Geometry Mr. Yost Email Phone 254-7317 Website: OR Go to Click on Departments. Click on Mathematics. Click on Mr. Yost’s page. WAY OF THE WARRIOR W: Wisdom: The sum of learning through the ages A: Accountability: An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility R: Respect: Treating others as you would want to be treated. Understanding that all people have value as human beings. R: Reliability: Worthy of being depended on. I: Integrity: Being honest, trustworthy and incorruptible O: Ownership: Being responsible for your actions. R: Responsibility: Having a sense of duty to fulfill tasks with reliability, dependability, and commitment. Office Hours: Room 323/320 Before School 7:00 – 7:25 Warrior Period 10:37 – 11:00 (Not Always Available) Lunch 11:00 – 11:33 (10:55 – 11:50 Mondays) Block 7 1:18 – 2:45 After School 2:45 - (Depends on Season) Your Responsibilites Respect and Ownership 1. Be respectful towards yourself and others 2. Be respectful to and equipment used in class 3. Have a good attitude 4. Do Your OWN work and take pride in it Food and Drink Accountability and Respect 1. You may have food in class if it does not disturb others 2. You may have water in a clear plastic container 3. No, soda, coffee, etc… Electronic Devices Cell phones, ipods, mp3’s … 1. Do not use them in class (Respect, Integrity) 2. Do not let me see them in class (Reliability) 3. If any electronic devise is seen, it will be taken by me and can be picked up at the end of the day (Accountability Ownership) 4. Please make sure your cell phone is off when you come into class (Respect) Materials Accountability and Reliability 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Book Paper and or graph paper Pen/Pencil Protractor/Compass TI -83/84 Plus Classwork/Homework (Accountability and Reliability) 1. Homework will be assigned daily 2. Homework will be due the next day, following the completion of each section 3. Classwork is graded on completion and on your effort. To receive full completion credit, it is expected that all parts of each question assigned are completed. 4. Late work will be accepted but penalized (10 percent drop/day). Late work will be accepted until the day of the chapter test, after that no work from the chapter will be accepted. Quizzes (Wisdom) 1. There is a possibility of a quiz everyday 2. Usually there will be a quiz half way through each chapter. Test/Test Corrections (Accountability, Reliability, and Wisdom) 1. Test will be at the end of every chapter. Test will be completed by the end of the period. 2. You are allowed to make corrections on 2 tests per quarter. The corrections must be done with in 2 days of getting your test back. You will earn half your points back that you missed. (This excludes the last test of the quarter). 3. To take advantage of the test correction, you must have completed all your homework for that unit. Grading Scale (Wisdom) A 100 – 90 B 89 – 80 C 79 – 70 D 69 – 60 F 59 – 0 All Students Must Earn a C or Better to Advance to The Next Level of Mathematics Grade Break Down Homework Quizzes Tests 15% 25% 60% Tests: Make-up (Responsibility and Ownership) 1. If you miss a test/quiz you have two days to make it up if the absence is excused. 2. If the absence is unexcused no make up will be allowed. 3. All make up tests and quizzes must be done by appointment with Mr. Yost. Hall Passes (Accountability) 1. Hall passes will be taken whenever the classroom is left. 2. Please ask for permission. 3. Please do not make a habit or there will be limitations placed on an individual basis. 4. No hall passes will be given the first or last 10 minutes of class. 5. If you are tardy to class you forfeit all pass priveledges. Tardies (Accountability and Ownership) Students are expected to get to class with all needed materials on time. If students are more than 15 minutes tardy it will count as an absence for that period. Excused tardies will require a note from the previous teacher or the attendance office. 3 or more tardies will require students to make up the amount of time tardy at the end of that class during their passing period or they will have to arrange detention time with their teacher. Office referrals will be given for 5 or more tardies in one quarter. Teachers have the right to assign a different comparable consequence and may add additional consequences for ongoing or chronic tardies. Attendance Policy (Accountability and Ownership) See School Policy