Ebsco Search – DE and Policy Record: 6 Title: House Republicans Challenge New England Senators on Shaping Aid Policy. Author(s): Burd, Stephen Source: Chronicle of Higher Education; 2/15/2002, Vol. 48 Issue 23, pA14, 2p Document Type: Article Subject(s): EDUCATION, Higher -- Government policy EDUCATION & state UNITED States Abstract: Focuses on the challenges brought by United States House Republicans on the higher-education policies of New England senators as of February 15, 2002. Information on House Resolution 1992, on federal financial aid for distance-education students; Problem on the formula the government uses to distribute funds in major financial-aid programs; Lawmakers on the panel in charge of higher-education policy. Full Text Word Count: 2509 ISSN: 00095982 Accession Number: 6219439 Database: Academic Search Elite Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine. Reauthorization of Higher Education Act soon – may be a good time to include accessibility in guidelines Record: 9 Title: POLICIES REGARDING DISTANCE EDUCATION. Author(s): Czubaj, Camilia Anne Source: Education; Fall2001, Vol. 122 Issue 1, p119, 4p Document Type: Article Subject(s): DISTANCE education UNITED States. -- Federal Communications Commission TECHNOLOGY & state EDUCATION -- Costs -- Government policy UNITED States Abstract: Policies are being developed to define and regulate distance education. Technology is one modality in the delivery processes of distance education. The Federal Communications Commission has adopted the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and established criteria for a technology plan that will receive monetary discounts under the Universal Service Program. Previous rulings were amended to include the "Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure." Purdue University's Distance Education and Information Technology Unit has five goals to their program. The Committee at the University of Texas at Arlington monitors the federal, regional, and state governing bodies of distance education. The staff of the Texas Woman's University believes monitoring of the learners' knowledge is imperative. Facilities and programs in which distance education can occur should be made available. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Full Text Word Count: 1555 ISSN: 00131172 Accession Number: 5570432 Database: Academic Search Elite Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine. Record: 12 Title: Universities in Transition: The Promise and the Challenge of New Technologies. Author(s): Burbules, Nicholas C. Source: Teachers College Record; Apr2000, Vol. 102 Issue 2, p271, 23p Document Type: Article Subject(s): TECHNOLOGICAL innovations EDUCATION, Higher -- United States DISTANCE education EDUCATIONAL accountability UNITED States Abstract: This essay reviews two interrelated sets of changes that are having a major influence on higher education now and for the future. Our primary concern is with the changes wrought by the incorporation of new information and communication technologies into the teaching activities of colleges and universities. Today these are normally discussed under the rubric of "distance education,' but we believe this label misconceives the importance of online technologies in blurring' the distinctions between on- and off-campus teaching. We consider a number of ethical and policy issues arising from these changes and the ways in which the uses of these new technologies affect and are affected by a second set of changes affecting universities, the conditions of globalization. In general, we want to question the forced options of boosterism or rejectionism, along with other unhelpful dichotomies that have characterized much of the discussion of these issues up until now. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Full Text Word Count: 10117 ISSN: 01614681 Accession Number: 2988844 Database: Academic Search Elite Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine. Record: 16 Title: Public Policy. Author(s): Hickman, Clark J. Source: Adult Learning; Spring99, Vol. 10 Issue 3, p17, 4p, 1bw Document Type: Article Subject(s): DISTANCE education PUBLIC policy (Law) -- Decision making Abstract: Discusses the role of public policy in providing technological advancement in the facilitation of higher education and distance learning. Implication of technology on distance learning; How public policies affect educational programming; Considerations on public policy making in distance education. Full Text Word Count: 2583 ISSN: 10451595 Accession Number: 1892344 Database: Academic Search Elite Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine. WICHE –developed the Principles of Good Practice for Electronically Delivered Academic Degree and Certificate Programs – check out… Record: 4 Title: Making Web Sites Work for People With Disabilities. Author(s): Foster, Andrea L. Source: Chronicle of Higher Education; 2/2/2001, Vol. 47 Issue 21, pA30, 3p, 3c Document Type: Article Subject(s): STATE universities & colleges HANDICAPPED -- United States WEB sites -- Universities & colleges DISTANCE education UNITED States Abstract: Focuses on the regulation demanding state-controlled colleges in the United States to make their Web sites accessible and to make sure that the hardware, software, machines and computer programs they purchase can be adapted for use by disabled people. Date set for the rule's effectivity; Application of the regulation to state-university Web pages; Impact of the regulation on distance education. Full Text Word Count: 2254 ISSN: 00095982 Accession Number: 4040356 Database: Academic Search Elite Notes: USU subscribes to this magazine. Record: 7 Title: Alaska's Rural Early Intervention Preservice Training Program. Author(s): Ryan, Susan Source: Rural Special Education Quarterly; Summer/Fall99, Vol. 18 Issue 3/4, p21, 8p, 1 chart Document Type: Article Subject(s): EARLY childhood educators -- Training of EDUCATION, Rural DISTANCE education UNIVERSITY of Alaska (Anchorage, Alaska) -- Graduate work ALASKA ANCHORAGE (Alaska) Abstract: Describes a Master's level training program for early intervention personnel currently providing services in rural Alaska to infants and toddlers and preschoolers with disabilities and their families. Implementation of current best practices in early intervention via distance education; Graduate training program at the University of Alaska-Anchorage. Full Text Word Count: 4131 ISSN: 87568705 Accession Number: 4035508 Database: Academic Search Elite Notes: USU may not currently subscribe to this title -- check Online Catalog to verify. Ebsco Search – DE and AT