THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES ISS support for L&T – Overview DRAFT Background ISS provides generic services to enable and support all areas of the university’s mission: research, learning and teaching, enterprise and innovation and administration – as well as the development of the institution and its staff and students. Hence, it is difficult to separate out many of our activities and services for specific academic or business areas but the following lists these where possible. Services currently provided Service Area Elements of the Service Area Network High-speed and reliable network for internet access Notes Wireless network Over 200 access points across campus Student residences network 6,910 rooms Internet TV this session Support model including ISS Front Line Staff and onsite Student Advisors. 1,700 seats (about 60% of university total) 115 Printers 32 Scanners 350 seats 24/7 AV teaching equipment in 15 cluster areas Online cluster booking facility for most clusters All ISS clusters contain accessibility hardware and software, some have dedicated enablement areas. Cluster layout changing to support different learning styles. PCs provision in Café areas. Provide a first point of contact for all UoL staff, students and visitors. 80.000 “calls” logged last year. Computer Clusters Help and Advice Help Desk Induction Over 1000 new students attended 2006 ISS induction program Training ISS provides a variety of courses from complete beginner to advanced level in a number of areas. Overview courses are also provided for some areas. Subjects covered include: 1. Unix 2. Windows 3. Microsoft Office products 4. Statistical software 5. Web courses ‘Essentials’ document Campus Web help and paper documentation Information screens Tells new students what services ISS provides, where to find them, how to get help and where they can find out more It is available via the ISS website or in printed form Supply various guides for students to assist with: 1. Their use of systems 2. Their use of equipment such as printers and scanners 3. Locations of clusters 4. Where printers are located THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES ISS support for L&T – Overview DRAFT Service Area Technology and applications Student portal (with the Library) Elements of the Service Area Notes Located at various points around the campus Show details of: 1. Seat availability in PC clusters 2. Events around the University 3. Training sessions that are available to students 4. ISS Sales 5. How students can access data in Banner Interactive information points Central teaching space IT support Student ‘desktop’ of applications Areas covered include: 1. Bibliographic software 2. Database software 3. Graphics: Animation 4. Graphics: Charting 5. Graphics: Image processing 6. Graphics: Painting, drawing and design 7. Graphics: Scientific visualisation 8. Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 9. Mathematics 10. Numerical analysis 11. Programming languages and application development tools 12. Statistical analysis 13. Web tools 14. Various other tools Email Provide email facilities for students. Provide information on how to use the email system as well as advice on things such as avoiding spam and phishing attacks Filestore UNIX Available for students to use The Student Portal provides access to information resources and services from around the University. Single sign-on results in users having seamless access to: 1. Their email 2. A personal calendar 3. Their library account 4. Information about their modules, including online learning materials (through accessing Bodington), reading lists and old exam papers (through accessing the online past exam papers system) 5. Information from around the campus, including the latest news and announcements 6. Community tools, including discussion areas and groups The ISS Helpdesk provides first-line support for the Bodington VLE ISS is currently responsible for the hardware that hosts the Bodington VLE whilst VLE Service staff, based in the Library, provide support relating to the pedagogical usage and content of the Bodington system Seamless access to electronic information Virtual Learning Environment support (with Library and others) “Unified digital campus” with the Library THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES ISS support for L&T – Overview DRAFT Service Area Administrative support Elements of the Service Area Banner student administration system Notes Banner Financial Aid System SAP resources, whether internal, repository-based (eg MIDESS) or external (eg JORUM) Banner is the University’s central student administration system and is used for the administration of all of the University’s full time and part-time undergraduates, taught and research postgraduates It is supplied by SunGard Higher Education of Malvern, Pennsylvania The main functions of Banner are: 1. Student recruitment 2. Processing of UCAS and direct admissions applications 3. Recording of student bio-demographic and academic details 4. Module enrolment (including online enrolment) 5. Registration (including online registration) 6. Monitoring student progress through the recording of examination results 7. Scheduling graduation ceremonies 8. Generation of statistical information such as the HESA return 9. Provision of student information for downloading and analysis by users The Banner Financial Aid System is used for the administration of various payments made to the University’s students It is supplied by SunGard Higher Education of Malvern, Pennsylvania The main functions of Banner Financial Aid are: 1. The administration of numerous financial aid sources is manageable from admission through to graduation. 2. Students have their aid payments automatically transferred to their bank account via BACS 3. The main areas of payment are teachers’ salaries, Access to Learning Fund (ALF) and Scholarships. The total payments for 2003/2004 were £12.7million 4. From July 2005, graduation prize payments were also made via Banner Financial Aid The Student Loans Company (SLC) require daily transfers of data about registered students. The University was one of the pioneers in the development of a system now called BACSfirst. This process replaced the manufacture and distribution of 15,000 cheques in 2003. The transfer of registration data from Banner's BACS first to the SLC automatically triggers a payment to the student's bank account SAP is provided with data from Banner and is used for the following activities: 1. SAP holds debtor account details and manages the collection and reporting of student debt and fee income THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES ISS support for L&T – Overview DRAFT Service Area Elements of the Service Area Notes 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Online Past Exam Papers Syllabus Plus timetabling and space management system Syllabus Plus exam scheduling Questionmark Perception (Note: The italics in the name are correct) Accounting for scholarships Accounting and collection of sponsor debt Online payment of tuition, accommodation and SportLeeds fees Online statement and debt enquiry (including parental access via PIN) Online submission of instalments plans including direct debit or recurring card payment Account statementing Accommodation deposit collection and refunding Direct debit collections and rejection handling Credit card collections and rejection notification Settlement of financial aid payments Late payment charging Refund processing and settlement Collection and allocation of LEA/SLC contributions This function was the only one in the top 25 requested by students, in a survey in 2005, which did not already exist. ISS, CSA and the Library worked together to implement this functionality that went live in late 2005 Students and staff are able to view and print images of exam papers from the last 3 academic years The Syllabus Plus timetabling system is supplied by Scientia Ltd., St John's Innovation Centre, Cambridge The Scheduling Engine at the heart of Syllabus Plus provides a range of powerful facilities that support the building of timetables. These facilities include built-in scheduling constraints, user-definable constraint profiles, user-settable preferences and different scheduling modes including manual and automatic scheduling. The Syllabus Plus exam scheduling system is also supplied by Scientia Ltd., St John's Innovation Centre, Cambridge The system covers all aspects of the planning and administration of examinations and includes the production of individual timetables for staff and students Questionmark Perception (commonly known as QMP) is an online assessment, delivery and reporting tool available free to staff (and students) at the University. It can be used to create individual online questions, which are brought together to form an assessment The assessments are published on a University server for students to answer over the web. Feedback can be built in to the questions. Staff can then view reports of student achievement QMP is supplied by Questionmark of Norwalk, Connecticut. Questionmark has THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES ISS support for L&T – Overview DRAFT Service Area Elements of the Service Area Notes over 2,300 customers Turnitin plagiarism detection SPARCS degree classification system Collaboration and liaison Process support Hardware, Software and Consumable Sales This is a service provided by Northumbria Learning based at the University of Northumbria. The system is supplied by iParadigms, LLC of Oakland, California Turnitin checks for possible plagiarism by comparing submitted papers to several databases using a proprietary algorithm. It scans its own database, and also has licensing agreements with large academic proprietary databases In July 2006, the University had 221 registered users of Turnitin Turnitin does not require any software to be installed at the University either centrally or on users’ PCs This PC-based system was developed by Peter Millican for calculating degree classifications from exam marks. The calculation algorithms are based on the University’s rules and regulations SPARCS is especially useful in examiner meetings where borderline students are identified and any extenuating circumstances are taken into account. SPARCS can quickly recalculate the degree classification if any additional marks are awarded to the student The ISS SIMS Team will be developing an equivalent to SPARCS for implementation in 2008 Good links with LUU Exec and Officers Focus Groups for annual planning and clusters Annual student satisfaction survey – highest return rate of any apart from NSS. Increasingly, ISS staff are becoming involved in: 1. Documenting processes 2. Reviewing processes to identify bottlenecks and areas of high costs 3. Designing new processes to improve performance and reduce costs ISS has purchased licences to use IDS Scheer’s ARIS system for documenting and simulating the running of processes. ARIS is recognised as being a world-leader in this area Process review and improvement has already been undertaken in the following areas of student administration: 1. Confirmation 2. Clearing 3. Accommodation 4. Registration It is expected that an extensive process improvement exercise will be required before Central Student Administration staff move to the new Student Services building at Easter 2008 ISS Sales sells hardware, software and consumables to students, staff and schools/departments/services of the THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES ISS support for L&T – Overview DRAFT Service Area Elements of the Service Area Notes Information Security Regional Support Centre for Yorkshire and the Humber (RSC-YH) Other areas Multilingual Computing ISS staff commitment to supporting Learning & Teaching Webcasting of degree ceremonies (with Media Services) University Hardware includes PCs, notebooks, printers, scanners, hard drives, sound and video cards, monitors and projectors Software is available for: 1. Anti-virus checking 2. Geographical information systems 3. Bibliographic systems 4. Computer algebra 5. Statistical analysis 6. Qualitative data analysis Consumables include toner cartridges, in cartridges, storage media and speciality paper Identity management: simplified sign-on access to learning resources (with Library) Policy, advice and policing The Regional Support Centre for Yorkshire and the Humber serves the FE, Sixth Form, HE and Specialist Colleges and Local Authorities (Adult and Community Learning) across the region They support over sixty Post 16 Colleges in the implementation and use of e-Learning and provide two way communications between the colleges and the JISC and NLN “Multilingual Computing” can be defined as any computing activity that includes any text or characters in: 1. More than one language, or 2. Any language other than English This includes: 1. Languages in non-Latin scripts eg Russian and Chinese 2. Ancient or Medieval languages eg Ancient Greek and Middle High German 3. The International Phonetic Alphabet 4. Other symbolic systems eg those for Symbolic Logic and Mathematics Spellcheckers etc, available for various foreign languages for use by students Support for the languages taught by the University. This is usually over 30 languages per year Support for languages not taught by the University but used by students eg Persian, Hungarian and Bengali ISS working with Media Services All degree ceremonies are shown in real time and the webcasts are available for viewing after the events as well Tony Cobb (Learning & Teaching Systems Consultant) Alec McAllister (Multilingual Computing Coordinator) THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES ISS support for L&T – Overview DRAFT Future Services Service Area Future of Student Computing Elements of the Service Area Notes New University Virtual Learning Environment Student administration systems Portal expansion Remote and mobile access to applications and Filestore (Citrix) Student One-Stop Shop: process and systems Student email review Student induction review Student FAQs International support Creation of more flexible technology rich learning spaces which can support different learning styles Increased remote support and support of mobile devices Strong link to new Library extension and learning spaces Changes in technology (possible demise of the laptop?) Changes in suppliers of technology to “mass market”, eg Tesco Students able to view recordings of lectures A decision has been made to replace the current Bodington system with a new one from a commercial supplier The tendering exercise is expected to run from December 2006 to April 2007 Hardware will be bought to host the new VLE The implementation project will involve: 1. Developing interfaces to other systems 2. Migrating Bodington content to the new VLE 3. Education of users (both those familiar with Bodington and new VLE users) in the use of the new system 4. Running pilots in all faculties to highlight the facilities and benefits of the new VLE Improved management of student discipline New Student Support Services Building Central timetabling project Document management CRM Review and improvement of “front desk” and other processes ????? Pilot in 2007 Students using wireless laptops, etc given access to a cluster-type desktop Students would be able to access their home directories and use cluster printers Will also investigate using the Portal Central Student Administration (CSA) is due to move to a new, purpose-built building at Easter 2008 ISS is working with CSA staff to investigate the possibility of introducing a customer relationship management (CRM) system to improve CSA processes, in particular those undertaken by front-desk staff in time for the move CSA is also interested in introducing a document management system before the move to the new building Review current email services and decide on whether to continue with the service as it is or move to another type of service Implementation of the decision with be in either academic year 2007/8 or 2008/9 ????? ????? Make fonts and keyboards available for THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES ISS support for L&T – Overview DRAFT Service Area Elements of the Service Area Notes fEC for Learning and Teaching Student and staff ID cards review students to use on own PCs. This will provide the students with easier ways to work in multiple languages Possible introduction of multilingual webpages for potential students (and their parents) to read Local requirements depend on the national requirements that are currently being specified. The University is a member of the pilot group of institutions developing these national requirements It is expected that development of software for local needs will take place in financial year 2007/8 A group is being formed to look at the use of student and staff ID cards across the campus. This group will comprise staff from schools and services This could lead to a project to change the cards used and widen their usage in areas such as access control, cashless vending and student attendance monitoring Acknowledgements Details contained in the above were obtained from: Cathy Harrison (SIMS Team) Chris Jowett (Central Student Administration) iParadigms, LLC website (suppliers of Turnitin) Scientia Ltd website (supplier of Syllabus Plus products) Simon Broome (SAP Team) University of Leeds website including the ISS website and various University project websites Wikipedia Colin Coghill, ISS Director Tony Cobb, Learning and Teaching Systems Consultant October 2006