Dorothea News Nr. 1/2003 OUR EYES FIXED UPON THE TARGET! In front of a shopping centre in the southern suburb of Windhoek, Namibia, stands a statue of a Bushman. He is in a kneeling posture and holds a tightly strung bow. What immediately catches one's attention is the steadfastness of his gaze upon his target. It is our calling to lead souls to the Lord and to help believers spiritually so that they can grow in their faith. We should never regard this as "a work", for that would keep us from reaching God's target and goal. It is a high and sublime calling and we desire to live it out in such a way that our Heavenly Master will be satisfied with it. A certain woman in Namibia was such a "target". She frequently heard the Word, but resisted it. Her daughter, however, is a child of God and faithfully prayed for her. After our Namibia team had already moved on, the Lord spoke to this woman through a dream. As a result she confessed her sin and received the Lord Jesus as her Saviour. Another soul got saved! We thank the Lord for the opportunities we have to proclaim the Word of God in Namibia. We hold evangelistic meetings, do house visiting, reach out to children with the Gospel and minister the Message of hope to patients, including AIDS-sufferers. We rejoice with patients over their physical recovery, but are all the more grateful when they find peace with God. Children in Kalkrand eagerly listen to the Word. Also in prisons we have the opportunity to minister the Word. There is great interest in our Bible Correspondence Courses among the prisoners and we are grateful for every testimony from people who receive assurance of salvation. Two years ago we held an outreach in Ovamboland. People were very receptive to the Word. Some walked very far to attend the meetings. We plan to return there in June, especially to the Ondangwa area. We pray that the Lord of the harvest will use this attempt to bring people to the point where they make a decision for Him. Our greatest joy is surely when souls get saved. Then it is a great encouragement to meet with such people again after some time and to see that they persevere. There are, however, also sad cases. A young girl became backslidden because fellow-believers deserted her when she did not want to join a splinter group of a certain congregation. She became involved in a relationship with an unsaved man, which led her further astray. We are grateful to say that she has come back to the Lord. We shall never be able to thank our intercessors adequately. May we ask you to continue to intercede for us? Pray that we shall fix our eyes firmly on the target and the goal: to lead souls to the Lord Jesus - for salvation, restoration or any other spiritual need. (Sent in by Anneliese Kropp - leader of the Namibia Team) WHO ARE THEY? Anneliese was born in Germany during the Second World War and had the privilege of growing up in a religious household. As a young girl she seriously reflected upon eternity when her grandfather died. During a camp she clearly heard the message of salvation and accepted the Lord Jesus as her Saviour and Master. After her calling to full-time service and three years of preparation and training at a Bible School, she was still not sure where to serve. By means of a song the Lord brought Namibia to her attention. When she heard about the work of the Dorothea Mission, the Lord gave certainty that He wanted to use her there. In 1971 she came to South Left to right: Anita Booys, Thomas and Evelyn Africa, where she worked for a number of years Hangolonde and Anneliese Kropp before being transferred to Namibia. It is still her very great privilege to minister the Word of God to people there. Thomas was born in Ovamboland and only attended school for a few years before he had to help his parents. As a young man he went to South Namibia, looking for work. For ten years he herded sheep and goats. In 1983 he was converted through evangelistic meetings, even though he did not understand the speaker's Afrikaans very well. He desired to serve the Lord full-time, but was hesitant due to his inadequate schooling. The Lord, however, gave him peace. In 1987 he came to the Dorothea Bible School and in 1990 he went out in the work. His share in the work in Namibia is valuable - he is now a 'spiritual shepherd". In 1996 Thomas married Evelyn. She was converted during a series of special meetings, which she attended in her matric year. After her school training she worked for two years with Youth for Christ, before she qualified as a nurse. While tending people physically, she often has the opportunity to witness for the Lord Jesus. Anita was taught from early childhood to attend church, but there was a lack of spiritual life. At nursery school she heard that Somebody had borne the punishment for her sin and this was so clearly conveyed that she could never forget it. At the age of thirteen she came to know the Lord Jesus as her Saviour and promised Him that she would go into full-time ministry. After school, however, she started to work in the post office and did not serve the Lord so faithfully any longer. The Lord restored her spiritually and reminded her of her promise, made as a young girl. She resigned her work, received training at the Dorothea Bible School in Pretoria and joined the team in Namibia in 1990. She mainly brings the Word to children and now works with another kind of letter" than the ones she handled in the post office. "You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the Living God" (2 Corinthians 3:3). Marcus Hennig was born in the former Eastern Germany and came to South Africa to be trained at the Dorothea Bible School. In 2001 he completed his studies there and a year later applied to join the Dorothea Mission. As soon as his work permit for Namibia will be granted, he will D.V. join our team. We would appreciate it if you would pray for this, too. Brothers, pray for us… Humanly speaking, we would not be able to continue the work to which the Lord has called us without the intercession of our friends. We honour the Lord for those He has given to stand faithfully with us in this and other ways. We are grateful that we are able to send you a new edition of our PRAYER GUIDE. May you share in the Lord's abundant blessing and in His eternal reward for your contribution through your intercession. If you would like to invite us to introduce the activities of the Dorothea Mission and to share prayer requests during a prayer meeting or mission action in your congregation, or in any other way, you are welcome to contact us. Jacques Malan is available to speak on such occasions. We also have an exhibition that displays our work. Please phone our office at (012) 560 0355 in this regard. FROM HEART TO HEART - Paul von Staden Christians sometimes feel that their attempts lack power and bear little fruit. On the one hand it is possible that there may be more fruit than we can perceive or that God works through people in ways of which we are not always aware. On the other hand we may ask whether we pray enough and trust God sufficiently to answer our prayers according to His will. James 4 verse 2: "You do not have, because you do not ask God." The Dorothea Mission believes firmly in the power of prayer. Since the Mission's inception in 1942, prayer has been one of its central principles. Regular and extended times of prayer, on a daily and continual basis, are a normal part of our activities. We pray specifically for various matters, according to the information we have. We believe that the more prayer there is behind our activities, the more the blessing will be that flows from the work and that there are no limits to the power of prayer. At the same time we fully accept the will of God in all matters. During its history of nearly 61 years, the Dorothea Mission witnesses to the power of prayer and the ways in which God has heard the prayers of our faithful intercessors and friends, and of our workers. Answer to prayer is, for us, a daily reality. We see it firstly through every soul that comes out of darkness to the Light, accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and then grows spiritually. Secondly we experience it through the ways in which God provides and makes it possible to continue this extended work - and in many other ways. His mercy and steadfastness are unlimited! We glorify God that He uses us, His insignificant children, for the extention of His Kingdom. What a wonderful privilege to be in His service! It is our experience that regular and serious prayer, accompanied by the study of God's Word, promotes our individual spiritual growth, allows us to labour with greater commitment and dedication, and produces more lasting fruit in our calling. In agreement with the constitution of the Dorothea Mission, we work according to the principles of a faith mission and on a reformed basis. Apart from our own initiatives as an interdenominational mission organisation, we also accept invitations from churches to help with special outreaches - as long as they fit into the Mission's basis of activities, as explained above. Please pray for us for God's guidance and wisdom when we consider invitations we have received. Finally, a sincere word of thanks to our intercessors, who, in a very special way, are helping us to fulfil our calling. May God richly bless you. "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint" (lsiaiah 40: 31). PREPARATION FOR THE MISSION FIELD Students who complete their three-year training at the Dorothea Bible School, either join the Dorothea Mission or go and serve with other organisations. Students who completed their training in 2002. Left to right: Lucky Gwabuzela, Paulus Mofokeng, Emmanuel Mokeki and Joshua Ramatlali. For the final year students of 2002, the 8th of December was a red-letter day because they received their certificates and were sent out to various mission fields for full-time service. It is our prayer that the Lord will bless and use them, as well as all the others who received their training here previously, wherever they work for Him. We are grateful for a number of first-year students who joined the senior students at the beginning of the year. In the mornings lectures are presented in subjects like Introduction to the Old and New Testament, Exegesis, Homiletics, Doctrines and Evangelism. The afternoons and evenings are times for practical work and study. During weekends the staff and students go on outreaches in the vicinity. It is our prayer that the students will benefit by their training, not only academically, but especially spiritually and that the Lord will fulfil His aim in their lives. The staff has an important and responsible work and we would appreciate your ongoing prayers for them. The principal, Joseph Nota, is supported by his wife Eneti, who also lectures. Jacques Malan is back with us after last year's study leave during which he obtained his degree in Theology through the Bible Institute of South Africa in Kalk Bay. Deborah Maponya, apart from lecturing, carries the Bible School staff and students 2003 (Absent: Rev. Fantie van Heerden) responsibility of being the matron of the ladies' hostel. Magdalene Masina, wife of Ezekiel Masina who serves in the evangelism team, has a talent for working with children and presents the subject Child Evangelism. We also sincerely appreciate the help of two part-time lecturers, Rev. George Mnisi and Rev. Fantie van Heerden. "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God" (2 Corinthians 3:5). PRACTICAL WORK IS ALSO FULL-TIME SERVICE Many people may think someone who serves the Lord full-time, is only involved in evangelistic work. This is not true. There are also those in the background who take responsibility for practical matters, so that others may uninterruptedly gather in the harvest. Those in the background do not always attract as much attention, but Colossians 3:23 applies in a very special way to them: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." We thank the Lord that He has given us a competent factotum to do the practical work here at "Dorothea". Ignatius and Elize Kruger serve the Lord with great dedication in this role, The maintenance of buildings, vehicles and equipment is a great responsibility. We desire our grounds and buildings to be a witness to the glory of God. It can happen that the Good News of God's mercy for a sinner is hindered as a result of faulty equipment or a vehicle that is out of order. It is often difficult to know the best way of repairing something or of obtaining the right materials. Therefore, Ignatius is also dependent on the guidance and enabling of the Holy Spirit. Thank you to everyone who also prays for this section of our work. Thank the Lord with us! We were surprised and grateful when a friend of the Mission called a few months ago to tell us that he and his wife wanted to donate two second-hand vehicles to the Mission. One will be used for spare parts to maintain our combi's. The other vehicle, a Ford pick-up, is now roadworthy after repairs have been done. We honour the Lord for this wonderful provision and it is our prayer that this vehicle will be used effectively in our work over a long period of time. "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches In Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19). SOME NEWS FROM THE FIELD We thank the Lord for His blessing on the days of prayer which were held in January to resume our activities in South Africa. It was wonderful to experience that the messages given by the different workers formed a whole. The teams in the other countries testified of rich blessings they received when they gathered locally for the same purpose. "A university lecturer gave his life to the Lord during a house visiting in Lilanda (Lusaka). Pray for him that he may grow spiritually and for the conversion of his wife, who is addicted to alcohol." (Zambia)" A different religion is gaining ground among the children in Malawi - they are even provided with uniforms. Pray that we shall be able to win the children for the Lord before they are caught up in this." (Malawi) "The hospital staff called us out to an 18-year old girl who tried to commit suicide. Illiterate, unschooled and from a very poor home with only a small, irregular income, her life was dark and she was in despair. She felt that God did not see her tears and hear her prayers and that she 'was standing in the back row'. We could tell her that 'today is the day of salvation' for her and she could enter the Lord's presence with all her needs into the 'front row', close to Him. She accepted the message of salvation. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide her and that she will grow spiritually. Her illiteracy is a serious lack.” (Hospital Ministry) "The people on some of the farms in the Dealesville area do not often have the opportunity to hear the Word of God. We could sow the good seed and some received the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. In the township we found several people who are involved in ancestral worship and bound by evil spirits. By God’s mercy, some realised their spiritual need and we could pray with them for deliverance. Please pray that those who have taken a step will remain steadfast." (South Africa Evangelism Team) "During the weekend outreach we met a man in the hospital who could not speak, as the result of an operation, but he had a notebook. We shared the Gospel with him and he responded by writing in his notebook. We had a blessed 'conversation', which encouraged us."(Bible School) Birthday Celebration The Dorothea Mission will in South Africa celebrate its 61 st birthday on Saturday 13 September 2003, D.V. We heartily invite you to this event. The branches in the other countries will this year, D.V., each arrange a suitable local function. Matters for intercession 1. Thank the Lord with us that He has led Ben and Martie Lubbe, who have been involved in our radio and cassette ministry on a part-time basis since October 2002, to join us full-time. They served previously in our Mission. Please pray that they will be able to finalise their personal matters speedily, so that they can move to "Dorothea". Pray also for blessing on this part of the work. 2. Evangelist Lucas Banda from Zimbabwe lost his wife in December 2002, after a long illness. Please pray for Lucas and his three young children. They especially need the Lord's comfort, and we all know that a household without a mother functions with difficulty. 3. Our Zimbabwe teams are able to continue with the work, but practical circumstances are very difficult in this country. Please pray with us that the Lord will grant them special wisdom and that they may, at all times, know His will. Presently they are working in the vicinity of our mission station in Harare owing to the fuel crisis. Please pray also that the Lord will intervene in this country and that circumstances will improve. 4. Please pray with us for the following outreaches, D.V.: South Africa: Outreaches by the evangelism team at Winterveld from 25 April to 4 May and at Klipgat 23 May - 5 June (both 30 km from "Dorothea" - outside Pretoria). From 13 June a group of our Bible School students will help our team with an outreach in Soshanguve Extentions 10 and11. The Soweto team, assisted by the rest of the students, will hold children's camps at "Dorothea" during the June/July holidays. Namibia: Outreach among the Bushmen in the north in May. Outreach to Ovamboland during June. Malawi and Tele: These two teams will co-operate during June and July for evangelistic outreaches in the vicinity of Tete.