Curriculum Vitae Iraj Nabipour, M.D.

Curriculum Vitae Iraj Nabipour, M.D.
Personal Information
Surname: Nabipour
Forename: Iraj
Title: Prof. of Internal
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Bushehr, Iran
Date of Birth: 26/12/1963
Nationality: Iranian
Marital Status: Married (with 2 sons)
Office Address: The Persian Gulf Biomedical
Research Institute, Bushehr University of Medical
Sciences, Moallem Street, Bushehr, I.R. Iran Postal
Code: 7514633196
Office Phone: +98(771)254 1828
Office Fax: + 98(771)254 1827
Home Phone: +98(771)555 7755
Iranian Medical Council Registration No:
E-mail Addresses:
Academic History
I-Education (Academic Preparation)
Endocrinology and Metabolism, Taleghani Hospital,
Shahid Beheshti
University of Medical Sciences (SBUMS), Tehran, Iran,
September 1998 - September 2000
Internal Medicine, Namazi Hospital, Shiraz University
Medical Sciences (SUMS), September 1990 – September
1994, Shiraz, Iran
Namazi Hospital, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
(SUMS) April 1988- September 1989, Shiraz, Iran
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Iraj Nabipour, M.D.
Medical Education:
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School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
(TUMS), September 1982 – March 1988, Shiraz, Iran
II- Academic Positions
Distinguished Professor of Endocrinology and
Metabolism & Internal Medicine, Bushehr
University of Medical Sciences
Vice Chancellor for Research, Bushehr University
of Medical Sciences
1994- 1998 & 2001- 2006
Head of the Persian Gulf Biomedical Research
2009 - Present
Head of Persian Gulf Marine Biotechnology
Research Center
Foresight for Medical Sciences in “Academy of
Medical Sciences, I.R. Iran)
Chief Editor: Iranian South Medical Journal,
1994- 1998 & 2001-2009
Editorial Board: Editorial Board of Iranian South
Medical Journal (1994-present), Iranian Journal of
Diabetes and Metabolism (2000-present),
Knowledge and Health Journal (2005-present),
Environmental Studies of the Persian Gulf (2011present), Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas
Co-Founder of “National Osteoporosis Network”
2000- Present
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Co-Founder of “National Diabetes Network”
2000- Present
Co-Founder and Executive Manager of Iranian
Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism (1998)
Co-Founder and member of Editorial Board of
Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism (2000present)
Co-Founder of “Evidence- Based Medicine
Research Centre of Tehran University of Medical
2005- Present
Co-Founder of “Nuclear Medicine Research Center
and Molecular Imaging Research Center of Bushehr
University of Medical Sciences”
Founder of “The Persian Gulf Tropical Medicine
Research Center”
Founder of “The Persian Gulf Marine
Biotechnology Research Center”
Advisory Board of The History of Medicine” in the
Ministry of Health
Founder of PhD by Research in “Molecular
Epidemiology” for the first time in Iran Bushehr
University of Medical Sciences (2011)
Founder of PhD by Research in “Marine
Toxinology” for the first time in Iran in Bushehr
University of Medical Sciences (2012)
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Founder of PhD by Research in “Marine
Microbiology” for the first time in Iran Bushehr
University of Medical Sciences (2013)
Scientific Committee (Ministry of Health) of
“National Comprehensive Scientific Road Map in
Health Sector”
2005- Present
Member of “Boards of Directors of Bushehr
University of Medical Sciences” Elected by the
President of Iran
Advisory board of The Annual Razi Medical
Sciences International Research Festival
2006- Present
Editorial Board of “Encyclopedia of Medical
History in Iran and Islam” in Academy of Medical
Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran
2004- Present
International of Avisory Board of 2nd International
Medical Olympiad 18-20 October 2013,
Thessaloniki, Greece
Advisory Boards of the metabolic disorders,
endocrinology and cardiovascular disorders in the
ministry of health, 2000-present
Scientific Boards of National and International
Congresses in Endocrinology and Metabolism,
Diabetes Mellitus, Osteoporosis and Marine
Medicine (Tehran/Iran) 1998-present
Advisors in 78 MD theses
Advisory Boards for Guidelines in Endocrinology
and Metabolism including Osteoporosis
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Advisory Board of Knowledge-based Economy,
Science and Technology Foresight (Bushehr
Province/Iran 2001-present)
Editor of The textbook of Marine Medicine,
published for the first time in Iran
Major investigator of large population-based,
prospective cohort studies in aging, cardiovascular
and metabolic disorders at national and regional
levels [e.g. The Persian Gulf Healthy Heart Study
(Supported by EMRO/WHO, Iranian Multicentral
Osteoporosis study, Bushehr Eldery Program)
Prominent Member of Iran's National Elites Foundation (INEF)
Member of Academy of Medical Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran
2012- Present
Member of “Chair of Theory Creation in Fiqh, Philosophy and Medical Ethics” in the
Ministry of Health
Member of American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE)
Member of The Endocrine Society (U.S.A.)
Member of “The American Society of Bone and Mineral Research”
Member of “American Association for the History of Medicine”
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Member of Scientific Committee (Ministry of Health) of “National Comprehensive
Scientific Road Map in Health Sector”
2005- Present
Member of “Boards of Directors of Bushehr University of Medical Sciences” Elected
by the President of Iran
Iranian Society of Internal Medicine
1990 - Present
Iranian Society of Endocrinology
1998 – Present
Member of Advisory board of The Annual Razi Medical Sciences International
Research Festival
2006- Present
Member of “Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases
Collaborating Group”
Member of “National Osteoporosis Network”
2000- Present
Member of “National Diabetes Network”
2000- Present
Member of “Evidence- Based Medicine Research Centre of Tehran University of
Medical Sciences”
2005- Present
Member of “Nuclear Medicine Research Center and Molecular Imaging Research
Center of Bushehr University of Medical Sciences”
Member of “The Persian Gulf Tropical Medicine Research Center”
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Member of “The Persian Gulf Marine Biotechnology Research Center”
Member of Scientific Committee of “Encyclopedia of Medical History in Iran and
Islam” of Academy of Medical Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran
2004- Present
Editorial Board of Iranian South Medical Journal (1994-present), Iranian Journal of
Diabetes and Metabolism (2000-present), Knowledge and Health Journal (2005present), Environmental Studies of the Persian Gulf (2011-present), Journal of
Medical Hypotheses and Ideas (2007-present)
Member of “National Advisory Committee of Neonatal Hypothyroidism”
Member of “Iranian Board of the History of Medicine” in the Ministry of Health
Member of Science Foresighting for Bushehr Province
Member of Iranian Nanotechnology Association
Member of Bone Research Program in ANZAC institute, Concord Hospital, Sydney,
Allameh Tabatabaei ‘s Prize
The highest degree prize in I.R. Iran for scholarly achievements which is given
by I.R. Iran President
2010/Tehran/Iran Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, Presidency and
National Elite Foundation
Honour of Bushehr Province
For the most influential persons in the development of science and culture in
Bushehr Province
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2009/Bushehr/Iran Joint Award by Governor of Bushehr and The Council of
Leading Research Manager in Iran
For the prominent research manager of the medical universities in I.R. Iran
2009/Tehran/Iran The Ministry of Health, I.R. Iran
The Best Innovator of Diabetes in Iran 2013
2013/Tehran/Iran, Joint Prize by Novo Nordisk Pars and Endocrinology and
Metabolism Research Institute (Tehran University of Medical Sciences)
Leading Persons in Health Sector
For those who did their best for the development in health since the beginning
of the revolution of I.R. Iran
2010/Tehran/Iran By the Minister of health, I.R. Iran
The Award of The Prominent Practicing Physician in Bushehr Province
2003 and 2007/Bushehr/Iran by The Medical Council
The Award of The Prominent University Teacher
1996 and 2003/Bushehr/Iran by Bushehr University of Medical Sciences
The Award of Iranian Navy Museum
2010/Bushehr/Iran For leading researchers in the Persian Gulf Studies by
Iranian Navy
The Award of Bushehr Environmental Protection Organization
2013 Bushehr/Iran for marine environmental protection activities on the
Persian Gulf region
Trainings Passed
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Passed more than 40 Courses in Biomedical
Journalism, Research Methodology, Biostatistics &
Scientific Writing
Seminars, Conferences
Active participation (Speaker) on annual national
and international congresses of Internal Medicine,
Endocrinology & Epidemiology (95 seminars,
conferences and congresses)
I- Books
1. Megatrends in Medicine. Bushehr Medical University Press, 2014.
2. The future of medicine, systems medicine, P4 medicine. Bushehr
Medical University Press, 2014.
3. Knowledge City. Bushehr Medical University Press,2013.
4. Health Impact Assessment in oil and gas industry. Bushehr Medical
University Press, 2012.
5. Interdisciplinary approach in medical sciences. Bushehr Medical
University Press,2012.
6. Ibn- Sina’s medicine in shift to modernism in Iran Qajar. Bushehr
Medical University Press, 2012.
7. Venomous animals of the Persian Gulf. Bushehr Medical University
8. Iodine prophylaxis in nuclear accidents. Bushehr Medical University
Press, 2011
9. Technology foresighting. Bushehr Medical University Press, 2011
10.The Medicinal Mollusks of the Persian Gulf. Bushehr Medical
University Press, 2010
11.Marine Medicine. Bushehr Medical University Press, 2008.
12.NIH Roadmap & Knowledge-based economy. Bushehr Medical
University Press, 2008.
13.Knowledge- based economy. Bushehr Medical University Press, 2008.
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14.An Introduction to the Medical History of the Persian Gulf, Institute of
Iranology, 2007.
15.Bushehr Historical Architecture, Institute of Iranology, 2006.
16.Medicine and postmodernism. Bushehr Medical University Press,
17.Thyroid Surgery. (Co-author). Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
18.Medicine in historical port of Siraf. Bushehr Medical University Press,
19.Medicinal plants of traditional medicine in Bushehr. Bushehr Medical
University Press, 2004.
20.Medicinal seaweeds of the Persian Gulf, Bushehr Medical University
Press, 2002.
21.Cholera. Bushehr Medical University Press, 1998.
22.The Medical Heritage of the Islamic Civilization. Bushehr Medical
University Press, 1997.
23.Azizi F, Assadian H, Bazrafshan HR, Saadat N, Larijani B, Moazezi Z,
Nabipour I. Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of thyroid nodules.
Iran Endocrine Society. 1383.
24.Diabetes Guideline (New Version 2014). (Co-author with fellows of
National Diabetes Network). Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
25.Guidelines for Treatment of Osteoporosis. (Co-author with fellows of
National Osteoporosis Network). Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, 2009.
26.Hospitals in Safavid and Qajar Iran. (Translation). Bushehr Medical
University Press, 2014.
27.Public Health in Iran Qajar (Translation). Endocrine and Metabolism
Research Center,Tehran University of Medical science, 2007.
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In International Journals:
1. Riazi A, Kalantarhormozi M, Nabipour I, Eghbali SS, Farzaneh M, Javadi H,
Ostovar A, Seyedabadi M, Assadi M .Technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile
scintigraphy in the assessment of cold thyroid nodules: is it time to change the
approach to the management of cold thyroid nodules?. Nuclear Medicine
Communications 2014; 35 (1), 51-57.
2. Ostovar A, Vahdat K, Raiesi A, Purbehi M, Darabi H, Khajehian MM, Assadi
M, Nabipour I. Hypertension Risk and Conventional Risk Factors in a
Prospective Cohort Study in Iran: The Persian Gulf Healthy Heart Study.
International Journal of Cardiology 2014. S0167-5273(14) 291-5.
3. Pashazadeh AM, Aghajani M, Nabipour I, Assadi M. Annual effective dose
from environmental gamma radiation in Bushehr city. Journal of Environmental
Health Science and Engineering 2014;12 (1), 4.
4. Riazi A, Kalantarhormozi M, Nabipour I, Ostovar A, Javadi H, Assadi M.
Comments on Wale et al.: Combined (99) mTc-methoxyisobutylisonitrile
scintigraphy and fine-needle aspiration cytology offers an accurate and
potentially cost-effective investigative strategy for the assessment of solitary or
dominant thyroid nodules. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular
Imaging 2013; 41(3):577-8.
5. Tohidi M, Pourbehi G, Bahmanyar M, Eghbali SS, KalantarHormozi M,
Nabipour I . Mixed Medullary-Follicular Carcinoma of the Thyroid. Case
Reports in Endocrinology 2013; 571692.
6. Jafari SM, Heidari G, Nabipour I, Amirinejad R, Assadi M, Bargahi A,
Akbarzadeh S, Tahmasebi R, Sanjdideh Z. Serum retinol levels are positively
correlated with hemoglobin concentrations, independent of iron homeostasis: a
population-based study. Nutr Res. 2013 ;33(4):279-85.
7. S Akbarzadeh, I Nabipour, SM Jaffari, N Motamed, A Movahed, M Mirzaei, AR
Rahbar. Relationship among sera lipoprotein abnormalities in healthy individuals
with background of diabetic sibling. African Journal of Biotechnology2013; 10
(48), 9904-9907.
Assadi M, Abdi-Ardekani A, Pourbehi M, Amini A, Javadi H, Nabipour I,
Abbaszadeh M, Assadi M. Clinical significance of mild inferolateral wall
ischemia of the left ventricle on 99mTc-MIBI myocardial perfusion single photon
emission computed tomography (SPECT).European Review for Medical and
Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17 (19), 2639-2643.
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Assadi M, Salimipour H, Kazerooni S, Seyedabadii M, Nabipour I, Nematii M,
Iranpour D. Antiepileptic treatment including new drug regimens is associated
with bone loss. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular
Imaging2013;40, S493-S493.
10. Assadi M, Javadi H, Azizmohammadi Z, Pashazadeh AM, Moazzeni T,
Baharfar N, Shafiei B, Delavari S, Nabipour I, Babaei A, Neshandar Asli I. The
electromagnetic interference of mobile phones on the function of a gamma
camera. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2013;40,
11. Salimipour H, Kazerooni S, Seyedabadi M, Nabipour I, Nemati R, Iranpour D,
Assadi M. Antiepileptic Treatment Is Associated with Bone Loss: Difference in
Drug Type and Region of Interest. Journal of nuclear medicine technology2013;
41 (3), 208-211.
12. Azizmohammadi Z, Tabei F, Shafiei B, Babaei AA , Javadi H, Nabipour I,
Assadi M, Neshandar Asli A. A study of the time of hospital discharge of
differentiated thyroid cancer patients after receiving iodine-131 for thyroid
remnant ablation treatment. Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2013;16
13. Nabipour I, Dobaradaran S . Flouride concentration of bottled drinking water
available in Bushehr , IRAN . Fluoride 2013; 46 (2), 63-64.
14. Dolatkhahi M, Nabipour I.. Systematically study of medicinal plants in
Bushehr province, Southern Iran. Journal of Herbal Drugs (An International
Journal on Medicinal Herbs) 2013; 3 (4), 209-222.
15. Shams M, Nabipour I, Dobaradaran S, Ramavandi B, Qasemi M, Afsharnia
M. .An environmental friendly and cheap adsorbent (Municipal solid waste
compost ash) with high efficiency in removal of Phosphorus from aqueous
solution. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 2013; 22 (3): 723-727.
16. Javadi H, Jallalat S, Semnani S, Mogharrabi M, Nabipour I, Abbaszadeh M,
Assadi M .False-positive defects on exercise 99mTc-sestamibi SPECT imaging,
but not on dipyridamole 99mTc-sestamibi SPECT imaging, in a patient with right
bundle branch block (RBBB). Nuclear Medicine Review2013;16 (1), 45-48.
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17. Ravanbod M, Asadipooya K, Kalantarhormozi M, Nabipour I, Omrani GR.
Treatment of Iron-deficiency Anemia in Patients with Subclinical
Hypothyroidism. Am J Med. 2013 May;126(5):420-4.
18. Pashazadeh MA, Aghajani M, Nabipour I, Assadi M. An update on mobile
phones interference with medical devices . Radiat Prot Dosimetry.
19. Zandi K, Tajbakhsh S, Nabipour I, Rastian Z, Yousefi F, Sharafian S,
Sartavi K .In vitro antitumor activity of Gracilaria corticata (a red alga) against
Jurkat and molt-4 human cancer cell lines. African Journal of
Biotechnology2013; 9 (40), 6787-6790.
20. Nemati R, Mehdizadeh S, Nabipour I, Amini A, Assadi M. Radiolabeled antiaquaporin-4 protein antibody imaging: a valuable method for determining
neuromyelitis optica. Nuclear Medicine Communications. 2013; 34(5):413-6.
21. - Fazeli MS, Dashti H, Akbarzadeh S, Assadi M, Aminian A, Keramati
MR, Nabipour I.Circulating levels of novel adipocytokines in patients with
colorectal cancer. Cytokine. 2013 Apr;62(1):81-5.
22. - Vahdat K, Pourbehi MR, Ostovar A, Hadavand F, Bolkheir A, Assadi M,
Farrokhnia M, Nabipour I. Association of pathogen burden and hypertension:
the Persian Gulf Healthy Heart Study. American Journal of Hypertension 2013;
26 (9), 1140-1147.
23. Movahed A, Nabipour I, Lieben Louis X, Thandapilly SJ, Yu L,
Kalantarhormozi M, Rekabpour SJ, Netticadan T .Antihyperglycemic Effects of
Short Term Resveratrol Supplementation in Type 2 Diabetic Patients EvidenceBased Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013.1-11.
24. Ostovar A, Assadi M, Vahdat K, Nabipour I, Javadi H, Eftekhari M, Assadi
M .A pooled analysis of diagnostic value of 99mTc-ubiquicidin (UBI) scintigraphy
in detection of an infectious process. Clinical Nuclear Medicine2013; 38 (6),
25. Javadi H, Jallalat S, Semnani S, Mogharrabi M,I Nabipour I, Tabib SM.The
association of increased stomach wall radiotracer uptake with prolonged use of
Omeprazole capsules on myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) using 99mTcsestamibi SPECT.Nuclear Medicine Review2013; 16 (2), 91-94.
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26. Tohidi M, Akbarzadeh S, Larijani B, Kalantarhormozi M, Ostovar A, Assadi M,
Vahdat K, Farrokhnia M, Sanjdideh Z, Amirinejad R, Nabipour I. Omentin-1,
visfatin and adiponectin levels in relation to bone mineral density in Iranian
postmenopausal women. Bone. 2012 Nov;51(5):876-81.
27. Eghbali SS, Amirinejad R, Obeidi N, Mosadeghzadeh S, Vahdat K, Azizi F,
Pazoki R, Sanjdideh Z, Amiri Z, Nabipour I, Zandi K.Oncogenic human
papillomavirus genital infection in southern Iranian women: population-based
study versus clinic-based data. Virology Journal 2012;9 (1), 1-6.
28. Farrokhnia M, Nabipour I, Bargahi A. A theoretical study of Dactyline
Stereoisomer: A marine natural product from Aplysia Dactylomela. Journal of
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 2012;11 (04), 833-853.
29. Movahed A, Iranpour D, Nabipour I, Jafari M, Akbarzadeh S, Assadi M,
Mirzaei K, Hagian N. Plasma malondialdehyde, bilirubin, homocysteine and
total antioxidant capacity in patients with angiographically defined coronary
artery disease. African Journal of Biotechnology 2012; 11 (13), 3187-3191.
30. Karimi S, Nabipour I, Farrokhnia M. Can sesquiterpenes from Persian Gulf
sea hare be applied as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in treatment of Alzheimer
symptoms? Comparative quantum mechanics and molecular docking study.
Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences2012; 7(5), S968.
31. Eghbali SS, Amirinejad R, Obeidi N, Mosadeghzadeh S, Vahdat K, Azizi F,
Pazoki R, Sanjdideh Z, Amiri Z, Nabipour I, Zandi K. Oncogenic human
papillomavirus genital infection in southern Iranian women: population-based
study versus clinic-based data. Virology J. 2012 Sep 12;9:194
32. Akrami A, Bakmohammadi N, Seyedabadi M, Nabipour I, Mirzaei Z, Farrokhi
S, Assadi M. The association between schoolchildren intelligence and refractive
error. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2012 Jul;16(7):908-11.
33. Javadi H, Jallalat S, Farrokhi S, Semnani S, Mogharrabi M, Riazi A, Nabipour
I, Moshtaghi D, Assadi M. Concurrent papillary thyroid cancer and parathyroid
adenoma as a rare condition: a case report.Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur. 2012
Aug 25;15(2):153-5.
34. Javadi H, Jallalat S, Farrokhi S, Semnani S, Mogharrabi M, Riazi A, Nabipour
I, Moshtaghi D, Assadi M. Concurrent papillary thyroid cancer and parathyroid
adenoma as a rare condition: a case report. Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur. 2012
Aug 25;15(2):153-5.
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35. Assadi M, Nabipour I, Nemati R, Salimipour H, Zakani A, Eftekhari M. Nuclear
imaging with radiolabeled odor molecules in patients with olfactory disorder. Eur
Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2012 Jun;16(6):752-4.
36. Movahed A, Larijani B, Nabipour I, Kalantarhormozi M, Asadipooya K, Vahdat
K, Akbarzadeh S, Farrokhnia M, Assadi M, Amirinejad R, Bargahi A, Sanjdideh
Z. Reduced serum osteocalcin concentrations are associated with type 2
diabetes mellitus and the metabolic syndrome components in postmenopausal
women: the crosstalk between bone and energy metabolism. J Bone Miner
Metab. 2012 Nov;30(6):683-91.
37. Farrokhi S, Nabipour I, Assadi M. Seaweeds: some pharmaco-immunological
effects. Iran J Immunol. 2012 Jun;9(2):145-8.
38. Nabipour I, Assadi M. Doctors' knowledge of preparedness and response to
nuclear power plant emergencies. J Nucl Med. 2012 Jun;53(6):1005.
39. Javadi H, Neshandarasli I, Mogharrabi M, Jalallat S, Nabipour I, Assadi M. The
effect of an iodine restricted including no sea foods diet, on technetium-99m
thyroid scintigraphy: a neglected issue in nuclear medicine practice. Hell J Nucl
Med. 2012 Jan-Apr;15(1):40-2.
40. Vahdat K, Azizi F, Zandi K, Assadi M, Nabipour I.Chronic inflammation is
correlated with percentage of body fat independent of the burden of infection.
Inflammation. 2012 Aug;35(4):1322-9.
41. Akbarzadeh S, Ghasemi S, Kalantarhormozi M, Nabipour I, Abbasi F, Aminfar
A, Jaffari SM, Motamed N, Movahed A, Mirzaei M, Rahbar AR. Relationship
among plasma adipokines, insulin and androgens level as well as biochemical
glycemic and lipidemic markers with incidence of PCOS in women with normal
BMI. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2012 Jul;28(7):521-4.
42. Ansari M, Javadi H, Pourbehi M, Mogharrabi M, Rayzan M, Semnani S, Jallalat
S, Amini A, Abbaszadeh M, Barekat M, Nabipour I, Assadi M The association
of rate pressure product (RPP) and myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI)
findings: a preliminary study. Perfusion 2012;27(3):207-13.
43. Javadi H, Jallalat S, Pourbehi G, Semnani S, Mogharrabi M, Nabipour I,
Ravanbod M, Amini A, Assadi M. The role of gated myocardial perfusion
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scintigraphy (GMPS) in myocarditis: a case report and review of the literature.
Nucl Med Rev Cent East Eur. 2011;14(2):112-5.
44. Akbarzadeh S, Nabipour I, Jafari SM, Movahed A, Motamed N, Assadi M,
Hajian N. Serum visfatin and vaspin levels in normoglycemic first-degree
relatives of Iranian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Res Clin
Pract. 2012 Jan;95(1):132-8.
45. Akbarzadeh S, Nabipour I, Assadi M, Movahed A, Jafari SM, Motamed N,
Nazem H, Haraghy M, Pourbehi A, Bargahi A, Hajian N.The normoglycemic
first-degree relatives of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have low
circulating omentin-1 and adiponectin levels. Cytokine 2012;58 (2), 295-299.
46. Akbarzadeh S, Ghasemi S, Kalantarhormozi M, Nabipour I, Abbasi F,
Aminfar A, Jaffari SM , Motamed N, Movahed A, Mirzaei K, Rahbar AR.
Relationship among plasma adipokines, insulin and androgens level as well as
biochemical glycemic and lipidemic markers with incidence of PCOS in women
with normal BMI.Gynecological Endocrinology2012; 28 (7), 521-524.
47. Akbarzadeh S, Bazzi P, Daneshi A, Nabipour I, Pourkhalili K, Mohebbi G,
Sartavi K, Abdi MR, Mirzaei M, Bargahi A..Anti-diabetic effect of Otostegia
persica extract on diabetic rats. J Med Plants Res 2012;6 (16), 3176-3180.
48. Assadi M, Salimipour H, Akbarzadeh S, Nemati R, Jafari SM, Bargahi A,
Samani Z, Seyedabadi M, Sanjdideh Z, Nabipour I. Correlation of circulating
omentin-1 with bone mineral density in multiple sclerosis: the crosstalk between
bone and adipose tissue. PLOS One. 2011;6(9):40-2.
49. Noroozi A, Ghofranipour F, Heydarnia AR, Nabipour I, Tahmasebi R,
Tavafian SS.The Iranian version of the exercise self-efficacy scale (ESES)
Factor structure, internal consistency and construct validity.Health Education
Journal 70 (1), 21-31.
50. Assadi M, Afrasiabi K, Nabipour I, Seyedabadi M. Nanotechnology and nuclear
medicine; research and preclinical applications. Hellenic J Nuclear Medicine.
2011; 14(2):149-59.
51. . Asadipooya K, Kalantar-Hormozi M, Nabipour I. Pioglitazone reduces central
obesity in polycystic ovary syndrome women. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2012
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52. Assadi M, Vahdat K, Nabipour I, et al. Diagnostic value of 99mTc-ubiquicidin
scintigraphy for osteomyelitis and comparisons with 99mTc-methylene
diphosphonate scintigraphy and magnetic resonance imaging. Nucl Med
Commun. 2011; 39(3):226-30.
53. Assadi M, Akrami A, Beikzadeh F, Seyedabadi M, Nabipour I, Larijani B, Afarid
M, Seidali E. Impact of Ramadan fasting on intraocular pressure, visual acuity
and refractive errors. Singapore Med J. 2011 ;52(4):263-6.
54. Nabipour I, Sambrook PN, Blyth FM, et al. Serum uric acid is associated with
bone health in older men: a cross-sectional population-based study. J Bone
Miner Res. 2011;26(5):955-64.
55. Assadi M, Nemati R, Nabipour I, Salimipour H, Amini A. Radiolabeled annexin
V imaging: A useful technique for determining apoptosis in multiple sclerosis.
Med Hypotheses. 2011;77(1):43-6.
56. Rahbar AR, Nabipour I. The hypolipidemic effect of Citrullus colocynthis on
patients with hyperlipidemia. Pak J Biol Sci. 2010; 13(24):1202-7.
57. Farzadfar F, Finucane MM, Danaei G, Pelizzari PM, Cowan MJ, Paciorek CJ,
Singh GM, Lin JK, Stevens GA, Riley LM, Ezzati M; Global Burden of Metabolic
Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group (Cholesterol). National,
regional, and global trends in serum total cholesterol since 1980: systematic
analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 321
country-years and 3·0 million participants. Lancet. 2011 Feb 12;377(9765):57886.
58. Finucane MM, Stevens GA, Cowan MJ, Danaei G, Lin JK, Paciorek CJ, Singh
GM, Gutierrez HR, Lu Y, Bahalim AN, Farzadfar F, Riley LM, Ezzati M; Global
Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group
(Body Mass Index). National, regional, and global trends in body-mass index
since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys and
epidemiological studies with 960 country-years and 9·1 million participants.
Lancet. 2011 Feb 12;377(9765):557-67.
59. Danaei G, Finucane MM, Lin JK, Singh GM, Paciorek CJ, Cowan MJ, Farzadfar
F, Stevens GA, Lim SS, Riley LM, Ezzati M; Global Burden of Metabolic Risk
Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group (Blood Pressure). National,
regional, and global trends in systolic blood pressure since 1980: systematic
analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiological studies with 786
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country-years and 5·4 million participants. Lancet. 2011 Feb 12;377(9765):56877.
60. Assadi M, Vahdat K, Nabipour I, Sehhat M, Hadavand F, Javadi H,
Tavakoli A, Saberifard J, Kalantarhormozi M, Abbaszadeh M. The diagnostic
value of 99m Tc-ubiquicidin (UBI) scintigraphy for osteomyelitis and
comparisons with 99m Tc-MDP scintigraphy and magnetic resonance imaging.
European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 2011; 38, S410S410.
61. Nabipour I , Ebeling PR, Seibel MJ.Osteoporosis in older men. Expert
Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism 2011; 6 (4), 629-645.
62. Bolkheir A, Nabipour I, Vahdat K .The association of hypertension and
chlamydia pneumoniae, helicobacter pylori, cytomegalovirus and herpes
simplex virus type 1: The Persian Gulf Healthy Heart Study. Eurpean J of Med
Research 2010; 15, 109-110.
63. Assadi M, Salimipour H, Nabipour I, Nemati R, Saberifard J, Seyedabadi M.
Negative findings of regional cerebral blood flow with (99m)Tc-ethyl cysteinate
dimmer in Susac's syndrome. Hell J Nucl Med. 2010 Sep-Dec;13(3):291-2.
64. Shiroodi MK, Shafiei B, Baharfard N, Gheidari ME, Nazari B, Pirayesh E, Kiasat
A, Hoseinzadeh S, Hashemi A, Akbarzadeh MA, Javadi H, Nabipour I, Assadi
M. 99 mTc-MIBI washout as a complementary factor in the evaluation of
idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM) using myocardial perfusion imaging.
Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012 Jan;28(1):211-7.
65. Javadi H, Mogharrabi M, Asli IN, Shafiei B, Bahtoee M, Seyedabadi M,
Nabipour I, Assadi M. Bone single photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT) in a patient with Pancoast tumor: a case report. Sao Paulo Med J.
2010 Jul;128(4):239-43.
66. Nabipour I, Kalantarhormozi M, Assadi M, Jafari SM, Gharibi M, Ahmadi E,
Sanjdideh Z. Influence of levothyroxine treatment on serum levels of soluble Fas
(CD95) and Fas Ligand (CD95L) in chronic autoimmune hypothyroidism.
Endocrine. 2010 Dec;38(3):406-11.
67. Assadi M, Salimipour H, Seyedabadi M, Saberifard J, Javadi H, Nabipour I,
Nemati R. Brain single photon emission computed tomography with Tc-99m
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MIBI or Tc-99m ECD in comparison to MRI in multiple sclerosis. Clin Nucl Med.
2010 Sep;35(9):682-6.
68. Nabipour I, Cumming R, Handelsman DJ, Litchfield M, Naganathan V, Waite L,
Creasey H, Janu M, Le Couteur D, Sambrook PN, Seibel MJ. Socioeconomic
status and bone health in community-dwelling older men: the CHAMP Study.
Osteoporos Int. 2011 May;22(5):1343-53.
69. Noroozi A, Ghofranipour F, Heydarnia AR, Nabipour I, Shokravi FA. Validity
and Reliability of the Social Support Scale for Exercise Behavior in Diabetic
Women. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2011 Sep; 23 (5):730-41.
70. Assadi M, Saghari M, Nabipour I, Pourbehi MR, Eftekhari M, Ebrahimi A,
Abbaszadeh M. Reply to comments on “The relation between Helicobacter
pylori infection and cardiac syndrome X: A preliminary study”. International
Journal of Cardiology2010; 141 (1), 115-116.
71. Assadi M, Yaghoubi M, Arefi S, Saghari M, Nabipour I, Pourbehi M,
Eftekhari. M. Comparison of angiographic Findings with scintigraphic and
stress-electrocardiographic (ECG) tests in Cardiac Syndrome X (CSX): a threeyear follow-up study. European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular
imaging 2009; 36, S323-S323.
72. Hossein-nezhad A, Keshtkar AA, Bahreini F, Hajarian HC, Mohajer H,
Nabipour I, Pajouhi M, Rezaei M, et al..Vitamin D Deficiency in Iran: A Multicenter Study among Different Urban Areas. Iranian Journal of Public Health
2008; 37, 1-2.
73. Assadi M, Nabipour I, Eftekhari M, Ebrahimi A, Abotorab SR, Salimipour H,
Javadi H, Vahdat K, Ghasemikhah R, Saghari M. Diagnostic role of whole body
bone scintigraphy in atypical skeletal tuberculosis resembling multiple
metastases: a case report. J Med Case Reports. 2009 Nov 20;3:141.
74. I Nabipour, A Burger, MR Moharreri, F Azizi. Avicenna, the first to describe
thyroid-related orbitopathy. Thyroid 2009;19 (1), 7-8.
75. Nabipour I, Larijani B, Vahdat K, Assadi M, Jafari SM, Ahmadi E.
Relationships among serum receptor of nuclear factor-κB ligand,
osteoprotegerin, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and bone mineraldensity in
Curriculum Vitae
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postmenopausal women: osteoimmunity versus osteoinflammatory. Menopause
2009; 16 (5), 950-955.
76. Rahbar A, Larijani B, Nabipour I, Mohamadi MM, Mirzaee K, Amiri Z.
Relationship among dietary estimates of net endogenous acid production, bone
mineral density and biochemical markers of bone turnover in an Iranian general
population. Bone;2009:45 (5), 876-881.
77. Meybodi HRA, Heshmat R, Maasoumi Z, Soltani A, Hossein-Nezhad A,
Keshtkar AA, Bahrami A, Rajabian R, Nabipour I, Omrani GH, Pajouhi M,
Larijani B. Iranian Osteoporosis Research Network: Background, mission and its
role in osteoporosis management. Iranian Journal of Public Health2008; 37
78. A Ebrahimi, I Nabipour, K Vahdat, SM Jafari, M Fouladvand, M Assadi, . A
Movahed, N Obeidi, Z Sanjdideh. High sensitivity C-reactive protein is
associated with the metabolic syndrome independent to viral and bacterial
pathogen burden.Diabetes research and clinical practice2009; 84 (3), 296-302.
79. Nabipour I, Kalantarhormozi M, Larijani B, Assadi M, Sanjdideh Z.
Osteoprotegerin in relation to type 2 diabetes mellitus and the metabolic
syndrome in postmenopausal women.Metabolism. 2010 May;59(5):742-7.
80. Asli IN, Baharfard N, Shafiei B, Tabei F, Javadi H, Seyedabadi M, Nabipour I,
Assadi M. Relation between clinical and laboratory parameters with radiation
dose rates from patients receiving iodine-131 therapy for thyroid
carcinoma.Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2010 Mar;138(4):376-81.
81. Nabipour I, Ebrahimi A, Jafari SM, et al. The metabolic syndrome is not
associated with homocysteinemia: : the Persian Gulf Healthy Heart Study. J
Endocrinol Invest 2009 May;32(5):406-10.
82. Amiri M, Nabipour I, larijani B, et al. The relationship of absolute poverty and
bone mineral density in postmenopausal Iranian women. Int J Public Health
2008; 53: 1-7.
83. Nabipour I, Amiri N, Imami SR, Jafaari SM, Nosrati A, Iranpour D, Soltanian
AR. Unhealthy lifestyle and ischemic electrocardiographic abnormalities: the
Persian Gulf Healthy Heart Study. East Mediterranean Health J 2008; 14:858868.
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84. Nabipour I, Vahdat K, Jafari SM, et al. Elevated high sensitivity C-reactive
protein is associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Persian Gulf Healthy
Heart Study. Endocr J 2008; 55(4):717-22.
85. Nabipour I, Larijani B, Beigi S, et al. Relationship among insulinlike growth
factor I concentrations, bone mineral density, and biochemical markers of bone
turnover in postmenopausal women: a population-based study. Menopause
2008; 15(5):934-9.
86. Assadi M, Eftekhari M, Hozhabrosadati M, Saghari M, Ebrahimi A, Nabipour I,
Abbasi MZ, Moshtaghi D, Abbaszadeh M, Assadi S. Comparison of methods for
determination of glomerular filtration rate: low and high-dose Tc-99m-DTPA
renography, predicted creatinine clearance method, and plasma sample
method. Int Urol Nephrol 2008 Aug 9.
R Heshmat, Mohammad K, Majdzadeh SR, Forouzanfar MH, Bahram Ai,
Ranjbar Omrani GH, Nabipour I, Rajabian R, Hossein-Nezhad A, M Rezaei.
Vitamin D deficiency in Iran: A multi-center study among different urban areas.
Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2008;(37) supl.72-8.
88. Nabipour I, Larijani B, Amiri M, et al. Serum levels of degradation products of
C-terminal telopeptides of type-1 collagen, and osteocalcin in an Iranian healthy
population. Arch Iran Med 2008; 11 (2): 203 – 206.
89. Assadi M, Saghari M, Ebrahimi A, Reza Pourbehi M, Eftekhari M, Nabipour I,
Abbaszadeh M, Nazarahari M, Nasiri M, Assadi S. The relation between
Helicobacter pylori infection and cardiac syndrome X: A preliminary study. Int J
Cardiol 2008;134(3):e124-5.
90. Nabipour I, Larijani B, Jafari SM, Amiri M, Amiri Z. Reference database of
CrossLaps and osteocalcin for a healthy Iranian population. Arch Iran Med
2008; 11(2):203-6.
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91. Assadi M, Ebrahimi A, Eftekhari M, Fard-Esfahani A, Ahari MN, Nabipour I,
Gheisari F, Shahbaz S, Baghaei R, Assadi S. A simple way to distinguish bed
clothing contamination in a whole body bone scan: a case report. J Med Case
Reports 2007 Dec 5; 1:173.
92. Moradzadeh K, Larijani B, Keshtkar AA, Hossein-Nezhad A, Rajabian R,
Nabipour I, Omrani GH, Bahrami A, Gooya MM, Delavari A. Normative Values
of Vitamin D Among Iranian Population: A Population Based Study. Intl J
Osteoporosis Metab Disord 2008; 1 (1): 8-15.
93. Gozashti MH, Hossein-nezhad A, Keshtkar A, Nabipour I, Larijani B.
Relationship between femur geometry and familial history of osteoporotic
fracture. J Clin Densitom 2007; 10(2):205-206.
94. Rahbar AR, Nabipour I, Amiri Z. The effects of omega-3 fatty acids on serum
lipids and high sensitivity C reactive protein in cigarette smokers. J Biol Sci
2007; 7: 1368-1374.
95. Pazoki R, Nabipour I, Seyednezami N, Imami SR. Effects of a communitybased healthy heart program on increasing healthy women's physical activity: a
randomized controlled trial guided by Community-based Participatory Research
(CBPR). BMC public health 2007; 7:216.
96. Nabipour I, Vahdat K, Jafari SM, et al. Correlation of hyperhomocysteinaemia
and Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG seropositivity with coronary artery disease in a
general population. Heart Lung circulation 2007; 16(6):416-22.
97. Zandi K, Hojat Farsangi M, Nabipour I, Soleimani M, Khajeh K, Sajedi RH,
Jafari SM. Isolation of a 60 kDa protein with in vitro anticancer activity against
human cancer cell lines from the purple fluid of the Persian Gulf sea hare,
Aplysia dactylomala. Africian J Biotechnol 2007; 6:1280-1283.
98. Vahdat K, Jafari SM, Pazoki R, Nabipour I. Concurrent increased high
sensitivity C-reactive protein and chronic infections are associated with coronary
artery disease: a population-based study. Indian J Med Sci 2007 Mar; 61:13543.
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99. Gozashti MH, Nabipour I, Soltani A, Hossein-nezhad A, Larijani B. relationship
between family history of osteoporotic fracture and femur geometry. Iranian J
Publ Health 2007; Supple (1):70-74.
100. Nabipour I, Vahdat K, Jafari SM, Pazoki R, Sanjdideh Z. The association of
metabolic syndrome and Chlamydia pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori,
cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus type 1: the Persian Gulf Healthy
Heart Study. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2006;;5:25.
101. Nabipour I, Amiri M, Imami SR, Jahfari SM, Shafeiae E, Nosrati A, Iranpour
D, Soltanian AR. The metabolic syndrome and nonfatal ischemic heart disease;
a population-based study. Int J Cardiol 2006;118(1):48-53.
102. Larijani B, Moayyeri A, Keshtkar AA, Hossein-Nezhad A, Soltani A, Bahrami
A, Omrani GH, Rajabian R, Nabipour I. Peak bone mass of Iranian population:
the Iranian Multicenter Osteoporosis Study. J Clin Densitom 2006 Jul-Sep;
103. Hedayati M, Nabipour I, Rezaei-Ghaleh N, et al. Germline RET mutations in
exon 10 and 11: an Iranian survey of 57 medullary thyroid carcinoma cases. Med
J Malaysia 2006; 8:25-30.
104. Nabipour I, Imami SR, Mohammadi MM, et al. A school-based intervention to
teach 3-4 grades children about healthy heart; The Persian Gulf Healthy Heart
Project. Indian J Med Sci 2004; 158:289-296.
105. Nabipour I, Haji-GhasemiI F, Kiai S, Baradar-Jalili R, AziziI F .The
mutations of RET proto-oncogen in medullary thyroid carcinoma in Iran.
Medical Journal of The Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI)2004; 18 (2), 95-99.
106. Nabipour I. Clinical endocrinology in the Islamic Civilization in Iran. Int J
Endocrinol Metab 2003; 1:43-45.
107. Assadi M, Salimipour H, Nabipour I, Akbarzadeh S, Javadi H,
Seyedabadi M, Abbaszadeh M. Prediction of bone loss using biochemical
markers of bone remodeling in patients with multiple sclerosis. Iranian Journal of
Nuclear Medicine 2010;18 (Suppl 1), 99.
108. Mostaghni AA, Nabipour I, Dianat M, et al. Pulmonary symptoms and
spirometric values in Kangan Sour Gas Refinery workers. Arch Environ Health
2000; 55:297-299. HRA Otaghvar, M Baniahmad, AM Pashazadeh, I Nabipour,
H Javadi, L Rezaei, M Assadi .The role of 99mTc-Ubiquicidin (UBI) and 99mTc-
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IgG scintigraphies in diagnosis of acute appendicitis: A preliminary result.
Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2014;22 (1), 7-10.
109. Farrokhi S, Ravanbod MR, S Amiri, Nabipour I, Assadi M.
Radioimmunotherapy-based treatment of cancer. Iranian Journal of Nuclear
Medicine2012; 20 (1),45.
In Persian:
110. Fakhrzadeh H, Nabipour I, Rayani M, et al. Angina pectoris and myocardial
infarction in patients with hyperlipidaemia in Bushehr: a population-based study.
Iran J Diabetes Lipid Dis 2003; 2:65-73.
111. Nabipour I, Vafaju F, Mohajeri MS, et al. Hyperlipidemic disorders and
cerebrovascular accidents in the province of Bushehr: a prospective study. Iran
J Diabetes Lipid Dis 2002; 2:31-38.
112. Karimi F, Nabipour I, Jafahri SM, et al. Selective screening for gestational
diabetes mellitus in Bushehr, based on a 50-gram glucose challenge test. Iran J
Diabetes Lipid Dis 2002; 2:45-53.
113. Taheri N, Mohebbi G, Vazirizadeh A, Nabipour I. Clinical manifestations
and managements in jellyfish envenomation; A systematic review. ISMJ
2013;16 (5), 338-358.
114. Jafari M, Mohebbi G, Vazirizadeh A, Nabipour I .The injuries with stonefish;
toxinology, clinical presentations and treatment. ISMJ 2014;16 (6), 493-507.
115. Shojaei M, Hormozi, MR, Akbarzadeh S, Daneshpoor N, Darabi H, Assadi
M, Nabipour I. Correlation between serum adiponectin level and the metabolic
syndrome in postmenopausal women: a population-based study. ISMJ 2013; 16
(5), 276-287.
116. Tohidi M, Kalantar Hormozi MR, Nabipour I, Vahdat K, Assadi M,
Karimin F, Mohammadi S .Determination of normal values for eye protrusion in
Bushehr port population. ISMJ 2013;16 (5), 331-337.
117. Taheri N, Mohebbi G, Vazirizadeh A, Nabipour I .The toxinology of
jellyfishes; a systematic review. ISMJ 2013;16 (5), 359-379.
118. KalantarHormozi MR, Nabipour I, Assadi M, Asadipouya K, Amini A,
Ranjbar Omrani GH. Subclinical hyperthyroidism. ISMJ 2013;16 (3), 268-275.
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119. Riaz A, Eghbali SS, Bahmanya M, Farzaneh M, Rezaei Motlagh F,
Motamed N, Kalantar Hormozi MR, Nabipour I. Correlation of fine needle
aspiration of the thyroid with final histopathology in 198 thyroidectomized
patients. ISMJ 2013; 16 (1), 37-48.
120. Assadi T, Bargahi A, Mohebi GH, Barmak A, Nabipour I, Mohajeri
Borazjani S, Kholdebarin B. Determination of oil and fatty acids concentration in
seeds of coastal halophytic Sueada aegyptica plant. ISMJ 2013;16 (1), 9-16.
121. Rastegar M, Tavana Z, Khademi R, Nabipour I .Ethnopharmacology of the
native herbs of Helleh River (Bushehr Province/Iran). ISMJ 2012; 15 (4), 303316.
Tohidi M, Kalantar Hormozi M, Nabipour I, Asadi M, Karimi F . A case of
synchronous hurthle cell adenoma of thyroid and para thyroid adenoma. ISMJ
2012;, 0-0 [ Print of ahead]
123. Assadi T, Bargahi A, Nabipour I, Kholdebarin B, Mohajerani S, Aba A,
Motamed N..Determination of oil content and fatty acid composition in coastal
halophytic Suaedavermiculata plant collected from the shores of the Persian
Gulf (Bushehr). ISMJ 2012; 0-0. [ Print of ahead]
124. Tohidi M, Assadi M, Dehghani Z, Vahdat K, Emami SR, Nabipour I. High
sensitive C-reactive protein and ischemic heart disease, a population-based
study. ISMJ 2012;15 (4), 253-262.
125. Bahreini F, Ardebili M, Mojtab S, Farajnia S, Ghareh Sooran S, Nabipour
I, Soltanian A, Askarzadeh AA. A study on association of SNP-43
polymorphism in Calpain-10 gene with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the population
of Eastern Azerbaijan province.ISMJ2012;15 (1), 35-42.
126. Kalantarhormozy MR , Nabipour I, Assadi M, Asadipouya K, Zendehboudi
S, Gh Omrani. Subclinical Hypothyroidism. ISMJ2011; 14 (1), 51-60.
127. Assadi M, Nemati R, Nabipour I . The Potential role of marine derived food
products on Alzheimer's disese and cognitive decline. ISMJ 2011;14 (4), 274287.
128. Movahed A, Mohammadi MM, Akbarzadeh S, Nabipour I, Ramezanian N,
Hajian N. The heart of date palm: its nutritional and functional constituents.
ISMJ2011; 14 (2), 100-105.
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129. Forouzani A, Khajehiean A, Darabi H, Fouladvand MA, Nabipour I,
Bahramian F. Fauna and Monthly Activity of Sand flies in The Focus of
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Bushehr District (2007-2008).ISMJ2011; 14 (1), 3140.
130. Assadi M, Nabipour I, Saghari M, Eftekhary M, Pourbehi M, Afrasiabi K
.The role of myocardial perfusion imaging in the screening of silent ischemia in
diabetic patients. ISMJ 2010; 13 (1), 59-71.
131. Najafi A, Abolkheir AR, Vahdat K, Nabipour I.Identification of Bioactive
Agents and Immunomodulatory Factors from Seashells of the Persian Gulf.
ISMJ 2010; 13 (3), 207-215.
132. Rahbar A, Nabipour I .The Correlation of Calcium Intake with Bone Mass
Density and Bone Turn Over Markers in Adults in Bushehr Province. ISMJ 2010;
13 (2), 93-101.
133. Tabib SM, Nabipour I, Mohseni Azad A, Iranpour D, Farzaneh M. A case
of apathetic hyperthyroidism with exudative low SAAG ascites. ISMJ 2009; 12
(3), 238-243.
134. Morad Haseli F, Nabipour I, Asadi M, Abbasi S . Ultrasonographic
determination of the thyroid volume in 7-10 years old children of Bushehr port
2007. ISMJ2009;11 (2), 170-176.
135. Eghbali SS, Nabipour I, Dehghani Z. Prevalence of osteoporosis in women
older than 50 years old in Bushehr port. ISMJ 2009;11 (2),163-169.
136. Nabipour I, Boulkheir AR, Najafi A. Anticancer and cytotoxic compounds
from seashells of the Persian Gulf. ISMJ 2009; 12 (3) :231-237.
137. Vahdat K, Nabipour I, Najafi A, Bolkheir AR .Anti-infective agents from
seashells of the Persian Gulf. ISMJ 2010;13 (2), 129-136.
138. Abbasi E, Nosrati A, Nabipour I, Emami SR. Assessment of the level of
knowledge of Physicians in Bushehr Province about preparedness and
response for Nuclear Emergency. ISMJ 2005; 7 (2), 183-189.
139. Nabipour I, Vahdat K, Jafary SM, Ahmadzadeh T, Emami SR, Slotanian
A, Sanjideh Z. The association of metabolic syndrome and Chlamydia
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pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus
type 1 a population-based study.ISMJ 2005; 8 (1), 60-67.
140. Tabatabaie SA, Asharin MR, Assadi M, Nabipour I, Ebrahimi AA, Nasiri M,
Abadi A, Moghadam M, Pourbehi MR. Comparsion of influence of enoxaparin
with unfractioned heparin on acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment
elevation.ISMJ 2009; 12 (3), 198-205..
141. Khamisipour G, Tamjidi A, Nabipour I. Genetic damages in radiation workers
of radiology centers in Bushehr port. ISMJ 2004;7 (1), 11-18.
142. Ranjbar D, Nabipour I, Shirveis E, et al. A Study on historical-cultural
architectural fabric of Bushehr Port; an urban, cultural and sanitary approach.
ISM J2007; 10(1): 82-90.
143. Jafari SM, Pazoki R, Mirzaei K, Nabipour I, Eghbali SS, Sanjideh Z.
Reference range of serum homocysteine level for the northern Persian Gulf.
ISMJ 2007; 10(1): 61-66.
144. Amirinejad R, Vahdat K, Nabipour I, et al. Diagnosis of Leptospirosis in
aemorrhagic fever in domestic animals of the Helleh River area in 2004 by
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) molecular technique. ISMJ2007; 10(1):9-18.
145. Movahed A, Jafari SM, Zaki Abbasi M, Pazoki R, Katebi M, Nabipour I.
Assessment of serum homocysteine level and hyperhomocysteinaemia in the
northern Persian Gulf. ISMJ2007; 9(2):200-207.
146. Hedayati M, Nabipour I, Rezaei-Ghaleh N, et al. Germline RET mutations in
exon 10 and 11: an Iranian survey of 57 medullary thyroid carcinoma cases.
Iran J Endocrinol Metabol 2006; 8:25-30.
147. Nabipour I, Mostaghni AA. A randomized controlled trial assessing the
impact of problem-based learning versus teacher-centered teaching methods in
case-studies. ISMJ1999; 1:156-160.
148. Yazdanpenah S, Nabipour I, Ghafarian M. Tuberculin sensivity in children of
Bushehr primary schools after BCG revaccination. ISMJ1998; 1:103-110.
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149. Haghighi L, Nabipour I, Jahfari SM, et al. Isolation of the major clinical
VIBRIO species from water and plankton of the Persian Gulf. ISMJ1998; 1:6471.
150. Nabipour I. Hepatic viruses in Iran. ISMJ1997; 1:56-59.
151. Nabipour I. Venomous animals of the Persian Gulf. ISMJ1997, 1:35-41.
152. Andelib P, Mahageri MS, Nabipour I, et al. Risk factors for stroke in Bushehr;
A prospective study. ISMJ 2000; 2:121-109.
153. Assadian H, Salehian MT, Setodeh M, Nabipour I. Catecholamines
producing carotid body tumor ( chemodectoma ); a case report. Iran J
Endocrinol Metabol 2000; 1:306-309.
154. Nabipour I, Azizi F. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors for diabetes mellitus.
ISMJ1999; 2:64-68.
155. Jafari M, Nabipour I, Mahbobnia M, et al. Prevalence of iron deficiency in
reproductive age in Bushehr Province. Iran J Endocrinol Metabol 1999; 1:209214.
156. Fakhrzadeh H, Esmaeili B, Pourebrahim R, Nabipour I . Fish consumption
and blood pressure. ISMJ1999; 2:41-47.
157. Osfouri E, Nabipour I, Raiani M, et al. Prevalence of diabetes and impaired
glucose tolerance in Bushehr population aged 30-64 yr. ISMJ1999; 1: 210-218.
158. Fakhrzadeh H, Nabipour I, Osfouri E, et al. Association between
electrocardiographic ischemic abnormalities and coronary risk factors in a
defined population in Bushehr port, Iran. ISMJ1999; 1:201-209.
159. Soltanian AR, Nabipour I, Akhondzadeh S, Moeini B, Bahreini F, Barati M,
Faradmal J.Association between physical activity and mental health among
high-school adolescents in Boushehr province: A population based study. Iran J
Psychiatry. 2011;6(3):112-6.
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160. Vahdat K, Resoulinejat M, Nabipour I. Electrolyt and mixed acid-base
disturbances in cholera. ISMJ 2000; 3:17-22.
161. Nabipour I, Fakhrzadeh H, Osfouri E, et al. The association of diabetes
(NIDDM) and myocardial infarction; a population-based study. Iran J Endocrinol
Metabol 1999; 1:59-64.
162. Nabipour I. The role of safety in lowering mortality rate and cancer incidence
among petroleum refinery and chemical plant workers. ISMJ1998; 1:150-154.
163. Amiri M, Emami SR, Nabipour I, et al. Risk factors of cardiovascular
diseases in Bushehr Port on the basis of the WHO MONICA Project; The
Persian Gulf Healthy Heart Project. ISMJ 2004; 6:151-160.
164. Zandi K, Farsangi MH, Nabipour I, et al. Isolation and purification of a novel
anticancer 60 K Daltons protein from the Persian Gulf Sea hare, Aplysia
dactylomela. ISMJ 2004; 6:97-101.
165. Nabipour I, Jahfari SM, Amiri M, et al. The normal range of serum calcium
and phosphorus in 20-69 years population of Bushehr port. ISMJ 2003; 6:53-61.
166. Imami SR, Tahamtan F, Nabipour I, et al. Use of focus groups to assess the
health needs of the community for priorities in health research in Bushehr
Port/Iran. ISMJ 2003; 5:176-180.
167. Nabipour I, Seraj B, Aboutalebi S, et al. Resting electrocardiographic
changes using the WHO MONICA Project protocol criteria in cerebrovascular
disease in Bushehr Port. ISMJ 2003; 5:134-140.
168. Haghighi MA, Haghighi L, Nabipour I, et al. Isolation of vibrios from the
Persian Gulf penaeid shrimp intestine and hepatopancreas.ISMJ 2003; 5:112117.
169. Fakhrzadeh H, Nabipour I, Dehdari A. The association of hypertension and
ischemic heart disease; A population-based study. ISMJ 2001; 4: 36-40.
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170. Nabipour I. Al-Zahrawi; the great surgeon of Islamic Medicine. ISMJ 2001;
171. Amiri M, Khalafpour A, Nabipour I, et al. The prevalence of hypertension and
associated coronary risk factors in Bushehr Port. ISMJ 2000; 3:34-39.
172. Lankarani KB, Saberi-Firoozi M, Nabipoor I, et al. Reassessment of the role
of hepatitis B and C viruses in postnecrotic cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis in
southern Iran. Iran J Med Sci 1999; 24:119-121.
173. Tabib SM, Vahdat K, Jafari SM, Fooladvand MA, Nabipour I, Sanjideh Z.
Association between H. pylori infection & hypertension in the residents of the
Northern Persian Gulf. ISMJ 2008; 10(2): 159-165.
174. Nabipour I, Rezapour F, Jafari SM. Evaluating autoimmunity markers in
hypothyroid patients of Bushehr Province. ISMJ 2005; 8:37-42.
175. Riazi A, Nabipour I, Salehi MR, et al. Lipid disorders in the first degree
relatives with premature myocardial infarction in Bushehr port. ISMJ 2005;
176. Shafie E, Nabipour I, Jafari SM, et al. The association of metabolic syndrome
and ischemic heart disease using resting electrocardiogram in the nortern
Persian Gulf. ISMJ 2005; 8:154-161.
177. Vahdat K, Nabipour I, Motamedi M, et al. A sero-epidemiological survey on
leptospirosis in the livestock breeders during the outbreak of haemorrhagic fever
in domestic animals of the Helleh River area in 2004. ISMJ 2005; 8:53-59.
178. Amiri M, Larijani B, Nabipour I, et al. The prevalence of osteoporosis in 20-69
years old women in Bushehr port. ISMJ 2004; 7:61-69.
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179. Nabipour I, Azizi F, Ghaessemi F, et al. Identification of medullary thyroid
carcinoma gene carriers in Iran using the RET proto-oncogene. ISMJ 2002;
180. Shafiee E, Nabipour I, Asadi M, et al. Myocardial infarction event rate in
Bushehr Port: WHO MONICA Project. ISMJ 2004; 6:144-150.
181. Nabipour I. Ophthalmology in Islamic medicine. Islam Uni 1997; 1:45-48.
182. Nabipour I. Medical education in Islamic civilization. Teb Va Tazkieh 1997;
183. Nabipour I. Razi, the pioneer of urology. Nabz 1994;2:18-22.
184. Kabiri M, Nabipour I. Bacteriology of war wounds in Iran. Darou Va Darman
1994; 9:12-17.
185. Soltanian AR, Mahjub H, Goudarzi S, Nabipour I, Jamali M. 5 Years
Survival Rate in Patients with Myocardial Infarction in Bushehr. Scientific J of
Hamadan University of Med Sciences and Health Services. 2009; 16(3);5-11.
A: To take a “holistic systems approach” to diseases (the metabolic
syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis and atherosclerosis)
by applying the principles of complexity and systems medicine in a
multidisciplinary environment. I agree with the idea that “disease
arises from disease-perturbed networks and the resulting altered
molecular machinery encoded by the disease-perturbed networks
leads to the pathophysiology of the disease”. Hence, I will try to
integrate biological and molecular information obtained from disease
–perturbed networks and pathways with clinical information in order
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to translate into efficient and reliable decision support systems for
health care.
B: To extract and purify bioactive agents (anti-cancer, anti-infective,
anti-osteoporotic, anti-diabetic and immunomodulatory compounds)
from marine organisms of the Persian Gulf. I published the textbook
of Marine Medicine for the first time in Iran and established the
unique marine medical biotechnology research center and PhD
courses in Marine Toxinology and Marine Microbiology for the first
time in Iran
C: To integrate molecular imaging technology with metabolomics for
interpretation of molecular and cellular processes in the metabolic
syndrome and atherosclerosis
To illustrate the achievements of the brilliant Islamic civilization in
clinical sciences
D: Foresight studies on science and technology in order to design
strategies for progress of science and technology in the developing
countries. I published 6 books about techniques of forecasting of
science and technology and the future of medicine.
E: To conduct large population-based, prospective cohort studies in
aging, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. I have been already
the major investigator of large population-based, prospective cohort
studies in aging, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders at national
and regional levels [e.g. The Persian Gulf Healthy Heart Study
(Supported by EMRO/WHO, Iranian Multicentral Osteoporosis study,
Bushehr Eldery Program)].
Curriculum Vitae
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Endocrinology and Metabolism (the Metabolic Syndrome, type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,
Osteoporosis and Bone Biology)
Marine Medicine and Marine Biotechnology
History of Medicine
Foresight studies in Science and Technology
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Molecular Epidemiology
Public Health (Interventional, Prospective, Cohort Studies in aging, Cardiovascular
and Metabolic Disorders)
Personal Interest
And Activities
1- Studying about Marine organisms, Archeology,
Philosophy & Architecture
2- Bicycling, Swimming and Scuba diving