3rd nine week chemistry syllabus

Mrs. Thurmond’s 3rd 9 weeks Chemistry Syllabus
Week 1
Chapter 7
CW/HW, Labs,
Quizzes, Bell-ringers
Course of Study Objectives
Week 2
Jan 9-13
Chapter 3/7
Determining the empirical or molecular formula for a compound
using percent composition data
Week 3
Jan 17-20
Chapter 3/7
CW/HW, Labs,
Quizzes, Bell-ringers,
notes, Chapter 5 Test
CW/HW, Labs,
Quizzes, Bell-ringers
Week 4
Jan 23-27
Chapter 8
CW/HW, Labs,
Quizzes, Bell-ringers,
notes, Chapter 6 Test
Classifying chemical reactions as composition, decomposition,
single replacement, or double replacement
Week 5
Jan 30Feb 3
Chapter 8
CW/HW, Labs,
Quizzes, Bell-ringers,
Classifying chemical reactions as composition, decomposition,
single replacement, or double replacement
Week 6
Feb 6-10
Chapter 8
CW/HW, Labs,
Quizzes, Bell-ringers,
notes, Chapter 7 Test
Predicting ionic and covalent bond types and products given
known reactants
Week 7
Feb 13-17
Chapter 9
CW/HW, Labs,
Quizzes, Bell-ringers
Solve stoichiometric problems involving relationships among the
number of particles, moles, and masses of reactants and products
in a chemical reaction.
Week 8
Feb 20-24
Chapter 9
CW/HW, Labs,
Quizzes, Bell-ringers,
notes, Chapter 8 Test
Solve stoichiometric problems involving relationships among the
number of particles, moles, and masses of reactants and products
in a chemical reaction.
Week 9
Feb 27Mar 2
Chapter 10
CW/HW, Labs,
Quizzes, Bell-ringers,
notes, Chapter 8 Test
Solve stoichiometric problems involving relationships among the
number of particles, moles, and masses of reactants and products
in a chemical reaction.
Jan 4-6
Nov 11 Veteran’s Day
Assigning oxidation numbers for individual atoms of monatomic
and polyatomic ions
Determining the empirical or molecular formula for a compound
using percent composition data
COURSE DESCRIPTION: In chemistry, students acquire a
fundamental knowledge of the substances in our world- their
composition, properties, and interactions, that should not only
serve them as a foundation for the more advanced science
courses in college but should also provide them with the science
skills that are necessary in chemistry-oriented technical careers.
Class Requirements: Holt Chemistry textbook, writing utensil,
paper, 2 pocket folder, 3 ring binder or notebook, scientific
Lab Fee: $10 Due by September 2nd
ASSESSMENTS AND GRADING: Every assignment that is
turned in must have your first and last names, the date, and the
class period.
Chapter notes
Turning in Assignments: Assignments must be turned in on the day they are assigned or completed for homework.
Absences: If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask myself or your fellow classmates for any notes, worksheets, or assignments
missed. Refer to the student code of handbook for making up missed assignments when absent. Late assignments will not be accepted for
any other reason.
BEHAVIOR: I expect you to follow the Anniston High School Code of Conduct and Rules, lab safety rules, and the rules of decent
classroom behavior. If you misbehave, you will be given a strike. The consequences for strikes PER WEEK are:
1st- Warning
3rd _Parent contact
2 _ Student conference
4th-_Referral to office
Severe infractions will be immediately referred to the officeStudent Signature __________________________________________
Period ____________
Parent Signature ___________________________________________ Parent’s email address ____________________________