Request for Proposals - Ministry of Education

[Instructions and guidence] [Content to be inserted by the Procurement Officer] [Responses to be inserted
by the Respondent]
In this template the Ministry of Education/School Board of Trustees is to be referred to as “the Buyer” and
potential suppliers that have submitted a response are referred to as “Respondents”.
Identify the name of the school/college in the Procurement title followed by (the School) or (the College).
The specified school/college may then be referred to as “the School” or “the College” throughout the RFP.
Content in the RFP must be consistent with the relevant approved Procurement Plan.
This template is to be used for:
single stage open tenders for (excluding construction works)
the second stage of a two stage open tender for goods and or services (closed RFP to Respondents
shortlisted from an open Registration of Interest).
Prior to publication:
1. delete all unused optional content
2. Ensure all [green] and [yellow] highlighting has been removed
3. update the Contents table:
a. right click on contents table
b. select “Update table”
select “Update entire table”
d. click “OK”
4. delete the Instructions page
5. make a separate Word document copies of Section 7 Response Form Part A and Section 7 Response
Form Part A. Copy and paste Section 7 Response Form Part A and Part B into seperate new Word
documents and save as Word documents with the file names: “Response Form Part A [Procurement
Title] RFP” and “Response Form Part A [Procurement Title] RFP”.
6. save the whole RFP document (including Section 7: Response Form Parts A and B) as a PDF
document with the file name: “[Procurement Title] RFP”
7. save the Proposed Contract as a PDF document with the file name “Proposed Contract for
[Procurement Title]”
[Insert School Logo
or delete]
[The Ministry of Education[Or]The Board of
Trustees for [Name of School]
(the Buyer)
Request for Proposals (RFP)
[Nature of Services/Goods] for [Nature of
the Project] at [Name of School] (the
[Procurement Title e.g. Design and Engineering services for the Construction of a Four
Classroom Block at Bugtown School]
[Reference number (if available)]
RFP released: [Date]
Deadline for Questions: [Time date]
Deadline for Proposals: [Time date]
This Opportunity .................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 1: Key information ................................................................................... 5
SECTION 2: Our Requirements ............................................................................... 9
SECTION 3: Our Evaluation Approach ................................................................... 12
SECTION 4: Pricing information ............................................................................ 14
SECTION 5: Our Proposed Contract ...................................................................... 15
SECTION 6: RFP Process, Terms and Conditions .................................................... 16
SECTION 7: Response Form Part A: Non-Price Criteria .......................................... 17
SECTION 7: Response Form Part B: Price, Due Diligence and Declaration ............. 20
This Opportunity
What we need
[The Ministry of Education (the Ministry)] [Or] [The Board of Trustees for [name of school]] (the Buyer) is
seeking [description of services (e.g. project management/design/quantity surveying)] for [description of
the project] at [name of school] (the School).
[Brief summary of the procurement including the background, a description of project, the outcome sought
and the form of contract to be used.]
Pre-conditions [Optional section: If used, copy from Our Requirements (Section 2)]
To be considered for this opportunity you must satisfy all of the following pre-conditions:
Respondents that are not able to satisfy all pre-conditions should conclude that they are unable to meet
our Requirements and will not benefit from submitting a Proposal.
What we don’t want
[Brief summary of what is out of scope of this procurement.]
What’s important to us
[Brief summary of how Proposals will be evaluated including:
attributes of a fit for purpose solution
Respondent capability (qualifications, experience and track record)
Respondent capacity (resources and availability)
how Price will be evaluated and best value-for-money over whole-of-life determined.]
Why should you bid? [Optional section]
[Summary of why potential suppliers should bid for this opportunity.]
General Background
Information about [name of School] can be found at:[Hyperlink to School website]
The Ministry of Education's Education Infrastructure Service (EIS) is responsible for New Zealand's state
school property portfolio comprising around 2,300 schools. The New Zealand School Property Strategy
(2011-2021) can be found at:
SECTION 1: Key information
a. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is an invitation to suitably qualified potential suppliers
to submit a Proposal for the supply of [master planning/project
management/design/quantity surveying] services.
b. Words and phrases that have a special meaning are shown by the use of capitals.
Definitions are at the end of Section 6 (RFP Process Terms and Conditions).
Our timeline
a. Here is our timeline for this RFP.
Steps in RFP process:
Deadline for Questions from potential suppliers
Deadline for the Buyer to respond to questions
[Optional]Deadline to register for a briefing session
[Optional]Deadline to register for a site visit
[Optional]Date of briefing session [one: [location]]
[Optional]Date of briefing session [two: [location]]
[Optional]Date of [site visits] (week starting)
Deadline for Proposals
[Optional]Respondent [presentations/interviews] (week starting) [Date]
Unsuccessful Respondents notified of outcome (week starting)
Respondent debriefs, week starting
Anticipated Contract start date
b. All dates and times are dates and times in New Zealand.
c. The timeline may be subject to change via notification.
How to contact us
a. The Point of Contact for this RFP is:
Name: [Procurement Officer name]
Role: Procurement Officer
b. All enquiries must be directed to the Point of Contact through the GETS
question/answer function. All communications in relation to this RFP will be managed
by the Point of Contact.
c. By subscribing in GETS to the Tender Notice for this RFP, you will automatically be
informed by email of all notifications for this RFP.
d. [Either(when briefing sessions will be held)]The Buyer will hold [number] briefing
session[s] for potential suppliers on [time/date(s)] at [location(s)]. The purpose of
[the] briefing session[s] is to clarify the Requirements as detailed within this RFP.
[The/Each] briefing session will be limited to [number] persons per potential supplier.
Any additional information made available at [the] briefing session[s] will be
communicated by GETS notification to those potential suppliers that have subscribed
to the tender notice for this RFP. Potential suppliers wishing to attend a briefing
session must register with the Point of Contact by the date detailed in Our timeline
(Section 1.2) through the GETS question/answer function with the following
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your organisation’s name
names(s) of those attending
contact phone number
briefing session registering for[If multiple briefing sessions to be held]
[Or (when no briefing sessions)]Potential supplier briefing sessions will not be held for
this RFP.
e. [Either (where site visits are allowed)]Potential suppliers will be given the opportunity
for a site visit. Site visits will be limited to [number] persons per potential supplier.
Potential suppliers wishing to attend a site visit must register with the Point of Contact
by the date detailed in Our Timeline (Section 1.2) through the GETS question/answer
function with the following information:
your organisation’s name
names(s) of those attending
contact phone number
All Respondents shall be deemed to have inspected the site(s) before submitting their
[Or (when no site visits)]Site visits are not available for this RFP and potential suppliers
must not to access the School for any purposes related to this RFP.
Developing and submitting your Proposal
a. This is [an open/a closed] competitive tender process. This RFP sets out the step-bystep process and conditions that apply.
b. Take time to read and understand this RFP. In particular:
i. develop a strong understanding of our Requirements (Section 2).
ii. in structuring your Proposal consider how it will be evaluated. Section 3 describes
our Evaluation Approach.
c. For helpful hints on tendering and access to a supplier resource centre go to: / for suppliers.
d. If anything is unclear or you have a question, ask us to explain before the Deadline for
e. In submitting your Proposal you must use the Response Form provided at Section 7. A
Microsoft Word document version of the Response Form is included with the Tender
f. You must also complete and sign the declaration at the end of the Response Form.
g. [Optional][Additional instructions e.g. limit on number of pages and font size, format
for soft copies etc.]
h. Proposals must be submitted through the GETS e-tender box function and are limited in
size to 100mb.
i. Check you have provided all information requested, and in the format and order asked
j. Having done the work don’t be late – please ensure you get your Proposal to us before
the Deadline for Proposals.
Address for submitting your Proposal
a. Proposals must be submitted electronically through the GETS e-tender box function. To
submit a Proposal through GETS:
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be registered as a supplier in GETS
subscribe to the Tender Notice for this RFP
in the Tender Notice, click “Tender a Response”
complete the on-line form, attach your Proposal and click “Commit”.
(Respondents will receive an automatically generated email
acknowledgement of its receipt from GETS.)
b. Proposals submitted other than through the GETS e-tender function may be rejected as
c. Respondents must submit Part A and Part B of their Proposal as separate files clearly
Part A [Respondent name] Proposal - [Procurement title] RFP
Part B [Resondent name] proposal - [Procurement title] RFP
Our RFP Process, Terms and Conditions
a. Offer Validity Period: In submitting a Proposal the Respondent agrees that their offer
will remain open for acceptance by the Buyer for [number] calendar months from the
Deadline for Proposals.
b. This RFP is subject to the RFP Process, Terms and Conditions (shortened to RFP-Terms)
described in Section 6. We have made the following variations to the RFP- Terms:
i. Replace the first sentence of paragraph 6.3b. with, “All requests for clarification
must be made through the GETS question/answer function.”
ii. Replace the last sentence of paragraph 6.4a. with, ” Respondents submitting a
Proposal through GETS will receive an automatically generated email
acknowledgement of its receipt.”
iii. In paragraph 6.8, replace the term “shortlist” with “select(ion) as preferred”.
iv. Replace Paragraphs 6.8b and c. with, “In deciding which Respondent(s) to exclude
from further evaluation or select as preferred, the Buyer will take into account the
results of the evaluation and may take into account degree to which the
Respondent accepts the Proposed Contract and the outcome of due diligence
v. In paragraph 6.12, add the following sub-paragraph (6.12e), “If an issue or
complaint remains unresolved following best endeavours at resolution with the
Buyer’s Point of Contact, the issue or complaint may be escalated by emailing the
Ministry’s Education Infrastructure Service Procurement Team: (Email title: Issue with RFP [Procurement Title
- GETS reference number]).
vi. Replace the first sentence of paragraph 6.13a. with, “All enquiries regarding the RFP
must be directed to the Buyer’s Point of Contact through the GETS question/answer
function (except as described in paragraph 6.12e.).”
vii. Delete paragraph 6.23c.
Replace definition of Respondent with: A person, organisation, business or
other entity that submits a Proposal in response to the RFP. The term “Respondent”
includes its officers, employees, contractors, consultants, agents, representatives
and, in the case of a joint venture, consortium or similar arrangement, the parties to
that arrangement.
ix. Add definition “the Ministry”: the Ministry of Education.
x. Add definition “Named Personnel”: The Respondent’s individual personnel that the
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Buyer has a Requirement to name in the Contract and who will undertake specific
roles for the duration of the Contract (or other timeframe as set by the Buyer).
xi. Add definition “Approved ICT Installation Contractors”: An ICT installation
contractor that has been approved by the Ministry to work in schools, and is
included in the Approved ICT Installation Contractors list published at:
ICT Contractors Policy and Procedures
xii. Add definition “Tender Notice”: Notification of additions or changes that have been
made to a tender that are issued to a potential supplier when the potential supplier
has subscribed to the tender through the GETS subscription function.
Later changes to the RFP or RFP process
a. If, after publishing this RFP, we need to change anything about the RFP, or RFP process,
or want to provide potential suppliers with additional information, we will let all
potential suppliers know by issuing a notice through GETS. By subscribing to the Tender
Notice for this RFP, you will automatically be sent notifications of any changes through
GETS by email.
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SECTION 2: Our Requirements
[Requirements should be framed in terms of:
pre-conditions or absolute requirements (“The Respondent must have...”)
strong preference (“The Respondent should have...”)
preference (“Preference may be given to Respondents with...”)]
2.1 Project Background
a. [Describe the project (of which this procurement is a part) in enough detail to provide potential
suppliers with the context to the procurement and to in turn enable a clear understanding of the
overall Requirements. May include:
history to the project: what has lead to the project being undertaken
the overall outcome sought
overview of the programme of which this project is a part
indicative budget
scope/nature of the project (e.g. size, new build, refurbishment, remediation, description
of the site)
how this procurement fits into the overall procurement strategy for the project
how other elements of the project have been or will be procured.]
2.2 Pre-conditions[Optional section]
[Pre-conditions are mandatory Requirements. They must be polar (yes/no) relevant, demonstrable,
not open to interpretation and not reversible once the tender closes. Any Respondent/Proposal
that does not meet all pre-conditions must be excluded from further evaluation. Pre-conditions
must be limited to:
 legal or financial capacity
 commercial or operational capacity or capacity to deliver
 appropriate technical skills or expertise or relevant experience
Examples of pre-conditions include:
 minimum qualification and/or membership of professional body
 minimum level of relevant recent experience
 health and safety certification
 minimum availability Requirements (e.g. must be able to commence on the intended start
 minimum capacity Requirements.]
a. To be considered for this opportunity Respondents/Proposals must satisfy all of the following preconditions:
b. Those Respondents that are not able to satisfy all pre-conditions should conclude that they are
unable to meet our Requirements and will not benefit from submitting a Proposal.
c. Proposals that are evaluated to have not met all of the pre-conditions will be excluded from further
2.3 Required solution
a. [Describe the Requirements to be supplied including:
whether project management, design, engineering or quantity surveying services
what is to be constructed
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outcomes sought
deliverables (e.g. plans)
the scope of engagement
site considerations
b. [Optional: to be included if the services relate to Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
network installation][The Project includes the Requirement for the following Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) network design/products/installations:
[structured cabling (cabling and connectivity constructed according to standardised rules to
facilitate integration of voice, data, video, and other signals) product supply and
installation services] [and/or]
[wireless integration services product supply and installation services].
[ICT Network design, products and installations must comply with the Ministry’s ICT Cabling
Infrastructure Policy and Standards for Schools and the Supplier must sub-contract ICT installation
to one of the Ministry’s Approved ICT Installation Contractors (All Ministry approved ICT
Installation Contractors have been police vetted). Any change to ICT network design must approved
by the Ministry prior to installation.]
c. The supplier will be required to comply with the requirements and recommendations of the Health
and Safety in Employment Act: 1992 and any subsequent amendments. The Supplier’s personnel
will be responsible for Health and Safety compliance on site. While work is in progress, the project
panager and/or an outside agency may randomly audit health and safety procedures. Asbestos
discovery is to be notified to the project manager and/or the Buyer immediately and relevant
Worksafe protocols must be followed. Any accident, incident or near miss must be notified to the
project manager and/or the Buyer immediately.
d. [To be included if the engagement is likely to involve unsupervised access to students at the School
during normal school hours for that school][All Supplier’s personnel (including those of all subconsultants) accessing the School during normal school hours [time am – time pm][normal school
hours for that School]will be required to be police vetted (a review by the school Board of Trustees
of a person’s criminal conviction information held by the New Zealand Police Licensing and Vetting
Service Centre). An adverse police vetting may result in the vetted person being refused access to
the School.]
e. The supplier will be required to maintain the following insurance:
Public Liability insurance of no less than $5,000,000 per occurrence [CCCS (over $50,000)]
Professional Indemnity insurance of no less than five times the fee with a maximum of
$2,000,000 [CCCS (over $50,000)] which must be maintained for a minimum of six years
after completion of the services.
f. [Optional: to be included if the engagement involves design services][Design must comply with the
Ministry’s Development Compliance Framework (DCF), the Property Strategy 2011-2021 and
Property Management Policies for safe, flexible and inspiring learning environments as set out at
State Schools Design Standards, including:
access for students with special education needs
Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF)
environmental best practice guidelines for schools
fire safety and design
heating and ventilation
health and safety in schools code of practice
Page 10 of 27
weather-tightness requirements
energy efficiency.
Modern Learning Environments (MLE) design
design quality requirements.]
2.4 Capability
a. [The capability (skills and expertise) required by the Respondent in terms of specific skills and
expertise (refer to specification where available) as evidenced by:
membership of professional body/association
relevant certification/accreditation or similar
the nature and amount of recent experience relevant to the current procurement e.g. no
less than three years recent experience undertaking projects of a similar size/nature to the
Requirements][experience with a particular school or with schools in general cannot be
specified. As an alternative, consider stating “Preference may be given to Respondents
with experience delivering works of a similar nature/size in institutional or comparable
track record.
b. [Optional] The Requirement for Named Personnel (e.g. Lead Architect) and the capability (skills and
expertise) Requirements as evidenced by:
minimum qualifications and/or membership of professional body/association
relevant certification/accreditation or similar
the nature and amount of experience recent relevant experience.]
track record.
2.5 Capacity
a. [The resource requirements (e.g. suitable personnel) and the availability of those requirements in
relation to the timeframe requirements (including for Named Personnel)]
b. [Optional][Contingency Requirements for ensuring that sufficient resources will be available
throughout the engagement to ensure full delivery by the anticipated completion date.]
2.6 Contract term
a. It is anticipated that the Contract will commence [Date].
b. The Contract will expire upon completion (once all deliverables have been delivered), anticipated
to be [Date] or as agreed with the Supplier.
2.7 Documents
a. Documents attached to the GETS Tender Notice for this RFP and which form part of this RFP are:
RFP (pdf)
Response Form Part A (Word document)
Response Form Part B (Word document)
Proposed Contract
[Other (specify)]
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SECTION 3: Our Evaluation Approach
3.1 Evaluation model
a. Proposals will be evaluated and scored against the criteria listed below using a weighted attribute
evaluation method.
3.2 Pre-conditions[Optional section]
a. [Respondents/Proposals must meet all pre-conditions listed in Our Requirements (Section 2). If in
the Ministry’s assessment a Respondent/Proposal does not meet any pre-condition, it will be
excluded from further evaluation. Only those Proposals that meet all pre-conditions will be
evaluated further. Other parts of the Proposal may inform the Buyer’s decision as to whether a
pre-condition has been met.]
3.3 Evaluation criteria
Value for money will be ascertained through evaluation of [Price and] the following criteria:
[Evaluation criteria must not be amended. Approval of EIS Procurement is required to amend criteria
Proposed Solution
(Comprehensiveness, deliverability and robustness, understanding of the
 goods/services/deliverables
 Method and approach
 Systems and processes
 Relationship management
 Health and safety
 Risk management
 [if relevant] [coordination/management of sub-consultants]
(skills and expertise of the Respondent/Named Personnel/sub-consultants)
 Qualifications/professional memberships/certifications/accreditations
 Experience
 Track record
 [optional if relevant] [experience working with sub-consultants]
(Resource requirements of the Respondent/Named Personnel/subconsultants])
 Sufficiency of resources
 Availability of resources
 Sufficiency of back-up resources (contingency)
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3.4 Scoring
a. The following scoring scale will be used in evaluating Proposals. Scores by individual panel
members may be modified through a moderation process across the whole evaluation panel.
Exceeds the criterion to provide substantial additional benefit
and/or reduction of risk
Exceeds the criterion to provide some additional benefit
and/or reduction of risk
Meets the criterion
Does not meet the criterion due to minor deficiency or risk
Does not meet the criterion due to major deficiency or risk
Does not comply, insufficient information provided or
unacceptable deficiency or risk
b. A Proposal/Respondent may be excluded from further evaluation and/or selection if it scores less
than five (a rating of less than acceptable as described in paragraph 3.4a) for any one or more of
the evaluation criteria.
3.5 Price
a. The Buyer seeks to obtain the best value-for-money over whole-of-life. This means achieving the
optimal outcome for the appropriate price.
b. [Detail how Price will be analysed in order to determine a single comparable Price for each
proposal] [E.g. “Respondents will be required to propose a single fixed Price” or “ Respondents
rates will be applied to the following scenario in order to determine a single Price: (Role A rate x 20
hours) + Role B rate x 45 hours)]
c. Proposal Price will be scored (out of 10) using the following formula:
Proposal A’s score = (Lowest Proposal Adjusted Price / Proposal A’s Adjusted Price) x 10
d. If a Respondent offers a Price that is substantially lower than other Proposals (an abnormally low
bid), the Buyer may seek to verify with the Respondent that the Respondent is capable of fully
delivering all of the Requirements and meeting all of the conditions of the Proposed Contract for
the Price quoted.
3.6 Optional evaluation process and due diligence
a. In addition to the evaluation of Proposals, the following process and due diligence may be
undertaken with one or more Respondents and the results may be taken into account in the
evaluation process:
reference checks
Respondents interviews and/or presentations
other checks against the Respondent e.g. Credit check, Companies Office
inspection of Respondent’s audited accounts
Police vetting of Respondent’s personnel.
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SECTION 4: Pricing information
1.1 Pricing information to be provided by Respondents
a. [To be added]
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SECTION 5: Our Proposed Contract
5.1 Proposed Contract
a. The Proposed Contract ([contract type e.g. CCCS]) is attached to the GETS Tender Notice for this
b. Key terms and conditions of the Proposed Contract include:
insurance levels
[all changes to the standard terms of contract templates]
c. The Buyer’s strong preference is that Proposals do not contain proposed amendments to the
Contract. However, if a Respondent does wish to include proposed amendments, these must be
detailed in the Section 6 of the Response Form (Part B).
d. The Buyer is not required to accept any proposed amendment.
e. The Buyer may, at its sole discretion, assign a premium to a Proposal in respect of the acceptance
of any proposed amendment that the Buyer considers alters the risks, benefits or cost of the
proposed Contract.
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SECTION 6: RFP Process, Terms and
RFP Process, Terms and Conditions can be found at RFP Process Terms and Conditions.
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SECTION 7: Response Form Part A: Nonprice Criteria
[Procurement Title and Reference number (if available)]
Respondent name
[Respondent’s trading name]
Proposed Solution
Outline the your proposed solution including how it will achieve the outcome sought.
Weighting: 40%
Describe the systems and processes to be employed to deliver the proposed solution
Describe how the relationship between the Respondent (you/your organisation) and the
Buyer will be managed during the engagement including:
name of the account manager
contact points and availability
issue resolution and escalation process
regular meetings
Describe how it is intended that progress will be measured and reported including:
proposed key performance indicators
nature and frequency of reporting
Detail the significant risks associated with the Requirements and your proposed solution and
describe the proposed treatment for each (how each risk will be eliminated, minimised
and/or managed).
Confirm that you will meet all health and safety requirements detailed in our Requirements.
If unable to confirm, provide an explanation.
Append a copy of your organisation’s Heath and Safety Plan template.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
Describe how sub-consultants will be coordinated/managed
[Optional to be included if the engagement relates to ICT cabling installation]Confirm that
ICT Network design, products and installations will comply with the Ministry’s ICT Cabling
Infrastructure Policy and Standards for Schools. If unable to confirm, provide an explanation.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
[Optional to be included if the engagement involves design services]Confirm that design will
comply with the Ministry of Education’s Development Compliance Framework (DCF), the
Property Strategy 2011-2021 and Property Management Policies for safe, flexible and
inspiring learning environments as set out at State Schools Design Standards. If unable to
confirm, provide an explanation.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
Weighting 15%
[For closed RFP with Respondents short-listed from an open
ROI] [This section provides the opportunity for you to
update/supplement information provided in their ROI
Response (If there is no updated/supplementary
information, respond with “N/A”]
[Single stage open RFP only (for two stage ROI/RFP processes, this question should be in the
preceding ROI)] Provide an overview of your organisation’s relevant capability (skills and
expertise) including:
ownership / management structure
main and secondary areas of business
history of the organisation including number of years of operating in the relevant
membership of relevant professional bodies/associations
relevant certifications/accreditations.
[Single stage open RFP only (for two stage ROI/RFP processes, this question should be in the
preceding ROI)]Provide an overview of the your organisation’s experience within the last
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[number] years with delivering engagements of a similar nature to the Requirements
including (for each engagement):
the customer’s names
dates and locations
a brief description of the project
a brief description of what your organisation delivered
Nominate personnel for the following specific roles (Named Personnel). For each Named
Personnel, append a curriculum vitae to your Proposal that includes:
full name
relevant qualifications/certifications/accreditation
membership of relevant professional bodies/associations
a brief overview of their recent employment history including:
employers and locations
dates employed
roles and responsibilities
an overview of engagements within the last [number] years undertaken the specific
role or similar including a brief description:
the project
the Named Personnel’s responsibilities, duties and degree of involvement.
[List the specific roles for which the Respondent is required to nominate a Named Personnel]
[e.g. Lead Architect] [Answer]
[e.g. Quantity Surveyor] [Answer]
Identify those services to be undertaken directly by your organisation and those to be
undertaken by sub-consultants. Identify the sub-consultants proposed for these services, their
relevant experience, key Named Personnel and experience of successful working with your
Weighting 15%
[For closed RFP with Respondents short-listed from an open
ROI] [This section provides the opportunity for you to
update/supplement information provided in their ROI Response
(If there is no updated/supplementary information, respond
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with “N/A”]
Outline your plan for ensuring that sufficient suitable personnel will be available to fully
deliver the Requirements by the anticipated completion date including:
what resources to be assigned to deliver the Requirements (including numbers and
whether your personnel or sub-consultants)
any recruitment required to meet capacity Requirements and associated risks
scalability of resources
back-up resources (contingency planning).
Detail potential resource constraints or circumstances that may affect your capacity to
deliver the Requirements by the anticipated completion date (e.g. other
For each Named Personnel, confirm their availability as detailed in our Requirements. If
unable to confirm provide an explanation.
[List the Specific Roles for which the Respondent is required to nominate Named Personnel e.g.
e.g. Lead Architect [Availability Confirmed/Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
e.g. quantity Surveyor] [Availability Confirmed/Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
[For closed RFPs following open ROI only] Detail any changes to capacity that may have
occurred since submission of your ROI response (e.g. changes to resource availability resulting
from recently accepted engagements/commitments).
SECTION 7: Response Form Part B: Price,
Due Diligence and Declaration
[Procurement Title and Reference number (if available)]
Respondent’s Details
Respondent name:
[Respondent’s trading name]
Full legal name (if different)
[Legal name]
Physical address
[Main or head office]
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Postal address
[E.g. P.O Box address]
Registered office
[Registered office if applicable]
Business website
Type of entity (legal status)
[E.g. sole trader/partnership/limited liability company]
Registration number
[Company registration number if applicable]
Country of residence
[Country where the Respondent is resident for tax purposes]
GST registration number
[NZ GST number OR Overseas based]
Joint Venture / Consortium or similar arrangement (leave blank if not applicable)
Type of arrangement
[Type of arrangement]
[Names of organisations participating in the arrangement]
[Any other relevant information such as name of lead organisation,
Respondent’s Contact Person
Contact person
[Full name of the person authorised to represent the Respondent]
[Title/position of the person authorised to represent the
Telephone number
[Area code - number]
Mobile number
[Prefix - number]
Email address
[Email address]
Pre-conditions [Optional Section]
Respondents that do not meet all pre-conditions should conclude that
they are unable to meet the Requirements and will not benefit from
submitting a Proposal.
Any Respondent that the Buyer determines does not satisfactorily
meet all of the pre-conditions will have their Proposal excluded from
further evaluation.
Meets or does not
meet the
[Yes / No]
Weighting 40%
Provide the total Price for the full delivery of all Requirements and including a breakdown of
all costs, rates, fees, expenses and associated charges.
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The Contract
Confirm your full acceptance of the Proposed Contract. If unable to confirm, detail all
proposed amendments you wish to make and including the impact on price and the delivery
of the Requirements.
[[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: For each endorsement listed, you must provide the following detail:
reference to the Proposed Contract clause at issue
a full describe of the endorsement
the reason for requesting the endorsement.]
State any assumption you have made in preparing your Proposal. Where an assumption may
influence the Price, state how the assumption will impact of on the Price.
Referees [For closed RFPs following open ROI, delete if referees have been requested in the
preceding ROI]
Supply the details of two referees from the list of your customers detailed in Part A Question
2.2. You must ensure that the referees have agreed to be referees and are aware that they
may be contacted by the Buyer.
By providing these contact details you authorise the Buyer contacting these referees,
collecting information about your organisation and using such information for the evaluation
(including due diligence) of your Proposal. You also agree that information provided by
referees will be confidential to the Buyer.
Referee One
Organisation name
[Organisation name]
Contact name:
[Contact name]
[Contact telephone number]
[email address]
Referee Two
Organisation name
[Organisation name]
Contact name
[Contact name]
[Contact telephone number]
[email address]
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Confirm that for this engagement the you will maintain Public Liability insurance of no less
than $5,000,000 per occurrence [CCCS (over $50,000)]
If unable to confirm, provide an explanation.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
Confirm that you maintain Professional Indemnity insurance of no less than five times the
fee with a maximum of $2,000,000 per occurrence [CCCS (over $50,000)]
If unable to confirm, provide an explanation.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
Due Diligence
The Buyer may undertake checks to assess the risk of entering into a Contract with a Respondent.
A Proposal may be excluded from further evaluation or selection as preferred if the Buyer
determines that entering into a Contract with a Respondent represents a significant risk to the
Buyer. In this section “the Respondent” includes any joint venture/consortium participant as
listed in Section 2.
Confirm that there are no events, matters or circumstances, actual, contemplated or
threatened, that have or may represent a risk to the Buyer or affect the Respondent’s its
ability to successfully perform the Contract including (but not limited to):
actions of insolvency proceedings, bankruptcy, administration (voluntary or
otherwise), statutory management, compulsory winding up, receivership or
legal proceedings, investigation or the threat of investigation by any regulatory
or investigative authority such as the Commerce Commission, Serious Fraud
Office or the Financial Markets Authority
structural/ownership changes (e.g. merger, sale, restructure)
disputes (e.g. union dispute, legal dispute, court action)
legal proceedings, investigation or the threat of investigation by any regulatory
or investigative authority such as the Commerce Commission, Serious Fraud
Office or the Financial Markets Authority
being declared a threat to national security or the confidentiality of sensitive
government information
being designated as a terrorist by New Zealand Police.
If unable to confirm, provide an explanation.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
Confirm that your organisation is not a “phoenix” organisation or similar (an organisation
which has an association with (e.g. common directors/shareholders) or that is used to take on
the business of a failed organisation or an organisation considered to have a poor reputation).
If unable to confirm, provide an explanation including the name of the organisation from
which your organisation is a phoenix organisation.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
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Confirm that that no director, principal or Named Personnel of the Respondent:
Is the subject of any legal proceedings, investigation or the threat of
investigation by any regulatory or investigative authority such as the Commerce
Commission, Serious Fraud Office or the Financial Markets Authority
has been convicted of a criminal offence related to business or professional
has been declared to be bankrupt, in receivership or liquidation
has made a false declaration
has had a serious performance issue in relation to a previous contract
has been convicted of professional misconduct or any serious crime or offence
(or has any pending)
has performed an act or omission which has adversely reflected on the
commercial integrity of the Supplier
has failed to pay taxes, duties or other levies
has been declared a threat to national security or the confidentiality of sensitive
government information
10.3..10 is not a person or organisation designated as a terrorist by New Zealand Police.
If unable to confirm, provide an explanation.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
Police Vetting [To be included if the engagement is likely to involve unsupervised access to
students at the School during normal school hours for that school]
Confirm that all of the your personnel (including those of all sub-consultants) accessing the
School during normal school hours [time am – time pm] [normal school hours for that school]
have agreed to being police vetted (a review by the school Board of Trustees of a person’s
criminal conviction information held by the New Zealand Police Licensing and Vetting Service
Centre)(An adverse police vetting may result in the vetted person being refused access to the
School). If unable to confirm, provide an explanation.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
Conflicts of Interest
Confirm that you are not aware of any circumstance that may represent an actual, potential
or perceived Conflict of Interest between your interests and the Respondent’s duties and
responsibilities in delivering to the Requirements. If unable to confirm provide an explanation.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
Confirm that you are not aware of any of the Buyer’s personnel having any interest in, or
association with you that may give rise to any perceived, potential or actual Conflicts of
Interest. If unable to confirm, provide an explanation.
[Confirmed / Not Confirmed: [Explanation]]
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Respondent’s Declaration
RFP Process,
Terms and
I have read and fully understand this RFP,
including the RFP Process, Terms and
Conditions (shortened to RFP-Terms detailed in
Section 6, as amended by Section 1, paragraph
1.6) and related notifications (notices and
clarifications). I confirm that the Respondent
agrees to be bound by them.
Collection of
The Respondent authorises the Buyer to:
a. collect any information about the
Respondent, except commercially sensitive
pricing information, from any relevant
third party, including a referee, or previous
or existing client
b. use such information in the evaluation of
this Proposal.
The Respondent agrees that all such
information will be confidential to the Buyer.
I have read and fully understand the nature and
extent of Our Requirements (Section 2). I
confirm that the Respondent has the necessary
capability and capacity to fully meet or exceed
the Requirements.
In submitting this Proposal the Respondent
confirms that it:
a. has not entered into any improper, illegal,
collusive or anti-competitive
arrangements with any Competitor
b. has not directly or indirectly approached
any representative of the Buyer (other
than the Point of Contact) to lobby or
solicit information in relation to the RFP
c. has not attempted to influence, or provide
any form of personal inducement, reward
or benefit to any representative of the
Offer Validity
I confirm that this Proposal, including the Price,
remains open for acceptance for the Offer
Validity Period stated in Section 1, paragraph
Conflict of
All Conflicts of Interest that the Respondent is
aware of have been reported in the Conflict of
Interest Section of the Response Form. Where a
Conflict of Interest arises during the RFP
Page 26 of 27
process the Respondent will report it
immediately to the Buyer’s Point of Contact.
I declare that in submitting the Proposal and this declaration:
a. the information provided is true, accurate and complete and not misleading in any material
b. the Proposal does not contain Intellectual Property that will breach a third party’s rights
c. I have secured all appropriate authorisations to submit this Proposal, to make the statements
and to provide the information in the Proposal and I am not aware of any impediments to
entering into a Contract to deliver the Requirements.
d. I understand that the falsification of information, supplying misleading information or the
suppression of material information in this declaration and the Proposal may result in the
Proposal being eliminated from further participation in the RFP process and may be grounds
for termination of any Contract awarded as a result of the RFP.
By signing this declaration the signatory below confirms that he/she has been authorised by the
Respondent to make this declaration on its behalf.
Signature: [Signature of the person authorised to represent the Respondent]
Full name: [Full name of the person authorised to represent the Respondent]
Title/position: [Title/position of the person authorised to represent the Respondent]
Respondent name: [Respondent’s trading name]
Date: [Date]
Respondent Checklist
All sections of the Response Form have been completed.
Parts A and B of the Response Form are to be submitted as separate documents
The Respondent’s Declaration has been completed and signed by the person
authorised to represent the Respondent
The following additional material has been included with the Proposal:
[Curriculum vitae for each Named Personnel]
Referees detailed in the Proposal have agreed to be referees and are aware that
they may be contacted by the Buyer.
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