St. Paul's Lutheran Church

St. Paul’s Epistle
Monthly Newsletter
June, 2012
This burst of blessings God gives to us all freely in
His Word and Sacraments. So come to the Word, and
through what you have heard, God will burst forth
His many blessings upon you - in Christ Jesus!
The pomegranate is a delicious fruit which is native
to Iran and Iraq but is now widely cultivated
throughout the Middle East, Latin America, and even
California. This fruit is mentioned specifically in the
Biblical book of Exodus and begins to appear in
Christian ecclesiastical art as early as the 4th century
In Christian art the pomegranate often appears woven
into the fabric of church vestments and liturgical
hangings as well as stained glass windows. The fruit
has often been depicted in Christian paintings by
such artists as Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci –
often in the hand of the baby Jesus or Mary. The
pomegranate is a fruit that is full of seeds and in
Christian art is usually shown as bursting open.
The bursting pomegranate is a symbol in Christian
art for the robust fullness of Christ’s death and
resurrection. It depicts the reality that Jesus burst
forth from the tomb on Easter morning. The bursting
pomegranate is also a symbol of the great and many
blessing our risen Savior, Jesus Christ, imparts to
believers – namely the certainty of the forgiveness of
sins, peace with God, the hope of our heavenly home,
and the promise the resurrection to come with the
new bodies our Lord shall give us. So many blessings
burst forth from our dear Savior!
(We hope this list can be used as a guide when saying
your prayers each day.)
Pray . . .
 for Shut-ins: Melitta Tonn and Carrie Hackler.
 for those in Nursing Homes: Don Schuetz, Joyce Lee,
ElDoris Shores, Richard Nordstrom, Joyce Erickson, Mary
Brandt, Ted Brandt, Ellen Boettcher and Jim House.
 for our troops who are serving abroad and here in the
United States. For their safety and for those they are
fighting for and against.
 for the families of those who have lost their lives or
were injured in the fight for freedom.
 for peace and reconciliation world-wide.
 for our nation, for President Obama, and the
leadership of the United States during these trying times,
that God’s will be done.
 for the Governor and leadership of the state of
*We apologize if we have missed anyone. Please call the
office if someone has been omitted who should be on this list.
A few weeks ago our Sunday morning Adult Class met to
unpack some of the truths of our Lutheran hymnody and liturgy.
You have, from time to time, read some of that material right
here. Sometimes a question is asked, “Why do we only have
17th and 18th century hymns in our books?” Part of that answer
is because of Scripture – much of hymnody being written today
doesn’t refer to Scripture references. But another way of
looking at it tells us that there are many examples of hymns that
were written in the 20th century – and they made their way into
our hymnbooks. First off, let’s look at the definition of
“contemporary”. The three top definitions (at least in the
dictionary) are: 1) of the same time; 2) existing; 3) modern in
style. So, if we take the definitions found here, we can find
quite a few examples of contemporary hymnody – and here are
some of them. (I wish to thank the editors of Christian Worship
Handbook (Northwestern Publishing House, 1997, for their
information below.)
Earth and All Stars (LSB 817): this hymn actually was in our
previous book, Lutheran Worship. The text was originally
written by Lutheran poet Herbert Brokering in 1964 for the 90 th
anniversary of St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. The
author commented, “I tried to gather into a hymn of praise the
many facets of life which merge in the life of community. So,
there are references to building, nature, learning, war, festivity.”
The tune was composed by then-professor of Organ at St. Olaf,
David Johnson. Two of the stanzas which did not make it into
our hymnal speak of “engines and steel – loud pounding
hammers”. This came from the fact that when the hymn was
being written there was remodeling being done all over the St.
Olaf campus – and that result was picked up in the hymn!
Sent Forth by God’s Blessing (LSB 643): The text of this Omer
Westendorf hymn was first published in The People’s Mass
Book in 1964, which was the first vernacular hymn and service
book in the United States to implement the Catholic liturgies
decreed by Vatican Council II. The tune is Welsh; it was
arranged by Leland Sateren, former music department chair at
Augsburg College in 1974, and published by the Inter-Lutheran
Commission on Worship.
Sing, My Tongue, The Glorious Battle (LSB 454) is a blend of
ancient text and modern music. Text of the hymn is by
Venantius Fortunatus, written some time before 600. The
melody was written by Carl Schalk in 1966. Two years later it
was placed in the LCMS Worship Supplement for Synod. The
composer wrote of it, “The melody attempts to reflect the
subdued joy of the Lenten season in its simple, yet sturdy
So there you have three examples of “contemporary music” –
right from our present hymnal. There are quite many more
when one looks for them. In all cases the style gives dignity to
the texts – and vice versa. The texts tell a story; they have
content. This is what endures the test of time. Styles come and
go. Since The Lutheran Hymnal was written in 1941, think of
what it would have sounded like if the hymns were arranged to
the style of the day – “big band” music!! Remember – style and
substance need to go hand in hand. When we forsake substance
for pure style, we lose our identity of whom we are – and where
we are going. Substance tells us who we are and what we
believe. And that’s good news. Spread it around.
See you in church –
Cantor Duane Esterly
Evangelism and Stewardship:
“I don’t know how to share my faith in Christ!”
“I don’t want to admit that I am afraid. How do I
overcome the fear?”
By learning how to “Share Christ Confidently”!
What is it? A Class starting June 14th,
Thursday night and 7-8 more ending August 9th from 7:00PM til
8:15PM. Plenty of time to get home before dark. We will also
be looking at parts of the book of Acts as well. Come and join
in the fun of studying together and learning how to share Christ
more confidently. If this sounds a little like good fellowship, it
is, it is!
Pastor Tyler had a wonderful Bible study for the Last Class. He
was talking about fellowship. The class was thought provoking.
We want to think of and call what we do when we share a cup
of coffee and a donut or cookie-- Fellowship. It may be
fellowship in a colloquial usage, that is, everyday
conversational usage, but it is not Scriptural. How many other
words do we use so often that we have lost the theological
content of the word and think we are communicating some
Well, Pastor, what is fellowship? Good Question. Fellowship is
a participation in something by someone initiated into the rules
of that participation. The dictionary gives this idea: “the
condition of being an associate; mutual association of persons
on equal and friendly terms; communion; companionship;
familiar intercourse; intimate familiarity. The second meaning
is a sort of partnership, a mutual sharing, of a joint interest.
From these we learn that fellowship involves involvement
which is mutual, freely given, voluntary, in something of
intrinsic value.
Surely we poor, miserable, sinners participate in the death of
Christ through our Baptism into Christ’s death for us. Scripture
tells us that spiritually we participate in the body and blood of
Christ in the communion. The same communion by the way
which Paul warns us to discern the body of Christ that we not be
guilty of the body of Christ and thus open to judgment. Here
there is a sense that fellowship with Christ in Worship, in
Communion, in association with other Christians is a life-giving
experience that prepares us for judgment day. Here is an
ongoing invitation from God to us to be gathered together in the
remembrance of Him, Jesus, who suffered and died for our sins
and set us free from sin, death and the power of the devil solely
through His Victory in our place.
Fellowship then has something to do with rescue from the
coming judgment. Sharing our faith in Christ then is part of our
fellowship as Christians. We are like fishermen casting the
Good News of a way out of the coming judgment upon all flesh.
Time is running out to go fishing for souls that need to know or
reject Jesus before the End. Let’s come together to help each
other overcome our fears.
See you on Thursdays, June, July and August.
Rev. Tom
There will be many ways to help CROSS this summer.
The Hennepin County Fair will give a dollar off
admission if you bring an item for CROSS. Keep your
eyes open for other ways to donate and Thank You!
Mite Box Sunday: June 3rd.
It is soon summer when children are out of school and
parents need kid friendly foods.
The food needs list includes: mac & cheese, cereal, tuna,
peanut butter, taco mix or Mexican foods, toilet paper and
bar soap.
CROSS Community Players will present “My Son
Pinocchio” in July at Maple Grove Senior High School.
St. Paul’s Representatives to CROSS
Gene and Pat Otto
CROSS Players wish to rehearse here at St. Paul’s. They
are asking for Thursday nights: June 7, 14, 21, 28 and July
12. We will need a volunteer to stay in the building while
they rehearse. It’s not difficult; you can watch them
rehearse or read a book or whatever. Times TBD. Please
consider volunteering. Call the office with the date that
works for you. Thank you!
Looking ahead to VBS!
Garage salers, we need you!
Be on the lookout for flat sheets—any size-that are plain or patterned with stripes or
geometric prints—no flowers. We could
use drapes or curtains as well to make tents
for our indoor desert caravan and oasis
scenes. We are gathering baskets of all
sizes for the market place scene.
If you wish to donate those items, you can
just stack them on the stage. If you want
them back, please note that.
CAMEL Picture Here
LWML met May 09, 2012. We filled birthday bags
for children whose parents request them at CROSS.
Thank you to everyone who gave items. Each bag
included a cake mix, frosting, paper products,
candles and a game or book and misc.
Convention in June at Mankato- Virginia
Hoppenrath, Sandy Slack, and Pat Otto will attend. A
Love Offering of $200 for missions will go with
There will not be a meeting in June, July, or August.
Mites will continue to be collected.
Kitchen- the air pots were moved to a cleaner place
in the wooden cupboard where the coffee pots are
stored. More cleaning to be done in the future.
Quilting will not meet during the summer however,
keep sewing whenever you can. Quilts are always
Coins for Missions
Our congregation will be participating in “Coins for
Missions”. From now until June 10th, please bring
your coins to put in the container in the narthex. At
the Minnesota South District Convention (June 1416), Pastor Tyler, Norm Lerbs, and Gene Otto will
bring the coins to the Opening Service of the
Convention. There they will have an opportunity to
make a joyful noise to the Lord as they deposit those
coins in the” Coins for Missions” collection buckets.
The hope is to exceed $15,000 this year. The funds
collected will go to Samaritan’s Hill which is a new
church plant in Otsego, Minnesota being led by Rev.
Kenneth Harste.
“Birthdays in June”
Michelle Frank
Earl Slack
Paula Schmidt
Amber Newton
Dick Nordstrom
Irma Schmid
Donna Dawson
Derek Schmid
Elise Kosloski
Rose Ebert
Gretchen Faue
Judy Saldana
Warren Wilken
Marlys Beier
Janelle Loven
Marsha McKibbin
Kristin Gamrath
Steven Hoppenrath
Bruce Krieg
Michelle Perusse
Leah Pitts
Shirley Beier
Brian Hines
Alice Rooney
Amanda Anderson
Char Lieder
Alex Geissler
Rae Ellen Hill
Pablo Isai Valadez
Katie Rezac
Gladys Goerke
Zach Heiling
Bob Suppan
Tom Colgrove
Wilbur Boettcher
Robert Hall
Jeanmarie Iverson
Sonia Kaaria
Becky Cox
Barb Gamache
Ellyn Carroll
Tiffany Schmid
“Anniversaries in June”
Joseph & Kathy Lundquist
Richard & Barbara Behm
Robert & Beverly Trafton
Norm & BerNelda Lerbs
Douglas & Marlys Beier
Ted & Gladys Goerke
Robert & Sharon Schulz
Treavor & Traci Braiedy
Marvin & Bernice Vollrath
Troy & Carrie Braiedy
Let the office know if we have missed your birthday or
Dear friends in Christ!
I’ll be honest, if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s procrastination. It’s so bad that the “Thank You” my mom has been asking
for from me is quite literally being written 1 hour before the deadline she gave me. However, please don’t take my laziness
as a sign of lack in gratitude.
People have been asking me what it was like over there. I can sum it up by saying it was a long, hot (cold in the winter
months) and SAFE trip. While most people come back from the Middle East with tales of gunfights, IED explosions, cruddy
living conditions and nightmares, I was fortunate enough to not have to deal with any of that. As the medic for the Battalion
Mortar Platoon I spent most of my time on the gun line of a range sitting in my MED-EVAC truck, waiting for someone to
get hurt. Thankfully, by the Grace of God, no one ever did.
It was an easy deployment, but a deployment none the less. Everyone, young and old, married or single, had someone back
home that they would much rather spend their time with. However, as the days dragged on and on that wonderful part of the
day around 1700 (5:00pm) finally came, Mail Call. We were all fortunate enough to receive care packages from the ones
back home that we loved the most. For me, it was sometimes something as great as a giant box of goldfish, or even
something as simple as a card saying “You’re in my heart and prayers.”
My friends, as a soldier I can’t tell you enough how much it means to be 7,000 miles away from home and to reminded that
someone appreciates how much you’re sacrificing for them. There were often days when I simply sat outside, baking in the
sun, wondering what use I could possibly be at that moment, only to find a handwritten letter on my bed from a lady at
church, with pictures of her family and even her dog.
To end, thank you so much for everything you have done for me in the past year. Whether it was a prayer, towels, soap, tooth
paste, books, comic books, GOLDFISH or a handwritten “Hello,” not one item went unappreciated. The love and support
you shared with me this past year will stay in my heart for the rest of my life.
With the deepest gratitude from me and my platoon,
SPC Pitts, Anthony J
Battalion Mortar Platoon
HHC 2-13
May 8, 2012
Meeting was called to order by president, Brian Hines. Pastor Tyler led the group in prayer.
Secretary’s report was approved. Board of Finance chair Vicky Ehret reported April receipts of
$26,032.00—continued good contributions, praise God!
Treasurer Bruce Thompson reported the following balances—
Loan balance is at $14,881
Pastor Tyler reminded the group of the following dates—
May 13—Last Sunday of Adult Bible Class
May 20—Last Sunday of 2-services as we transition into the Summer Schedule
May 27—One service at 9 AM
June 4—First Monday evening service at 7 PM
Shepherd of the Grove is still without a pastor and is in the calling process.
Pastor Klement Preuss of Glory of Christ, Plymouth has been diagnosed with cancer and is
currently receiving treatment.
Members’ Jim House (North Ridge), Marlys Aeshlimann (St. Therese) and Ellen Boettcher (Twin
Rivers) addresses will be included in upcoming bulletins so that members can visit or send cards.
Pastor Colgrove reported an upcoming class in How to Share Christ. Computer is now up and
working again. MSP that a back-up laptop be purchased for emergencies.
Board of Elders chair John Pitts reported the following official acts—
Communicant membership by way of confirmation—Jacob Coenen, Madison Glauvitz,
Samantha Harff and Olivia Olson.
Received by reaffirmation of faith—Pettie Blair
Sermon audios now available on the website.
Tentative plans for August 7 Night to Unite include Inflatable Obstacle Course (shared with VBS the
following day), possible appearance by Accordian Band, menu of hot dogs and the trimmings.
Board of Trustees chair Brad Newton has received the energy efficiency report. He is currently
working with a lighting company and an electrician for a more realistic outcome.
Lawn mowing schedule is posted and volunteers are needed.
Because of his wife’s severe injury, the wood carver contracted for the cemetery project, is unable to
complete the project his summer as planned, but will be able to do the work this fall.
Still waiting for the landscaper’s estimate for cemetery beautification.
Trees purchased with donation funds will be planted on church grounds.
Special VBS janitor has been hired for the week of August 6-9.
Reporting for the Board of Christian Ed—Berkshire program will be repeated for the congregation
on May 20 during the Sunday School hour. Members are urged to come to support the kids. VBS plans
include the visit of a real camel. Bd of Ed will apply for Camel funding from the Thrivent Choice Dollar
#3 Fund.
Board of Youth and Family Ministries chair Sherry Glauvitz reported a successful Butter Braid sale
with a profit of $450. The May 5 visit to Mary’s Place was a success. Painting in the Youth Room is
scheduled for June 11-15. June 23 is the Grotto Road Trip.
Board of Evangelism and Stewardship is continuing plans for Veterans’ Dinner November 11.
Sunday School will relocate on that day so that set-up can be completed.
Gary Faue had no ushers’ report.
Old Business—Discussion concerning the purchase of new folding chairs for the auditorium. Sample
was inspected with padded seat and back. They are warrantied for 10 years. The purchase of 300
would total $6000. MSP that Myrlie family be contacted for use of memorial funds to purchase a
portion. Several questions were discussed. Sunday School would prefer using the old chairs for alcoves
and set-up near stage. Consensus that new chairs be used for luncheon set-ups only and that they NOT
leave the building. What becomes of the old chairs? Do we need them all? Where can they be
stored since the garage is about full?
New Business—
Norm Lerbs, delegate to MN South District convention, reported the Mission project of a prospective
congregation in Otsego. Coins (only) will be collected for the project. Norm will explain at May 13
service and a jar for coins will be placed in the narthex until the June convention.
Retirement Celebration for Dr. Lane Seitz, president of MN South District will be held on August 26 at
Messiah Lutheran Church in Lakeville. Letters for a booklet should be submitted by August 1.
Meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Emmans, Congregational Secretary
12 in attendance
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Family
WELCOME! Pettie Blair and Michelle Frank received by reaffirmation of faith. We also welcome Michelle’s
children, Lindsey, Bradley and Jonathon (Jack) Schue, received as baptized members. Welcome to your new
church home!
VISITORS WELCOME: Two of our members, Ellen Boettcher and Jim House, have been at nursing homes for
some time and are struggling to regain their strength. Each of them would greatly be encouraged and benefit from
having their friends visit them. Below, please find their present addresses and consider a visit.
Ellen Boettcher
Jim House
Golden Living Center-Twin River
North Ridge Care Center
305 Fremont Street
5430 Boone Avenue
Anoka, MN 55303
New Hope, MN 55428
Telephone: 763-421-5660
Telephone: 763-592-3000
HOLY BAPTISM: We welcome into the family of God through Holy Baptism
Abigael Grace Bernier, infant daughter of Tony and Theresa Bernier, on May 13, 2012.
Connor Samuel Pitts, infant son of Katherine Pitts, on May 20, 2012
9 AM Sunday Worship
Norm Lerbs
June 3 & 10
Roger Zeman June 17 & 24
9 AM Sunday Worship
Doris & Russ Krause
Char & Dwayne Lieder*
7 PM Monday Worship
Einar Finnvik
June 4
Jeff Tobias
June 11
Bill Gamache
June 18 & 25
7 PM Monday Worship
Marsha & Bill McKibbin
*Head Usher
In the next few weeks, four St. Paul’s young people will receive their high school
diplomas. We asked about their plans for the future. Here they are--Alek Glauvitz will receive his diploma from MACHE (MN Association of Christian
Home Educators), having been home-schooled by his mom. He is currently attending
classes for both high school and college credit at McNally Smith College of Music in St.
Paul where he will become a full-fledged college student this fall. His goal is to learn
the music business and perhaps become a performer in the future.
Alek plays in our Handbell Choir and sings in the Chancel Choir. He is a veteran
VBS teacher and has assisted in many programs and activities here at church. He works
part-time at Party City in Plymouth and plans to continue in the coming months,
although his fractured wrist has cramped his style.
Bryton Hines will graduate from Osseo High School on Sunday, June 10. The
commencement ceremony takes place at Target Center in Minneapolis. At OHS Bryton
participated in lacrosse and in the Supermileage Club. His team has been chosen to
take their car to the Brainerd Speedway competition where the objective is not speed, but
ultimate gas mileage.
Although Bryton worked for several years at the Brooklyn Center Community
Center, he is really a car guy. He will be attending Dunwoody in Minneapolis in its
Collision and Refinishing Auto Body program. His part-time job at Fixsen’s Auto Body is
right in his wheelhouse. Bryton is also a guitarist and has assisted with programs here
at St. Paul’s.
Katie McElroy deserves double coverage—as an OHS grad and as a new St. Paul’s
member. Through baptism and adult confirmation Katie will officially become a
communicant member of St. Paul’s on June 24. We are blessed to have her. She
currently plays in the Handbell Choir and sings alto in the Chancel Choir. She has
taught VBS for the last several summers and we hope to have her again this year.
While at Osseo, Katie participated in track and currently sings in the Varsity
Choir. Her future plans are to attend North Hennepin Technical School in their child
care program. She will put those skills to practice as she nannies 3 children this
Welcome, Katie!
Abby Lundquist will graduate from Osseo High School on June 10. The three
district high schools hold their commencements at Target Center—all on that day.
Lucky for our grads, Osseo has the 11 o’clock time slot! Abby enjoyed the high school
experience, participating for a time in hockey, but mostly showing her school spirit at
OHS games and activities. She is on her way to River Falls in WI—a small college just far
enough away from home—her major will be in elementary ed. You may have seen Abby’s
friendly face at Chuckie Cheese in Maple Grove where she has worked for the past three
years. How lucky that she will be able to return to her job on college breaks and
vacations. We think she is a valuable worker!
We pray God’s blessing on these young people as they go out into the world.
“Go, My children, with My blessing, never alone.
Waking, sleeping, I am with you; You are My own.”
LSB 922
Congratulations, Joel! We have one more 5th grader who has made a super achievement!
Joel Iverson, of our all-guys class, memorized the entire memory portion of Luther’s Small
Catechism. For those of you scoring at home, that’s the Commandments and their meanings,
the Apostles Creed, three Articles, and their meanings, the Sacraments of the Altar and
Baptism plus meanings, the Lord’s Prayer, petitions, and meanings. Wow! Joel and Sam are
the first kids to accomplish that task in the history of St. Paul’s memory work!
Attendance Awards—As this article is being written, we are preparing to award exemplary
attendance on May 20. Kids receive pins and awards for missing 3 or fewer Sundays of Sunday
School. As kids get older and more involved in other activities, it becomes more difficult to
accomplish exemplary attendance, so we honor those kids especially. Here are the Sunday
School students who will receive awards this year (in no particular order):
Breanna Hanson
Elijah Slack
Jacob Andersen
Olivia Olson
Gracie Voss
Leah Pickett
Joel Iverson
Alek Glauvitz
Aysia Hovde
Ashley Angrimson
Braxton Pickett
Amber Newton
Kyle Glauvitz
Reed Olson
Amanda Harff
Sam Glauvitz
It should be noted that Alek and Sam Glauvitz achieved perfect attendance in the 2011-2012
Sunday School year.
Give special thanks to God for the faithful Sunday School staff. They are passionate about
serving the Lord and St. Paul’s kids. They are—
Cindy Serrine
Shelby McKibbin
Joyce Hardy
Erin Garcia
Barb Gamache
Kristin Gamrath
Leah Pitts
Darren Slack
Tim Gamrath
Marsha McKibbin
Cindy Scheevel
Sherry Glauvitz
Rick Scheevel
Carol Emmans
Leah Olson
We are excited to do our little Berkshire program for the congregation. Although we have
continued to sing for services monthly, this little program is informal and includes some songs
and activities that we might not sing in church. And we look forward to the audience response
and reaction. In other words, it’s okay to clap!
GOOD STUFF ON THE INTERNET—Please check out www. for younger children.
Bible stories—interactive play activities and songs will keep your kids busy in a productive,
Christ-centered way. The website is sponsored by the Lutheran Hour and is very well done.
SUMMER SCHEDULE—On May 27 we begin our summer worship schedule. Sunday service at 9
AM and starting Monday June 4 a service at 7 PM. Surely we can all spare an hour for worship
most weeks. If your kids do not see the inside of church all summer, you are sending a very
clear message—sorry, not a good one. Kids love the cookies that are served outdoors on
Sundays, and you will enjoy the friendship of your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Sunday, April 15th 2012
We will be going to Mary’s Place (a transitional
housing shelter for families with kids)
Please meet in youth room at 11:00 AM
Chair: Sherry Glauvitz
Home: 763-432-6844
For the rest of April, the youth mission project will benefit
the Animal Humane Society.
Please help us care for God’s four-legged creatures by
lending a paw to the local shelter. They are in need of food,
litter, shampoo, toys and anything else you can get your
paws on!
June-December is still available
There is a box under the bulletin board downstairs for your
The Sanctuary is in need of one family per month to
clean up the pews after service. This needs to be
done a minimum of 2 times each month and is not
time consuming. (IE: Check pencils for sharpness,
recycle old bulletins, stock friendship pads, etc).
Thank you for your support!
Instructions and supplies are in the office. Please
contact Sherry (763-432-6844) or Kandi (763-2213118) if you have any questions.
Sign up sheet is in the Narthex
Please consider serving!!
Ongoing Fundraisers:
At Home America – Sherry Glauvitz
Scentsy – Kandi Newton
Recycling old Cell Phones and ink cartridges – in
basket under table in Narthex
Treat table downstairs by the library
Board of Youth:
Meet in youth room at 6:30 pm
Please bring a dish to share
We will be continuing our Gospel Journey
DVD/Discussion series
Sherry Glauvitz, David Glauvitz, Aleksander Glauvitz,
Katie McCullough, Blake Iverson, Kandi Newton,
Paulette Harff, Amanda Harff, and Madi Glauvitz
Youth leaders in training: Moriah Pitts and Spencer Newton
Mary’s Place – Saturday, May 5th 12:00-2:00pm
Help supervise and play with the kids in the
playland (similar to McDonalds)
For more information, please visit their website at:
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
710 East Broadway Street
Osseo, Minnesota 55369
Office Telephone: 763-425-2238
Non-Profit Organ.
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