Harvard University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Sectioning

Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Sectioning Information and
Introductory Meetings
Spring 2006
Sectioning Information
To enroll in Math Xb, 1b, 21a, and 21b, you must section by computer during the period
starting Monday, January 30th, and no later than 12:00 pm on Thursday, February 2nd.
Note that you can re-section as often as you like during this time and your previous entry will be
Directions for sectioning by computer: If you have an email account, log onto the Harvard
computer system, and instead of typing "pine," type "ssh section@ulam.fas.harvard.edu" and
follow the instructions there.
From a Windows computer, open the SecureCRT application. Use the “Quickconnect”
menu command to open a connection with protocol: ssh1, hostname:
ulam.fas.harvard.edu, and username: section.
From a Macintosh with OS X, start the “Terminal” application, located under
Utilities. At the prompt, type ssh section@ulam.fas.harvard.edu and hit return.
Your section assignment will be emailed to you at 5:00 pm on Friday, Feb., 3rd.
Romance Languages – Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish
For instructions on sectioning for all lettered courses and all numbered courses 60 and under in
Catalan, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, students should read the individual course
descriptions in the Courses of Instruction or in the on-line course catalog. To access the on-line
catalog, go to www.registrar.fas.harvard.edu/Courses and click on “Romance Languages and
Literatures.” In most cases, students fill out an on-line sectioning form on the course’s website
(accessible via the Registrar’s website or www.fas.harvard.edu/~rll) and receive notification of
the date, time, and location of the first class meeting via email.
Introductory Meetings
Meeting time and location
information for two courses
that meet in the same
classroom at the same time
Meeting Time
Astronomy 191
Feb. 3, 2006
2-4 pm
Observatory, Pratt Conf. Rm.
BCMP 201
Feb. 2, 2006
9:30 am
Bldg. C, Cannon Rm.
8:30 am
TMEC Bldg., Walter
BCMP 205
Feb. 6, 2006
Biological Sciences
60 meets with
Government 1093
Mondays 2-4pm
Sever 113
Computer Science
144r meets with
Computer Science
Mondays and Wednesdays 2:304pm
Maxwell Dworkin 223
Computer Science
244r meets with
Computer Science
Mondays and Wednesdays 2:304pm
Maxwell Dworkin 223
Creative Writing
Please consult the English
The English Department does not Department’s website at
hold creative writing courses
during the Shopping Period.
for details on applying to creative
writing courses.
Earth and Planetary
Sciences 108 meets
with Engineering
Sciences 265
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1011:30
Pierce 100f
Economics 970
Feb. 1, 2006
2-3:30 pm
Emerson Hall 105
Economics 2350
Feb. 8, 2006
12:30-2 pm
Economics 2390e
Tuesdays 6-8pm
meets with Economics
CGIS-Knafel, N262
Littauer M16
Economics 2460
meets with Economics Tuesdays 6-8pm
Littauer M16
Engineering Sciences
100 meets with
Engineering Sciences
Thursdays 4-6pm
Cruft 318
Engineering Sciences
100hf meets with
Engineering Sciences
Thursdays 4-6pm
Cruft 318
Engineering Sciences
122 meets with
Engineering Sciences
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Pierce 209
Engineering Sciences
130 meets with
Engineering Sciences
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-2:30
60 Oxford Street, 330
Engineering Sciences
148 meets with
Engineering Sciences
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1011:30
Maxwell Dworkin 319
Engineering Sciences
157 meets with
Engineering Sciences
Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-4
Pierce 209
Engineering Sciences
218 meets with
Engineering Sciences
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1011:30
Maxwell Dworkin 319
Engineering Sciences
222 meets with
Engineering Sciences
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Pierce 209
Engineering Sciences
230 meets with
Engineering Sciences
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-2:30
60 Oxford Street, 330
Engineering Sciences
257 meets with
Engineering Sciences
Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-4
Pierce 209
Engineering Sciences
265 meets with Earth
and Planetary
Sciences 108
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1011:30
Language sectioning
To choose a section for a lettered
or numbered language course
(under 60) in French, students
should fill out an on-line
sectioning form on the respective
course website.
8:30 am
Pierce 100f
The course websites can be
accessed via the Registrar’s
website at
TMEC Bldg., Walter
Genetics 200
Mar. 20, 2006
Genetics 330
Feb 3, 2006
Government 1093
meets with Biological
Sciences 60
Monday 2-4pm
Government 2310
Jan. 30, 2006
History 99
Feb. 3, 2006
4-5:30 pm
Sever Hall 213
History of Science
Feb. 2, 2006
4-4:30 pm
Science Center 359
History of Science
Feb. 2, 2006
4:30-5 pm
Science Center 359
History 2630hf meets
with History 2662hf
Wednesdays 4-6pm
Robinson Hall Lower Library
History 2662hf meets
with History 2630hf
Wednesdays 4-6pm
Robinson Hall Lower Library
Language sectioning
To choose a section for a lettered
or numbered language course
(under 60) in Italian, students
should fill out an on-line
sectioning form on the respective
course website.
The course websites can be
accessed via the Registrar’s
website at
Jewish Studies 210
Feb. 2, 2006
10 am
Semitic Museum 304
Math 1b
Feb. 1, 2006
8:30 am
Science Center A
Math 21a
Feb. 1, 2006
8:30 am
Science Center C
Math 21b
Feb. 1, 2006
8:30 am
Science Center D
MCB 100
Feb. 1, 2006
3-5 pm
3 pm
New Research Bldg. 457
Sever 113
4-6 pm
Littauer 382
BioLabs 1068
MCB 140
Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-4
Jefferson 356
MCB 192
Feb. 2, 2006
11:30 am-1 pm
Maxwell Dworkin G125
Neurobiology 209
Feb 1, 2006
7:30 pm
Goldenson Bldg. 122
Physics 123
Feb. 1, 2006
1:30 pm
Science Center 206
Physics 191r meets
with Physics 247r
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-5pm
Science Center 204
Physics 247r meets
with Physics 191r
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-5pm
Science Center 204
MCB 140
Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-4
Jefferson 356
Language sectioning
To choose a section for a lettered
or numbered language course
(under 60) in Portuguese,
students should fill out an on-line
sectioning form on the respective
course website.
The course websites can be
accessed via the Registrar’s
website at
Psychology 985, 990,
and 992
Meet alternate weeks,
Wednesday 2-4pm
Psychology 995
Feb. 2, 2006
1 pm
Sociology 96
Feb. 2, 2006
3-5 pm
William James Hall 455
Sociology 97
Feb. 3, 2006
10 am
William James Hall 105
Language sectioning
To choose a section for a lettered
or numbered language course
(under 60) in Spanish, students
should fill out an on-line
sectioning form on the respective
course website.
The course websites can be
accessed via the Registrar’s
website at
Visual &
Studies 53a, 53c, and
56r film showings
Fridays 1-3pm
Sever Hall 416
Visual &
Studies 156r
Feb. 3, 2006
William James Hall 1
2 pm
Sever Hall 111
Sever Hall 405