Interactive Classification: A Method For Assessing The Adequacy Of

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Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1967, 24, 443-450.
Indiana University
Summary.—In situations where a treatment is varied over the same Ss in order that each S
may serve as his own control and where an associated source of variation is controlled for by
counterbalancing between Ss, the success of this method of control depends on the absence of
interaction between the treatments and the counterbalanced factor. When the data are classified
into a factorial system involving the treatments and the counterbalanced factor as the two
classifications, it is difficult to find a statistical model to test such an interaction. A strategy, by
means of which established statistical models can be used to evaluate this interaction, is
presented here, and its range of application is discussed.
The device of presenting all treatments to all Ss is common in experimental work. It is
generally supposed that this procedure reduces sampling error and thus increases the power of
the test of the treatments hypothesis. To take the simple case of two treatments as an example,
suppose that in a classical conditioning study E is concerned with the effect on performance of
varying the intensity of the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Rather than using two separate
groups of Ss to compare the pairings of a conditioned stimulus (CS) with a weak and a strong
UCS, E may choose to pair the two CSs with the weak and strong UCSs respectively over the
same group of Ss. To obtain a within-S evaluation of the treatments hypothesis of UCS
intensity, E may then perform a related-samples t test based on the differences between CSs
paired with the weak and strong UCS for each S.
However, since the two CSs must differ in order to allow differentiation of the effects of
the weak and strong UCS training conditions, this attempt to use Ss "as their own control"
introduces another factor into the situation: the nature of the CS. This associated source of
variation, which could affect the dependent variate in such a way as to invalidate the above
evaluation of the treatments hypothesis, is usually controlled by counterbalancing: each CS,
say a tone (T) and a light (L), is paired with the weak (W) UCS for half of the Ss and with the
strong (S) UCS for the other half of the Ss. In addition, E sometimes attempts to assess the
effect of this counterbalanced CS factor (T-L) by reclassifying the data as performance to T vs
performance to L, taking differences between these pairs of values for each S and performing a
related-samples t test as before. However, insofar as E is concerned only with the validity of
his evaluation of
is extended to R. H. Day, R. S. Rodger, and J. P. Sutcliffe for their helpful comments, with special
thanks to J. P. Sutcliffe for providing the intellectual goad which led to the technique presented in this paper. The
preparation of this report was supported by Contract Nonr 908-15, Roger W. Russell, Project Director.
the treatments hypothesis of UCS intensity (W-S), the results of this second t test are irrelevant,
since it can be shown that the absence of a main effect due to CS (T-L) is neither a necessary
nor a sufficient condition for the adequacy of counterbalancing as a method of control.
That such an absence is not a necessary condition is illustrated by Panels I and II in Fig. 1.
The conclusion that there is (or is not) a treatment effect of S > W is unaffected by a main
effect due to T-L being absent (Panel I) or present (Panel II), so that E can ignore the CS effect
in his assessment of the UCS treatments hypothesis. The absence of a main effect due to CS is
not sufficient for the effectiveness of counterbalancing, as can be shown if we consider the
possibility of interaction between the T-L and W-S factors. Panels III and IV in Fig. 1 are two
illustrations where, despite the absence of any main effect due to T-L, the interaction affects
the validity of the conclusions about the W-S treatment effect. In the first case (III), the simple
comparison of W with S yields the conclusion that there is no W-S effect, but this is
misleading. The interaction shows that there is indeed a W-S effect, although it is differentially
influenced by the nature of the CS involved. In the second idealized case (IV), a simple
comparison of W with S would indicate a W-S treatment effect, but this should be modified in
the light of the interaction, which suggests that the effect due to UCS intensity occurs
appreciably only when the CS is T.
Unlike the main effect of the T-L factor, the interaction of this factor with the W-S
treatment factor cannot be ignored If it is decided that such an interaction exists, it follows that,
for the purpose of assessing the treatments hypothesis, the counterbalancing procedure can no
longer be regarded as an adequate experimental control of the T-L factor, the effectiveness of
this control being limited to the main effect only of that factor. This is not to say that E's
strategy in the design of future experimental tests of the treatments hypothesis is fully
determined by the decision that interaction is present. In some circumstances, E may still be
content to retain the T-L factor (i.e., test 5s with both UCSs and differing CSs) despite its
apparent interference, or interaction, with the W-S treatment
FlG. 1. Four sets of idealized results of presenting two UCS treatments (W and S) with
counterbalancing over an associated source of CS variation (T and L). (In all four panels the
data are plotted with the T-L factor as the variable and the W-S treatment factor as the
factor. E would then attempt to provide statistical control of the interactive effect of T-L by
unconfounding the variance due to this interaction from that due to the main effect of the W-S
factor. In other instances, a detected interaction may lead E in future experiments to eliminate
any possible source of variation from the T-L factor by holding it constant over treatments. E
would then present the two UCSs to different groups of Ss, using only one CS (T or L) and
thus giving up the attempt to reduce sampling error in the test of the W-S treatments
hypothesis. No doubt there will also be situations where, on detecting interaction, E will find it
difficult to choose between retaining and abandoning the T-L factor in future studies. While a
detected interaction can thus pose new problems for E, it is at least clear that, for a valid
assessment of the treatments hypothesis, it is necessary to consider whether such an interaction
is present.
Since the decision about the presence or absence of such an interaction would be expected
to be based on a statistical test, Es first reaction is to classify the data in a conventional 2 X 2
factorial, as in Fig. 2. CS type (tone or light) and UCS intensity (weak or strong) are the A and
B classifications, respectively. The symbols n1 and n2 specify the two equal sub-groups of Ss
on which measures of performance are taken, and it will be noted that the same 5s appear in the
diagonals, but not in the rows or columns, of the factorial. Because of this "crossover"
distribution of Ss, no standard statistical model is obviously applicable for testing the A, B, and
AB effects, the third being of crucial interest. It will be proposed in the next section that we
transform the classification of the data in such a way that it becomes possible to apply
established statistical models for testing the significance of this AB interaction, as well as the
A and B effects.
Consider the alternative system of classification drawn up in Fig. 3 where
FIG. 2. Conventional 2X2 classification of
hypothetical data obtained from presenting
two UCS treatments (W and S) to all Ss (n1
and n2) with counterbalancing over an
associated source of CS variation (T and
L). (Simple Classification System—A X B)
FIG. 3. Alternative 2x2 classification of
hypothetical data in Fig. 2. (Interactive
Classification System—Ab X B)
the A classification of CS type has been replaced by a new classification, Ab. Whereas the A
classification (T-L) involved the CS type per se, this new classification specifies which of the
two UCSs specified by the B classification (W or S) is paired with the T (and, consequently,
which is paired with the L). The subscript, "b," indicates that this new classification specifies
something in connection with the B classification; in this case, Ab specifies CS type in connection with UCS intensity. The Ab classification may be said to "interact with" the B
classification, in the sense that it specifies something about what is specified by the B
classification. For this reason, the system of classifying the data in Fig. 3 may be called an
interactive classification system, as distinct from the simple system of Fig. 2.
Two points, which together constitute the solution to the problem of testing for the A, B,
and AB effects of Fig. 2 can be made about this interactive classification of the data. First,
inspection of the distribution of 5s, n± and n2, of the interactive system in Fig. 3 shows that, as
compared with the situation in Fig. 2, the design is now a two-factor experiment with repeated
measures on one factor, for which a standard statistical model is available (e.g., Winer, 1962,
pp. 302-312; McNemar, 1955, p. 332), a model which, from its agricultural origin, is frequently known as the "split-plot" (Cochran & Cox, 1957, pp. 293-296). A split-plot analysis
will yield statistical decisions about the significance of the three effects: Ab, B, and Ab B.
Given the data based on a sample of Ab groups of 5s each measured over B conditions, as
classified in Fig. 3, E can use the split-plot model to decide whether the Ab, B, and Ab B effects
are present or absent in the population.
The second point is best introduced by considering any given set of scores and applying, in
turn, the interactive (Fig. 3) and simple (Fig. 2) systems of classification to this set. It can then
be asserted that, besides the trivial identity of the B effect, which appears in both systems, the
following two equivalences exist between the effects of the two systems:
Ab = AB
AbB = A
Assertion [1] states that an Ab effect (in the interactive system) is materially equivalent to
an AB effect (in the simple system); assertion [2] states a similar equivalence between the A bB
and A effects in the interactive and simple systems, respectively. While the equivalences are
stated in terms of effects which are present, equivalences between effects which are absent are
also implied. For example, [1] could be written as "not-Ab == not-AB," an equivalence
between the negations of effects. The equivalences whose truth is suggested by inspection of
Figs. 2 and 3, can be formally demonstrated to hold for any set of scores,2 so that [1] and [2]
are true for population, sample, or any other type of
A cyclostyled copy of this demonstration is available from the author and as Document No. 9335 from
the ADI Auxiliary Publications Project, Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.
C. 20540. Remit $1.25 for photocopies or $1.25 for 35-mm. microfilm.
scores. Briefly, the demonstration involves defining row and interaction effects in terms of the
four cell scores of any 2X2 factorial, and then showing that, in terms of these definitions, [1]
and [2] hold.
The interactive classification strategy, then, is useful when we are faced with the problem
of wanting to test for interaction in a situation of the sort shown in Fig. 2, where the same
group of 5s appear in the principal diagonal cells but not in the same row of the factorial. The
data are first reclassified into an interactive system as in Fig. 3, and the split-plot model is used
to make statistical decisions or inferences about the effects in the interactive system where
these refer to the state of affairs in the population. The second step is to use the logical
equivalences, [1] and [2], which hold between the interactive and simple systems for any given
set of scores and which allow the results of statistical decisions to be interpreted in simple
system terms of order, treatment, and order-treatment interaction. Thus, although the use of the
strategy is clearly statistical, it is essentially a logical technique, resting as it does on certain
equivalence relations between alternate systems of classification, relations which hold
independently of statistical considerations.
Experimental Examples
The counterbalanced source of variation may either be introduced by E as a convenience,
or its presence may be necessary for the rationale of the experiment. The conditioning example
discussed above is clearly a case of convenience. Since E may eliminate the CS factor by using
only one CS (e.g., the T) and presenting only one of the two UCS intensity treatments to any S,
we may speak of this CS variable as being extrinsic to the experiment. When the source of
variation is necessary for testing the treatments hypothesis, so that E is not free to present only
one treatment to any S, this type of source is intrinsic to the experiment. In indicating some of
the concrete cases to which the interactive strategy can be applied, the examples are
distinguished in terms of the extrinsic-intrinsic criterion, although it will be noted that the
application itself of the strategy is not affected by this distinction.
Extrinsic sources.—The situation which led to the use of this type of classification was a
pilot study in which two durations of the UCS were the treatments with counterbalancing over
the associated CS source of variation of tone and light (Furedy, 1965, p. 206). The intensity of
the UCS has also been studied in a similar within-51 setting by Wickens and Harding, who
have pointed out the advantages of using such within-S designs (Wickens & Harding, 1965, p.
153). The interactive strategy can be used to check whether this gain has been offset by any
interaction of the treatment effect with the counterbalanced factor, an interaction for which
counterbalancing does not control.
More generally, there is a large class of experiments in psychology where the
counterbalanced factor is simply the order in which a given treatment is presented. In a
perceptual study R. P. Power of Queen's University of Belfast (personal communication) was
concerned with the rate of apparent reversals of rotating figures as a function of the physical
shape of the figure. A circular and an elliptical shape constituted two levels of the treatments
factor, which was tested within Ss by administering both treatments to all of 20 Ss. The associated source of variation was whether a given treatment was presented first or second, and
this order factor was controlled by counterbalancing, 10 Ss being presented with the circle first
and the other 10 Ss with the ellipse first. In terms of Fig. 2, then, the A and B classifications
were presentation order (first-second) and rotating figure shape (circular-elliptical)
respectively, with the two groups, n± and n2, each containing 10 5s. When the data were
reclassified into an interactive system as in Fig. 3, a significant (F = 5.35, df = 1/18, p < .05) Ab
effect was found. In terms of the simple system this result indicated an AB interaction effect, in
this case an interaction between presentation order and rotating figure shape. This result led E
to abandon the method of "using each S as his own control" in subsequent experiments in favor
of presenting only one shape to any S. Power's study is representative of all experiments in
which the associated source of variation introduced by presenting both treatments to all Ss is
the order in which a given treatment is presented. If the application of the interactive strategy
suggests an interaction between this order factor and the treatments effect, it may well be
advisable for E to eliminate the former source of variation which, in these cases, is always
extrinsic to the experiment.
Intrinsic sources.—When part of the treatment effect is that it be varied within the same S,
the associated source of variation becomes intrinsic to the experiment. All differential
conditioning studies (both instrumental and classical) contain such an intrinsic source, because,
in order to examine the degree to which S can be differentially conditioned to two stimuli, the
nature of the stimuli themselves has to be varied. This source of variation is usually counterbalanced against the treatment effect of differential reinforcement. However, if the
interactive strategy indicates an interaction between the nature-of-the-stimulus factor and the
treatment effect of differential reinforcement, E cannot eliminate the former source of
variation. He can only vary it over a different range of values, in the hope that the interaction
will not occur within that new range.
Formal Limits and Extensions
By considering the applicability of the interactive classification to cases which are
formally different from the examples quoted above, formal extensions of the method can be
investigated. For example, Gerjuoy and Myers (1964) have shown in another context that
equivalence assertions [1] and [2] do not hold if the number of Ss on which each cell aggregate
is based is not constant.
This is not a serious limitation here, since the procedure of counterbalancing ensures that this
constancy condition is met.
Of more interest are cases where the counterbalancing is preserved, but where the
complexity of the design is increased. Adding further bases of classification to the original 2X2
factorial is one such source of complication. To take the UCS intensity case as an example
again (Fig. 2), we may want to add a third basis of classification, C, which may either be
within 5s (e.g., two or more stages of training) or between Ss (e.g., two or more levels of
As long as these new bases of classification are not involved in the interactive
reclassification, their addition does not affect the applicability of the strategy. In the A X B
case for two levels of A and B, the simple ABC system which results from adding C as a new
basis of classification can be reclassified into an interactive AbBC system (note that the C
classification is not involved in this shift). On the basis of the equivalence assertions [1] and
[2], any statistical effects in the interactive system are interpretable through the substitution of
the terms AB and A for the terms Ab and AbB respectively. Thus a significant AbBC effect is
equivalent to an AC interaction effect by [2], while an AbC effect is interpretable, by [1], as a
second-order ABC interaction effect. More generally, given any multiplicative classification
system ABCD. . . . such that the A and B classifications have only two categories, the
interactive shift into an AbBCD. . . . system is applicable in the sense that any Ab and AbB
terms can be replaced by AB and A terms respectively in the interpretation of the statistical
The other method of increasing the complexity of the design is to increase the number of
categories in the original A and B classifications which are involved in the interactive shift. In
the case of the UCS intensity treatments effect, this would involve presenting three levels of
UCS intensity (weak, medium, and strong) to all Ss, and pairing each UCS with a different CS
(perhaps a light and two tones of different frequencies). A more common example, however, is
provided when the counterbalanced factor is the order of presenting a given treatment. Thus, if
three treatments were administered to all Ss, counterbalancing for order would be carried out
by dividing the Ss into three equal groups and varying the order of presentation of treatments in
such a way that each treatment is presented first, second, and third to equal numbers of Ss. The
data would then be classified into a simple system similar to that in Fig. 2, with order and
treatments as the A and B classifications respectively, with the exceptions that these two
factors would have three levels each, and there would be three equal sub-groups of Ss, which
could be labeled m, n2, and ns, respectively. The interactive system analogous to that in Fig. 3
is that system of classification in which the same Ss appear in any given row of the factorial.
In these 3X3 cases it appears that the technique is only partially applicable, since the two
equivalences no longer hold. Instead, one can assert only the following two relations of
implication between the interactive and the simple systems:
Ab -->AB
not-AbB --> not-A
That is, for the 3X3 case, an Ab effect implies an AB interaction in the simple system
([!']), and no AbB effect implies no A effect in the simple system ([2']); however, not-Ab no longer implies not-AB, and AbB no longer implies A. No detailed demonstration of the truth of these implications is given here.3 As for the 2x2 case, the method
involves considering the row and interaction effects in terms of cell scores. When this is done,
it becomes clear that the reason why the equivalence relations of the 2 X 2 no longer hold is
because, in the 3X3 case, the defining conditions for the absence of interaction are of a more
complex form than those for the absence of a row effect. No demonstration is yet available for
cases involving more than three categories in the original A and B classifications, but it would
appear that the relations stated by [1'] and [2'J also hold for these n Y, n cases where n > 3.
Compared to the 2x2 case, however, it is clear that the power of the strategy has been
In the three-treatments case which was used to discuss the difference between the 2x2 and
3X3 systems it will be noted that there are two, not one, independent ways in which the order
factor can be counterbalanced. Thus, to counterbalance the order of the three treatments, Tl,
T2, and T3, either the sequence . . . Tl, T2, T3 . . ., or the sequence . . . Tl, T3, T2 . . ., may be
used, these alternatives being the two levels of the additional factor of sequence. Inasmuch as
E feels constrained to vary this sequence factor, it seems that increasing the number of
categories in the A and B classifications when the former specifies order of presentation
introduces an additional basis of classification, C. This addition constitutes the first method of
increasing design complexity discussed above, which was found not to interfere with the
applicability of the interactive stratagem. Thus, where there are more than two categories in the
original A X B system, so that only the relations of implications stated by [1'] and [2'] hold
between that system and the interactive system, the addition of further classifications leaves
these relations of implications unchanged. For example, given any multiplicative system
ABCD. . . ., such that the A and B classifications have more than two categories, an AbCD. . . .
effect is interpretable as an ABCD. . . . effect, although an AbBCD. . . . effect is no longer
interpret-able as an ACD. . . . effect. The latter limitation, however, is not due to the addition
of new bases of classification. It is only the addition of categories to the classifications
involved in the interactive shift which weakens the power of the strategy.
It remains only to be stressed that the strategy provides no new statistic. Though set in a
statistical context, it is no more than a logical device for reclassifying data into a form which is
amenable to statistical analysis by the familiar split-plot model. The statistical validity of the
procedure, then, is identical to that of the split-plot model on which the statistical analysis of
the interactive classification system is based.
COCHRAN, W. G., & COX, G. M. Experimental designs. New York: Wiley, 1957.
COPI, I. M. Symbolic logic. New York: Macmillan, 1959FUREDY, J. J. Reinforcement through UCS offset in classical aversive conditioning. Aust. J.
Psychol, 1965, 17, 205-212.
GERJUOY, H., & MYERS, A. E. Analysis of variance: effects of interchanging main effects and
interactions by rearranging data. Percept, mot. Skills, 1964, 18, 833-838.
MCNEMAR, Q. Psychological statistics. New York: Wiley, 1955.
WlCKENS, D. D., & HARDING, G. B. Effect of UCS strength on GSR conditioning; a
within-subject design. /. exp. Psychol., 1965, 70, 151-153.
WINER, B. J. Statistical principles in experimental design. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962.
Accepted February 21, 1967.
A cyclostyled copy of this demonstration is available from the author or from the American
Documentation Institute. See Footnote 2 for details.