Belfast nicvknames - Ulster Institutional Repository

A / Town
The Alamo
Anne's Pants
The Arches
Archey's Dam
The Art College
The Banana
Barrack Wall
The Bay
The Beaker's Cave
The Beechie River
The Beehive
Belfast's China Town
Bell's Lane
The Bible Belt
The Big House
The Bird
The Black Man
Black Man Tec
The Blackie
The Bone
The Boney Hills
The Bot
The Bull Ring
The Bungalow
The Busy Bee
Butcher's Row
Cannabis Ave.
The Casey
The Caves
The Cheeky Orc
The Chicken Walk
Children Born Stupid
The Circus
The Coffie
The Coolers
The Cricky
Crimewell Rd.
Daddy Winker's Lane
The Dam
The Dam Back
The Dirty Duke
Dirty Knickers
Dog Eaters
The Doll with the Ball
The Ducky Dam
The Egg
The Eggy Tunnels
The Farm
The Feeley Wall
The Flacky
The Flax
The Flush
Freedom Corner
G - Town
The Giant's Foot
The Golden Mile
The former Liverpool Bar, now Stena Sealink carpark
Anne's Pantry Bakery, Fountain St
Junction of Newtownards Rd and Hollywood Rd
Primary school site, Lr Antrim Rd
University of Ulster, Belfast Campus
Carpark in Ballymurphy
North Queen St
Tigers Bay, North Queen St area off Shore Rd
Traunt cave, Divis Mountain
The Knock River
Bar, Falls Rd, Broadway junction
Donegall Pass
Garfield St
Upper Cregagh Rd
The Pavilion Bar, Ormeau Rd
Robinson's Bar
Dr Henry Cooke statue, Great Victoria St
Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education
River on Black's Mountain
Area between Oldpark Rd, Rosapenna St and Ardoyne Ave
Park on Oldpark Rd
Botanic Inn, Bar at bottom of Malone Rd
Semicircle of shops, Ballymurphy
Junction of Whiterock Rd and Westrock Rd
Parade of shops, Andersonstown
Former surgens' houses, near Queens University
Antrim Rd
Casement Park, Falls Rd
Royal Hospital, Falls Rd
Duke of York, bar Donegall St
Easy path up Divis Mountain
St Mary's CBS (Christian Brothers School), Glen Rd
Carlisle Circus
Springfield Walk
Former outdoor pool, now BMX track, Falls Park
Park and former cricket ground Cliftonville Rd
Cromwell Rd
Ladas Way
Springfield Park
Alley behind Etna Dr., Ardoyne
Duke of York Bar, Donegall St
Divis Flats, Divis St
Ballymurphy, Belfast
Ring of Thanksgiving sculpture, Queen’s Bridge
Site of new GAA pitches, Flax St, Ardoyne
Eglantine Inn, Bar bottom of Malone Rd
Sewer Tunnels under old egg factory, Ardoyne
Moyard, towards New Barnsley
Bottom of Antigua St, The Bone
Springfield Ave
Bottom of Newtownards Rd
City Cemetry, Whiterock Rd
Gt. Victoria St. to Shaftesbury Sq
Goose to The Bill
The Green Hut
The Greeney
The Gully
The Hack
The Hairy Gal
The Half Bap
The Half Moon Lake
The Hammer
The Hat
The Hatchet Field
The Heel and Ankle
Hill of The Rabbits
The Holy Lands
The Hoop of Hope
The Hossie
H.M.S Never Budge
The Hunty
The Jam Pot
The Jig
John Long's Corner
Julie's Knickers
Jurassic Park
Kelly's Corner
Kentucky Fried Kickin'
Little America
Little Italy
The Limers
The Loney
The Mass Rock
The Maternity Ward
The Mountain Loney
The Mound
The Mount
Murder Mile
N / Lodge
The Nabby
Napoleon's Nose
The New Spot
The Newton
The Nick
Nutt's Corner
The Old Castle
The Ormie
P / Glass
The Pass
The People's Garage
Pick the Noses
The Pink Rd.
The Pitchies
Poor Man's Pompideau
The Pound Loney
The Puke of York
The Railer
The Recky
Riddle's Field
The Road
The Rock
The Rock Dam
The Rocks
The Romper
Carrick Hill
Drinking club, Turf Lodge
Grass at Peaceline, Alliance Ave
Stream side walk, Divis Mountain
The Errigal Inn, Ormeau Rd
Corporation St
Lake in Poleglass
Agnes St. area, Shankill Rd
The Hatfield Bar, Lr Ormeau Rd
Hatchet shaped field, Divis Mountain
The Shankill Rd
Biblically named streets, University area
Ring of Thanksgiving sculpture, Queen’s Bridge
Royal Victoria Hospital, Falls Rd., Belfast
H.M.S Caroline, Belfast Dock, Belfast
The Hunting Lodge, Bar, Stewartstown Rd, Belfast
Snooker club, Donegal Rd, Belfast
Dance Hall, Falls Rd., Belfast
Rock on Castelreagh St, Belfast
Julie's Kitchen take away chain, Belfast
New Barnsley Police Station, Springfield Rd
Junction of Whiterock Rd. and Springfield Rd
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken), Shaftesbury Sq
Area, Antrim Rd. to Cavehill Rd
Corporation St. area
The Limelight Bar, Ormeau Ave
Path from Dermot Hill up Divis Mountain
Rock in Hannahstown
St Louise's Grammer, Falls Rd
Divis Mountain
Motte and Bailey, Dundonald
Bottom of Castelreagh St
Section of Oldpark Rd
Cavehill Mountain
Custom House Sq
Dee St, Lr Newtownards Rd area
Nixon St area, Shankill Rd, Belfast
Corner in back bar of Laverys, Shaftesbury Sq
Old ruin behind Moyard flats
Ormeau Rd
Donegall Pass
Upper Springfield Rd
St Rose’s School
Mountainview Pk, near Ardoyne Shops
Behind Beechmount Leisure Centre
Castlecourt Shopping Centre, Royal Ave
Area around Divis St and Lr. Falls Rd
Dukes Hotel, University St
Duke of York Bar, Donegall St
Old railway line, Ballyhackamore
Recreation Centre, New Lodge
Houses on Ard na Va, Falls Rd
Falls Rd
Whiterock Rd
Open sewer between Greencastle and the sea
The Rosie
RPG Ave.
S / Town
Sesame St.
Sewer Rats
The Shard in the Sky
Shepard's Path
The Sitting Duck
The Slimer
The Slimeshite
The Slippery Slope
Sooty St.
The Spewitt
The Sprike Dam
Steal Da Gutties
Steal Da Knickers
The Strand
The Suicide
The Swinging Titty
T / Brook
T / Lodge
The Third Bit
Tin Hut
Tin Town
The Ton
Turn of the Road
Vicky Barracks
The Village
The Wack
The Watts
The Wiggley
The Wheel of Shame
The Yellow Brick Rd
The Rose and Crown Bar, Ormeau Rd
Beechmount Ave. (Rocket Propelled Grenade Ave)
Stewardstown Rd
The Aurora building (under construction), Great Victoria St
Lane beside St Aiden's School, Whiterock Rd
McGrath's Bar, Cliftonville Rd
Lavery's Bar, Shaftesbury Sq
The Limelight Bar, Ormeau Ave
The Limelight Bar, Ormeau Ave
Slippery walk up Divis Mountain
Former foundry, Mackey's Yard, Springfield Rd
The John Hewitt Bar, Donegall St
Spring and Airbreak club, Ormeau Ave
Springfield Rd
Spring and Airbreak club, Ormeau Ave
Short Strand
Henry Joy's Bar, Oldpark Rd
Pub, Donegall Pass
Former roundabout, Beechmount
Barrick Wall, North Queen St
The former Liverpool Bar, now Stena Sealink carpark
Crumlin Rd, Ligoneil junction
Crumlin Rd, Ligoneil junction
Victoria Army Barracks, bottom of New Lodge
Area between railway line and Donegall Rd
Falls Rd
The Waterworks Pk, Cavehill Rd
Between Antrim and Whitewell Roads, past Hazelwood Primary
The Wheel of Belfast, Belfast City Hall grounds
Shortcut off Antrim Rd, near St Malachy's School