Goal: To connect to a real world experience and a job specific task, each student is going to be asked to "pitch" a movie we should all go see. The student will be graded on the organization, the presentation, the appeal, and the effectiveness of this pitch. This is meant to connect to the rapidly growing field of Sales and Customer
Service: students must know their target, must know their product, and--most importantly--have to figure out a detailed, efficient way to match the product to the target. The steps are as follows:
1. Consult our list of top war and conspiracy films and select one you’d like to work with – have it approved by
Mrs. Hove (no Beer Fest!). The film needs to be currently available, meaning that you should be able to find it in a library, at a movie store such as Best Buy, at Family Video, or on Amazon as a readily available product.
2. You must classify and define (meaning explain with reasoning) how this specific text fits into either the
“war genre” or the “conspiracy genre.” You should also attempt to sub-categorize your text by looking at different branches and sub-genres within the large, encompassing genre (for example, if you watch the film Full
Metal Jacket, you need to explain why this film is typical of the war film genre; you could also sub-categorize this film as being a psychological study of the dynamics of boot camp, etc. – of course, your film will go into much more depth).
3. You must develop reasons and sales points --why would anyone benefit from this film? What is the overarching theme? How does it connect to our society or our experiences? What does the film offer? Why should we watch it? What type of reader would enjoy this entertainment experience? Does the text have any value beyond simple entertainment? What parts of the story will really draw us in or make us embrace the story?
4. You must design a multi-textual, technology driven presentation to engage us and to highlight the text in question. This must be more than a basic Power Point that a 6th grader could slap together. I highly encourage you to consider alternate presentation platforms, such as Prezi or Slide Rocket.
Anything multi-media is encouraged!
***Because you have analyzed a film, it is only logical that you include film clips in your presentation!!!!
5. Each student will "pitch" their story to the class. Every individual in class will evaluate the presentation based upon their interest in the presentation and their personal desire to explore the text (in other words, you need to “sell” your film. While I can not grade you based upon how many students will want to read / view your movie, I will be interested in how many "clients" you can "win over” and convince to watch the film).
This will be an on-going assignment in the sense that you’ll have the next week or so outside of class to READ the film (if you choose, you may work with a partner, but be careful of your choice of partner).
I will give you class time in the near future to create your presentation; plan on presentations beginning on: _________________________________________