最新重要發表 [1] Shin-Yuan Hung, Wei-His Hung, Chia

Shin-Yuan Hung, Wei-His Hung, Chia-An Tsai, and Shu-Chen Jiang, “Critical
Factors of Hospital Adoption on CRM System: Organizational and Information
System Perspectives,” Decision Support Systems, Accepted. (SSCI, SCI)
Chin-S Ou, Shin-Yuan Hung, David Yen, and Fang-Chun Liu, “Impact of ATM
Intensity on Cost Efficiency: An Empirical Evaluation in Taiwan,” Information &
Management, Accepted. (SSCI, SCI)
Shin-Yuan Hung, She-I Chang, David Yen, and Pei-Ju Lee, “Critical Factors of
ERP Adoption for Small- and Medium- Sized Enterprises: An Empirical Study,”
Journal of Global Information Management, Accepted. (SSCI)
Shin-Yuan Hung, She-I Chang, and Chi-Ping Ting, “Understanding the Key
Success Factors of RFID Use in Supply Chain Management: A Delphi Study,”
International Journal of Mobile Communications, Accepted. (SSCI)
Shin-Yuan Hung, King-Zoo Chen, Chia-Ming Chang, and Ching-De Ku, “User
Acceptance of Intergovernmental Services: An Example of Electronic Document
Management System,” Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 2,
2009, pp. 387-397. (SSCI)
Shin-Yuan Hung, Charlie Chen, and Wan-Ju Lee, “Moving Hospitals toward
E-Learning Adoption: An Empirical Investigation,” Journal of Organizational
Change Management, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2009, pp. 239-256. (SSCI)
Wu, Ing-Long and Lin, Hang-Chang, A strategy-based process for implementing
knowledge management: an integrative view and empirical study, Journal of the
American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol.60, No. 4,
2009, pp.789-802. (SSCI)
Wu, Ing-Long and Chuang, Cheng-Hung, The key external antecedents for a
stage-based e-SCM diffusion: an empirical examination, Electronic Commerce
Research and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 6, 2009, pp.302-314. (SSCI)
Wu, Ing-Long and Hung, Ching-Yi, A strategy-based process for effectively
determining system requirements in eCRM development, Information and
Software Technology, Vol. 51, No. 9, 2009, pp.1308-1318. (SCI)
[10] Wu, Ing-Long and Hsieh, Pi-Jung, The effect of Hospital Innovation on
Customer-Perceived Quality of Care: An Empirical Examination, Total Quality
Management and Business Excellence, Accepted. 2009, (SSCI)
[11] Shi-Ming Huang, David C. Yen, Yu-Chung Hung, Yen-Ju Zhou, Jing-Shiuan Hua,
“A Business Process Gap Detecting Mechanism between Information System
Process Flow and Internal Control Flow”, Decision Support Systems Accepted.
2009, (SCI & SSCI)
[12] Shi-Ming Huang, Chih-Fong Tsai, and Pau-Gin Huang, “Component-Based
Software Version Management Based on Component-Interface Dependency
Matrix”,Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 82, No. 3, 2009, pp. 382-399
(SCI ).
[13] Cheng-Yuan Ku, Ching-Ter Chang, and Hui-Ping Ho, “Global Supplier Selection
Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Goal Programming,” Quality
& Quantity, Forthcoming, Accepted. (SSCI)
[14] Hsieh-Hong Huang, and Cheng-Yuan Ku, “A RFID Grouping Proof Protocol for
Medication Safety of Inpatient,” Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 33, No. 6,
2009, pp. 467-474. (SCI)
[15] Cheng-Yuan Ku, Yi-Wen Chang and David C. Yen, “National Information Security
Policy and Its Implementation: A Case Study in Taiwan,” Telecommunication
Policy, Vol. 33, No. 7, 2009, pp. 371-384. (SSCI)
[16] Ching-Ter Chang, Cheng-Yuan Ku, Hui-Ping Ho, and Chechen Liao, “A MCGP
Decision Aid for Homebuyers to Make the Best Choice,” Quality & Quantity,
Forthcoming. Accepted. (SSCI)
[17] Liao, C., Palvia, P., Chen, J., “Information technology adoption behavior life cycle:
Toward a Technology Continuance Theory (TCT),” International Journal of
Information Management, Vol.29,No. 4, 2009, pp.309-320. (SSCI)
[18] Liao, C., Lin, H. and Liu, Y. “Predicting the Use of Pirated Software: A
Contingency Model Integrating Perceived Risk with the Theory of Planned
Behavior,” Journal of Business Ethics, Forthcoming, Accepted. (SSCI)
[19] Chang, I.C., Hwang, H.G., Hung, M.C., Kuo, K.M., David, C.Y. ,” Factors
affecting cross-hospital exchange of Electronic Medical Records”. Information &
Management, Vol.46, No. 2, 2009, pp.109-115. (SSCI)
[20] Hsu, H.M., Hou, Y.H., Chang, I.C., Yen, D.C. “Factors Influencing Computer
Literacy of Taiwan and South Korea Nurses”. Journal of Medical Systems,
Vol.33, No. 2, 2009, pp. 133-139. (SSCI)
[21] Fan Wu, Pei Ran Sun, His-Kun Ke, Hsieh-Hong Hwang and Yung Yen Chiang, “A
Study of Pre-Decision Evaluation Using Influence Diagram: An Estimation of the
benefits of Influenza Vaccination" Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 33, No. 1,
2009, pp. 19-25. (SCI).
[22] Fan Wu, Pei-Ran Sun and Chi-Chang Chang, “Apply Influence Diagrams for
Utility Analysis of Paying the Weight-Reducing Expenses: A case study in
Taiwan,” accepted and to be appear in Journal of Medical Systems, Accepted.
[23] H. Wang and H. Doong,"Online Customers' Cognitive Differences and Their
Impact on the Success of Recommendation Agents," Information &
Management, Accepted (SSCI)
[24] H. Wang and H. Doong, “Nine Issues for Internet-based Survey Research in
Service Industries,” The Service Industrial Journal, Accepted. (SSCI)
[25] H. Doong and H. Wang, “Predictors of Diverse Usage Behaviour towards
Personal Knowledge Management Systems,” Online Information Review,
Accepted. (SSCI)
[26] Chang, S.I., Hung, Y.C., Hung, W.H., Peng, T.C., & Chang, I.C.”Critical success
factors of mobile commerce adoption: A study based on system life cycle and
diamond model (in Chinese)”, Journal of Information Management, Vol.16, No. 3,
2009, pp. 85-110. (TSSCI)
[27] Ya-Han Hu, Tony Cheng-Kui Huang*, Hui-Ru Yang, and Yen-Liang Chen, “On
Mining Multi-Time-Interval Sequential Patterns”, Data and Knowledge
Engineering, Vol. 68, No. 10, 2009, pp. 1112-1127. (SCI)
[28] 洪新原、張麗敏、劉淑娟,「應用差異理論探討資訊系統使用者滿意度之研
[29] 洪新原、張碩毅、許凱筑、張益誠,「從創新擴散觀點探討影響企業採用協
[30] 洪新原、張碩毅、洪為璽、董秋瑾、黃士銘、李興漢,「高階主管對於資訊
[31] 劉籹君、黃興進、廖則竣,「決策支援系統使用績效之實證研究:結合任務科技適配與資訊系統成功模式」,電子商務學報,已接受。(TSSCI)
[32] 林鴻南、廖則竣,「預測盜版軟體的使用:知覺風險、軟體成本、道德義務