THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED (A Company Limited by guarantee) Annual Report and Financial Statements 31 March 2009 Company Registration Number: 4007393 Charity Registration Number: 1099889 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 CONTENTS Legal & administrative information Directors’ report Page 1 2–8 Independent Auditors’ report 9 Statement of financial activities 10 Balance sheet 11 Notes to the financial statements 12-18 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED LEGAL & ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 Company Registration Number 4007393 Charity Registration Number 1099889 VAT Registration number 608 0608 58 Board of Directors M Warwick (American ) – Chair {resigned October 2008} J Krol (Dutch) – Chair {from October 2008} S Thomas (Canadian) – Chair {from October 2008} P Ingram (British) N Galafassi (Argentinian) B Rani (Indian residing in UK) {resigned October 2008} B Adeleye-Fayemi (British Nigerian residing in Ghana) Z Valcsicsak (Hungarian residing in Belgium) R Tolentino (Philippino residing in the USA) B Ross (British) S Khan (Bangladeshi) {appointed May 2008} A Aidoo (Ghanaian residing in Senegal) {appointed May 2008} M Kisil (Brazilian) {appointed May 2008} R Forbes (Indian) {appointed October 2008} The directors are also the trustees of the charity Chief Executive & Company Secretary S Collings {resigned March 2009} L Stein {appointed March 2009} Head Office & Registered Office Development House 56-64 Leonard Street London EC2A 4JX Bankers Barclays Bank P O Box 544 54 Lombard Street London EC3V 9EX Solicitors Bates, Wells & Braithwaite Cheapside House 138 Cheapside London EC2V 6BB Auditors haysmacintyre Chartered Accountants Fairfax House 15 Fulwood Place London WC1V 6AY 1 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED DIRECTORS’ REPORT YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 The Directors are pleased to present their report together with the consolidated financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31 March 2009. These accounts have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Statement of Recommended Practice “Accounting and Reporting by Charities” issued in March 2005 and the charity’s governing document. Legal and administrative information set out on page 1 forms part of this report. Structure, governance and management The charity is a registered company limited by guarantee and is governed by its memorandum and articles of association. There is a Board of Directors which meets at least twice a year. Other ad hoc meetings and telephone conferences involving either the whole Board or selected members of the Board are also held as required. Directors are appointed for terms of three years, and no more than two consecutive terms may be served except in the case of a trustee becoming chair. New directors are appointed by majority decision of the Board. The Governance Committee, which is a sub-committee of the Board, is responsible for identifying potential new directors and recommending them to the Board. Normally directors are people who already have an existing involvement with, and knowledge of, the charity. New directors receive a Board manual and copies of past minutes, accounts and other key documents. Induction meetings for new trustees are held prior to their first Board meeting. The Board focuses on strategic and governance issues, and matters of broad general policy. Individual directors often have significant volunteer roles within the organisation and support the CEO and staff team in implementing agreed programmes. During the year, a new sub-committee of the Board was set up to work on the future strategy. Day to day management of the organisation is delegated to the CEO and the management team who are based in London. In addition to the staff team in London there are staff members in Malaysia, India, Czech Republic, Brazil, Uganda and a part-time person in Argentina. These regional offices enable Resource Alliance to maintain close contacts and collaboration with the local networks and assist in the accessing of grant funding. Resource Alliance has three sister charities, Resource Alliance Inc in the US, Resource Alliance (India) Trust, and Resource Alliance (Malaysia) Trust. Objects of the company The Resource Alliance exists for the benefit of the public, to provide and assist in the provision of training and education in fundraising, resource mobilisation, management and governance best practice, for those working or volunteering in the not-for-profit sector. Objectives and activities The principal activities of the Resource Alliance are the organisation of conferences, workshops and training courses, information, advice and consulting services, and the promotion of ethical and professional fundraising standards worldwide. These activities are undertaken in order to strengthen the ability of civil society organisations around the world to be able to secure the resources required to sustain their work. A substantial amount of this activity is accomplished with the involvement of volunteers. The faculty who teach at the conferences and workshops all do so pro bono, and many events and activities rely on volunteer time and effort in their organisation and promotion. The Resource Alliance works with a wide range of individuals and organisations across the world, the networks and connections globally are a valued resource for the charity. Civil society is increasingly seen as a major actor in development as research documents the scale, economic contribution and rate of growth of the sector globally. Resourcing the activity of this sector is a major issue if civil society organisations are to live up to the many expectations being placed on them. The Resource Alliance’s work of building the skills of non-profit groups to strengthen their financial sustainability – whether through earning income, generating public donations or working with governments and institutional donors, is clearly meeting a growing need. 2 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 The current direction of the organisation is governed by a strategic plan approved in March 2007 covering the 6 years to 2013. This builds on the progress achieved in the previous three years. The Board determined that the focus should be on providing high quality fundraising training and education for non-profits worldwide – the core competence. There are three broad aims: Aim 1: Provide high quality training in fundraising Aim 2: Provide information and support to fundraisers Aim 3: Promote professional and ethical standards Under Aim 1 the Resource Alliance will further strengthen the programme of events, including developing online seminars and conferences and developing the impact that can be had by embracing new technology. Fundraising courses will be established in many more locations and bespoke training and development programmes will be provided through the consultancy service. Aim 2 will be met through the website, electronic newsletters and the publishing programme. Aim 3 will be accomplished through the Awards programmes and through the promotion of ethical and professional standards in all the education programmes of the Resource Alliance. The trustees confirm that they have complied with the duty in Section 4 of the Charities Act 2006 to have due regard to public benefit guidance published by the Charity Commission in determining the activities undertaken by the Charity. Specific objectives set for the 2008-2009 financial year together with achievements and performance towards them was as follows. Conferences and workshops 1. Equal the number of delegates attracted to the IFC in 2007. Further develop the business model to enable Resource Alliance to stabilise delegate numbers and financial contribution from the event over the next three years. With 958 participants (754 paying delegates) from 50 countries, the 2008 IFC was the largest event to date. Delegate bookings were higher owing to further improvements to the marketing and these results bode well for the future. There was an impressive line up of international experts leading Master Classes, workshops and plenaries. Overall rating of the event was 84 %. Bursaries were provided for 7 people to attend the congress. The Directors would like to express their thanks to the staff and all the volunteers for this excellent achievement. 2. Organise the 8th IWRM in Malaysia in 2008. Attract higher delegate numbers than achieved previously for the event and an increased financial contribution towards the staff costs associated with the event. The 8th IWRM took place in May 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With 350 participants from 53 countries this was the biggest IWRM organised so far. Overall satisfaction ratings were above 80%. Valuable feedback was received from speakers and delegates which will enable the Resource Alliance to make next year’s event even better. 3. Develop a series of online seminars (webinars) and explore the potential for other educational activity on line. Evaluation of online webinars showed that they were an ineffective way of using new technology to drive forward the educational objectives. It was decided to concentrate efforts and resources on developing an online conference, The IFC Online, which will focus on the digital developments in fundraising. 4. Support partners in the organisation of nine regional workshops – Bosnia, Argentina, Brazil, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Egypt, Czech Republic. These workshops to at least break even financially and to be well evaluated by participants. Four regional workshops were supported, along with other capacity building and networking events. The level of Resource Alliance involvement in each event has varied based on a strategic decision to work with local partners who take the lead in organisation and delivery of such events. 3 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 Regional workshops were conducted in: Eastern & Southern Africa, in partnership with the Kenya Association of Fundraising Professionals in November 2008 South Asia, in partnership with the Centre for Advancement of Resource Mobilisation in Sri Lanka (November 2008) International Fundraising Festival, March 2008 in Prague 2nd Balkan Workshop , BUILDING FOUNDATIONS FOR SUSTAINABILITY, SARAJEVO, September 2008 Some of the other capacity building and networking events included: A 2-day seminar for NGO Leaders held in Mumbai in partnership with the SP Jain Institute of Management and Research. A 3 day workshop in Vietnam with the Institute of Social Sciences. Education and training 5. Expand the fundraising course to six new locations. Convene a meeting of faculty representatives to discuss future cooperation within the network of providers. Since their launch in Kenya, India and Malaysia in 2005, Resource Alliance fundraising courses have expanded to other countries. In 2008-2009 the intensive 20-day advanced certificate course was run in: Delhi (India), with the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Usha & Lakshmi Mittal Institute of Management Mumbai (India), with SP Jain Institute of Management and Research Nairobi (Kenya), with Strathmore University Moscow (Russia), with the Moscow School of Social Sciences and the NGO School Foundation Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), with Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Bogota (Colombia), with Universidad de los Andes Ahmedabad (India), with the Mudra Institute of Communications Bhubneshwar (India), with the Xaviers Institute of Management Hyderabad (India), with the Icfai Business School Chennai (India), with the Icfai Business School Jaipur (India) - with the Icfai Business School Accra (Ghana), with the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration Each course was successfully completed by 16-28 students who were awarded a Certificate jointly by the Resource Alliance and the local institute. Plans are in place to launch the 20-day course in: Sao Paulo (Brazil), with SENAC (the National Commercial Training Service) Thailand, Vietnam and Bangladesh are on the list for launch of course in 2009 The Accredited Qualification in Resource Mobilisation (a one-year post-graduate diploma) was conducted in its first year at the Uganda Management Institute in Kampala and with 21 students completing the course in April 2008. Next round is planned to start in September 2009. The Resource Alliance would like to express its thanks to the Aga Khan Foundation, the African Women's Development Foundation, THINK Foundation and Allan & Nest & Ferguson Trust for their continued support towards upgrading and expansion of the courses. In the past year the courses have incorporated media rich materials into their content in India to further enhance student learning. To take these courses to the next level a one-year Diploma in NGO Management with specialisation in Resource Mobilisation is under development to be piloted with SP Jain Institute of Management and Research in Mumbai. 4 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 6. Attract two large consulting contracts, 3-4 medium size contracts and 10-12 small contracts in line with the business plan. Continue to develop the pool of trainers. In the second year of offering Consultancy Services, a growing number of contracts for a wide range of clients have been successfully delivered. This has included diverse projects from working with Oxfam India (donor mapping exercise), a multi-country programme building the fundraising capacity of the World Society for the Protection of Animals’ member societies, to delivering training programmes for small local organisations in Kenya, Uganda, Central and Eastern Europe and India. The Resource Alliance offers a unique consultancy service for non-profit organisations seeking to build their long term financial sustainability. The primary focus is with organisations working in the developing world and working directly with such organisations or with funders seeking to support their grantees. The Resource alliance assists organisations to create the conditions for success in mobilising resources and support and offer a multi-national team which combines international experience and local knowledge to best meet client needs. Some of the services offered include fundraising audits, feasibility studies, prospect research, fundraising strategy development, training, mentoring and coaching. Resource Alliance contracts local fundraising experts to work on these programmes. A skill share workshop for some of the core trainers was held in Malaysia during May 2008. Information and support 7. Add new content to the website and strengthen links with other relevant sites. Promote the site with a view to increasing visitor numbers by 15% over the year. The new website was launched in June 2007. The number of visitors to the site seems to have been at the same level as last year (65,000), although it is not possible to make a reliable comparison as a different statistics package is now being used. The number of subscribers to the two e-newsletters (English and Spanish) continues to grow. ‘Ask a Guru’ was added as a new feature during the year, allowing site visitors to pose fundraising questions to fundraising experts. The service has been regularly used since being launched and has featured a wide range of experts who volunteer their time. 8. Continue to build the subscriber lists for the Global Connections newsletter and e-noticias, and to deliver content subscribers want to read. The Resource Alliance has continued to attract high level contributors to Global Connections and over 10,000 readers have accessed the newsletter. A process has begun to evaluate the lower level interest in e-noticias and consider if it is having the required impact for the support it is receiving. Awards 9. Organise the India NGO of the Year Awards attracting at least a similar level of participation to last year. Further strengthen the profile and credibility of the Award. The India NGO Awards were highly successful in their third year, attracting over 160 entries and generating considerable media coverage. The Awards were sponsored by the Nand and Jeet Khemka Foundation. The 2008 winners were announced at the final Awards ceremony held at the Habitat Centre in Delhi in March 2009. The contract with the Khemka Foundation was for 3 years (2006 – 2009) and negotiations are now underway with another Foundation for a multi-year funding agreement. 10. Re-run the Malaysia Awards for a second year. The Malaysia NGO of the Year was successfully launched in February 2008 with support from ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Malaysia and Yayasan Nanyang Press. As part of the Awards a 2-day Seminar on Resource Mobilisation was conducted in Kuala Lumpur in March 2008 and was attended by over 50 local 5 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 NGOs. The Awards ceremony was organised to coincide with the International Workshop on Resource Mobilisation in May 2008 in Kuala Lumpur. The winner of the top award was PT Foundation. 11. Launch Awards in Kenya/East Africa. The Resource Alliance continues to look for partners and funding sources to launch the Award in Uganda. Financial Review Income for the year shows a growth of 6.5% primarily due to an increase in the resources generated from Conference/Workshop and Seminar fees, although this has been more than offset by an increase in associated costs. At the end of the financial year the accounts for the Resource Alliance show a deficit on unrestricted funds of £53,834 and a deficit on restricted funds of £10,105. The current reserves policy was established by the Board at its meeting in March 2007. It was agreed to establish an unrestricted reserve level which would fully fund fixed costs for 3 months (£150,000), partially fund fixed costs for a further 3 months (£75,000) and cover all redundancy and closure costs (£90,000). The total estimated level required is £315,000. At the end of the financial year unrestricted reserves stood at £225,309. The Board accept that during these difficult economic times, it is appropriate to allow reserves to reduce rather than cut back on charitable activities. However plans have been developed to rebuild the reserves in the medium term to the required level. Future plans Objectives for the 2009-2010 financial year were set within the framework of the revised strategic plan agreed in 2007. This strategic plan will be reviewed during 2009 to establish clarity and work with the Board strategy sub-committee to scope out priorities for future years and to start the process of developing the next strategy. The specific objectives for 2009-2010 are as follows: Conferences and workshops 1. Equal the number of delegates attracted to the IFC in 2009. Further develop the business model to enable Resource Alliance to stabilise delegate numbers and financial contribution from the event over the next three years. 2. Work with the office in India and other partners to organise the 2009 IWRM in India. Develop partners in Africa for an event to replace the IWRM in 2010. 3. Develop a series of online seminars and explore the potential for other educational activity on line including building on the success of The IFC Online conference. 4. Support partners in the organisation of nine regional workshops. These workshops to at least break even financially and to be well evaluated by participants. 5. Develop tools to share the skills needed for effective conference organisation. Education and training 6. Expand the fundraising course to three new locations. Convene a meeting of faculty representatives to discuss future cooperation within the network of providers. 7. Attract two large consulting contracts, 3-4 medium size contracts and 10-12 small contracts in line with the business plan. Continue to develop the pool of trainers and the range of partners. Information and support 6 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 8. Add new content to the website and strengthen links with other relevant sites. Promote the site with a view to increasing visitor numbers by 15% over the year and improve the platform and maximising the interactivity. 9. Continue to build the subscriber lists for Global Connections and revaluate the online information to ensure it delivers content the subscribers want to read. 10. Evaluate and develop the online resources and develop a plan to improve knowledge management within the Resource Alliance. Awards 11. Organise the India NGO of the Year Awards attracting at least a similar level of participation to the previous year. Further strengthen the profile and credibility of the Award. Negotiate a multi-year grant with another Foundation. 12. Secure funding and launch awards in Uganda. 13. Develop an award focussed on honouring fundraisers at IFC. Funding 14. Develop the Fundraisers Fund and resources to support the bursaries. 15. Research and develop the potential for institutional funding. Risk management The Directors have examined the major strategic, business and operational risks which the company faces and confirm that the systems have been established to enable regular reports to be produced so that the necessary steps can be taken to lessen the risks. An updated risk register is reviewed by the Board twice a year. Directors responsibilities in relation to the financial statements Company Law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year, which give a true and fair view of the company’s financial activities during the year and of its financial position at the end of the year. In preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required to: Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; State whether applicable accounting standards and statements of recommended practice have been followed subject to any departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and Prepare the statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the charity will continue in business. The Directors are responsible for keeping accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. The Directors also confirm that they have made all necessary enquires and taken such steps that they ought to, to ensure that they become aware of any relevant audit information and that they confirm that the charitable company’s auditors have been made aware of such information. 7 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 Auditors A resolution proposing that haysmacintyre is re-appointed as auditors of the company will be put to the Annual General Meeting. This report was approved by the board and signed on their behalf by: Director 19 October 2009 8 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED We have audited the financial statements of The Resource Alliance Limited for the year ended 31 March 2009 which comprise the Statement of Financial Activities, the Balance Sheet and the related notes. These financial statements have been prepared under the accounting policies set out therein. This report is made solely to the charitable company’s members, as a body, in accordance with Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the charitable company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the charitable company and the charitable company’s members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. Respective responsibilities of trustees and auditors As described in the Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities the charity’s trustees are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). The Trustees are also directors of The Resource Alliance Limited for the purposes of company law. Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with relevant legal and regulatory requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 and whether the Trustees’ Report is consistent with the financial statements. We also report to you if, in our opinion, the charitable company has not kept proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding trustees’ remuneration and other transactions is not disclosed. We read the Trustees’ Report and consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements within it. Basis of audit opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made by the trustees in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the charitable company’s circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements. Opinion In our opinion: the financial statements give a true and fair view, in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, of the state of the charitable company’s affairs as at 31 March 2009 and of its incoming resources and application of resources in the year then ended, including its income and expenditure; the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985; and the information given in the Trustees’ report is consistent with the financial statements. haysmacintyre Registered Auditors Fairfax House 15 Fulwood Place London WC1V 6AY 2009 9 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 (Incorporating the income and expenditure account) Notes Incoming Resources Incoming resources from generated funds: Voluntary Income Donations Bank interest Incoming resources from charitable activities: Conference / Workshop & Seminar Fees Conference / Workshop Sponsorship Grants Fundraising Handbooks Sales Consultancy fees and other income Restricted Funds £ 850 15,481 16,331 30,258 30,258 31,108 15,481 46,589 22,587 17,470 40,057 1,185,785 170,290 19,274 1,285 182,339 1,558,973 17,425 17,425 1,185,785 170,290 36,699 1,285 182,339 1,576,398 1,046,301 149,246 121,350 1,066 166,309 1,484,272 1,575,304 47,683 1,622,987 1,524,329 28,396 - 28,396 19,907 1,193,436 192,798 16,987 33,801 1,210,423 226,599 988,174 275,307 94,400 7,000 101,400 63,527 1,480,604 57,788 1,538,392 1,327,008 120,108 - 120,108 1,629,138 57,788 1,686,926 1 2 3 TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES RESOURCES EXPENDED Cost of generating funds: 1,4 Fundraising costs of voluntary income Charitable activities: Conferences & Workshops Training & Education Professional Standards Advice and Information Governance Total Resources Expended Fund balances carried forward 31 March 2009 17,025 1,363,940 (53,834) (10,105) (63,939) 160,389 10 279,143 56,384 335,527 175,138 10,11 225,309 46,279 271,588 335,527 Net (Outgoing) /Incoming resources for the year Fund balances brought forward 1 April 2008 Total 2009 £ Total 2008 £ Unrestricted Funds £ The notes on pages 12 to 18 form part of these accounts 10 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MARCH 2009 Notes 2009 £ 2008 £ 23,522 33,843 23,522 33,843 97,447 176,756 297,796 364,976 395,243 541,732 147,177 240,048 248,066 301,684 271,588 335,527 225,309 279,143 46,279 56,384 271,588 335,527 Fixed assets Tangible assets 7 Current assets Debtors 8 Cash at bank and in hand Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 9 Net current assets/(liabilities) Net assets Funds 10,11 Unrestricted funds – General Restricted fund Total funds These accounts were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 19 October 2009 and signed on their behalf by: Director The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 11 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 1. (a) ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of preparation The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with Statement of Recommended Practice - Accounting and Reporting by Charities (SORP 2005), and applicable accounting standards. In prior years the financial statements included the financial statements of the Charity together with the results of the Resource Alliance Inc a US non-profit organization registered under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and of the Resource Alliance – India, New Delhi. However in the current year these independent organizations have continued to develop such that it is no longer appropriate to consider them as subsidiary. Accordingly the accounts presented here are of the UK charity only. (b) Fund accounting General funds are unrestricted funds which are available for use at the discretion of the Directors in furtherance of the general objectives of the charity and which have not been designated for other purposes. Restricted funds are funds which are to be used in accordance with specific restrictions imposed by donors or which have been raised by the charity for particular purposes. (c) Incoming resources All incoming resources are included in the SOFA when the company is legally entitled to the income, there is reasonable certainty of receipt and the amount can be quantified with reasonable accuracy. (d) Resources expended All expenditure is accounted for on an accruals basis and has been classified under headings that aggregate all costs related to the category. Where costs can not be directly attributed to particular headings they have been allocated to activities on a basis consistent with use of resources. All support costs, except governance costs, are allocated between cost of generating funds and resources expended on charitable activities on basis of time spent. (e) Tangible fixed assets and depreciation. Depreciation has been provided on all tangible fixed assets at the following rates on the net book value of the assets at the beginning of financial year. Fixtures and fittings Computer equipment Website 25% on net book value 33% on net book value. 33% on net book value. (f) Pension costs The charity contributed 6% of each individual, eligible, permanent staff member’s gross salary to a personal pension plan of their choice. The cost of providing pension benefits is charged to the SOFA. (g) Foreign currencies Transactions during the year have been converted at the rate applicable at that time. Assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rates ruling at the Balance Sheet date or where appropriate, the rates of exchange under relevant foreign exchange contracts. Differences on exchange arising therefrom are included in the SOFA. 12 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 2. INVESTMENT INCOME Interest Receivable 3. 2009 2008 £ £ 15,481 17,470 Total Total 2009 2008 GRANT INCOME Unrestricted Restricted £ £ £ £ African Womens Development - - - 19,961 Aga Khan Foundation - - - 22,450 Yayasan Nanyang Foundation - - - 4,720 Allan & Ferguson - 15,000 15,000 - Ford Foundation - - - 20,376 Khemka Foundation - - - 3,687 Plan International - - - 11,459 Think Consulting - 2,425 2,425 - Joel Joffe - - - 10,000 Sightsavers International - - - 7,500 Exxon - - - 11,190 Uni Geneva - - - 5,000 19,274 - 19,274 5,007 19,274 17,425 36,699 121,350 Charity Resource Alliance Inc 13 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 4. TOTAL RESOURCE EXPENDED Training & Education Professional Standards Advice & Information Governance 2009 Total 2008 Total Fundraising Conferences & Workshops 12,772 227,715 123,960 41,126 45,630 451,203 447,102 - 535,592 145,888 - - - 535,592 145,888 372,723 88,077 - 160,951 - - - 160,951 152,752 - 883 - - - 883 12,446 - - 51,121 - - 51,121 3,562 - 19,063 - - 22,625 49,953 35,556 5,372 - - - - 5,372 5,830 - - - 25,010 - 25,010 28,814 - 16,987 - 15,880 - - 15,880 16,987 10,000 - - - - 44,449 4,800 - 44,449 4,800 - 7,076 4,500 6,201 21,706 1,088,016 194,144 82,016 94,879 1,480,761 1,221,030 1,746 2,125 1,108 1,331 378 2 31,937 38,875 20,277 24,357 6,920 41 8,467 10,307 5,376 6,458 1,835 12 5,057 6,156 3,212 3,857 1,096 6 6,583 8,013 4,179 5,020 1,426 8 53,790 65,476 34,152 41,023 11,655 69 3,416 58,377 22,380 34,990 16,781 6,966 6,690 122,407 32,455 19,384 25,229 206,165 142,910 28,396 1,210,423 226,599 101,400 120,108 1,686,926 1,363,940 Direct Costs Staff Costs Event food, accommodation, travel Event Marketing Event other direct costs Regional Events accommodation, food and venue costs Consultants & translation services Award Travel & subsistence Printing, advertising photocopying & postage Regional offices local staff and direct office costs Grants to related parties Event bursaries Board Expenses & direct legal fees Audit Fee Other Support Costs Staff Costs & other staff related costs Premise costs IT costs Irrecoverable VAT Depreciation Other TOTAL 14 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 5. DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION Directors received no remuneration during the year. Expenses reimbursed to 9 directors in the period were £20,270 (2008: 7 - £7,076). This increase is due to an additional Board meeting during the year and the wider geographical diversity of Directors. 6. STAFF COSTS Wages and Salaries – UK based Wages and Salaries – Overseas Social security costs Pension 2009 £ 2008 £ 342,206 62,827 35,901 16,821 457,755 324,627 31,308 34,217 15,650 405,802 One employee (2008: one) received emoluments totalling £60,001 to £70,000. Pension contributions are to individual or stakeholder pension plans. Average Staff Numbers (full time equivalents): 2009 2008 1.0 1.0 Events / programmes 15.3 15.9 Governance 0.7 17.0 0.1 17.0 Fundraising 7. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Fixtures & Fittings Website £ Cost Brought forward 1 April 2008 Additions At 31 March 2009 Computer Equipment Total £ £ £ 22,058 31,890 84,503 138,451 - - 1,335 1,335 22,058 31,890 85,838 139,786 Depreciation Brought forward 1 April 2008 Charge for the year At 31 March 2009 21,359 10,630 72,619 104,608 175 7,087 4,394 11,656 21,534 17,717 77,013 116,264 Net Book Value At 31 March 2009 524 14,173 8,825 23,522 At 31 March 2008 699 21,260 11,884 33,843 15 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 8. DEBTORS Trade debtors Other debtors including grant receivable Prepayments & accrued income 9. 2008 £ 46,896 112,742 4,035 22,590 46,516 41,424 97,447 176,756 2009 £ 2008 £ 54,116 22,509 11,623 20,623 81,438 196,916 147,177 240,048 CREDITORS: AMOUNTS FALLING DUE WITHIN ONE YEAR Trade creditors Other creditors, including taxes and social security Accruals and deferred income 10. 2009 £ STATEMENT OF FUNDS Unrestricted Funds Restricted funds: NGO Awards AQRM Guy Stringer Development Fund Gill Astarita Fund Total funds 16 1 April 2008 £ 279,143 Income £ 1,575,304 Expenditure £ 1,629,138 31 March 2009 £ 225,309 7,000 16,376 33,008 56,384 335,527 17,425 8,188 22,070 47,683 1,622,987 7,000 (33,801) (16,987) (57,788) (1,686,926) 24,209 22,070 46,279 271,588 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 10. STATEMENT OF FUNDS (continued) The General reserve represents the free funds of the company, which are not restricted and free to use in accordance with the charitable objects. Restricted reserves represent funds received which are to be applied to specific activities during the coming year. Details of these activities are as follows: Citigroup Kenya – funding for a workshop in Nairobi involving local funders AQRM – development costs for post-graduate diploma course in fundraising Guy Stringer Development Fund – to support bursaries and new initiatives 11. ANALYSIS OF NET ASSETS BETWEEN FUNDS Unrestricted Fund Restricted Fund Total Funds £ £ £ Fund balances at 31 March 2009 are represented by: Tangible Fixed Assets 23,522 - 23,522 Debtors 97,447 - 97,447 251,517 46,279 297,796 Cash Creditors (147,177) Total net assets 225,309 17 46,279 (147,177) 271,588 THE RESOURCE ALLIANCE LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2009 12. SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKINGS, ASSOCIATED UNDERTAKINGS AND RELATED PARTIES In prior years the financial statements consolidated the financial statements of the Resource Alliance Limited, a registered company and registered charity in England & Wales, together with the results of The Resource Alliance Inc, a charity registered in the USA and the Resource Alliance (India) Trust a charity registered in India. Consolidated accounts were prepared on the basis that the directors of the Resource Alliance Limited considered that sufficient control was exercised over these related charities. However in the current year as a result of the continuing independent development of these organisations it is no longer considered appropriate and accordingly the accounts presented here are for the UK charity only. The Resource Alliance Inc: The company has a very close relationship with Resource Alliance Inc, a Charity registered in USA and exempted from US federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the US revenue tax code. U Menon, J Thompson, M Warwick are Directors of the US charity and it owes £705 to The Resource Alliance. Resource Alliance (India) Trust: The company has a close relationship with Resource Alliance (India) Trust, a charity registered in India and exempt from income tax under clause 12AA of the Income Tax Act 1961. M Cherian, V Lal, N Dadrawala and U Menon are Directors of the India Trust. Resource Alliance (Malaysia) Trust: The company has a close relationship with Resource Alliance (Malaysia) Trust, a charity registered in Malaysia. Tan Sri Dato’ Wong See Wah, Gan Chin Kew, Christopher Chee Mun Hoe, Ann Woo, Puan Sri Ng Siew Yong Gnanalingam, YBhg Dato’ Shamsiah Abdul Rahman, and Kiran Dhaliwal are Directors of the Malaysia Trust. At the 31 March 2008 £15,880 held in Malaysia was treated as part of the UK charity’s assets, however as a result of the independent development of the Resource Alliance (Malaysia) Trust this balance has been treated as a grant to them in the current year to allow their continued development. Resource Alliance Activities Limited: All the shares of Resource Alliance Activities Limited are owned by The Resource Alliance Limited. P Ingram (Director) is the director of this company and S Collings (Chief Executive) is Company Secretary. No activity has taken place since 1 st April 2003 and the company remained dormant during the year. 18