Parent Council Notes - Chatham Grammar School for Boys

14th July 2014
Dear Parent/Carer
Please find below notes from the Parent Council Meeting held on Thursday 26th June. A copy of these
notes, together with my presentation, will be put on the school website for those parents who were unable
to attend on the evening.
Yours sincerely
Mr S Gardner
Mr Gardner welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Kieran Foley, new Vice Principal for
Teaching and Learning who joined us on 1st June and would be taking over from Craig Brown from 1st
September. Mr Gardner showed a PowerPoint presentation which included an update on issues from the
last meeting, progress and actions within school since the last meeting and plans for 2014.
Update from last meeting and actions within the school:
 Ms Kushida has now moved to Japan and we are trying to find someone to teach those boys who
are mid-way through the course to take them forward
 Pen system has been smooth so thank you to parents for your support
 No supply staff in school at present although we may need supply cover for a member of staff in
Biology whilst they recover from an operation; will require ICT cover for one term as the member of
staff leaving from the IT department secured a job late on in the term so we were unable to recruit
for a 1st September start.
 Year 11 Controlled Assessments: 50% achieved A*/A grades
 Year 12: 47% of AS mocks A-C and A-E, from 56% in Jan to 79% in April
 Year 13: 46% of A2 mock were A*-B and 98% A*-E
 Show My Homework: positive feedback from Years 7 – 10 with the ability to track homework;
around 85/90% of homework is now being set properly, ie, the correct amounts of homework
depending on year group
With Years 11, 12 and 13 not in school a lot this term, we have been able to put a lot of resources
into Years 7-10. Although the homework/detention is a stern system, it has shown us clearly where
we are in terms of particular individuals and also has helped us identify a significant group of
students in each of the year groups for whom time management and organisation is a big issue and
we will be working with those individuals. There will be more flexibility within this system from next
After school support for Year 10 students has begun
Our internal Quality Assurance week identified that two thirds of lessons taught were Good or better
and we are working with individual members of staff to raise this to three quarters and upwards
Assessment has improved; 150 books were checked and 80% of those were marked as Good
Year 10 have had internal Science exams and have been put into sets. Letters will be going out to
parents on Friday this week (4th July) about further setting
Year 10 have had English exams and been set accordingly; achieved 30% A*A
ICT: The IT Department have worked very hard over the last three/four months and we have seen
the improvement and stability of the IT system
Year 11 came into school of their own choice to complete ECDL exams accompanied by Mr Fielding
and Miss Tanti; around 113 passed over the 4 days
Plans for 2014/15
 We are looking to change the logo and words that describe the school; Mr Gardner has talked to
students in assemblies this week. We have been on a difficult journey and need to reflect where we
are going now. The Horse and C at present do not seem to connect specifically to our school; a lot
of people talk about the fantastic buildings that you see when you approach the main entrance and
it seemed a good idea to use the House as the new logo The chosen design was one of many
produced but the most popular with students, staff and visitors
 Turning Potential into Reality does not describe where we are now and the journey we have been
 Aspire and Achieve Together will be the new mission statement of the school.
Aspire: we have to be aspiring as a grammar school to give every child the opportunity to achieve
academic success; we are on a journey of aspiration, bouncing back from the difficulties we have
had; the boys are aspirational
Achieve: everyone wants to achieve and it is our job to make sure that we help, challenge and
support each student to fulfil what they are capable of
Together: what makes CGSB so special is that it has a real sense of community and purpose and
the boys come together to work; this was seen in the ECDL sessions last week where boys were
helping each other; can’t aspire and achieve unless we do it ‘together’; always going to be more
successful if you work as a team
 Upstairs in M20 a large unutilised space at present; aim to make it The Sixth Form Centre, creating
a study area, relaxation area and cafe. Sixth form will move out of S19
 Increasing the size of the Hall to be able to accommodate the whole of the school at break and
lunch; this will involve partitioning the current large staffroom that is located next to the Hall; the
second stage will involve removing the ‘visitor’ kitchen located within the hall to increase capacity
 SEN which forms an important part of the school will be relocated into the current Library and
incorporate a library area, a quiet area and a meeting room when required
Subject specific books will be held by the subject areas
Current SEN office and S12 will become one room and be a fiction library and a quiet area for
reading and working
Electronic gates to be installed at the main entrance to make the school more secure and to help
keep students on site!
Cricket nets at the entrance to be removed as we cannot afford the cost of replacing them and they
do not give a good impression when walking through the entrance
S19 will become a space for Prefects and Vice Prefects to use
Sports facilities: we have received a grant to lease the BORA Gym; will apply for funding next year
to convert the space for suitable sporting facilities
School Trips: looking towards a structure for trips through the years: The Year 7 camping weekend
is popular; looking at moving the Maritime Project to Year 7; Year 8 residential towards the end of
the KS3; History/Geography trip for Year 9s; World Challenge in the sixth form for some students.
Thinking Maps: powerful took in supporting students in teaching and learning; aim to be an
accredited Thinking School by 2016
Extend the use of Show My Homework for better communication with parents and students
Questions from parents
Show My Homework does not seem to show on the system when it is given
Mr Gardner stated that the best planned lessons should stipulate homework to be undertaken and if not put
on the system straight after the lesson, it is essential that by 4pm all homework set for that day is on Show
My Homework unless exceptional circumstances
The school also appreciated that there were times when home internet was not working and a note into
school explaining this was acceptable
Can you elaborate on the changes for M20 for the sixth form?
Current Year 11 and 12 students have been consulted and asked for their input on design etc. All ideas will
be looked at and incorporated as much as the budget allows
Revision sessions are good but when M20 is being used for exams my son comes home as
there is nowhere else to study
With the new internal plans mentioned earlier there will be increased Hall space and library space for next
year meaning more available space for revision
With the change of logo and mission statement, will a change to the school name be
Thought has been given to this but leadership are worried that a number of changes have already been
made to the school and that this would not be right at this time; a lot of consultation would be needed;
perhaps to be looked at when the school is out of Special Measures
When will be school be taken out of Special Measures?
Mr Gardner had been in contact with Ofsted this week, having waited for the last 5 weeks for a visit; Ofsted
stated they can inspect schools right up to the last day of term. It may be that they wait to Inspect CGSB in
September once they have seen the exam result. Mr Gardner stated that he thought the school was at the
top end of ‘Requiring Improvement’ moving towards Good. It was unusual for a school to come out of
Special Measures on their third monitoring visit but we had until summer 2015 to complete the process.
Once out of Special Measures HMI visits would still continue to ensure consistency of progress.
Will the change of logo affect the school uniform?
All students will be given a new badge for their blazer at no cost to parents; Year 7 students starting in
September will also be issued with ties with the new design; new ties were not essential for the remainder
of school but parents could purchase them if they wanted to.
My son starts Year 11 in September. He has had 4 English teachers in the space of two
years; with the recent English exams and setting will he have consistency of teaching next year?
Parents will be receiving setting letters to start in September, based on the recent exam results; the teacher
will be the same throughout the year. 99% of boys should be in the right set but if not, then parents will be
consulted before any moving takes place to ensure continuity
Do you have the results for the Year 9 Science and Maths setting?
Yes and letters will go out with the Year 9 reports
Is there setting for Year 8?
Yes, in Maths, English and Science
Does setting take place in Year 7?
No. Setting takes place properly in Year 9
What will Year 12s being doing when they are back in school on Monday 30th June if they
have finished A2s?
We will be looking at attendance, making decisions if students can continue into Year 13; one to one
discussions with parents; going through option opportunities for the end of Year 13; when the results come
out there will be time for discussion at home; Year 12s will be starting on a part-time Year 13 timetable.
At Maidstone Grammar School there is a system where parents can see if students have
registered for lessons
The IT system at CGSB is not able to accommodate this at present
How do Year 12 statistics compare to national averages?
Not that well; in the past the school has provided an opportunity for students with 5 A-C GCSEs; 60%+
were external students averaging a C Grade at GCSE; statistically, these students found it hard and
possibly should have been advised to study for a BTEC at college; there were issues of ethos and
aspiration within the sixth form which is why we have changed the entry requirements.
The school lost a quarter of its Year 12 students last year; therefore, Year 13 results should be good this
summer; Year 12 intake for September 2014 will be good.
When the Revision timetable came out at Easter there was nothing for Year 12s?
Money was put aside for staff to come in for revision sessions; however, this is entirely voluntary. We
recognise that revision and support sessions were good for Years 11 and 13 but not for Year 12 this year.
However, expectations of staff have been raised and we will improve on this for next year. The majority of
departments have held weekly support sessions over the last 2 to 3 months; Maths every lunchtime and
after school. Mr Gardner would make sure that it was made clear to parents what support was available
and when
With the new timetable change what will this mean for the school finishing early?
From 1 September school ends for all pupils at 3.05pm except for those in detention; the aim is to be able
to offer the opportunity to engage in support sessions for all year groups; a number of students find it easier
to stay at school and do homework. There will be a break of 15 mins straight after school when a Tuck
Shop will be available. This support gives students the chance to access the peer mentor system for help;
also to develop the habit of extended study; it also provides flexibility for parents collecting students
If my son is struggling, will extra support be available?
Staff will be available after school to offer support and computer room available; Year 10s are currently
benefiting from this
What is the difference between a GCSE and an IGCSE?
Both qualifications have the same value but the IGCSE provides opportunities to do a different
specification; All Year 11 did IGCSE and GCSE English;
IGCSE in Business Studies: decision made in Feb/March to do IGCSE as there was a significant amount
of ICT coursework in GCSE and the system couldn’t cope so did it in the best interests of the students.
Is it too late to do computer science in Year 9?
Mrs Diaz is investigating the possibility of some students doing computer science.
What is the difference between Founders Day and Inter-House Athletics?
Founders Day on 11th July is a celebration of the school and will be a permanent fixture on the school
calendar. Students will be sharing some work in the morning, some formal sports on the field, a fete which
includes a gun run, tug of war, bouncy castle, gladiators; stalls run by the Houses – a community day
working together and to which all parents are invited. Inter-House Athletics is an internal House sports
How prepared is the school for the new SEN Code of Practise?
The school acknowledges that it has not always been meeting the needs of SEN students; staff have been
receiving training and over the summer will know who will be in their class in September and be able to
meet their needs. We are moving back to IEPs (Individual Education Plans which gives target setting for
students with SEN issues). Staff and parents will be involved in the target setting for individual students.
This is an important area that the school does want to get right.
Will my Year 9 have a new Head of House?
Heads of Houses do not change but follow students through their school years; there is still access to
Pastoral Managers
I took by son to a UCA Open Day; they said they were not allowed to come in to CGSB?
What happens with Year 11 and careers?
To our knowledge UCA have not requested to attend any careers event at CGSB
 There will be an evening to talk about the new A Levels and a consultation evening with members of
SLT to see how students are getting on:
 Referral to connexions team if required
 Open evening for CGSB and other schools
 Taster day here for subjects that students are interested in
 Application/interview process to check options
 Lots of support
 Process starts in Sept/Oct of Term 1
 December talk to boys
The meeting ended at 9pm