PE 304 Basketball Skills, Monday & Wednesday @ 9:35 – 10:35 a

PE 304 Basketball Skills - Los Angeles City College – TTh - Fall 2010
Christine Tinberg, M.S., M.S., CPT
323-953-4000 x2858
Office: Women’s Gym 102A
Class Description
The class is for students of all skill levels - beginning and advanced players. Each has the opportunity to
become a better shooter, dribbler, rebounder, defender, playmaker, and team member. You’ll do many drills to
perfect your skills and to teach you new offensive/defensive moves. You improve through repetition. Even the
pros still run drills. You will scrimmage and play games. There will be a mixture of skill levels on each team.
The amount of scrimmage/game time will increase as the semester progresses. You’ll play 3-on-3 often (it
teaches you how to be a team player), 2-on-2, 4-on-4, and 5-on-5. Usually, we have class tournaments and
Student Learning Outcomes
 Identify and label court lines, areas, and markings for both NCAA and NBA courts
 Explain the primary rules for NCAA play
 Define basketball terminology
Demonstrate correct body alignment and body part positioning during shooting
 Complete accurate chest, bounce, and overhead passes during game play
 Dribble successfully while being defended
 Get in defensive position and assigned location when playing man-to-man and zone defenses
 Make an offensive contribution in a motion offense strategy
 During a basketball game segment, perform 5 components of an individual offensive play correctly.
 Demonstrate court etiquette during practice and games
440 pts
Final Grade
Attendance (10 pts/class)
Mid-term Exam
1 Homework Assignment
Shooting Skill Tests
Individual Offensive Play Skill Test
Written Final Exam: Thursday, Dec. 16 at 9:30 a.m.
A= 396-440
B= 352-395
C= 308-351
D= 264-307
F= <264
I encourage you to take the class as a Credit/No Credit class.
You should be dressed and on the court by 9:25. Check in with me so I can mark you here. Then, you have
10 minutes to shoot around and warm-up. At 9:35 I blow the whistle and we begin our drills. If you get on the
court after the whistle you lose 5 points. On the court after 9:45 you lose 10 points. If you arrive late, find me
on the court immediately, so I know you are here.
On days we play games, I assign you to a team before class. If you are late, do not expect to show up, join a
team and play. I won’t have students sub out for you, the late-comer. .
There are no excused absences. You must participate in what the class is doing for credit.
Homework is due, in class, on the date given. Late assignments not accepted.
Skill Testing must be done on your assigned date. If absent, you can’t be tested on another day. You get
once chance to do your skill test.
No extra credit & no late exams given.
Course Policies
 You receive a letter grade unless you file for Credit/No Credit in Admissions.
 It is your responsibility to drop the class.
 You can apply for an Incomplete if circumstances beyond your control (i.e. family emergency, long term
illness); made it impossible to meet class requirements.
Your written request with supporting
documentation must be turned in by Nov 24th. You must be making reasonable progress in the class at
time of request.
 Students with a verified disability who need a reasonable accommodation(s) for this class are encouraged
to notify me and contact the Office of Special Services (CH 109, 323-953-4000 x2270) as soon as possible.
All information will remain confidential.
 Clothing requirements: Athletic style clothing/shoes only. Street clothes/shoes not allowed.
 Clean shirts.
 Shoes with heel and toes enclosed.
 No sandals, boots, dance shoes or shoes with metal hook eyelets.
 Clean athletic-style shorts or athletic sweatpants. No jeans, pants, belts, or exposed metal.
 Remove necklaces and earrings.
 Only water and plastic containers are allowed in exercise areas.
 No eating or chewing gum during class.
 Please turn off phone.
 I do not allow guests to attend class. Anyone not enrolled in the class must remain outside the gym doors.
 School policy states that children are not allowed in the classrooms or left unattended in the hallway.
 Keep language appropriate for a college environment.
 LACC’s Student Code of Conduct will be enforced. See Schedule of Classes p. 113-114.
For men, lockers and showers are in the Fitness Center, room 109 - bring your own lock and don’t leave things
overnight. For women, lockers are checked out for the entire semester-you must register your locker with the
PE office. Don’t leave valuables in your backpack or on the court during class. Things have been stolen
during class.
Email - I will send study guides, homework, and videos to you on your email account. Make sure I have your
correct email address.
If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks.
I've had them; everybody has had them.
But obstacles don't have to stop you.
If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up.
Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
Michael Jordan