TEAM BASED LEARNING: TEAM EVALUATION RUBRIC CHECKLIST Module ONE Guidelines 1) Assignment #1: Mathematical Representation & Congruent Spreadsheet √ Mathematical Representation is entitled, axes labeled correctly X Data Analysis: Mean, median, mode and range √ Formulas are correct & visible in spreadsheet √ Relevance or “non-relevance” of each elementary statistic √ Analysis is correct X Both the Mathematical Representation & Spreadsheet are in one file _ √ TEAM Comment: There are few things that you need to add to your assignment. For example, your mathematical representation needs to have a title, and Y and X- axis needs to be labeled as well. When you analyze your data you did mention that “ the higher total favors liking math and liking technology.” However, in the end the data shows that more students like technology than math. You need to add more details to you data analysis. 2. Assignment #2a: Tenets & philosophy of the MST Inquiry Model __ √ _ Relationship between Science Standards, Multiple Intelligences and Student Target-Based Assessments ___X Importance of integrating Web 2.0 tools and source ware in the classroom _ √ Five -eight paragraphs ___ √ APA style ___ √ Assignment #2b: Locate six Web 2.0 source ware tools in either Web Hosting, blogs, podcasts etc. to augment your MST Inquiry Unit. ___√ Beneficial to students’ skill in mathematics, science and/or technology ___ √ URLs cited correctly in APA format ___ X TEAM Comment: This assignment is developed well and it includes details about the Philosophy of the MST Inquiry Model. The areas that I suggest elaboration is on the relationship of the MST inquiry to the science standards. How does inquiry relate to the science standards? And, the APA format for the URLS cite 1 TEAM EVALUATION RUBRIC MODULE ONE CBSE 7204NET1.V1.2013.7.16 aren’t listed. Here a link that will help to cite this correctly. or Overall, this is a well written assignment. 3. Assignment #3a: Define Inquiry Approach __√_ The role of the Pedagogue in Science Inquiry __√ Define the “Learning Cycle for Elementary Science Instruction” __√ Five -eight paragraphs __√_ APA style __X Assignment #3b: Locate six free sites for teaching elementary science to augment your MST Inquiry Unit. __√_ Beneficial to students’ skill in science and technology __√ URLs cited correctly in APA format __X_ TEAM Comment: The assignment is well developed and included all the parts. The problem is in the APA format style and that can be easily fixed by going on the website: It is a very helpful site for citing websites in APA format. 4. Assignment #4a: Define (complete definition with an example for each) NCTM’s 5 Content Standards & 5 Process Standards – Grades 3-5 APA style X __X Assignment #4b Locate six free sites for teaching elementary mathematics to augment your MST Inquiry Unit.__√ _ Lesson Plan Methodology __√ _ List each Content & Process Standard every Site addresses __X_ One paragraph per Web site __√ APA style __√ _ TEAM Comment: _In assignment 4a, you did define “Content” and “Process” standards. You gave the general definition of each. However, you need to give an example for each standard. For example, 1 example for each content standard and 1 example for each process standard so, altogether 10 examples. In your second paragraph you mentioned, “content standards consists of 10 categories”. However, out of those 10 there are 5 process standards. You mentioned them again as process standards in your third paragraph. Use the APA format for your in text citations. You did add the (NCTM) source in your reference page which is great, just mention the source in your writing too (APA Style). Part 4b) The six websites for teaching math is well written. However, the last website (Learn-with-mathgames) doesn’t list which Content and Process Standards. CUMULATIVE ASSESSMENT & RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TEAM # __1__ : After assessing the above assignments for team 1, our team decided that for the most parts, the above assignments are accurate, however some parts needs to be revised. Our team made some suggestions above, the summary of these recommendations is as follow: For assignment #1: Mathematical representation or graph needs to be entitled and axis needs to be labeled and also add detailed analysis. For assignment #2a &b: Draw a relationship between a science inquiry model and science standards. URL's are not cited correctly in APA format. Here a link that will help to cite this correctly. or For assignment #3a&b: It is a well-developed assignment. Use the APA format for citing the websites. As mentioned above the website would be a great help. For assignment #4a&b: Add examples, 1 for each NCTM content and process standard. Use in text citations APA format. For example, (NCTM., 2014). For the last website Learn-with-math-games list the content and process standards. EVALUATION TEAM # __7__: DATE: ____September 22nd, 2014 ___ 3 TEAM EVALUATION RUBRIC MODULE ONE CBSE 7204NET1.V1.2013.7.16