Lecture #7: Introduction to Probability: Sample Spaces and

Lecture #7: Probability: Sample Spaces and Contingency Tables
The way we approach probability was thought up by an Italian mathematician
named Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1576), who invented it to help himself make a living by
gambling. His theory was further developed by the French mathematicians Pierre de
Fermat (1601 or a few years later-1665) and Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). They figured out
a way to divide the stakes fairly in a game of chance which is interrupted before it can be
finished. I’m telling you this because it puts a human face on the whole subject.
The first idea is that of a probability experiment, which is a general term for
something you do that results in a certain outcome. It’s easier to understand with an
example: You flip a coin. It lands with heads or tails up (we don’t consider it ever
landing on an edge). It’s one or the other, each time you flip it. Landing with heads up is
an outcome, and so is landing with tails up. Let’s label these outcomes H and T. Then
the set {H, T} is called the sample space, S, of the experiment. The number of outcomes
in the sample space is its size, and our notation for this is the function notation n S  ,
pronounced “n of S.” So S = {H, T} and n S   2 in this experiment. Not so hard.
How about if your experiment is rolling a die (the singular form of “dice”)? Then
there are six possible outcomes – the 1 is facing up, the 2 is facing up, etc. – and we can
write S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, and n S   6 .
What about picking a card from a standard 52-card deck? Well, here you have to
specify what the experiment is. Are you looking at which suit you got? If so the sample
space is S = {Club, Diamond, Spade, Heart} and n S   4 . If you’re looking at what
rank you got, S = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace} and n S   13 . If
you’re looking at both aspects, suit and rank, then S = {2 of Clubs, 3 of Clubs, … , King
of Hearts, Ace of Hearts} and n S   52 . Or you could be looking to see if the card is
red or black, in which case S = {Red, Black} and n S   2 . Or you could be looking to
see if you got a face card (jack, queen, or king) or not, and S = {Face Card, Not Face
Card} and n S   2 . We could probably go on like this for quite a while, but you get the
idea. The sample space and its size depend on what aspect of the card you’re focusing
One further concept is called an event. An event, E, is some set or collection of
the outcomes in a sample space (or maybe none of the outcomes). For example, with
rolling a die, we could talk about the event “rolling an even number.” Then E = {2, 4, 6}.
We call its size n E  . In this case, n E   3 . Here’s another event: “rolling at least a
5.” Here E = {5, 6} and n E   2 . The event could encompass the entire sample space –
“rolling less than a 7,” which is E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and n E   6 , or could have
absolutely no outcomes – “rolling more than a 6,” which is E = { }, or  , which is the
mathematical symbol for the empty set, and n E   0 .
Anything you can describe could be an event, or you could just list the outcomes in the
event without describing what they have in common.
Now we’ll move on to the probability experiment of flipping two coins and
seeing what sides are face up. We have to have some way of distinguishing the two
coins. Maybe one is a dime and the other is a quarter. Or one could be gold and the
other could be silver. Or one is named Coin #1 and the other Coin #2. When I refer to
the outcome HH, I mean both were heads. When I mention HT, I mean that the first coin
came up heads and the other one tails, but when I write TH, I mean that the first coin
came up tails and the other one heads. This is an important distinction to remember.
So what’s the sample space? S = {HH, HT, TH, TT}, and n S   4 . We could
talk about the event “getting two heads.” Let’s give this event the notation 2H. Then 2H
= {HH}, and n 2H   1 . Using similar notation, we get 1H = {HT, TH}, and
n 1H   2 . And, of course, 0H = {TT}, and n 0H   1 .
How about flipping three coins? Well, the sample space is S = {HHH, HHT,
HTH, THH, HTT, THT, TTH, TTT}, so n S   8 . (If you’re seeing a pattern of the sizes
of the sample spaces here, good for you! Yes, for one coin it’s 21  2 , for two coins
2 2  4 , and for three coins 2 3  8 .) Here are the events of getting various numbers of
heads, and their sizes:
3H = {HHH},
n 3H   1
2H = {HHT, HTH, THH},
n 2H   3
1H = {HTT, THT, TTH},
n 1H   3
0H = {TTT},
n 0H   1
Having set up the structure of the sample space, outcomes, and events, we can
finally get to probability. And this is classical probability, which simply means that all
outcomes are equally likely to occur each time you perform the experiment. The
coins are fair, which means that they’re equally likely to land with the heads up or the
tails up each time they’re flipped; the dice are fair, which means….well, you get the idea.
It doesn’t mean that on every two flips you’ll get one head and one tail, or that every six
rolls of a die will yield a 1, a 2, etc. It just means that in the long run the outcomes will
even out in frequency. (Much later in the course we’ll talk about how you can show that
certain dice aren’t fair, or if you can’t show that then you’ll conclude that maybe they
are fair.)
We talk about the probability of an event, E, occurring. This is a number
between 0 and 1 – always! We write P E  , pronounced “P of E,” in the manner of
function notation. So we can write
0  PE   1
to express the fact that the probability of an event is between 0 and 1. It’s 0 if the event is
impossible (like rolling a 7 with one die), it’s 1 if it’s a sure thing, and if it might or might
not happen (what we call a conditional event), it’s bigger than 0 and less than 1. And the
closer the probability is to 1 the more confident we are of it happening.
So here’s the formula for determining the probability of an event E:
P E  
n E 
n S 
In other words, the probability is the fraction of the outcomes in the sample space that are
also in the event.
Let’s go back to rolling the die. The probability of rolling a 4 is
, because
there’s one outcome in the event “rolling a 4” and 6 in the sample space of “rolling a
die.” The probability of rolling at least a 5 is
number is
2 1
 . The probability of rolling an even
6 3
3 1
 .
6 2
Let’s look at the coin flipping. Refer to the sample spaces and their sizes and the
events of getting a certain number of heads and their sizes to get these results:
One coin:
P 1H  
P 0 H  
Two coins:
P 2 H  
P 1H  
2 1
4 2
P 0 H  
Three coins:
P 3H  
P 2 H  
P 1H  
P 0 H  
The numerators of these probabilities form some amazing patterns, which you
may be familiar with if you know about Pascal’s Triangle.
Empirical Probability and Contingency Tables
Think about how the probability formula is dependent on the notion of fairness, or
equally-likely outcomes. If a coin weren’t fair, we couldn’t say that P 1H  
. We
would have no idea what the probability of getting a head would be, except by flipping
the coin many, many times and seeing what fraction of the flips come up heads.
In other words, we’d have to observe what actually happens. This is the basis for
empirical probability, in which probabilities are determined not by sample spaces with
equally-likely outcomes but by observing the fraction of times the probability experiment
(like flipping the coin) comes out one way or another. The word “empirical” comes from
a Greek word meaning experienced. Empirical probability is the result of experience, not
This might lead you wonder how we can call a coin fair if not by using empirical
probability, by flipping it lots of times. It would be possible to make a coin without any
markings, except maybe for labels of heads and tails written in very light-weight ink, and
with uniform density and symmetry, and then we could assume that it is fair because of
the physics of flipping it. (Although I once saw a remarkable video in which a person
was able to flip a supposedly fair coin in such a way that it always came up heads – but
he always started flipping with the coin in the same position, and he was able to impart
the same momentum each time, so I don’t think this is really a counterexample.)
Later in the course we’ll see how we can conclude that certain processes (rolls of
dice is what we’ll use) are most likely fair or not using empirical probability, but for now
we’ll just say that the assumption of fairness is an abstract one that enables us to develop
the classical theory of probability using equally-likely outcomes.
Now we’re going to look at one example of empirical probability, and we’re just
going to make a start on it. It’s called a contingency table, and it’s a way of tabulating
two pieces of data for each subject in the sample. For instance, looking at the Class Data
Base we might wonder whether there are differences between men and women in the
favorite colors they pick. You might get some idea of this by just looking at the colors
listed for the men and for the women, but it would be hard to draw conclusions from just
the lists. So we categorize each person in the data base by their sex and by their favorite
color, and we present the results in a neat table.
Immediately we encounter a problem, or at least something that needs to be
decided (called a protocol if you’re analyzing data). Whereas it’s easy to say there will
be two categories for sex, what about for favorite color? If we list all the colors
separately there will be too many categories for our minds to take in comfortably. We
have to break the colors down into a few groups. There are endless ways to do this.
Each way would produce a different contingency table. We just have to choose one way
and stick to it. Here’s my way: Primary (blue, red, and yellow), Secondary (green,
orange, and purple), and Other (everything else, like white and brown and black and
silver and anything with white in it, like a pastel).
Even with this decision, there are individual colors which we have to choose
which of the three categories they belong to. Carolina Blue, Baby Blue, Light Purple and
Light Teal, and Lavender will be Other, because they’re pastel. Greenish Blue and
Turquoise Blue will be Secondary. Let’s call all other blues, reds, and yellows Primary,
all greens Secondary, and teal, turquoise, and violet Secondary. Let’s just leave out the
people who didn’t have a favorite color. We then make a table that looks like this:
Favorite Color
Primary Secondary Other
Now we’re ready to put numbers in the six cells in the table. We could start with tally
marks, looking at each line in the Class Data Base and putting a tally mark in the correct
box. For instance, Person #1, being a male who chose green, would be tallied in the
upper middle box. When we finish, the table would look like this:
Favorite Color
Primary Secondary Other
That’s all we’ll do with the contingency table this time, just tabulate it. I hope you agree
that it makes the patterns of favorite colors of the two sexes a lot more apparent. For
men, Primary and Secondary colors were tied for being the most popular, with Other
colors a distant second, but for women Secondary colors were selected most often, with
Primary and Other very close to each other but less popular than Secondary. This is just
the beginning of the kind of analysis we’ll be doing.
© 2009 by Deborah H. White