Volume 41 Issue 6
APRIL 2013
During the month Jean and I traveled to Danville IL for the Region V JCI Senate meeting hosted by the IL JCI Senate.
This was a great meeting with about 120 senators and guests attending. Vice President Gary Pittenger #24804 ran
excellent meeting and President Monty Schroeder#62203 and Chairman Greg Hilleary#43305 were great hosts. Thank
you one and all, keep up the good work. Region V elected JeNie Atlman #56150 as Region V National Vice President for
2013-2014, good luck JeNie.
Next up was the Region 10 meeting in Las Vegas and it was one of the best in years. The Region 10 Senators, the Hawaii
Jaycee Old Timers and Jaycees from the Great America Institute came together for a terrific weekend. Lowell Vahl
#40315 coordinated the activities with the Hawaii Old Timers and the Jaycees which resulted an excellent Region 10
meeting and about 100 people at the Sat. night banquet. In addition with the help of the Senate,(specifically(John Riggs
#24081 and Marty Calabro#26870 ) and the Hawaii Jaycee Old Timers the US Jaycees established “Greater Las Vegas
Jaycees” by the end of the weekend. Thank you Phil Friedman#61455 for putting together a great meeting. This weekend
was a great example of:
As to the growth of our organization, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! One and all, as of the completion of the March
dues billing we are growth by 100 for the year. 8 regions and 21 states were growth for this past quarter. The last dues
billing of our year is coming out soon, please keep up the great work and let us finish with a record year.
May 1-4, 2012 is the ASAC (Association of JCI Senators of the Americas and the Caribbean) meeting in St. Louis, MO.
Details are available through the JCI web site. This meeting is being hosted by the JCI headquarters office; however
thanks to IL and MO Senators we are providing hospitality in the form of a Senate Lounge Bar. There is a separate
registration for Senators available for $175 which excludes the gala banquet on Sat. night (Tickets are available for
additional cost). This is also the meeting of Jaycees from the area that previously was called area C.. To register you go
through the JCI web site, if you have problems logging in send Earl Sawyer an e-mail he will help. This is an excellent
opportunity to meet other Senators and Jaycees from the North, Central and South America please consider attending. I
have attached a copy of the Senate program.
Travels for Jean and I from now until Cleveland will include: MAI, Region 6, Region 4, Region 8, ASAC meeting, IL
TOYP, Ohio’s 45th, Region 9, ASE meeting in Monaco, US Jaycee meeting in Seattle. We hope to see many of you on our
travels and would like you to come to Cleveland in June to elect our new leadership and share the friendship.
As we complete the last half of this great year, think about those in our organization that have gone the extra step and
have served in their elected or appointed position with outstanding performance. Recommendations for yearend awards
are due to the following by May 1st.
Newsletter – US JCI Secretary
Webmaster- US JCI Webmaster contact Lowell Vahl for criteria
Treasurer - US JCI Treasurer
All others - US JCI President (this is for the named awards other than Tom Stone or Newsletter awards)
Administrative Vice President
Larry Bohn #37024
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter or Passover. I know this past week has served
as a much needed break before the upcoming weeks of whirlwind travel! March was
not as hectic. March 9 Ronnie and I enjoyed bowling with the Maryland Senate
against the Maryland Jaycees. Thanks to Sue Woelpper #65352 for arranging the
outing and Pam #43030 and John #41511 Cotter for hosting the pizza party
afterwards. The following weekend I travelled with Past President Calvin Baerveldt
#36419 to a super Region 5 Spring Fling. My thanks to Chef Monty Schroeder
#62203 and the Illinois JCI Senate for the great hospitality and congratulations to
Region 5 VP Gary Pittenger #24804 for a well-run meeting. Travels for March
ended with a long weekend in fabulous Las Vegas. What a great idea to combine the
Region 10 meeting, GAI and the Hawaii Old-Timers event! The turnout was
exceptional and everyone had a great time. Thanks to President Bill Petti #38860 and the Hawaii Old-Timers
for their splendid hospitality and to Region 10 VP Phil Friedman #61455 for getting the three groups together.
My travel schedule for the rest of the year until Convention includes MAI in Virginia, Region 6 in South
Dakota, Region 4 in South Carolina, Region 8 in Oklahoma, Area C in St. Louis followed by a visit to Illinois’
TOYP, Region 9 in Washington and the Jaycee Convention, also in Washington. If I don’t see you at one of
those stops, I look forward to seeing you in Cleveland as we celebrate the close of our year of “Friendship
Without Borders.”
Brian Trautman #61774
Just a reminder to all State Presidents that I do need your states 2013-2014 Elected
Officers Roster sent to me no later than May 26, 2013 so this info can be included in
the temporary directory to be handed out to the incoming Executive Board at the year
end meeting in Cleveland. The form is on the website or you can email me the
information. Also send me your nominations for newsletters so they can be judged for
year end recognition. Travels for the balance of the year are to the Region 6 meeting in
South Dakota and to the year end meeting in Ohio.
Randy Young #46420
We finished another quarterly dues billing and thanks to ALL your hard
work we grew by 53!!! We need to continue this growing trend by
continuing to invite lost Senators back to the family, and encouraging our
Jaycees to recognize their best of the best.
The Spring Regional Meetings are in full swing and the attendance has been
tremendous. This of course shows in our bottom line with more Presidential
Sweepstakes tickets being sold and drawn for, as well as support for our Mentors. Your support is not only
appreciated but needed to continue our tradition of a strong fiscally responsible organization.
Please take some time and nominate your Treasurer for the “Tom Stone Memorial Award”. We will recognize
the top 5 State Treasurers and name the Tom Stone winner in Cleveland. The nominations and letters of
recommendation are due to me by May 1st.
Included with this Senate Scene are the proposed budget for 2013-14 and a brief explanation from the Finance
Committee. This proposed budget will be voted on in Cleveland at the Annual Meeting with the final budget
approval in Bettendorf at the Fall BOD.
Chairman of the Board
Steve Sutherland #27073
With April comes the rain - but hopefully it won’t rain on this great Friendship
Without Borders year. Congratulations to those who worked diligently to give
us our seventh growth in membership quarter in a row! What a feat.
Also what a great and highly successful Region 10 meeting in Las Vegas with
the Jaycees and Hawaii Old Timers. Kudos to all those who put that meeting
together. Dawne and I took advantage of this trip to visit Joshua Tree
National Park in Southern California as well as “Area 51". Picked up some
“Alien Roadkill Jerky.”
Until Cleveland, travels will include MAI, Region 4 Calabash, and the
Canadian National Convention in Prince George, British Colombia.
There is still time to run for National Senate Office; however, you must
qualify on or before May 2, 2013.
Those qualified so far, are as follows:
President Larry Bohn, Maryland
Administrative Vice President Randy Young, Minnesota
Secretary Carol “CJ” Jordan, North Carolina
Treasurer John Robinson, Pennsylvania
Region 1 NVP Merrill Pottle, Maryland
Region 2 NVP Jackie Grim, Pennsylvania
Region 3 NVP Donna Yenney, Virginia
Region 4 NVP Kay Buchanan, Georgia
Region 5 NVP JeNie Altman, Kentucky
Region 6 NVP Tim Kalvig, Iowa
Region 7 NVP Region 8 NVP Bruce Sostak, Texas
Region 9 NVP Les Miller, Idaho
Region 10 NVP Katina Repp, California
Please be advised that the Nominations and Elections Committee is comprised of the following:
Steve Sutherland, #27073, Past National President, Chairman
Jumper Davis, #38376, Past National President
Doug Meyers, #21511, Past National President
Mike Phillips, #50063, Past National Vice President.
Be sure your voting delegates register at the Elections Meeting in Cleveland.
Have a great April, May, and June,
National VP Region I
Fran Kass #60798
New England is still looking forward to spring since it’s been hiding
behind the cold weather.
The Rhode Island JCI Senate has finalized their plans for the 2013 Fall
Frolic at the Providence Wyndham Hotel for October 4th – 6th, 2013.
(See attachment). President Arthur Plitt #22075 is the point person for
any questions.
Maine’s winter meeting at Oxford Casino in Oxford, ME was hosted by President Gail Sumner #46588 on
March 9th with lunch at 11:30. The meeting included a lively discussion for preserving Maine’s Jaycee and
Jaycee I Senate documentation. They also organized an event which will take place on June 9th to honor those
with Senate numbers of 4 digits. Following the meeting, many enjoyed gambling. Their annual meeting of the
Maine JCI Senate will be held on June 8th and 9th.
The Region I Caucus will be hosted by the Massachusetts JCI Senate on May 4th in Randolph, MA. It will
coincide with the Massachusetts Senate meeting. The MA Senate meeting will be start at 10:00. Region 1
meeting starts at 11:30 and will continue after a lunch break. We will elect Merrill Pottle #23412 from Maine
who has filed his application for Region 1 NVP for 2013-2014. He will be sworn in at the National Board
Meeting in Cleveland. We look forward to his having a fun and successful year.
There will be a number of Region I Senators attending MAI which is a testament to the fact that it is always a
great event, and we all have fun there.
I look forward to attending Vermont’s meeting on April 7th, Maine’s election June 8th, and a baseball game
between the New Hampshire Fisher Cats and the Portland Sea Dogs in Manchester, NH on June 30th.
I would like to thank all of those who have helped me this year: Kathy Collins #51469, newsletter chair, fall
2012; Walter Cahoon #27223 Region I Chaplain; Cathy Cahoon Friendship #45, Region I State’s Party Chair;
Mary Anne Johnston #65901, secretary; Jim Powers #39810, treasurer; Paul Carney #10861for his good
advice, Jeff Kass #32300 for his guidance and this year’s Region I Presidents: Vin Lentini 347865 CT, Kathy
Collins #51469 MA, Gail Sumner #46588 ME, Nate Cyr #03492 NH, Leroy “Buster” Furman 34321VT, Arthur
Plitt #22075RI
National VP Region II
Ken Martin #36535
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter with family and friends. As you are reading this,
we should just be attending MAI 2013, A Capitol Affair, hosted by the Virginia Senate,
April 5-7, 2013. I look forward to celebrating the successes of Region 2 and 3, visiting
with old friends, making new friends, and sightseeing in the capitol area. I want to
thank the Virginia JCI Senate for hosting the event and doing a fantastic job.
It seems strange that the year is coming to a close, however, Lois and I look forward to seeing everyone in
Virginia or Cleveland where we continue Friendship without Borders.
National VP Region III
Diane Baerveldt #48476
I can’t believe that this is the LAST Scene article. It seems like I was just writing the
first one. Anyway here in Region III we are busy getting ready for the 175 Senators
that are coming to MAI! This could be a record! Hopefully the Cherry Blossoms will
be out for the DC tour if we can brush the snow off the trees that we just had two days
ago. There is rumor that there will be some Senate presentations (adding to our pot of
gold) and some men running around in dresses at the meeting.
Our “Small But Mighty” Region is also busy running around town buying up all the St. Patrick’s Day “stuff”
for our Party Booth. We are sooooo excited to have Ireland as our country since many of us have been there for
real. We want to demonstrate that Irish feeling as close as possible to all our Senate friends.
Paul Smith was elected the 25th President of the WV JCI Senate on Feb. 9th. I am looking forward to having him
at his first MAI Meeting. At that same meeting Tammy Carney was given her Senatorship #71900.
I will be making the last sweep of States’ meetings during the month of April and May. The WV Senate
meeting will be held in Wheeling WV on April 20th. The other meetings are yet to be determined. Then we will
have a large contingent at Convention in Cleveland as we elect our Region III son Larry Bohn #37416 the 20142015 National President.
It’s been a pleasure serving on the Executive Board this year and I wish Donna Yenney much success next year
as the next Region III JCI Senate VP.
National VP Region IV
Rita Bowles #59336
Fellow Senators,
"As our year draws to a close.." How many times have you said/read those words?? Many articles will go on to
address highlights of the year, goals achieved, items yet to be accomplished, etc. In other words, reflective
articles. While I, too, could thank the numerous people who've made this an outstanding year,
I think it is important to remember that our purpose as national officers extends beyond the
one year commitment we made with our election to office.
Our theme this year centered around friendships. I've done some reading about making
friends, building friendships and maintaining genuine friendships. It is truly a fascinating
topic, especially if you start reading from a child's perspective. Counselors tend to group
"friendships" into three basic groups: people who are friends with you because you have a
material possession or influence they desire, people who are friends because they fear losing
your support for them and people who are friends with you out of your genuine love for people.
It has been my experience in this organization that most of us are "friends" for the third reason. We have a
genuine love for people and the ability to recognize this quality in others. There's a quote that goes something
along the lines of "people come into your life for a reason, a season or a life time. When you know which one it
is, you know what to do for that person." This is an important distinction as we try to juggle an ever-increasing
and ever-changing number of people in our lives.
Many friends have come into my life for a season or two. While it isn't pleasant letting go of friendship, it is
sometimes necessary. Others have come for a reason. I like to think when I've helped them with "their reason",
our friendship is fondly remembered. But my close Senate friends have come for a life time. Those are people
whom I cherish and endeavor to remain close to as genuine friends. I like to think this year I've added to my list
of genuine friends...
And lest we get too mauldin and philosophical in my last Senate Scene article, I'll leave you with some words of
wisdom from children - who often can break things down to their simplest level!
1. How to be a good friend:
• Treat your friends the way you want to be treated.
• Keep secrets that are told to you.
• Pay attention when your friend is talking.
• Keep your promises.
• Share things with your friend.
• Tell your friend the truth.
• Stick up for your friend.
• Take turns.
And the one I love the best - "Never be the first one to fall asleep at a slumber party"!
National VP Region V
Gary Pittenger #24804
Just when we thought the winter snows were behind us and spring was in the air….wham, another
snow storm hits the Midwest. The Friendship Five Racing Team hasn’t let it dampen our spirits
though as we move into our final laps.
Michigan got our March activities started with their annual meeting and elections in Ann Arbor.
President Patti turned the decreasing membership pattern around to one of growth…to the point
Michigan is again the 2nd largest Senate state. Congratulations to Sue Foltin #63744 for being
elected next year’s president.
Our next activity was the Annual Region V Spring Fling in Danville, IL. The Illinois Senate, cochairmen
Greg and Mary Ann Hilleary, President Monty and First Lady Sherrie Schroeder and the
Danville senators did an outstanding job in hosting this event. We had over 125 senators, guests
and friends attend the weekend. We were pleased that President Bruce and Jean and the entire
Exec Committee was able to be with us. I am pleased to announce that JeNie Altman #56150 of
Kentucky was elected Region V Vice President for next year. One of the highlights of the
weekend was the presentation of the Terry “Stump” Laster Memorial Award to Monty Schroeder
#62203 of Illinois as the outstanding state president.
I am looking forward to taking a vacation to Region IV Calabash Bash in Myrtle Beach before our
spring meetings begin. The Indiana Senate will meet in Indianapolis on April 19-21. Illinois and
Michigan both meet on May 3-5 followed by Kentucky and Ohio meeting May 10-12. May 11th will
also be the 45th Anniversary for the Ohio Senate.
Before you know it, we will be in Cleveland celebrating the year of “Friendships Without Borders”.
The Ohio Senate and Region V look forward to hosting you on June 17-20. Rumor has it there will
be some Senate entertainment for those attending the baseball game.
I want to thank each of my state presidents for the outstanding job they did in their respective
states: Monty Schroeder #62203 of Illinois; Mike Shoback #45326 of Indiana, Will Chester
#63037 of Kentucky; Patti Reitsma #55847 of Michigan; and Gary Brooke #58420 of Ohio. I
have really enjoyed working with you. Each state will be at growth at year-end. That indicates
the leadership qualities each of you has within this organization. They have been the key to our
team’s success throughout the year. Their hospitality was always the best and fun times were
had by all. I also want to thank all the members of the Pitt Crew for serving as members of my
staff. Your efforts played a meaningful part in our year.
As we begin these final laps with the checkered flag in sight, I want to
especially thank my wife Stephanie for all her support and serving as my
travel companion this past year. We have totally enjoyed ourselves making
new friends within our Senate family.
Boogity, boogity, boogity………………….let’s go racing.
National VP Region VI
Donna DeLaney
Thank goodness, I think we are finally done with the snow. Sounds like
the birds think that spring has finally arrived also.
Thanks to everyone for the well wishes on the arrival of our 5th grandson,
Reese Carter Shofler born on March 13.
Our final March membership numbers were fantastic. Region VI was a
plus 15 for the quarter. I’m so proud of all my Presidents and their States.
Region VI rocks!!
Everyone in Region VI is packing their bags and getting ready to hit the road to the Region VI Meeting in
Watertown, South Dakota on April 12 – 14. President Mike Carter #54262, and Chairmen John and Marsha
Dahl are working hard to put together a fun weekend as we celebrate the accomplishments of the 2nd and 3rd
We will be traveling to New London, Wisconsin the weekend of April 19 – 21 to be a part of the Wisconsin
Senate’s 40th anniversary celebration. On May 10 -12, we will be on the road to the Minnesota the Year End
meeting in St. Cloud and MN Jaycee Spring All State Convention in Alexandria. The next weekend, May 17 19, we are going to spend some time at home with the Missouri Senate. On Friday night, we are going to the
Cardinals – Brewers game, then on Saturday, the Missouri yearend meeting and elections. Once again, I’d like
to invite everyone to come and be a part of our celebration this year, as we celebrate our 40th year with “Pride in
Our Past and Faith in Our Future”. There’s always room, and plenty of hospitality in Region VI.
National VP Region VII
Larry Norfleet #60771
No article
National VP RegionVIII
Bradley Rowan #44427
No article
National VP Region IX
Pete Reinecker #11777
The weekend of March 22-24 was not only a great experience but a true example of
FRIENDSHIP BEYOND BORDERS. Region X held their Regional Meeting in Las
Vegas in conjunction with the Hawaiian JCI Senate Old Timers Reunion and the
Great American Institute Meeting and Training Session. Lynn and I were there from
Region IX. This shows that when it comes to Jaycees and the Senate there truly are
no borders. We are all one.
We accomplished another first at this meeting. One of the trainers for the GAI was
Dawn Darby, JCI Senator #68843 from Wyoming. Wyoming has not had a state
organization for several years and Dawn had been interested in helping form a new organization but became
very ill last year and unable to help in any way. After several months of treatments and recovery she is now
healthy and happy. I met Dawn at this meeting and explained the new Non-Affiliated State Member program to
her. She immediately paid her $7.00 and became the first NASM for Wyoming. Now we can go to work
together to sign up more Wyoming Senators.
We have several meetings coming up in the near future as we start to bring this administrative year to a close.
Oregon's 51st Annual Meeting will be held in Yachats, Oregon on the Oregon Coast April 19-21. The next
weekend, April 26-28, the Idaho Senate will meet in Riggins, Idaho for their annual meeting and elections. The
weekend of May 3-5 the Montana Senate will meet in Choteau, Montana to elect their new officers. The
Washington JCI Senate is hosting the Region IX meeting in Tacoma, Washington the weekend of May 17-19.
They will also hold their annual meeting and elections this same weekend. The Alaska JCI Senate is planning a
summer social and meeting where they may or may not elect new officers. It is guaranteed to be a good time
for all who attend.
National VP Region X
Phillip Friedman #61455
Fellow Senators,
What a year! WOW! What an awesome weekend! We had almost 100 people in
attendance.....Special thanks to the Hawaii JCI Senate / Old Timers, GAI for being
a part of one of the best get togethers I have seen in a long time. The energy and positive message that was sent
out this weekend was awe inspiring. Special thanks to: Lowell Vahl, Caren Glines-Spilsbury, Jon Nishihara,
Steve Nitura, Chamene Plum, Lindsey Gamiao, Bill Petti, President Chrystal Ramsay (US JAYCEES),
President Bruce Geddes (US JCI Senate) and numerous others for helping to make this weekend a huge success.
We are an organization that can and will do great things! Your dedication is amazing. THANK YOU!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Cleveland.
Presidential Sweepstakes
Angie Struttman #64531
We are now just 76 days until the Presidential Sweepstakes Drawing and Regions
Party in Cleveland, OH. I know the committee is really getting excited to get to
Cleveland and have a great time!
A couple of quick updates:
1. Our current total is $29,220, which is 83.5% of the goal set for us by the
Finance Committee. That is almost $2100 turned in during the month of
March! Getting closer and closer - That’s just another $5780 left to bring in
to reach that goal. As always, we won’t turn away more than that but we
have to get there first.
2. On the Condo incentive (a one week stay for 6 in a 2 bedroom condo anywhere in the Shell Vacations
system for the state that turns in the most money, not tickets, between October 1 and June 1.) As of the
end of March, the current leader is SOUTH CAROLINA, with KANSAS in 2nd and PENNSYLVANIA
in 3rd. In order for your ticket sales to count, the money must be postmarked to Ticket Chair Carolyn
Smith #64564, 4114 E. Union Hills Drive, Unit 1175, Phoenix, AZ 85050
3. We know what rooms the party will be in, but we are still awaiting layouts and details from the
Cleveland committee about the requirements and restrictions for the Regions Party. Party Chair Kay
Buchanan will be getting those details out to the RVP’s and the Regional Chairs as soon as they are
4. If you have not gotten your Sweepstakes Prize Donation Commitment to your Prize Chair (Sandy
Kolodner for Regions 1, 2, 3, 4; Deb Rothweiler for Regions 5, 6, 7: and Les Miller for Regions 8, 9,
10), please so do ASAP. We are getting down to crunch time to make sure that we have time to get the
prizes organized. Thank you to those states, regions and individuals who have already made their
There will be representatives of the Sweepstakes Committee at each of the Region Meetings this year, but
remember to hold the $5 drawing at your state meetings as well. Thank you to Region 5 for collecting $355 at
their Region Meeting, and Region 10 last weekend Las Vegas collected $240 at their meeting. Sandy and Ariel
will be at MAI. Deb will be at Region 6, Kay will be at Region 4, and then either Deb or Kay will be at Region
8. Les and I will be at the Region 9 meeting, and then we all begin the massive prep for the REGIONS
*** HELP WANTED!! The Sweepstakes Committee is looking for a few people to help us pull off our vision
for this party. No special training required, please contact me at The only
requirement is that you want to have fun with this but you can NOT be involved in your Region’s booth, we
don’t want to take away from those booths. Thanks! ***
We are all looking forward to see you at the Region meetings, and even more excited to see you all in
Lowell Vahl #40315
Assistant Webmaster
Logan Giesie #51120
It is hard to believe that this 9is the last edition of the Senate Scene
for the year. The Region meetings are starting and our plans are
being made for the trip to Cleveland in June.
We have made a lot of progress this year, but still feel that there are
ways to improve 'YOUR' JCI Senate Website. Please let us know if
there is anything you think we can improve.
We will be awarding an Outstanding Webmaster Award this year.
We will be looking at the State and Region websites closely in the
next month, so be sure to make sure everything is updated. Note: We
already ruled that Arizona is not eligible.
Return The Favor
Tom King #59642
Woohoo, spring has sprung!!! Not only is the weather heating up but so are
the opportunities for us Senators to help out the Jaycees and be recognized
for those efforts!! I know everyone has been keeping track of all your hard
work and you have one last opportunity to recognized in Cleveland this
coming June!! The FINAL due date to submit your Return the Favor forms
is June 1, 2013, so please make sure you mark that date down and TURN
IN THOSE FORMS!! If you need the form, please go to the USJCI Senate
website and download the forms and samples for this year and turn them in!
Remember, you DO NOT need a signature on your form for it to be submitted. And you can submit ANY RTF
activities from July 1, 2012 through June 1 2013!!! The only forms that require a signature are for the
Outstanding Senator and the Outstanding State nominees. Otherwise, no signature is required…just provide a
point of contact for each event you report along with their phone number or email address. Please, please,
please turn in those forms!!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
“Favor Fav” aka Tom King #59642
Return the Favor Chair
The Return the Favor forms can be found at:
1St Timers
John Robinson #55768
The First Timers Program at the National Convention in Cleveland, OH will kick-off at 9:00
am on Monday, June 17. The activities for the First Timers are being finalized; but I would
certainly appreciate any thoughts or feedback that you might have on how we can make the
experience for our First Timers both fun and informative. A special feature of the program
will be a special reception for the First Timers and International Guests hosted by President
Bruce (#35527) and First Lady Jean (#68886) on Tuesday prior to the USJCI Senate
Foundation Auction. Please invite your new senators or those who have not attended a
national USJCI Senate function to join as we “Rock The North Coast”.
State JCI Senate Presidents are reminded to send me contact information for new senatorships
that have been awarded in their state. I have begun to send each of them a short message of congratulations; as
well as an invitation to attend an upcoming USJCI Senate meeting.
If you have any questions about the 2012 – 2013 First Timers Program, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Remember to ask a first timer to attend an upcoming USJCI Senate meeting!
Ray Ainslie #44136
First and foremost allow me to begin with a thank-you. I have been humbled to serve as
your National Chaplain this year. It has been a blessing in my life and it has been a great
pleasure. Secondly, I apologize. I know I have slipped now and then and exposed my
Christian background. If I have offended, I am truly sorry. My absolute belief was
expressed by the Dalai Lama long ago, “This is my simple religion. There is no need for
temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple;
the philosophy is kindness.” And finally, another thank-you for your tolerance; I know I
have been different. I have followed the concept I learned long ago in Jaycees as Chaplain,
“do more than simply start a meeting”. I hold that it is important to set a tone, provide guidance and leadership
so we may never forget who gives us meaning and purpose. God’s Speed to you all.
Presidents and VP’s, please review the memorial page on the web (, in case you need
help, check it now! I cannot ask this enough. If there is any misinformation on the memorial page, please let me
know and it will be corrected. This will be the list I use for the Convention Memorial Service. DEADLINE
FOR CHANGES IS MAY 31. ABSOLUTLEY – NO EXCEPTIONS. I cannot stress enough and I will
repeat myself often, the need for pictures of our departed Senators. Please forward them to me if you have any.
Multiple pictures are not an issue! State and Regional Memorial Services: Please forward information on them,
if you are not having one, consider adding this to your program. If you are fortunate that you have not lost
anyone this year, consider having a program of blessing for that. States and Regions: As we are nearing year
end, please forward recommendation to me by May 1 for your outstanding chaplain. Be sure to copy Mr.
SPECIAL REQUEST: I am continuing to compile a list of the names of all children and grandchildren of
senators (and senators themselves if any) who are in active service. Please provide me their name, rank, military
branch, where stationed and the name of the parent senator. I have received few; I know there are more out
there. Presidents please get the word out. We will be doing a love package collection at Cleveland. There is a
list that will go out with the E-News and following this article.
“Friendship is precious; not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent
arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.” Thomas Jefferson
Peace be with you.
Care items for military:
Sun Block (SPF 30+)
Skin Blister Pads
Anti-Itch Cream
Gold Bond Powder
Lip Balm-Chap Stick
Non-Medicated Eye Drops
Hand Sanitizer
Wet Wipes
Pocket Size Kleenex
Spiced Cider
Crystal Light
Hygiene Items (small INDIVIDIUAL sizes)
Shaving Gel
Disposable Razors
Nail Clippers
Unscented Bar Soap
Colored Washcloths
Cough Drops
Chili or Soup
Beef Stew
Fruits Cups
(all pop-top cans)
Microwave Pop Corn
Power Bars
Granola Bars
Packaged Cookies
Pudding Cups
Snack Sized Cereal
Instant Oatmeal
Wrapped Hard Candies
Cup of Soup
Note Pads
Air Freshener
Flea Collars (Large)
Chewing Gum
Sunflower Seeds
Beef Jerky
Rice Krispy Treats
Ski Soda
Fruit Roll-Ups
Snack Crackers
Trail & Chex Mixes
Miscellaneous Items (INDIVIDUAL)
Fine Tip Markers
Word Searches
Crossword Books
Sudoku Game Books
Plastic Silverware
Presidents Information Exchange
Jenny Bruner
Well, we are definitely in the home stretch now. Many of the Regions are having their Spring meetings, many
states are having their elections. It is not the time for President’s to slow down and I am convinced that the
current Presidents are not.
Many of them are putting it in full force now. We have had growth all year which
shows me what a wonderful job the state Presidents are doing. I have also heard lots
of talk about helping and working with our Jaycees. I believe that all of the
Presidents have had a very successful year to this point and I expect to hear about
many more great things by June.
I will be wrapping up P.I.E. in June and would like to encourage the Presidents to
bring their incoming President to the P.I.E. meeting with them. This will allow them to start early in forming
friendships with their fellow Presidents for next year.
Hope to see you in June when we Rock the North Coast!
Constitution and Bylaws
Tim Vincent #54020
The bylaws of the United States JCI Senate were amended at the Mid-Year
Board of Directors Meeting in San Diego, California. I have updated the
document and submitted it to be placed on the web site, replacing the current
version dated September 22, 2012.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Mentors Editor
Marsha Phillips #47528
Thank you to all who have contributed to the Mentors this year. Your ads,
articles and pictures are what make our communication possible. No matter how
advanced we become technologically people enjoy seeing their face or name
before them in print. Please pass on your dedication to that process to your
incoming replacements!!! The deadline for the August Mentors will fall during or
immediately after the National Convention. Get a jump on everyone and get your
articles in before convention.
See you all in Cleveland. Celebrate!! Enjoy Today!
Jaycee Liaison
Newton Standridge #29407
Chrystal Ramsay-Dyess,
Message to Jaycees and Senators
Hey US Jaycees!!!! I want to say thank you so much for working so hard this Easter holiday on membership. I
want to give a big congrats to all the states that are at growth currently, Alabama +1, California +3, Delaware
+23, Georgia +14, Hawaii +8, Iowa +12, Kansas +3, Kentucky +1, Mississippi +1, Missouri +26, Nebraska +2,
Nevada +10, New York +3, Ohio +10, Oregon +2, Tennessee +7, Wisconsin +3, and Wyoming +16.
Also congrats to Team NVP Chamene Griggs Plum +15, Team NVP Katherine Cheng +54, and Team Tara
Winkler +15. Great work!!! There are some of you that are still close. Don't give up you still have time to get
people turned in!!!! We can do it!!!!
PS A big thank you to my Angel Carla Kramer and Program Manager Stephanie Burch Traugott who hung with
me throughout the last two
days burning up the phones to help. You girls ROCK!!!!
We want to give a HUGE thank you to the Region X Senate and Hawaii Old Timers for their support in
starting the Greater Las Vegas Jaycees, President Bruce and Nevada EVP John provided the money for the
charter fee and several senate members gave money that allowed them to have enough funds for their first 20
members. Not to mention several met with them on Sunday and they found them a place to meet, Hawaii Old
Timer Steve’s business The Beef Jerky Store and agreed to serve as mentors. So we could not have added not
only a chapter but a new state without Senate help!!!
Thanks a million times over!!!
Click Widgets/Badges on the Jaycee website to view all Widgets currently offered. Show the Jaycees you are
working to help them GROW. Members accomplishing significant achievements or milestones now receive an
electronic widget, or badge, to proudly display on their personal social media sites.
You are challenged to visit the website – check out the various
Training modules, Programs and Events.
12-14 Region VI Spring Meeting
19-21 Region IV Calabash Beach Bash
Myrtle Beach
19-20 Oregon Annual Meeting
26-28 Region VIII Spring Meeting
26-28 Oklahoma Year-end meeting
26-28 Idaho Annual Meeting
Rhode Island Jaycee Reunion
Conference of the Americas St. Louis, MO
Illinois TOYP hosted by the Senate
Montana Annual Meeting
North Carolina BOD Installation
17-19 Region IX Annual Meeting
Nevada JCI Senate & Old Timers Meeting
Myrtle Beach SC
Jim Ollis Memorial Golf Tournament
Southern Pines NC
Las Vegas
OK JC & JCI Annual Glen Cole Memorial Picnic
US JCI Senate National Convention
Bubba Golf Outing