Pulstream manual - The tool for continuous monitoring of cardio

Biometric Information Scanning Device For Physiological Testing "PULSTREAM"
Operating instructions
«Pulstring» (Rila)
Pulstream device is intended for individual use as a tool for monitoring the parameters
of a human cardiovascular system.
Pulstream device is intended for use with a PC (IBM compatible) and a USB port.
Thanks to Pulstream device's capabilities, anyone can analyze the condition of his
cardiovascular system in order to:
• determine the risk of negative trends which can lead to complications;
• control the activity of the heart during a heart attack and stroke;
• control the development of vascular diseases;
• control the effects of cardiac, vascular and other drugs;
• prevent dangerous overloads at sports and fitness;
• control the cardiovascular system after stressful situations;
• control the activity of the heart after drugs and alcohol poisoning;
• control the activity of the heart during a recovery period.
Pulstream device - 1pc.
Manual - 1pc.
USB-interface cable - 1pc.
Battery - 1pc.
Packaging - 1pc.
Measurement range
30-240 bpm
Less than 2%
Scope of cardio interval
0.05-0.3 seconds
Less than 5%
Coefficient of variation
Less than 4%
Check CVS monitoring
No more than 70 seconds
Power supply
9v battery
The duration of a single
800 measurements
140 g.
from -10ºC to +60ºC
Operating conditions
from +10ºC to +40ºC
10 to 80%
Specifications TU9441-001-79599448-2007
Method: non-invasive, no skin puncturing.
Specifications and manual can be changed without notice, in order to improve the
present model.
For power supply the device uses one 9 volt battery (included in the set). On the
device delivery, the unconnected battery is in the housing.
1. Remove the battery cover on the rear of the unit, moving it with little effort.
2. Connect the 9V battery to the connector.
3. Insert the connected battery to the compartment.
4. Close the cover by sliding it straight along the tracks.
WARNING! Do not leave the battery inside the unit when not in use for an extended
period of time. Battery might leak and damage your equipment.
Please help to protect the environment by complying with state and / or local laws
concerning recycling old batteries and electronics at end of life.
This device is intended for use only as a subsidiary of the individual diagnostics.
The device's measurements results in no way can be used for self-medication and nonprescribed drugs use.
These measurements may be taken to your family doctor to get qualified medical care.
Do not perform any changes or upgrades. This may cause a malfunction of the device.
* The unit contains many high-precision components. Use it at room temperature and
protected from dirt, thermal shocks, high humidity, direct sunlight, shocks and jolts.
* Wipe the device housing with a soft dry cloth. If heavily soiled, use a rubbing of
surface with cloth soaked in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Do not use solvents,
alcohol, gasoline or a damp cloth.
* Do not use the device near a TV, microwave ovens, cell phones, X-ray emitters and
other devices with a strong electromagnetic field.
* Protect the optical sensors from dust and dirt, as their contamination will render the
device inoperable.
* Store the device in a box or plastic bag.
System Requirements:
- An IBM compatible computer with an available USB port.
- Operating system of WINDOWS® family (2000, XP, 7)
- Free space on the hard drive (at least 45 Mb)
1. Download «Pulstring» software from http://pulstring.com/,
2. At the first start of the program: Unpack RAR file (winRAR archive).
Having a CD-ROM with software, insert it into the CD-ROM drive.
3. Connect the Pulstream device to the USB port.
4. Drivers are installed automatically.
5. Install the «Pulstring» software following the installation program.
6. Start «Pulstring». "Analyzer Pulse" screen will show up. A "Ready" message will
appear at the top of the screen. Device Pulstream is ready to perform
1. The measurement must be performed at a room temperature , not lower than
18-20 degrees Celsius.
2. Place your laptop on a table at a distance of not less than 1.5 m from the patient.
3. If laptop's external power supply is not grounded, disconnect it and work using
internal battery.
Connect the Pulstream device to an available USB port. Start «Pulstring». "Analyzer
Pulse" screen will show up. A "Ready" message will appear at the top of the screen.
The conditions necessary to obtain accurate measurements:
1. Hands should be warm, temperature should be at least 28-30 degrees Celsius.
2. It is necessary to warm up the cold hands with massage or warm water. After
that wipe the hands carefully.
3. The measurement should be performed in a calm environment.
4. Sit comfortably at the computer table. Your back should have a support on the
chair back or armchair back.
5. Put your left hand on a table, the elbow should be on the table.
6. Relax and breathe steady and deeply.
7. Put a forefinger of the left hand to the device sensor so that the finger cushion of
the first phalanx covers the sensor lens.
8. The finger should be placed parallel to a surface of the case of the device.
9. Trembling of muscles (tremor) of fingers isn't allowed.
10. Keep invariable position of your finger while carrying out the measurement. The
finger should be pressed on the sensor with a moderate effort. Too strong or too
weak pressing of a finger to the sensor can cause distortion in measurement.
11. Movements with the left hand during measurement are inadmissible. Keep an
immovability, silence and tranquillity during measurement.
12. All manipulations should be carried out by the right hand.
Automatic mode
Start the «Pulstring» program having clicked the mouse cursor on «Pulstring» icon.
Start to carry out measurement, having pressed the START button. At the second pass
it will be replaced with a signal of a pulse wave.
After 5-fold passing of pulse waves the software will instantly process results of the
measurement. The whole process of measurement and data processing will take 60-70
Afterwards the "RESULT" form will automatically show up.
The “Result” form contains bookmarks with information on an indicator on each
parameter with its detailed description and its relation to heart and vessels condition.
Press necessary buttons for viewing the results.
Close the “Result” form, the “CONCLUSION” form will appear.
Manual mode
Start the «Pulstring» program having clicked the mouse cursor on the icon «Pulstring».
Put a marker in a window "Manual", located on the bottom panel of the screen the
“ANALYZER of PULSE” and choose a manual mode.
Start to carry out measurement, having pressed button MEAS (MEASUREMENT). After
completion of process of measurement on the screen the CHECK button (CHECK)
becomes enabled. Press this button. On the screen there will be a result of
measurement, namely the curves of a pulse wave marked by the numbered vertical
All lines should pass precisely through maxima of curves.
Perform a visual control of measurement results. For this purpose it is necessary to see
consistently all shots, pressing the CHECK button. The Pulse wave should consist of
repeating sites with approximately identical form of a signal.
Press the “Calculation” button. On the screen there will be a “RESULT” form with
indicators of parameters of a condition of cardiovascular system.
Press the “Result” button. On the screen there will be a “CONCLUSION” form.
1. PULSE - number of systoles per minute. Normal values are 72 to 76. From 80 to
90 is considered high; pulse over 90 - TACHYCARDIA. From 50 to 60 is
considered low; pulse less than 50 - BRADYCARDIA. The presence of
permanent tachycardia requires medical supervision.
2. CARDIOINTERVAL'S SCOPE (variation scope) is a time between the longest
and the shortest cardiointervals, found during measurement. This indicator is
connected with work of the SINUS NODE in which automatically arise electric
impulses of excitation. It is the main pacemaker of a rhythm.
The norm is scope of cardiointerval, not exceeding 0,16 seconds. Excess of the norm
indicates the presence of SINUS ARRHYTHMIA.
3. The COEFFICIENT of the VARIATION is a statistical parameter which
determines the sparseness of cardiointervals values . It is variation parameter
and depends on activity of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
High values may indicate cardiac arrhythmia. Very high values may indicate disorders of
the heart rhythm.
Small values correspond to decrease of sympathetic activity of vegetative nervous
system and can be connected with hormonal diseases.
Dear customer!
When buying, make sure that the seller completely, correctly and accurately fills the
guarantee card and stamps it. Keep it together with the purchase bill during all warranty
In case your Pulstream device needs repair or checking, send a product together with
the description to the service center.
If as a result of examination of the goods it is determined that its shortcomings arose
owing to circumstances for which the seller is not responsible, the consumer is obliged
to compensate to the seller or the organization, which is carrying out functions of the
seller, expenses on carrying out examination, and also the expenses, connected with its
carrying out, on storage and goods transportation.
The warranty period of a product is one year and starts from the date of purchase. Free
repair and replacement of the failed components during all warranty period are
guaranteed to the buyer in the event of production defects. However the manufacturer
reserves the right of refusal of a free repair in case of non-compliance of the below
guarantee conditions.
All conditions of a guarantee operate within the Consumer protection laws and are
regulated by the country legislation.
1. The present guarantee is valid only at the correct and accurate filling of the
guarantee card with the indication of model of a product, sale date, the accurate
seals of firm-seller. The firm reserves the right of refusal in guarantee repair if the
guarantee card isn't presented or information in it is incomplete, illegible or
contains corrections.
2. The guarantee includes performance of repair works and replacement of
defective parts and does not extend on trimming details, batteries, the interface
cable of USB and CD.
3. The guarantee doesn't extend on a compact disc with the software, in case of
impossibility to install software on your computer, you can copy the software free
of charge from www.pulstring.com website.
4. Delivery of the product to the service center and back carried out at the expense
of the buyer.
5. The product will be refused the warranty service in case of:
i. Existence of mechanical damages;
ii. Existence of traces of extraneous intervention;
iii. A damage as a result of non-compliance with the consumer
operation instructions;
iv. A damage because of deliberate or erroneous actions of the
v. A damage caused by hit of foreign objects, liquids, insects inside of
the product;
vi. Repair in a non-authorized service center;
vii. Modification of the device design.
6. The present guarantee doesn't restrain the legitimate rights of the consumer
given by the current legislation of the country, and the consumer rights in relation
to the seller, arising from a buy-sell contract concluded between them.
Periods of guarantee
Duration of guaranty is 1 year.
Device service life is 5 years, provided that the device is used in accordance with this
instruction manual.
«Pulstring» (Rila)
Location: Israel, Rishon le Zion, Herzel 52, zip code 7527113
Tel / fax: 03-5041052
e-mail: office@pulstring.com, naumov_rila@mail.ru.
For any service, please contact
Service Center LLC «Pulstring» (Rila) or the website at: http://pulstring.com/
Check and repair of the unit can only be in a manufacturing enterprise.
In case that device check is needed, refer to the service center, this work will be
executed FREE OF CHARGE.
Serial number:
Date of issue:
Date of sale: ___day___ month 2 0___ year
The device has been tested and on the basis of the primary calibration found fit for use.
Seal of company-seller
Customer's signature_________________
The method of measuring the characteristics of the cardiovascular system (CVS) based
on the detection of capillaries blood filling in the fingers with the help of infrared (IR)
emitter and receiver light with a wavelength of about 0.9 microns.
Miniature infrared emitter inside the device case sends a light stream to a finger which
is dissipated on capillaries. A dissipated light stream is registered by photodetector,
located next to the emitter.
This technology allows a direct measure of:
And to calculate in the mathematical way:
In the device PULSTREAM is used the uniform evaluation system of indicators of
parameters of the cardiovascular system condition, approved by World Health
Organization (WHO) ( see: Journal of Hypertension. – 1999-Vol. 17-No. 2), and also the
Working group of the European Society of cardiology and North American Society of
cardiac measurements and electrophysiology (see: Europ. Heart J. – 1996-Vol.17 – P.