Daily Agendas – Period 4 English III ST 9/1 – Syllabus distributed, explained. Substitute 9/7 - Period 4 - Eng III St. (Rm. 120): Students have only received the syllabus. They will be starting "The Crucible" when I return. Each student should have a netbook at their disposal, if not, have them pair up to complete the following. 1.) Write on the board "Have you ever been accused of a crime you did not commit (clarify that "crime" does not have to mean breaking the law, it could be any broken rule). Have the students write freehand for 10 minutes to brainstorm and explain their circumstances. If they cannot think of a specific example for themselves, they can write about a situation a friend has been in. (15 min) 2.) Go around the room and have each student share their responses; allow for discussion. Try to focus the discussion around how people react when they are innocent but people think they are guilty. Do people respond with anger? rebellion? compliance? Are there any patterns that arise in the room? (20 min) 3.) Write these phrases on the board: witch hunt, trial, crucible, punishment, integrity, falsehood, ethical. Have students grab a marker and take turns writing under each word their best guesses at what each word means. Each student has to guess, it does not matter if they get it right, the point is to become comfortable participating. After each student writes at least one guess for each word, define them for the students and have them write the definition down in their notebook. If they do not have a notebook, have them create a document (use open office) on their netbooks. (15 min) 4. Students will know conduct a scavenger hunt on two items: McCarthyism and The Salem Witch Trials. They should find as much information as possible on both subjects (time period, major players, definition, background, other people's thoughts on the subject, etc.) They need to scavenge for about 25-30 minutes and then summarize what they found in an open office document. They will use this document to show me what they learned on Wed. Remember, they can work in pairs (not groups). 9/8 – Agree/disagree continuum activity, faculty website, crucible packet. 9/10 - share findings on scavenger hunt, open note quiz web-hunt, slide show for ergot – take notes, begin reading. Terms: McCarthyism, Gallows Hill, 1 instance of being pressed to death 9/13 – Open House! 9/14 – entry ticket (terms from last class), get books, begin reading (pg.916), go over study guide, skittles activity, writing activity 9/15 – Skill Wednesday! SAT Vocab, grammar (run-on sentences), SAT prep (sentence completion) Ms. Farley 9/17 – Review of skills, writing activity continued (run-on sentences), review of the Crucible, keep reading (audio tape?), pass back papers 9/21 – Work with run-on sentences, review vocabulary, sentence completion, listen to play, focus question: What is revealed about Abigail's character, What does Abigail think about the community that she lives in and how do we know this? Reminder: Quiz tomorrow! 9/22 – Skill Quiz! Grammar review (fragments), SAT prep (critical reading), vocab to be covered tomorrow. Reminders: Crucible vocab needs to be complete for tomorrow, Act I questions need to be answered (up to number 9) for tomorrow, bring critical reading to class! 9/23 – Skill vocab, critical reading discussed, check hw (Crucible vocab), pass back papers, grade check in, continue to read! 9/28 - New vocab, guidance presentation on colleges, handouts on significant parts of crucible reminder: skill quiz tomorrow! 9/29 – Skill Wednesday..., student folders Ms. Farley 9/30 1. Remind students that they have three tasks to complete before beginning the movie (Finish Act I, complete concept circle worksheet, complete Act I questions) 2. New vocab introduced for next skill wed. 3. Check with the class who intends on getting a permission slip for the Supreme Court hearing on the 11th. 4. Finish Act I (audio would be best). Please note to point out the quickness with which Abby accuses Tituba. Also, make sure students understand the decision Tituba was 5. 6. 7. 8. forced to make at the end of the Act. Have students complete concept circles as an end to Act I, collect. Have students make a prediction about the Proctor's marriage based on what they already know (this can be a class discussion). Review Act I questions as part of class or assign as homework, in group work. Begin film, please make a note of where the class left off.