APUSH Ch 33-34 Textbook/PPT Presentation Take Home Essay Quiz (2 Essay Questions Worth 15 Points Each for 30 Points Total) Directions: Choose three (3) of the terms from Ch 33 (#1-14) and three (3) from Ch 34 (#1825), and then evaluate to what extent they reflect (express) “American” values of the 1930s and early 1940s, including tolerance/intolerance; rebellion against the social, political, and economic systems of America; fear of fascism, socialism, communism, and/or anarchism around the world and especially in the USA; support (or lack of support) for FDR and the New Deal, appeasement and/or preparation for war, and/or support for either challenging or not challenging Axis aggression. Be sure to identify and label by chapter and numbers which of the three (3) essay terms per chapter that you choose. (Example: Ch 33 #3, #7, & #13.) Note: You can use this list or possibly add other terms from the PPT or the text if you’d like) You must hand-write the answers; you cannot type your answers. You must attach your handwritten answers on another piece of paper to this Information Check. See note below. YOU MUST HAND-WRITE YOUR ANSWERS; YOU CANNOT TYPE YOUR ANSWERS. Ch 33 The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1933-1939: 1. Scottsboro Boys, FDR’s initial “managed currency” program, Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping 2. Unemployment, Republican, Democrats, and 1932 Elections (presidential and congressional) 3. FDR, “Lion” and “Fox, (Machiavelli and FDR)” polio, political career, fireside chats, bank runs, “bank holiday,” and Eleanor 4. The New Deal – three phases – Relief, Recovery, and Reform, examples of New Deal legislation and bureaucracies 5. First Hundred Days, New Deal legislation and bureaucracies, Glass-Steagall Act (FDIC), “bank holiday,” fireside chat 6. CCC, WPA, Federal Theatre Project, TVA, Federal Writers’ Project, FERA, NRA, Schecter “sick chicken” case 7. 1st New Deal, 2nd New Deal, Rural Electrification Act, Social Security Act, PWA, AAA, Federal Securities Act, SEC, FHA 8. Explain why many Republicans described the New Deal as “creeping socialism” in detail giving examples from the PPT Presentation or textbook 9. Labor’s New Deal, NLRA/NLRB, Wagner Act, AFL, CIO, Sit Down Strikes, Memorial Day Massacre 10. Francis Perkins, Mary McLeod Bethune, Robert Wagner, George Norris, Harry Hopkins, Harold L. Ickes 11. FDR’s/New Deal’s Critics: Father Charles Coughlin, Huey Long, Francis Townsend, Herbert Hoover, general Republican criticisms 12. The Dust Bowl, migration to California (must use info from D & L Ch 12), “Okies,” “Arkies,” the Indian New Deal 13. 1936 election, “court packing,,” Hugo Black, FDR on civil rights, 1938 mid-term elections, Keynesian economics 14. The New Deal: Relief, Recovery, and Reform (Must discuss actions and legislation that fits these 3 Rs), New Deal Save Capitalism? Ch 34 Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War, 1933-1941: 15. London Economic Conference, Hawley-Smoot, Reciprocal Trade Agreement, FDR: USSR, Philippines, & “Good Neighbor Policy,” Joe Louis and Max Schmeling (look up) 16. Spanish Civil War, Axis Aggression up to 1939: including Manchuria, Ethiopia, Nanking, Czechoslovakia, Rhineland, Versailles, Munich Pact, Austria, “Quarantine” 17. Non-aggression Pact, Poland, USSR, GB and France, blitzkrieg, “sitzkrieg or phony war,” Maginot Line, US Neutrality Acts 18. Einstein, Appeasement, “Isolationism,” Norway, Denmark, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Dunkirk, Battle of Britain 19. Battle of the Atlantic, Vichy France, the St. Louis, Jewish refugees in Europe & to USA 20. US preparations for war in 1940, Election of 1940, Axis territories by the end of 1940, “Arsenal of Democracy,” US Neutrality Acts, “Cash and Carry,” Lend-Lease 21. Operation Barbarossa (Hitler’s invasion of Russia), French Indochina, Atlantic Charter, US ships sunk by Axis 22. US-Japanese relations from 1931 through December 8th, 1941, What FDR knew about Pearl Harbor prior to attack, Jeanette Rankin