To install SLICEplus properly as a single-user, stand-alone workstation (please keep in mind that we are NOT peer-topeer compliant which means no pc-to-pc connection and no workgroups) -- If you are part of a domain network, you will want to start at Step1, otherwise, skip to Step2: 1) Before beginning, you may want to consult your IT staff to ensure you have a USER account (not Admin or Administrator) on the network that has domain-level Admin privileges. To reiterate, during the installation process, you will be required to log in to Windows, at each workstation, as something other then Admin or Administrator, but that acts like Admin or Administrator because that login has Admin privileges. You must log on to Windows at this workstation so that the Windows2000 Server or Windows2003 Server recognizes both your user account (login) and pc and grants your user and workstation rights to the network. 2) Each user of SLICEplus has to have a Windows login that allows full read/write/delete access to the C:\Program Files\SLICEx, where x is the SLICE module you are working with as well as the S:\ drive (if you are on a domain) or C:\ (if you are truly stand-alone only) and all of the subfolders and files under it. Now that you have those settings and configurations ready, you will want to get in front of the designated Administrative workstation. The machine that gets this configuration will be the pc that SLICE support uses to train your staff, handle technical issues and send/receive data. For the designated 'Admin' pc that will be used by a SLICE Administrator (and SLICEplus support), Paradox, Crystal and NetOp (or some other viable way for communication) is required to be installed for us to properly support you. Now that you are ready to proceed, you will want to go ahead and install the SLICEplus affiliated software on the workstation by logging on to Windows with Admin privileges in the following order: 1) NetOp Host, since it is already paid for as part of your purchase of SLICEplus, would be the best place to start so that we can then dial in. NetOp uses port 6502 for both send and receive and for both TCP and UDP, which will most likely be something your IT staff will need to be involved with since it will need to port forwarded through your router configuration if you want to take advantage of your high-speed access, if applicable. If this pc is a member of a domain, the pc will be set to a static IP address internally so that no other internal workstation can ‘bounce’ into it, but regardless, your router will need to be port forward to the aforementioned configurations. 2) Paradox (Corel) is a custom install, regardless if you want the Word Perfect Office Suite or not, because Paradox will not install with a typical setup. If you want to only install Paradox, after selecting ‘custom’, it will probably prove easier to uncheck everything and after there are no more checkmarks, select only Paradox, which will then gray-out and check Utilities. Keep pressing ‘Next’ until you can press ‘Finish’. 3) Crystal is also a custom install. To install Crystal correctly, you need to click on the top box in the sub-menu, followed by selecting ‘Install the entire features of the CD to the local hard disk.’ Even though it sometimes doesn't ask you to, please keep the CD in the tray and reboot the pc, log in to Windows as a USER (not Administrator or Admin) with Admin rights, both locally (and on the domain, if applicable) and only remove the CD after the hourglass goes completely away. Remember, make sure you load Crystal Reports (section 3 above) before you install the Interface (see Step 3 below), otherwise, you have to remove both Crystal Reports and the SLICEplus Interface and start over, installing them in the proper order with the reboot in between since they share DLL's. 1) From your pc, place the SLICE CD in your tray. After the SLICE splash screens appears, select ‘Install Server’, 2) 3) 4) select each module you purchased and change the default path from S:\ to C:\, keeping the rest of the path the same (C:\SLICE\SLICEx\DB where ‘x’ is that particular SLICE module). Perform the same step above for “T… Load Table Layouts”, changing the default path from S:\ to C:\, keeping the rest of the path the same. Press on the “BACK to Main Menu” button. On the Install Workstation portion, install SLICEx, where ‘x’ is your particular module(s) followed by the SLICE Interface, making sure you are logged on to Windows as a USER (not Admin or Administrator) with Admin rights, both locally and on the domain, if applicable. Each workstation, including the server, needs to have No-OpLock.exe executed on it. Each pc that will be used as a workstation (not the server) needs to have FixBDE.exe executed on it after the SLICE Interface is installed. Both can be found on the SLICE CD by browsing. Logging on as Admin or Administrator will NOT work. You must be a USER (Ryan, for example) that has full Admin rights, both locally and on the domain. By full Admin rights, that means you must have full read/write/delete access and you must be able to add/remove all programs on your local workstation (SLICE Interface, for example). 1