1 N335: Health Promotion with Children, Families, and Communities Course Schedule & Activity Grid ~ Fall 2011 Date Tues September 6 On-campus Topic Introduction & Overview Readings Syllabus, Activity Grid, & Blogging Requirements Learning Activities CETL/BITS Training for blogs. Blog groups pre-assigned- check D2L for your group. Try to have at least one person from your group bring a laptop to the first class. Thurs September 8 On-campus Community/Aggregate as Client Population-focused Practice History of PHN Nies & McEwen: Chaps 1 -4 D2L Online Discussion: Description of your childhood community. Complete this online assignment prior to class. Tues September 13 On-campus Nursing Process in the N & M: Chaps 6-7 Community Public Health Intervention Wheel Article: Public Health Intervention Wheel (posted in D2L) PPT: posted in D2L Nursing Process (cont) Same as above Thurs September 15 On-line Blog: Teaching-learning project w/PHN Intervention Wheel. Using the T-L project completed last semester in N240, every student will respond to the following items: 1.Identify how one intervention from the PH Wheel could be applied to the T-L project; 2. Discuss what would be required to implement this PH intervention; 3. Use one article from public health nursing to support your identified intervention and provide the citation using APA format. Small group work: Time for groups to 2 work on Windshield survey project Tues September 20 On-campus Epidemiology Communicable Diseases Thurs September 22 On-campus Epidemiology (cont) Communicable Diseases N & M: Chap 5 and 25 (pgs 489497) PPT: posted in D2L N & M: Chap 4 and 25 (pgs 489497) Tues September 27 On-campus U.S. Health Economics & Policy Policy, Politics & Legislation N & M: Chaps 10-12 PPT: posted in D2L Thurs September 29 On-line U.S & Global Health Policy Comparisons Articles: TR Reid S Bezruchka (posted in D2L) DVD: Rx for Survival (in-class) Blog: After reading the articles blog leaders will respond to the following: 1.) Discuss two myths that you believed prior to reading Reid’s article & what informed your thinking; 2.) Discuss two policies in other countries that improve access to care, reduce costs, or in general, improve the health care system for the population; 3.) Could these two policies be enacted in the US? If yes, how? If no, what are the barriers? How could PHNs assist to overcome these barriers? 4.) According to the article by Bezruchka, how could the US improve its social safety net during economic recessions? Small group work: Time for groups to work on Windshield survey project Tues October 4 On-campus Environmental Health: Guest Speakers N & M: Chap 14 PPT: posted in D2L Due: Windshield Survey Group Paper 3 Thurs October 6 On-line Environmental Hazard N & M: Chap 14 Blog: Blog leaders will respond to the following: Describe 1 environmental hazard identified through the group windshield survey. Answer the following questions: 1.) Who is most at risk from this hazard? 2.) What specific health consequences exist related to this hazard? 3.) What can PHNs do to reduce this type of environmental hazard? Upload 1 photo of the environmental hazard to support your discussion. Location of the photo should not be identifiable while blogging discussion should not contain any identifiable information. Tues October 11 On-campus Thurs October 13 Online Exam 1 American Red Cross: Guest Speakers PPT: posted in D2L Family Theory N & M: Chap 20 Blog: Blog leaders will respond to the following: Connect family content to personal family: 1. Complete either an ecomap or genogram for your family of origin or your current family (if married w/children) and blog about what you learned 2. Choose one family theory & apply it to your own family 4 3. Do not use family names or any identifiable information in postings. Tues October 18 On-campus Thurs October 20 Online Family Theory: Guest Speaker N & M: Chap 20 Vulnerable families: Poverty Article: L. Gottleib, MD (posted n D2L) and Article: D. Bornstein (link below) http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.co m/2011/07/28/treating-the-causenot-the-illness/ Tues October 25 On-campus Child & Adolescent Health Overview Communication Screening Children and Adolescents: Disasters Hazards Hockenberry & Wilson (9th Edition) Pages 117-138 Nies and McEwen Chapter 16 Thurs October 27 Online 1) Baldwin,S. Robinson, A., Barlow P. and Fargason, C.A. (2006) Moving hospitalized children all over the Southeast: Interstate transfer of pediatric patients during Hurricane Katrina. Pediatrics, 117: S416 –S4120. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2006-0099O Blog: Blog leaders will respond to the following: After reading the articles, blog about your initial response to the family’s situation & the physician’s efforts to “treat” her young patient, as well as efforts outlined in the NY Times piece to address poverty. In addition, answer the following questions: 1.) Identify 2 specific ways poverty affects individual/family health 2.) Identify 2 specific ways poverty affects a community’s health 3.) Identify 2 specific interventions from the PH Wheel that PHNs can employ to address poverty Blog: Blog leaders will respond to the following: Read the article by Baldwin, Robinson, Barlow & Fargason. Blog: Answer the following questions in the blog: 1) What was one thing that struck you from the article? 2) What were the authors comments 5 2) Trials and Tribulations of Protecting Children from Environmental Hazards Bruce P. Lanphear, Jerome Paulson and Sandra Beirne Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 114, No. 10 (Oct., 2006), pp. 1609-1612 Published by: Brogan & Partners Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3838189 regarding pediatric resources on S419? 3) What are the implications for nurses related to pediatric resources during a disaster? Application 4) Identify what nurses can do to improve disaster preparedness for hospitalized children in relation to the public health wheel. Small Group Work: Disaster Paper Interview community contact this week if not done previously Tues November 1 On-campus Thurs November 3 Online Children and unintentional injuries Health Deviations in Childhood: Fears, Coping, and Play Health Deviations in Childhood: Fears, Coping, and Play Injury Statistics: http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/duip/duip.htm http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars/Leading Causes.html Injuries: Hockenberry & Wilson (9th Edition) pages 509-520 Stress and Fear: p 480, p 569, p600, p 664, p 854, p 855 Stress and Fear: p 480, p 569, p600, p 664, p 854, p 855 Blog: Model Representing Childhood Fears Related to Age based on the Hockenberry & Wilson text reading for this week. Blog leaders will respond to the following: 1) Upload to blog 2) Describe age group model represents 3) Describe fear 4) Describe what model represents 5) Do not base on individual experience 6) Do not use any personally identifiable information 6 Small Group Work: Meet with group on disaster paper Small Group Work: Meet with group on disaster paper Tues November 8 On-campus Thurs November 10 On-campus Tues November 15 On-campus Thurs November 17 On-campus Physical & Developmental Assessment Physical & Developmental Assessment continues Caring for a Child with an Acute Illness Communicable Diseases Vaccine Preventable Diseases Types of Immunity Hockenberry & Wilson (9th Edition) pages 138-178 Hockenberry & Wilson (9th Edition) Pages 8 – 9 (illness), 138-178 (assessment), and 1014-1017 (illness). Hockenberry & Wilson (9th Edition) Pages 495-509. Due: Disaster group paper Exam 2 CHN Panel: Roles & Responsibilities (Pam & Melyssa) Tues November 22 Online Children in the Community Setting Health Promotion Choose one of the following issues and read about the issue: 1. Obesity http://www.healthiergeneration.or g/teens.aspx?id=3411 2. Bullying http://www.getreadyforflu.org/natio nshealthyyou/pdfs/HealthyYouBully ing.pdf 3. Infections http://www.getreadyforflu.org/natio nshealthyyou/pdfs/HealthyYouTatto osPiercings.pdf 4.Oral health http://www.getreadyforflu.org/natio Blog: Choose one health issue. Blog leaders will respond to the following: Describe a health promotion activity to address this issue 1. Describe the scope of the issue – such as how many children are affected by the issue (Incidence or Prevalence) 2. Describe why you chose this issue (such as number of people impacted, costs associated with condition, severity of issue, improved quality of life) 3. Describe two effective methods to promote health and the age range this method is effective for 4. Provide one link to an additional 7 nshealthyyou/pdfs/HealthyYouOral quality resource you found online Health.pdf related to this issue 5. Eating disorder http://www.nami.org/Template.cfm? Section=By_Illness&template=/Con tentManagement/ContentDisplay.cf m&ContentID=102975 6. Noise Induced Hearing Loss http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/teenwor kers/hazards_noise_hearingloss.htm l 7. Concussion http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubme dhealth/PMH0001802/ Thurs November 24 NO CLASS: Thanksgiving Day Tues November 29 On-campus Pediatric Health Issues in the Community: Home & School Nies and McEwen Chapter 29 Thurs December 1 On-campus Hydration and Dehydration Pain Assessment & Management Hockenberry & Wilson (9th Edition) pages 1052-1053 Pages 1089-1100 "My child can't keep anything down!" Interviewing parents who bring their preschoolers to the emergency department for diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. Graham JM; Fitzpatrick EA; Black KJ Pediatric Emergency Care. 26(4):251-6, 2010 Apr. Tues December 6 Respiratory Hockenberry & Wilson (9th Blog: Blog leaders will respond to the 8 Edition) pages 1181 – 1201 Online Thurs December 8 On-campus Tues December 13 Online Child with Allergies Child with Asthma Child with Allergies Child with Asthma Final Exam Monday December 19 5-7 pm following: Access the air quality at: http://www.airnow.gov/ Go to airnow.gov and find today’s air quality forecast Click on Wisconsin Blog about the air conditions found the day you looked at Wisconsin Discuss the following on the blog: 1) What are the categories of alerts and what do the categories mean? 2) How would a parent/caregiver/daycare with a child with respiratory issues or child with respiratory issues use this site? Hockenberry & Wilson (9th Edition) pages 1263-1280 Blog: 1) This is the end of the course. The blog this week is a Reflection Blog. Every student will take 15 minutes to reflect on what you have learned and respond to the following. 2) Describe what you have learned in this course regarding the role of the nurse in collaboration with children, families, health care professionals, and community agencies. 3) You may choose one health issue to reflect upon or look at the issues broadly. 9