Young Learners Exam - Cambridge English Language Assessment

An introduction to the Young
Learner exam
Friday 6th March 2015
15.00 - 18.00
Scuola Primaria Silvestro dell’Aquila
seminar for teachers organized by Cambridge English Language Assessment,
Cambridge University Press and, …
14:45 – 15.00
Welcome and Introduction
15.00– 16.15
'I'll CLIL you a story' AISLI CLIL seminar Marion Cadman
16.15 to 16:30
Tea break and Materials Exhibition
16:30 - 18.00
Cambridge English: Gaby Forgione an introduction to Young
Learners examinations
Certificate of attendance will be generated automatically after the event and it is valid for
“Esonero ai Servizi”
Cambridge English Language Assessment and Cambridge University Press – UCLES
(prot. 1372, Decreto del 21.07.2005) sono soggetti accreditati per la formazione del
personale della scuola di ogni ordine e grado, secondo la Direttiva Ministeriale 90/2003