other candies and packages available
6. Great America ticket incentives are available
Coaching Director Report
1. The current coaching books were handed out
2. Santa Clara E/D Class has been scheduled for a
5/22 Start Date
3. State "D" class has been scheduled for
Sacremento 7/29-8/2
4. Mount Hamilton "F" class 8/8 and "E" class 8/15
5. Coaching licenses can be taken roughly every 9
months (or once per year)
6. "D" license now required completion of a Referee
7. Dave Mann has applications for sessions
XIII. Recreation Director Report
1. All Leagues should have received a questionaire
from the CYSA-N Office. Please copy the
Recreation Director once you have completed the
form. Please mail back as soon as possible. Jeff
encouraged filling out this form.
XIV. Class Three Playing League Report
1. The C3PL Web Page has been reviewed and
updated - Please take a look and submit your
2. Looking for suggestions on a League Name
(instead of C3PL)
3. Looking at possible use of Participation
Trophies/Awards instead of current system
4. Some teams have dominated other teams to the
point of large "blowouts". It will be recommended
that these teams be moved to Select.
Spring Soccer Report
1. Displaying Spring Soccer scores has been enabled
for input of the web site. Only a few team have
placed scores on the site. It's still early in the
2. A spring soccer registration comparison chart was
handed out. Some of the decrease could be
attributed to PAL and competing Spring Soccer
XVI. Communication's Director Report
1. The D2 web site has been updated to reflect the
D2 background and information pages that Jeff
and Steve have been working on. In addition,
tournament information should be up on the site
by this weekend. It will point to the CYSA-N
Tournament page. D2 Tournament corrections
will be listed on this page as well.
2. Lucy will be mailing out a list of Zip Codes.
Please place the responsible League next to each
Zip code. Mail to Steve Wincor as soon as
possible. This will facilitate a lookup system on
our web site. Looking for League Name, Contact
Phone Number, Point of Contact, Web Address
(URL), Address, E-Mail, Other?
3. We will continue to update the D2 site. Please let
us know of any news.
XVII. Commissioner's Report
1. Bill Kocher has retired from the Board. Dave
Mann has replaced Bill. This opens a Coaching
Director position. Jeff has requested that Leagues
forward potential people for this slot to him as
soon as possible. In addition, there is also a
position for a Risk Management Director.
2. Outreach Funding is still available. There was
much discussion regarding past requests for
funding that were never responded to. Jeff said
that he will look into this, he encouraged new
submissions for the new year. Jeff stated, that he
will get the D2 Treasurer, Ed, to write the checks
and that D2 will get reimbursed.
XVIII. Old Business
1. The issue of what to do about Red Cards was
discussed. Should they be coordinated from all
Playing Leagues to a coordinator who would log
the information and resend out to the Leagues? A
committee will review what options are available
- Dave Mann P&A, Bruce Ball C3PL. Possibility
of punches in the Player Pass.
2. State of Red Cards in State Cup. 56 Cards issued
this year. The suspension will be served during
the State Cup or the very next State Cup. In
addition, Jeff is talking about adding an additional
penalty to be served in the upcoming season. As
an example, 4 game suspension at State Cup and
4 games in regular season.
XIX. New Business
1. Question raised on Background Checks of
Coaches. Several of the Leagues are utilizing the
Megan's Law CD, available from Police Stations.
Fingerprint and a more in depth BI is more costly
$25-30 per person. Jeff stated, that the new Risk
Management Director will be responsible for this
Good of the Game
1. Bruce Renati stated - Most of the Red Cards that
are received by players is directly attributed to the
Coaches that are teaching the players. Most red
cards would probably not occur if the coaches
were not involved at all.
Meeting adjouned 9:45PM
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