National Research Council Canada Conseil national de recherches Canada SOLICITATION AMENDMENT # 1 TENDER NUMBER: 14-22006 / NRC Req 698766 ISSUED: May 21 2014 TITLE: SITE VISIT MINUTES - Janitorial Services DATE OF SITE VISIT: SITE LOCATION: Tuesday, May 13 2014 NRC, Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO) 717 White Lake Road, Penticton , BC 1.0 GENERAL All content in this amendment forms part of the tender solicitation # 14-22006 and is incorporated in any resultant contract. 2.0 MINUTES OF SITE VISIT MEETING The following are the notes and information presented at the Site Visit at National Research Council of Canada, 717White Lake Road, Penticton BC 2.1 Attendees Kory Phillips, Site Infrastructure Manager, Ian McCrea, Material Management Services, NRC Brenda Parrish, Administrative Services, NRC Raj Gill, Dutch Janitorial Services Ranjit Takhar and Gurmit Takhar, Evergreen Building Maintenance Gary Mann, Select Janitorial Frank Hoefler, Orion Evonne Adam, Bee Clean Building Maintenance Lexmber Sangha, L & J Diamond Maintenance 2.2 General NRC reiterated the following points as noted in the tender document and bidders were provided a tour of the buildings at the site. 2.3 Enquiries Should bidders have questions regarding any aspect of the RFP , they must submit these to the attention of / at least 10 working days (May 26 2014) before tender closing. 2.4 Bid Submissions Must be received by closing date and time as called for in the tender and sent in a sealed envelope to the attention of Kory Phillips, National Research Council of Canada, 717 White Lake Road, Penticton BC, V2A 6J9 ( bids sent via fax or email will not be accepted) Bid Submission to include 2 copies each of the following: - Front page includes company name, signature and date. - Appendix D – Pricing table detailing costs per building and; list of Contractor supplied cleaning products *** - MSDS sheet(s) of all proposed cleaning products - Appendix H – Insurance - Appendix G – Work Safe clearance letter *** a minimum of 80% of the total products supplied by the contractor must be environmentally preferred as per the requirements of Appendix “A” 2.5 Period of Contract As stated in the tender document – first year commencing (estimated start date of July 02 2013), with option for four (4) additional one (1) year option periods, subject to satisfactory performance. 2.6 Security Prior to the performance of the work, all contractor’s personnel that will be involved with the project must be cleared to status of RELIABILTY and as per the tender document. 2.7 Site use Cell phone use is prohibited on the NRC site as it interferes with NRC astronomical radio telescopes. Smoking is prohibited on the NRC site. 3.0 CLARIFICATIONS Note: The following clarifications address the questions raised at the Site Visit and the responses below may include additional information/clarifications. 3.1 Re: Appendix E Sections 2.1 to 2.4: Question: The tender notes that a performance bond; a labour and material bond; a security deposit is required. Please clarify: i) which bonds/security deposits are applicable to this tender? ii) Are they to be included in the bid submission? NRC’s Response: i) All the ones mentioned in the tender are applicable ii) not at time of bid submission. But within14 days of being notified the bidder’s offer was accepted. 3.2 Re: Appendix G, RFP Declaration Form Question: It is unclear what the criteria is for the Employment Equity section of the RFP Declaration form and if the Copy of the signed Certificate is applicable to our size of company ? NRC’s Response: Employee Equity Program requirements and Certificate is required upon: -The contractor’s organization having a combined workforce of 100 or more permanent full time, permanent part-time and temporary employees having worked 12 weeks or more in Canada, AND - Is intending to bid on, or being in receipt of, a federal government goods or services contract, standing offer or contract issued under a Supply Arrangement, valued at $1,000,000 or more (including applicable taxes). - For additional information on the requirements of Employment Equity for Federal Government Contractors, is found on the Gov’t of Canada website 3.3 Re: Specifications Question: is waxing of floors required in the labs? NRC’s Response: No – please refer to the ADDENDUM attached to these MINUTES 3.5 Question: What cleaning goods does NRC supply? NRC’s Response: NRC supplies a central vacuum for the main building, all paper products, hand-soap, dish soap and garbage bags. 3.6 Question: As EMI interference negatively impacts NRC’s research activities, what are the issues for Contractor supplied equipment (i.e.polishers, vacuums etc)? NRC’s Response: Any electrically powered cleaning equipment supplied by the janitorial company must be screened for RF ( Radio Frequency) emissions and that it is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure RF compliance of their equipment. The appropriate RF requirements shall be provided to the successful bidder by the NRC Site Infrastructure Manager. 3.7 Question: Who is responsible for changing light bulbs? NRC’s Response: NRC is responsible for the supply and installation of light bulbs. 3.8 Question: What the square footage of the various buildings? NRC’s Response: NRC will provide overall dimensions of all buildings that require janitorial services. The bidder will take into consideration that the dimensions of the individual rooms are not provided and the bidder will have to formulate their calculations accordingly. Refer to the ADDENDUM and attached drawings and sketches, which accompany the MINUTES. 3.9 Question: Is washing the bedding at the residence building (a.k.a building PB-16 - white lake inn) part of the contract? NRC’s Response: Yes, it is part of the contract to wash the bedding and supply the laundry soap for that building. There is on-site laundry equipment in the basement of the building. The contractor is also responsible for placing laundered beddings (i.e. “make–up”) the bed. 3.10 Question: How is additional intermittent clean-up work (i.e. flooding) processed in the contract? NRC’s Response: Work outside the scope of this contract is on an as requested basis and shall be invoiced as per the hourly rates quoted in the pricing matrix “Appendix D” – GENERAL CLEANING. 3.11 Question: In the Visitor Centre is the display case classified as an internal window ? NRC’s Response: Yes, the work is classified as an internal window and cleaned as per the schedule in Appendix C. 3.12 Question: Are the floors in the Seminar area to be waxed? NRC’s Response: No. 3.13 Question: Is the use of the contractor’s vehicles permitted to access to the remote buildings on the NRC Site? NRC’s Response: Yes, the contractor is permitted to use their own vehicles to access the remote buildings, (but are not permitted to use any of the NRC vehicles). 4.0 ADDENDUM Note: the following includes revisions to the specifications to the tender document that was issued and shall form any resultant contract. 4.1 RE: First Aid room 1959 Wing (lower) drawing NRC notes there is a mistake in the tender document for the 1st aid room as there is no locker or bathroom in this room. 4.2 Appendix “A”, header - Access to Building (19th page of RFQ) Include: Breaches of security due to the Contractor, may result in termination of the Contract. 4.3 Appendix “A”, Equipment (20th page of RFQ) Include: All equipment must be RFI compliant and can be inspected by NRC upon successful award of contract, as well as any time a new or repaired piece of equipment is introduced to the site. 4.4 Appendix “A”, Section 2 Specific Building/Area: (21st page to 30th page of RFQ) Include: The following building name to number cross reference and estimated ** square feet areas: Bldg name Bldg number Estimated square feet Pump House Block House Office Trailer Solar Hut Anechoic Chamber Wing Vacuum infusion Lab wing Seminar Wing Visitor’s Centre 1959 Wing (part of PB-01) PB-21 PB-18 PB-23 PB-14 PB-07 PB-06 PB-04 PB-12 PB-01 315 1469 91 180 1575 1710 1359 636 5616 PB-01 24675 PB-16 PB-08* PB-10 1985 1276 525 upper = 2808 lower = 2808 Covington Bldg 2001 wing upper =10,800 sf lower = 13,875 White lake inn ( residence) Machine Shop * Carpenter Shop Total estimated s.f. 41,422 *Note: Welding room (106) and the Hi-voltage vault room (105) is located in the machine shop building. ** Note: Square footage in the above table is estimated and for reference only. 4.5 Appendix “A”, Section 2 Specific Building/Area: The following foot notes which may appear under certain cleaning tasks in the RFQ are subject to the Specifications for Laboratory Cleaning, as per the clarification below within this Addendum (see below for 4.9) 1 , 2 or 3 4, 5 or 6 “Caution excessive water will damage shielded rooms, See Specifications.” (found on 21st, 23rd, 26th pages of the RFQ) “Shielded rooms in Covington Building* are equipped with static dissipate flooring, wax will permanently damage floor. See specifications.” (found on the 27th, 28th, 31st pages of the RFQ) *CORRECTION bidders are to delete the words Covington Building in the preceding note. 4.6 Appendix “A”, Section 3 Operations & Frequencies (32st page of RFQ) Continuing under the heading: Floors – Resilient & Concrete, Annually Weekly & monthly operations and: Strip (if required) scrub seal and wax once annually Include: Contractor to coordinate date for this task with the NRC Site Infrastructure Manager. 4.7 Appendix “A”, Section 3 Operations & Frequencies (35th page of RFQ) Continuing under the heading: Emergency equipment, Semi annually 4.8 Change to: only dust fire extinguishers Clean both sides of cabinet door glass Dust wall hung equipment Appendix “A”, Section 3 Operations & Frequencies (37th page of RFQ) Continuing under the heading: Light Fixtures (Washing), Annually 4.9 Note: Do not wax dissipative flooring. Wash interior of building light fixtures Include: Contractor to coordinate date for this task with the NRC Site Infrastructure Manager. Damp wipe fixture and lenses. Luminaries and all components shall be free of dust , finger marks, steaks etc. Appendix “A”, Section 3 Operations & Frequencies (47th page of RFQ) Continuing under the heading: Laboratory cleaning Some of these areas may contain special equipment , which may be effected by cleaning operations with Subsequent disturbances to ongoing research experiments. Staff must be instructed to take great care not to Inadvertently bump or move equipment or devices. Much of the equipment and circuits are sensitiveto static discharge, staff must exercise care not to touch exposed equipment or devices. Access to Room 143 is restricted to personnel with DRAO provided training. Any Contractor staff found to contravene this policy will be permanently barred from the site and the contractor must replace this position immediately with an approved replacement. Shielded rooms floors are extremely vulnerable to moisture damage – use a mop, well wrung out Include: Wax on Static dissipate flooring will permanently destroy functionality- use a mop, well wrung out in warm clear water and care must be taken that the container / wash bucket that is used has never contained a wax product . 5.0 ATTACHMENTS o Supplementary Sketches / Floor Plans