section 9: fee payment

Professional Master of Education (Primary) *
Note: This programme is currently undergoing Teaching Council accreditation and details of the programme may be
adapted as part of this process.
The PME (Primary) replaces the Higher Diploma in Arts in Primary Education (HDAPE) as the recognised postgraduate
qualification for primary teaching.
*Currently validated as Master of Arts in Primary Education it is anticipated the award title will change when process is finalised
Please complete this application form with reference to the accompanying Information Sheet
Surname (as you wish it to appear on any awards):
First Name (as you wish it to appear on any awards):
Address for correspondence (see Note 5):
Tel. No (Day) (see Note 1):
Tel. No (Evening):
E-mail address (see Note 3):
Date of birth:
Country of Birth:
Type of qualification (Leaving Certificate; A-Level) :
(See Note 4a)
Name of Secondary School:
Dates of attendance:
Examination Results:
Ordinary / Honours:
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form
(Please note we do not accept photocopied transcripts – transcripts of results must be a certified copy – see Note 4a)
(See Note 4b)
Title of qualification:
Title of qualification:
Awarding body:
Awarding body:
Institution attended:
Institution attended:
Dates of attendance:
Dates of attendance:
Overall grade:
Overall grade:
Examination Results:
(Subject; Grade)
Examination Results:
(Subject; Grade)
(Please note we do not accept uncertified, photocopied transcripts – transcripts of results must be a certified copy.
We would strongly advise that you do not send original documentation; you will need to retain these for your own
future use. If you choose to send originals we will not be able to return them – see Note 4a)
(Please also note that going forward, if the institution that you studied at offer online verification mechanisms to
authenticate documents we will accept this as a method of verifying your transcripts. Please ensure that you enclose
the unique identifying codes and usernames to enable us to do so, you will also need to enclose a print copy of the
results, for your file)
Please attach an additional sheet if necessary (please note if the position was voluntary/observation)
Date Held (from/to):
Class Taught:
Principal & School:
Telephone Number:
Date Held (from/to):
Class Taught:
Principal & School:
Telephone Number:
Please note that Hibernia College reserves the right to contact schools to confirm details of teaching experience.
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form
Non-teaching experience in a Primary setting e.g. secondary, coaching, mentoring, voluntary, teaching experience other than Primary
Date Held (from/to):
Class Taught:
Principal & School:
Telephone Number:
Please note that Hibernia College reserves the right to contact schools to confirm details of School experience.
Please attach an additional sheet if necessary
Please give details of employment background (if any):
Provision of the information in this section is requested only to enable Hibernia College to
accommodate your needs and will not prejudice your application.
Please state any disability, condition of health or specific learning need which could have a bearing on your studies and
which requires the provision of appropriate facilities / support:
Please give details of any assistance / support / facilities that you may require to enable you to participate in your
course of study. If none, please state “none”:
Please note, in order for the College to reasonably accommodate individual needs you will be required to provide a
report from a consultant or Educational Psychologist as appropriate
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form
Please include a written statement outlining why you consider yourself suitable to enrol on this programme. Please
attach this statement as an additional sheet. This statement must be typed and not exceed 500 words.
Fees for the programme are payable as follows:
Acceptance of a place: €1,000 secures a place. This is a deposit which is in all cases non-refundable.
Prior to commencement: €8,400 (non-refundable after the registration period)
Prior to year 2 start: €3,000 (non-refundable)
Total fee: €12,400 * (including Gaeltacht course tuition and QQI examination fee).
It is expected that additional fees for the following will be payable during the programme:
Gaeltacht Accommodation and Facilities (2 courses, each 2 weeks in duration)
Certificate in Religious Education (optional qualification)
Tuition fees may be eligible for tax relief at the marginal rate.
A non-refundable application fee of €95* must be included with your application form.
**Please note you should be prepared to come for interview from approximately one-two weeks after receipt of
A non-refundable deposit of €1000 must be paid to the College on successful admission in order to secure your place.
All deposits paid are non-refundable.
Cheques, drafts and money orders are payable to 'Hibernia College'.
You may also pay by debit/credit card by completing the form below.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I hereby authorise Hibernia College to charge €95 to my VISA / MasterCard / Laser / Debit Card as payment of the
application fee for this course.
Laser/Debit Card
Exp Date
Security Code**
**Your security code is the last 3 digits on the white strip on the back of your credit card
Name of Applicant:
Name on Card:
Contact number of card holder:
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form
Please attach one academic written reference with this application form* (eg lecturer). Please ensure this reference
clearly includes the contact details for the referee and is signed by the referee.
*applicants who cannot obtain an academic reference are permitted to provide a professional written reference. A
reference written by a relative, friend or colleague will not be considered.
Prior to returning your application form, please ensure you:
Have fully completed all sections of the application form
Have included transcript of results for Leaving Certificate (must be original or certified copy; uncertified,
photocopied transcripts are not accepted – see note 4a. Please note we cannot return original transcripts)
Have included a transcript of results (certified copy – uncertified, photocopied transcripts are not accepted – see
note 4a. Please note we do not return any documentation. A transcript of results from your University will
suffice) confirming that you hold a primary degree (National Framework of Qualifications Level 8). This
must confirm the level of award that you received (e.g. First Class Honours, Second Class Honours Grade 1,
Have included a transcript of results (a certified copy) for any listed postgraduate qualifications
Have included a typed personal statement
Have included a written reference
Have included payment of the application fee (€95)
We would appreciate it if you could let us know where you first heard about Hibernia College’s HDAPE programme:
Irish Independent
Irish Times
Metro Herald
Sunday Business Post
Internet Search
Google Adwords
Sunday Independent
Hibernia College web site
Hibernia College Graduate/Student
Radio, please could you specify the
radio station?
Other, please specify:
Did you attend a webinar with Hibernia College? YES / NO
Did you attend a Hibernia College Open Day/Evening event? YES/NO
I formally apply to Hibernia College for a position on the course as stated above. All the above information I have
given is correct, to the best of my knowledge.
Please return 1 original plus 4 copies of your completed application form to:
The Admissions Office
PME (Primary Education) Applications
Hibernia College,
9-10 Fenian Street,
Dublin 2,
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form
Professional Masters in Education (Primary Education)
Note 1: Applicants selected for interview will be contacted by email and/or phone during working hours. Please
provide a daytime/mobile number for this purpose. Applicants will be required to confirm their availability to attend
for an interview within a number of days of being notified and as such, it is important that you check your email and
voice mail at regular intervals during the admissions process. If you do not hear from the College within 2 weeks of
on Please note that the College will keep an application for 6 months, if the
applicant has not responded to the College’s correspondence or accepted an interview in that time-spam and
application will be automatically withdrawn and the applicant will need to reapply.
Applicants must complete a short written test as part of the interview process.
Applicants must bring a valid photographic identification with them to the interview, this should be current a
passport or driving licence, if you fail to present identification, the interview panel cannot proceed with the interview.
Note 2: Offered places will be retained for the applicant upon receipt of the required deposit, if received by the date
specified in the offer letter. Outcomes of the admissions process will be made known to applicants within one month
of the final stage of admissions being completed.
Note 3: Please note that emails sent from a email address are often automatically treated as
spam and will appear in your "bulk folder". To rectify this open one of these emails from your bulk folder and click on
the option called "not spam" and tick the box to send these messages to your inbox. This is important to ensure you
do not miss out on any important college emails through the admissions process. Hibernia College recommends gmail
and eircom email accounts.
Note 4a: You must submit certified copies of transcripts with your application form confirming that you received the
required grades in your Leaving Certificate. The College regrets that it cannot return any original documentation.
To order an original transcript of your Leaving Certificate results online please visit the Examinations Section of the
Department of Education & Science website –
Note 4b: Required documentation
You must submit an a certified copy of a transcript (see note 4a) confirming that you have obtained a primary degree
(National Framework of Qualifications Level 8). This must confirm the level of award that you received (e.g. First
Class Honours, Second Class Honours Grade 1, etc.)
Please include:
5 copies of your completed application form complete with 5 copies each of your Leaving Certificate
(or equivalent) and your full degree transcripts.
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form
Payment details for your application fee.
If you have postgraduate qualifications, please also include evidence of these.
If your qualification(s) are in other names such as maiden name, please include a copy of the
evidence of the name change, such as marriage certificate or deed poll.
Please note that the Hibernia College does not return any documentation. We only accept certified copies
(recommended) or originals of official documents (transcripts). We suggest you obtain certified copies, meaning you
retain your original.
We only accept versions of Leaving Certificate issued by the State Examinations Commission. A version from a school
or a copy certified by a school will not suffice.
A certified copy is a photocopy of an original legal document which is certified as being a true copy by a member of
An Garda Síochána or a solicitor. To obtain a certified copy, you should take your original document, make a
photocopy of it, bring your original plus your photocopy to a Garda station or solicitor for them to stamp and sign that
they are satisfied both versions are identical. You may then submit to Hibernia the certified copy and keep your
We require five copies of all your documentation – your application form and transcripts. A certified copy or the
original need only be one version of these. The remaining 4 copies may be photocopied versions of the certified copy.
Applications are only accepted in hard copy. Do not fax or email an application.
Please ensure your application fee payment details are only included on one version of your application form.
Note 5: Tutor Group Allocation - please be advised that students are allocated to their tutor group based on
geographical location. It is vital that you supply the College at application stage of the address you intend to reside at
whilst on the 2 year programme so you are allocated to the correct regional group. We have a number of regional
centres based around the country and students are allocated to the closest centre based on the address they supply
to the college. For this reason it is imperative that you supply your current residential address (not a home, nonresidential address) so we can allocate you to the correct centre. Please be advised that if you are, for example, from
Cork & supply a Cork address you will be allocated to a Cork tutor group or in a neighbouring area / county. We may
be unable to permit changes to tutor groups once final allocations are made and the programme begins.
Professional Masters in Education (Primary Education) aims to provide primary degree (NFQ Level 8) holders with the
educational tools and applied knowledge to become informed and pedagogically proficient, qualified primary school
The entry requirements for this programme are outlined below. Applications from candidates who do not have the
minimum entry requirements stated below will NOT be processed and the application fee will be forfeited.
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form
Please ensure you meet the minimum application requirements. Your application will not be progressed unless you
hold the following:
a. Level 8 degree (NFQ)
b. At least a grade C in Higher Level Irish, and at least a grade D in Mathematics (Ordinary or Higher level), and
at least grade C (Ordinary level) or grade D (Higher level) in English at Leaving Certificate level.
Please attach one academic written reference with this application form* (eg lecturer). Please ensure this
reference clearly includes the contact details for the referee and is signed by the referee.
*applicants who cannot obtain an academic reference are permitted to provide a professional written
reference. A reference written by a relative will not be considered.
In the case of Irish the Diploma in Arts (Applied Irish) in University College Cork, the Dioplóma sa Gaeilge from NUI
Maynooth, the Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge in the National University of Ireland Galway, the Dioplóma sa Ghaeilge
Fheidhmeach in University College Dublin, the Diploma in Irish, University of Ulster, the Teastas Eorpach na Gaeilge
(TEG) Leibhéal B2 (Upper Intermediate level) or a Grade C or higher in the Matriculation exam will also be accepted
in lieu of the Leaving Certificate requirement.
Where students sat Northern Ireland GCSE and GCE A Level Examinations the following will be accepted as meeting
the minimum entry requirements: a grade C at GCE A Level Irish, a grade C at GCSE Level in both English and English
Literature, or a grade B at GCSE Level in either, a grade D at GCSE Level in Additional Mathematics or a grade A at
GCSE Level in Mathematics.
A pass in a first year primary degree (National Framework of Qualifications Level 8 or equivalent) examination in Irish,
English or Mathematics will be accepted in lieu of the Leaving Certificate/GCE/GCSE requirement for that particular
At the time of application, applicants must complete Section 8 of the application form outlining why they wish to enrol
on the programme.
Applicants who hold a professional qualification which they believe to have primary degree (HETAC Level 8)
equivalence should contact the Award Recognition Section of the National Qualification Authority of Ireland prior to
application to confirm that the qualification is acceptable. Written confirmation of this should be included with your
In order to gain entry to the programme candidates are required to possess a Level 8 award as per the National
Framework of Qualifications. Whilst Hibernia College will make every effort at the time of application to check the
level of the award and notify applicants if the College believes there may be a concern with their qualification, it is
each applicant’s responsibility to check the level of their award. Hibernia College will not be held responsible in the
unlikely event a graduate of the Higher Diploma is refused admission to the Register of Teachers.
Hibernia College offers programmes of study that require participants to work with children and / or other vulnerable
groups. For this reason successful applicants on this programme will be required to complete and sign a Garda Vetting
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form
Form. By completing and signing the Garda Vetting Form, the Applicant is granting permission to Hibernia College to
process details of any prosecutions/convictions for the purpose of assessing the candidate’s suitability for the course
for which (s)he has applied and the completion of work placements associated with the course. It is essential that
all information provided is accurate and full. Failure to disclose information may prevent admission to the
programme. Please note that there is approximately a 6 week turnaround from when the College receives the
completed form to when the Garda Vetting Unit confirm status with the College. All places are pending Garda Vetting
This programme will be delivered using a blended mix of online and face-to-face teaching. Online course lectures are
supported by online synchronous tutorials and on-site, face-to-face classes.
Operating Systems:
Windows 7, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista (Windows ME, Windows 95 and Apple Mac’s
not compatible)
Microsoft Internet Explorer V7 or 8
Firefox V1.5 and V2.0 or higher
Internet Access
Internet access ≥ 64Kb if you are using a dial up connection
Broadband internet
All Hibernia College web-enabled services run in standard browsers (Internet Explorer recommended) which are freely
available. In addition, a number of browser plug-ins will be required. For example, the Macromedia Flash and
Shockwave plug-ins and the Adobe Acrobat pdf file reader. All such plug-ins are also freely available on the Internet.
Students are expected to have access to the Microsoft Office suite of products for their own use in preparing
continuous assessments. Students are also required to be equipped with an email address and be fully conversant in
the use of web-based mail services or a desktop mail service such as Outlook Express.
Students will travel to on-site classes in a number of tutorial centres around the country. These take place every
second or third Saturday, note at blocks during the programme onsites will take place every Saturday. While most
on-site classes will be held in these regional tutorial centres, you will occasionally be required to travel a further
distance to a central venue to attend classes.
All practical components of the course are taught during face-to-face classes. Students will be required to attend 4
on-site Physical Education onsite days which may occur over School mid-term break and Easter break and two
courses in the Gaeltacht, two weeks in year one and two weeks in year 2.
Students will be required to complete three blocks of school experience broken down into two blocks of 7 weeks each
and one block of 10 weeks. School experience is a full time commitment and students are required to remain in
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form
school for the full day and complete the placement as outlined by the College, which includes a periods of
observation, engagement in wider school activities, reflection and evaluation.
The Professional Master of Education (PME) in Primary Education at Hibernia College consists of a sequence of
modules that reflect the contemporary issues faced by teachers today and the skills and knowledge required of them
in order to be expert primary school teachers who enable effective student learning. In particular, it recognises the
importance of ensuring that student teachers consider that teaching itself is understood and practised as a form of
self-critical learning by them; learning that is driven by inquiry, reflection and improvements based on evidence
(Teaching Council 2011). The content, learning and assessment processes of the programme aim to provide skills and
knowledge such that student teachers understand the role of the primary school teacher as a professional, reflective
and reflexive practitioner who leads pedagogical decisions for improving pupil learning informed by research-based
evidence (Teaching Council 2011).
The programme aims to;
Provide graduates with the knowledge and skills to be expert reflective and reflexive teachers in Irish primary
Equip graduates with a critical understanding of the foundation disciplines of education insofar as they inform
and influence educational policy and practice
Enable graduates to know and be able to teach every subject included in the primary school curriculum with
due regard for evidence-based research that informs their practice
Enable graduates to have knowledge of and be able to teach religious/ethical education in the primary school
Enable graduates to understand the integrated nature of early childhood education
Enable graduates to critically evaluate and apply the principles of school organisation and classroom
Enable graduates to use information and communications technology (ICT) in teaching and learning
Enable graduates to critically analyse and apply the principles of assessment of and for learning
Enable graduates to critically assess and apply the principles of appropriate communication with pupils,
parents/carers/guardians, fellow teachers and other professionals
10) Enable graduates to have the skills necessary to lead and work collaboratively on a team and understand the
principles of whole-school planning and development
11) Enable graduates to know and understand the implications of their ethical and legal obligations as teachers
12) Enable graduates to demonstrate their knowledge and skills of assessment, teaching and learning in the Irish
primary classroom with due regard to any ill-defined contexts in which they practice
13) Enable graduates to critically evaluate and apply principles of inclusion and diversity
14) Provide students with the linguistic knowledge to teach Irish and with the fluency to communicate effectively in
a range of professional contexts through Irish.
Module Structure
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form
Module 1 Teaching Foundations
Module 2 Nua-Ghaeilge
Module 3 Pedagogy 1: Ethical/ Religious, Social, Personal, Health and Early Childhood Education
Module 4 Pedagogy 2: Language, Literacy, Numeracy and ICT
Module 5 Pedagogy 3: Physical, Arts and Inclusive Education
Module 6 Pedagogy 4: Social, Scientific and Development Education
Module 7 School Experience: Research – and Evidence – Based Practice
Module 8 Advanced School Experience: The Teachers as a Professional; Using Evidence-Based Research to Inform
Hibernia College is committed to establishing and maintaining the highest possible quality and standards in relation to
the Examinations and Assessment process.
accordance with QQI’s Marks and Standards.
Hibernia College will conduct all examinations and assessments in
All examinations will be graded at Hibernia College and external
examiners are appointed by QQI to ensure that the appropriate standards are applied with regard to the various
award levels and that comparability of standards between Hibernia College and other institutions is achieved and
Hibernia College provides web-enabled academic programming giving students a fully interactive educational
experience. The online courseware provides content and media rich instruction, supplemented by study and learning
aids, simulations and practical exercises, which are engaging, academically challenging and presented in a context
designed to maximise student achievement of learning outcomes.
Hibernia College has chosen authors who are recognised leaders in their field. These highly qualified and experienced
academics and practitioners create Hibernia’s courses, ensuring the quality of the programming.
Student support services are divided into the areas of academic and pastoral support, assessment support and
technical support.
Hibernia College looks forward to continuing to graduate excellent primary school teachers in Ireland through this
purpose designed, high quality, fit for purpose programme.
Professional Master of Education (Primary Education) Application Form