Elena Assirelli Istituto Alberghiero ‘P. Artusi’ – Riolo Terme (RA) assirellielena@fastmail.it C.L.I.L. from Theory to Practice C.L.I.L. Theory ( che cosa) Why ( perché) How ( come) What is it? is it useful? is it applicable? .................................. A C.L.I.L. module Practice … from Reading and Listening … … through Noticing Language Organizing Vocabulary Giving … to LANGUAGE SUPPORT… Speaking and Writing .................................. 1 Wonderful World (Sam Cooke) Listen and circle the subjects you hear. History / I.C.T. Don't know much Technology / Biology Don't know much about a Maths / Science book Don't know much about the French / German I took Don't know much about But I do know that I love you And I know that if you love me too What a wonderful world this would be Chemistry / Geography Don't know much Trigonometry / Physics Don't know much about Algebra / Art Don't know much about Don't know what a slide ruler is for. But I do know that one and one is two, And if this one could be with you, What a wonderful world this would be. For I don't claim to be an "A" student, But I'm trying to be. So maybe by being an "A" student baby I can win your love for me. I don't claim to be an "A" student, But I'm trying to be. So maybe by being an "A" student baby I can win your love for me. History / I.C.T. Don't know much Technology / Biology Don't know much about a Maths / Science book Don't know much about the French / German I took Don't know much about The ‘Wonderful World’ of But I do know that I love you, And I know that if you love me too, What a wonderful world this would be. What a wonderful world this would be. C.L.I.L. 2 Listen carefully and keep talking! CLIL is an acronym for ‘Content and Language Integrated Learning’. It is an approach which involves students learning subjects like Food Science or Cookery through the medium of a foreign language. CLIL is sometimes referred to as ‘dual-focussed education’ because lessons have two main aims one linked to a particular subject or topic and one related to language. A CLIL approach may have a variety of advantages. First, it is likely to increase students’ motivation as it allows for meaningful use of L2, which becomes a real vehicle of communication inside the classroom. Then, CLIL may encourage a ‘can do’ attitude towards language learning as well as introduce learners to the wider cultural and multilingual context. Of course, a CLIL approach involves careful planning and greater collaboration between content and foreign language teachers. 3 1 Listen carefully and keep talking! L’acronimo CLIL sta per ‘Content and Language Integrated Learning’, che 1 significa ‘Apprendimento Integrato di Contenuto e Lingua’ . L’acronimo CLIL è oggi comunemente usato per indicare un approccio all’insegnamento di materie non linguistiche del curricolo attraverso una lingua straniera. L’idea di fondo è che il contenuto di una materia non linguistica, quale alimentazione o cucina, viene meglio acquisito attraverso la lingua straniera e, allo stesso tempo, la competenza nell’uso della lingua straniera si sviluppa grazie allo studio del contenuto della disciplina non linguistica. Tramite il CLIL si intende, quindi, migliorare sia la competenza nella lingua straniera sia le conoscenze e le abilità nelle aree non linguistiche. Uno degli aspetti decisamente positivi di questo approccio è che incoraggia un uso significativo della lingua straniera, che diviene reale mezzo di comunicazione e veicolo di conoscenze, sottraendosi al rischio di essere percepita come fine a se stessa. Ai fini della programmazione di un modulo CLIL è fondamentale che l’insegnante della disciplina non linguistica e quello di lingua straniera lavorino in stretta collaborazione per una pianificazione precisa e dettagliata relativamente all’argomento, ai tempi di svolgimento e alle procedure di lavoro. 4 Wha is it ? CLIL Content Language (and) Contenuto Integrated Lingua Learning Integrato Apprendimento Apprendimento Integrato di Lingua e Contenuto A foreign language used to teach/consolidate topics from other subjects Una lingua straniera usata per insegnare / consolidare argomenti di altre materie CLIL is an approach which involves learning subjects such as History, CLIL è un approccio che comporta l’apprendimento di materie quali storia Science or others through any language other than the first language . scienze o altre attraverso una qualsiasi lingua diversa dalla prima lingua . In CLIL the learning of a language and other subjects is integrated. Nel CLIL l’apprendimento di una lingua In the class there are two main Nella classe ci sono due principali e altre materie è integrato. learning objectives, obiettivi d’apprendimento, one related to the subject and one related to the language. uno collegato alla materia e uno collegato 5 alla lingua. Why is it useful? Because … Perché … it allows for MEANINGFUL USE of the language. permette un uso significativo della lingua. CLIL offers a ‘natural’ situation for language development – Il CLIL offre una situazione ‘naturale’ per lo sviluppo della lingua - it provides a situation in which the student’s attention fornisce una situazione in cui l’attenzione dello studente is not on the language itself. non è sulla lingua stessa. In CLIL the language is seen as a ‘vehicle’, a tool of communication. Nel CLIL la lingua è vista come un ‘veicolo’, uno strumento di comunicazione. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. CLIL increases motivation in the students , who feel they Il CLIL aumenta la motivazione negli studenti, i quali sentono che are using L2 for some realistic purpose and not just for its own sake. stanno usando la L2 per un qualche scopo realistico e non fine a se stessa. This may, in turn, promote self-confidence, as in CLIL classes students Questo può, a sua volta, promuovere fiducia in se stessi , poiché nelle lezioni CLIL gli studenti experience that communication is more important than accuracy. sperimentano che la capacità di comunicare è It encourages a ‘can do’ Incoraggia più importante attitude un atteggiamento del ‘SO FARE ’ dell’ essere accurati. towards language learning. verso l’apprendimento della lingua. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CLIL helps the students better acquire the content of the other subject. Il CLIL aiuta gli studenti a meglio acquisire il contenuto dell’altra materia. In November 2005 the Commission of the European Communities issued a document in which the CLIL approach was referred to as ‘a key area for action in education systems and practices’ . ‘… This approach is being used increasingly across Europe and provides greater opportunities within the school curriculum for exposure to foreign languages’ (from . ‘A New Framework Strategy for Multilingualism’) 6 Appendix 6 better content acquisition content What? higher m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Why? CLIL and self-confidence ‘can do’ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ language C _ _ _ _ _ _ and L _ _ __ __ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ use foreign c______ l______ subject v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of communication 7 Does the ‘Content’ Teacher have to be able to speak English (L2) well? Not necessarily, as there are various types of collaboration. The most common ones are: FLT FL Subj. + FL CT L1 L’insegnante di lingua straniera insegna il contenuto disciplinare durante le proprie lezioni. FLT FL Subj. + FL CT FLT L1 FL CT FLT FL FL L’insegnante disciplinare e l’insegnante di lingua straniera insegnano in lezioni separate. L’insegnante disciplinare insegna in L1 (italiano) ; quello di lingua straniera in L2 ( inglese/ francese/ tedesco …) L’insegnante disciplinare e l’insegnante di lingua straniera insegnano in tandem nelle stesse lezioni. L’insegnante disciplinare insegna in L1; quello di lingua straniera in L2. L’insegnante disciplinare e l’insegnante di lingua straniera insegnano in tandem nelle stesse lezioni. Entrambi insegnano in L2 . 8 CAREFUL PLANNING is essential. How Una PIANIFICAZIONE ACCURATA è essenziale. is it applicable? Elena Assirelli Starting CLIL in 5 steps 1. As a content teacher, identify a foreign language teacher who is willing Come insegnante di materia non linguistica, identifica un docente di lingua straniera che sia disponibile to collaborate with you. a collaborare con te As a foreign language teacher, identify a subject and find a content Come insegnante di lingua straniera, identifica una materia e trova un docente di materia non linguistica who is willing to collaborate with you. che sia disposto a (With collaborare con te. your colleague) 2. Identify a class / a group of students . Identificate una classe / un gruppo di studenti. 3. Identify a topic area and a portion of it ( choose a small portion) . Identificate un argomento e una parte di esso ( scegliete una piccola parte ) first term / second term ? primo o secondo quadrimestre? 4. Decide when to carry out your CLIL module Decidete quando svolgere il vostro modulo CLIL 5. Find and prepare suitable materials Trova e prepara dei materiali adeguati 9 how many hours ? per quante ore? how intensive ? con quale cadenza? Where can I find ideas and materials? In books + CD Roms On the Web - Useful websites are … www.onestopclil.com www.factworld.info www.scienceacross.org www.bbc.co.uk/revision www.enchantedlearning.com www.britishcouncil.org www.guardian.co.uk. www.breakingnewsenglish.com www.teachingenglish.org.uk www.globalgateway.org.uk 10 Camomile FLOWERING : May PARTS USED : heads A long revered plant with many properties, camomile is used a sedative … Kamille Proprietà Properties Wirkung antisettico antiseptic antiseptisch sedativo sedative beruhigend BLÜTEZEIT : Mai GENUTZTE TEILE : Blütenköpfe Seit der Antike hoch geschätzte Pflanze mit vielen Eigenschaften wird die Kamille wegen ihrer Beruhigenden Wirkung genutzt … Das Heilkräuter Quiz 1. Wie heißt ‘Prezzemolo’ auf Deutsch? a. Poppy b. Pefferminze c. Petersilie The ‘Medicinal Herbs’ Quiz 1. The English word for ‘alloro’ is …………………………………………… 2. Parsley has ………………… properties. a. antispasmodic b. antianaemic c. antitussive 2. Wann blüht die Kamille? a. Im August b. Im Mai c. Im November 3. Klatschmohn hat welche Wirkung? 3. In ancient Greece ‘oregano’ was considered a symbol of p + + - + 4. ‘Camomile’ flowers in …………….. . a. May b. June c. July a. magenstärkende b. blähungstreibende c. beruhigende ‘ P. Artusi’ Hotel and Catering School ( Riolo Terme) - Clil Project 2008-2009 Food Science / English / German 11 Writing Reading Speaking 5 A CLIL module 1 An example 4 Language Support + lots of visuals 2 3 ‘Noticing’ strategy Organizing Vocabulary 12 Listening … from Reading Read + match sentences / paragraphs with titles Read + order sentences / paragraphs Read + fill in a grid Read + complete a diagram Read + fill in the gaps Read and find a title Running dictation Read and match the paragraphs with the titles Food a. Egyptian houses are made from mud bricks. 1. b. Bread was the most important food in the diet of ancient Egypt. 2. Life at home 3. Powerful Pharaohs c. The rulers of ancient Egypt were called Pharaohs. The pharaoh was the most important person in the country. a / ….. ; b / ….. ; c /….. . Read and order the sentences Most of the rest of the household slept in the hall. The lord and his family slept in a private room next to the hall. Cooks, for example, slept in the kitchen. Others slept where they worked. Medieval castles had no bedrooms. 13 … and Listening Listen Listen Listen Listen Listen + + + + + complete a diagram fill in a grid order information label the stages of a process fill in the gaps Listen and complete the diagram Listen and complete the tree-diagram. Use the key phrases below. sexual reproduction time-consuming (2) no variety identical to asexual reproduction clones genetic variety sex cells one parent changing environment 2 kinds of reproduction male and female ………………. are made - there is always …………….…………….. - the offspring …………………. the parent ( they are also called ………………..) advantages - faster - less ………………......………….. ……………………………. disadvantages - …………………………..……………....…… - inability to adapt to ………………...…… - …………………………… vv 14 … through Noticing Language Read Leggi Notice Nota Record Registra Use Usa ‘Noticing language’ is a very useful strategy. We can ask our students to highlight , circle t, , underline useful language in a text after they have read it. ______________________________________________________________________ You are Cookery students . In pairs, read and notice the vocabulary you would need to talk about ‘Hygiene’. The most important requirement in the food industry is to ensure that the food which is prepared is safe to eat. When we eat in restaurants we rely very much on good personal and kitchen hygiene from all food handlers involved in the food chain. Personal hygiene helps prevent food contamination by people; therefore, the following points must be put into practice by all food handlers. Shower or bath daily. Clothing must be clean and washable. Hands must be kept clean at all times. Fingernails may harbour bacteria, so they must be kept short and clean. Open cuts must be covered with a waterproof plaster. No jewellery should be worn as they harbour dirt and bacteria. Smoking, by law, is not allowed in any food area. As the mouth harbours bacteria, food handlers should not eat sweets or chew gum, blow into drinking glasses to polish them or lick fingers to separate paper goods. To taste food, a clean spoon should be used every time. 15 Language Support … Giving It is essential to help students use L2 and provide them with Language Support Ask yourself : Where will they need help for language? What would I like my students to be able to say and write at the end of the CLIL module? Language Support + Word and Phrase banks Substitution tables Ideational frameworks 16 lots of visuals grids flow charts tree-diagrams Word and Phrase Bank personal hygiene kitchen hygiene shower / bath clothing hands fingernails open cuts no jewellery smoking a clean spoon ... rely on ...involved in ...helps prevent ... is safe to eat ... is not allowed must be must be kept must be covered with food industry food handlers food chain food contamination food area clean / washable short / clean a waterproof plaster ------------------------------------------- should be worn should be used at all times every time as so therefore ----------------------------------------------------- may harbour bacteria / dirt Substitution Table more time-consuming. In sexual reproduction advantages and disadvantages. is In asexual reproduction there is Sexual reproduction offer genetic variety. always one parent. faster. less time-consuming. Asexual reproduction Both sexual and asexual reproduction genetic variety. male and female cells are made. the offspring are identical to the parent. 17 … to Speaking Questioning Questions + answers Question loops Info-gap activities ‘Word guessing’ game Class surveys & questionnaires Oral presentations ‘Word guessing’ game Matriciana sauce Pesto sauce Carbonara Bolognese sauce sauce Seafood sauce Summer sauce Marinara sauce Alfredo sauce Pizzaiola sauce Oral presentations What tips would you give your students for an effective oral presentation? Dos & Don’ts of a good oral presentation 18 18 Action Planning CLIL Module Subjects Materie Class / Group of students Classe / Gruppo di studenti Topic area Argomento Topic portion(s) Parte/i dell’argomento When Quando How Come Materials Materiali 19 CLIL Bibliography Dafouz, E., & Guerrini, M., C. (2009) CLIL across Educational Levels. Madrid, Santillana Education, S.L./ Richmond Publishing. Dalton–Puffer, C. (2007) Discourse in Content and Language Integrated (CLIL) Learning Classrooms. New York. John Benjamins Publishing Co. Fruhauf, G. , Coyle, D. & Christ, I (1996) Teaching Content in a Foreign Language. Alkmaar, Europees Platform. Gibbons, P. (2002) Scaffolding Language. Scaffolding Learning. Portsmouth NH, Heinemann. Marsh, D.& Langé, G. (eds.) (1999) Implementing Content and Language Integrated Learning. Jyvaskyla, TIE-CLIL. Fruhauf (1996) Teaching Content in a Foreign Language. Alkmaar, Europees Platform. Mehisto, P. , Marsh, D. & Frigols, M., J. (2008) Uncovering CLIL. Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual and Multilingual Education. Oxford, Macmillan. CLIL Websites CLIL COMPENDIUM http://www.clilcompendium.com/ EUROCLIL http://www.euroclic.net/ EUROPEAN UNION http://ec.europa.eu/education/language/index FACTWORLD http://www.factworld.info/ ONESTOPENGLISH http://www.onestopenglish.com/ SCIENCE ACROSS THE WORLD http://www.scienceacross.org/ 20