Math Unit Template El Rancho Unified School District Topic/Main Idea: Systems of Equations CCSS: HSA-REI.C.6 Timeline: 10-14 days Objectives/Concept/Skill (DOK): Connections to earlier and next grade levels: We will be able to create a system of equations from a real-life Prior: Create linear equations situation. Graphing linear equations We will be able to solve the system of equations using multiple Solve multi-step equations representations. Evaluate the expressions We will be able to show the solution through algebraic algorithm, Create input/output tables table, and a graph. Future: Systems of Inequalities Performance Task/Activity (DOK): Students will look at different phone companies to determine which plan will be efficient for them. They will look at patterns to develop equations for each phone company. They will graph the system to see when both companies will be equal in terms of minutes and pricing. Based on their recorded data, students will analyze which plan is beneficial for them and support their choice with their own data. Relevance/Rationale: Systems of Equations are useful when comparing different options based on set criteria. SBAC Assessment Item References: None available for this topic at this time Academic Vocabulary: Point of intersection, Equal Values Method, Infinite solutions, Substitution Method, Solution, No solution, Elimination Method, Ordered pair Textbook References (i.e., Homework Resources): CPM Algebra Connections CPM.ORG- Extra Practices Kuta Software website Materials/Manipulatives: Graph paper, rulers, pencil, graphing calculator (optional), index cards(4), tape Mathematical Practices __X_ 1. ____ 2. __X_ 3. __X_ 4. Makes sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with Mathematics. Explanation: Lesson Topic: Mathematical Sentences Solving Word Problems Solving Problems by Writing Equations LOL (Learning Objective with Language): We will be able learn how to write and interpret mathematical sentences and will begin to write equations from real-life word problems. We will be able to defend the meaning behind the equation being developed. We will learn how to define variables, write and solve equations connected with real-life word problems. We will work in groups to develop equations to fit each problem and present the equation to the class. We will compare writing single equations with one variable to writing a system of equations with two variables. Through whole class discussion, we will develop equations and systems of equations. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Resources (Instructional Strategies, Textbook References, etc.): **Handout: Phone Log- Student must start recording their phone usage on a daily basis to be prepared for performance task** CPM Ch.6 1-5 HW: 6-7, 6-8, 6-10 thru 6-12 CPM Ch.6 13-15 HW: 6-16 thru 6-21 CPM Ch.6 22-23 HW: 6-26 thru 6-31 Solving Systems of Equation Using Substitution Making Connections: Systems, Solutions, and Graphs Solving Systems Using Elimination We will understand how to use Substitution to solve systems of linear equations. We will demonstrate by presenting to the class Problem 6-36. We will examine how a solution to a system of equations relates to those equations and to a graph of those equations. We will demonstrate through posters of our findings to our problems and justify our answers through follow up questions. We will develop the Elimination Method for solving systems of equations. Through discussion, we will understand that all methods lead to the same solution. 5x7 Index cards (4) Tape CPM Ch.6 33-36 HW: 6-37 thru 6-42 Extra Practice (Optional): /Alg1Worksheets/Systems%20of%20Equations%20Substitution.pdf CPM Ch. 6-43 (further guidance 6-44, 45, 46), 6-47 HW: 6-50 thru 6-55 CPM Ch. 6-56 thru 6-60. Skip 6-57 HW: 6-61 thru 6-66 Extra Practice (Optional): skillBuilders/AC/AC_Extra_Practice_Section14.pdf