Skills and attributes

Key skills & attributes
58125 Creative Information Design — contribution to graduate profile
Design and develop information and media content and structures using a wide variety
of processes and technologies for diverse audiences in the workplace and society.
Work collaboratively and strategically to manage projects and implement creative
solutions to information problems in the workplace and the broader community.
Experience a range of professional roles and practices which are the foundation of
creative information practice.
Develop reflective capabilities that underpin innovative information practice and lifelong learning.
Key skills and attributes for employment
1. Find at least three (3) examples of job advertisements which you think a successful
graduate who has completed this subject might apply for. Some of the places that you
could look are
the Careers section of the weekend Sydney
Morning Herald or The Australian
2. Which of the following abilities/attributes are mentioned in these advertisements?
Job examples
Communication skills
1) Digital Producer : you must have excellent
communication skills with experience in client
facing roles.
2) Communications Specialist : 2-3 years
experience from a communications role.
3) Radio Program Producer : Without visual things,
you may convey what you want to say.
1) TV Producer : It is a arduous job. You should be
enthusiastic about your work.
Team working
1) Digital Producer : You are a team player who
can get the best out of your teams
2) Communications Specialist : You need to work
within a dynamic team
3) Event/Sponsorship Manager : Dynamic team
4) TV Producer : Good teamwork is the most
important thing to communicate with the staffs.
1) Communications Specialist : Having worked
with high profile talent
2) Event/Sponsorship manager : This role requires
a highly motivated mind with exceptional
organisational skills and attention to detail.
58125 Creative Information Design — Skills and attributes for employment
3) Digital Producer : You will be a Pro-Active
problem solver with lashing of initiative and an
ability to identify and extract opportunities
1) TV Producer : You need to lead the whole staffs
with great leadership to make a materpiece.
Interpersonal skills
1) Digital Producer
2) Communication Specialist : you need great
cultural backround
Organisational skills
1) Event/Sponsorship Specialist : You are naturally
2) Web designer : To make an website look
organised, You need to know what is organised
things that can be easily read.
3. Which of the above job advertisements looks like one that you would find interesting?
Choose one of these advertisements and list it on the class blog on UTSOnline
Make a brief comment as to why you think that this subject would prepare you for
this job
Examine your Skills Audit and list those skills that you think you would need to
work on in order to apply for this job.
<TV Producer>
The job advertisements that I was interested was 'TV program producer'
The important skills to be a producer are Communication skills, Enthusiasm, Team
working, Leadership.
This subject would prepare me to increase the communication skills and team
working experience.
I should grow my leadership as producer is the chief member of the whole
production team. Every staffs will listen to what I order so that I should be
confident during the production and cheer them up when they are exhausted.
58125 Creative Information Design — Skills and attributes for employment