Word Meaning Language Word # Lesson # The Word Within the Word Vocabulary List 4 Sample words 4 1 morph shape Greek amorphous, morphology, polymorphously, mesomorph, protomorphic 4 2 vest clothes Latin vestry, vestment, vestibule, vest, investiture, divest, divestiture 4 3 bene good Latin benefit, benevolent, beneficial, benediction, benefactor, benign 4 4 pond weight Latin ponderous, ponder, preponderant, pound, imponderable, compound 4 5 corp body Latin corpulent, corporation, corporeal, corporal, corpse, corpuscle 4 6 dorm sleep Latin dormitory, dormant, dormer, dormancy, dormitive, dormient 4 7 pater father Latin paternalistic, patronize, paternity, patriarch, expatriate 4 8 nov new Latin novel, nova, novice, novitiate, Nova Scotia, innovation, renovate 4 9 punct point Latin punctuate, punctilious, puncture, punctual, acupuncture, contrapuntal 4 10 ject throw Latin eject, reject, conjecture, dejected, inject, subject, projection 4 11 tion act/state Latin completion, reaction, devastation, production, creation, transition 4 12 loco place Latin locomotive, location, local, locus, relocate, dislocate, localize 4 13 dox opinion Greek orthodox, heterodox, doxology, indoctrinate, paradox 4 14 amphi both Greek amphibious, amphitheater, amphibian, amphigory, amphibolous 4 15 magn great Latin Magna Carta, magnanimous, magnate, magnificent, magnum opus 4 16 eu good Greek Eucharist, euphony, eulogy, euphemism, Europe, eugenics, euglena 4 17 endo within Greek endoplasm, endocrine, endogamous, endoskeleton, endothermic 4 18 phobia fear Greek claustrophobia, acrophobia, xenophobia, agoraphobia, hydrophobia 4 19 ortho straight Greek orthopedics, orthodontist, orthodox, orthography, orthogonal 4 20 put think Latin reputation, putative, impute, dispute, computer, disreputable 4 21 ver true Latin verify, veracity, veritable, verdict, verisimilitude, aver, cinema verite 4 22 matri mother Latin matricide, matron, matriarch, matrimony, matrilineal 4 23 mega large Greek megalith, megaphone, megalomania, megalopolis, megahertz, megaton 4 24 pop people Latin popular, populist, populate, population, popularize, populous 4 25 sangui blood Latin sanguinary, sanguine, consanguinity, sangfroid, sangria Word # Lesson # The Word Within the Word Sentences 4 Word Meaning Sentence 4 1 morph shape The magic crystal dissolved into a lumpy, amorphous mass. 4 2 vest clothes The silk vestments were hanging on pegs. 4 3 bene good He never knew the name of his generous benefactor. 4 4 pond weight The ponderous burden was nearly impossible to lift. 4 5 corp body His corpulent body was a result of his love of sweets. 4 6 dorm sleep The evil creature lay harmlessly dormant for centuries. 4 7 pater father There was an annual birthday party for the family patriarch. 4 8 nov new The recently invented laser toothbrush is a novel idea. 4 9 punct point Her punctilious attention to small details was impressive. 4 10 ject throw He felt miserably dejected when the expedition left without him. 4 11 tion act/state The devastation intensified our need for creation. 4 12 loco place Self-motivated people have an internal locus of control. 4 13 dox opinion The many-cultured United Stated is a heterodox nation. 4 14 amphi both The Martian amphibians emerging from the water had gray, impermeable skin. 4 15 magn great His magnanimous victory speech was inspiring in its generosity. 4 16 eu good The euphony of Mozart’s beautiful music carried us away. 4 17 endo within Human beings have endoskeletons, not exoskeletons like insects or crabs. 4 18 phobia fear The trembling dog on the twenty-third floor has acrophobia. 4 19 ortho straight The orthodontist straightened Count Dracula’s fangs. 4 20 put think the computer hummed once and exploded. 4 21 ver true We questioned the veracity of the doctor’s strange and unbelievable story. 4 22 matri mother The town awoke to the details of the angry son’s tragic matricide. 4 23 mega large The massive granite megalith towered over the ancient ruins. 4 24 pop people The populist candidate, a favorite of the voters, won the lunar colony primary. 4 25 sangui blood The massed armies joined in sanguinary combat.