Summary of things tested in multiple-choice questions for Continuity

Continuity & Change HSC questions
In a country you have studied: identify a feature of change and describe how it has
contributed to change over time
Multiple choice: media, enculturation, empowerment, cultural relativism, social and cultural
literacy, cooperation between institutions, primary methodologies and ethical
considerations, processes of globalization, how social theories are used
Name a country you have studied_____How has the interaction between culture and
environment changed over time in this country?
Evaluate the relationship between authority and inequality in ONE society you have studied.
(this was actually for Inequality & Difference – but you could use Egypt!)
Summary of things tested in multiple-choice questions for Continuity & Change:
-Culture – consists of beliefs, customs, values, laws and arts generated by society
-Examples of interaction in micro and macro worlds
-Correct sequencing of social research (the order of things you must do)
-Discussing change and technology in relation to a picture
-Types of questions (e.g, open-ended/closed-ended)
-Meaning of concepts (listed p136)
-Difference between quantitative and qualitative methodologies
-Select a group and explain how it has benefited from ONE continuity in society. 4
-Assess the impact that ONE change has had on ONE tradition in a country you
have studied. 6 (*EGYPT)
-Define the concept of power. 1
-Define the concept of authority. 1
-Use an example to demonstrate the difference between power and authority. 4
-What is ONE characteristic of focus group as a methodology? 1
-What is ONE characteristic of observation as a methodology? 1
-Explain how the methodology of EITHER focus group OR observation could
be used to investigate the use of technology in a school. 4
-What is meant by macro world and micro world? 2
-Analyse the impact on your micro world of a change in the macro world. 4
-Outline the concepts of continuity and change. 3
-Assess the impacts of continuity and change in the country you have studied. (*EGYPT)
In your answer, refer to ONE of the following features of the country: 9
• education
• beliefs, values and lifestyles
• social welfare and health
• gender roles and the status of women and men
• laws and the legal system
• government institutions
• family life and population changes.
-What is meant by the concepts of environment and time? 2
-Outline the interaction between environment and time, using ONE example. 4
-What is ONE characteristic of the methodology of participant observation? 1
-What is ONE characteristic of the methodology of questionnaire? 1
-Discuss the usefulness of EITHER participant observation OR questionnaire as
a methodology in a study of student participation in school sport. 4
-‘Westernisation is inevitable.’ Discuss this statement using examples. 6
-Outline ONE theory of social change. 4 (*CONFLICT THEORY)
-Apply this theory of social change to explain EITHER continuity OR change in
the country you have studied. 8 (*EGYPT)
-What is meant by the concepts of persons and society? 2
-Explain the interaction between persons and society. 4
-What is the difference between the methodologies of survey and case study? 2
-Justify the use of EITHER survey OR case study to investigate decision-making
in families. 4
-Name a theory of social change and assess its effectiveness in explaining continuity and
change in society.
In your answer, consider a strength and a weakness of your chosen theory. 6
Answer (a) and (b) with reference to a country you have studied. (*EGYPT)
Describe the features of power and authority. 4
Evaluate how continuities and changes in power and authority have influenced ONE
of the following: 8
• education
• beliefs, values and lifestyles
• social welfare and health
• gender roles and the status of women and men
• laws and the legal system
• government institutions
• family life and population changes.