University of North Texas January 24, 2008 Week 3 Joan Carlisle Marketing and Media Planning Objective: The students will take a short quiz to see if they can identify popular advertising slogans. The students will discuss why people could remember products names. The students will learn about media ratings, shares, huts, puts, impressions and demographic target audiences. The students will learn what a Standard Broadcast Calendar is and how it is used. The students will learn how to calculate gross rating points and impressions. The students will discuss seasonality and the difference in viewing patterns due to weather, vacations, etc. The students will be introduced to the concepts of Reach and Frequency. The students will learn the formulas for Reach and Frequency. The students will learn that Reach and frequency are generally calculated over a 4 week or month long period. The students will create a chart, divide it into 3 columns in order to discover places they see ads, specific vehicles the see the ads on and specific products they see on those vehicles. The students will determine who is buying and who is selling. The students will break up into informal groups, will appoint a group leader, determine who should be advertising in the Superbowl and make one group list of those advertisers. The students will exchange papers with another group and we will discuss in class what advertisers they have on their list. Part of their homework assignment is to compare the list with advertisers who actually advertised in the Superbowl. Materials needed: Focus, Pencil, paper or computer., Standard Broadcast Calendars, quiz Focus: The students will take a short quiz to determine if they can recall who the advertiser is. Explanation: I will tell the students that we are going to review ratings from last week. I will tell the students that we are going to learn about various advertising terms and how they relate to each other such as shares, impression, huts, puts, and target audiences. I will tell the students that we are going to learn about the concepts of Reach and Frequency. I will tell the students that they are going to learn formulas for Reach and Frequency. I will tell the students that they are going to learn about the Standard Broadcast Calendar what it stands for, how it is different from a regular calendar and how it is used. I will tell students that we are going to do some in class exercises to look at different places advertisers advertise and that we are going to discuss who is buying and who is selling. Review: What is the most important broadcast term (rating) What do buyers and sellers negotiate costs on? (rating). What are the five things that every media plan must address? Who, what, where, when, how. Give me an example of a medium-TV, Radio, Outdoor. Of a vehicle-Dallas Morning News, The Today Show, Soap operas, Talk shows, KZPS-FM, KISS-FM, WBAP-AM Questions: 1. What is a rating? 2. What is a share? 3. What is HUT/PUT? 4. What is Reach? 5. What is Frequency? 6. How does advertising work? 7. How does it make you buy things? 8. Do you have to hear/see the advertisement several/many times before you remember it? 9. Do you always/ever believe advertising? Why or why not? 10. Does it matter where you hear/see an ad as to its believeability…Do you believe the internet and not the TV? 11. Have you ever been the victim of false advertising? How? How did it make you feel? Vocabulary: Rating-A percent of a population. Share: Percent of HUT/PUR tuned to a particular program GRP-Gross Rating Point. The sum of ratings delivered by a list of vehicles. Duplicated Impressions are numbers of people. Duplicated Exclusive Reach-The number of DIFFERENT individuals or homes exposed to an advertising campaign over a given period (usually 4 weeks). It is unduplicated and expressed as a Percentage. Frequency-the average number of times individuals or homes are exposed to a broadcast program within a 4 week period. It is a measure of repetition. The Teacher Teaches: I will pass out the homes in the baggies and go over these terms: HUT- means Households using Television. This is the % of homes using TV at a given time of day. Pull out your homes. In the first 2 homes they are viewing Greys Anatomy. In the 3rd home they are viewing CSI. In the 4th home MTV videos. The 5th house is not watching anything. Of the 5 TV homes in your universe, 4 are viewing TV. The HUT is 4/5 or 80%. We say that this is an 80 HUT. Reviewing, Greys Anatomy has a 40 rating (2/5 or 40% or a 40 rating) CSI=20 rating, MTV=20 rating. Total ratings 80 HUT. (The same can be applied to radio, but the term is PUR (Persons using radio)) When we are talking about people instead of households, the term is PUT (People using Television. The difference comes from the population base. Lets assume like last week that in your HH 1 we have 1 person watching Greys and one not watching anything. In HH 1 person is watching Greys and the other person not watching TV. In HH 3, 1 person is watching CSI and 1 person is not watching TV. In HH4, 1 person is watching MTV and the other person is not watchint TV. In HH5, neither person is watching TV. Although 80% of the Households or Homes are using TV we only have 1 person per household in 4 of the 5 homes watching TV. While the HUT is 80, the Put is? (40…40%. 4 people viewing divided by a population base of 10. The % always refers to the available Universe with a TV or radio in their homes, as opposed to the total population…although most people have TV’s in their home, not ALL do, so those people cannot be counted in the universe. Seasonality-HUT levels vary by season? Why? (weather, reruns, livestyles, holidays, work habits, writers strikes) HUT levels vary gy geographic areas. TV useage levels generally are lower in the morning, daytime and late night. Why? (Work, sleep) and lower in warm weather…why? (vacation, outdoor activities) When TV viewing is at its lowest, radio listenership (and now IPOD) useage is usually at its highest…in summer months. People are outdoors, at the beach, having barbeques, going to events and they want to take their music with them. HUT levels by quarter-----Put HUT Levels on board Q1 64%, Q2 53% Q3 48%, Q4 61% (Average M-Su 6a-12m) HUT levels by T.O.D. Primetime is highest. HUT levels by Region---NE 28%, Central 36%, South 25%, West 22%, National average 29% (M-Su 6a-12m) Can any one guess why Central time zone is highest? Earlier Prime time 7-10 instead of 8-11. HUT levels by Market- New York 30 Portland ME 11 Chicago 42, Des Moines 33 Miami 21. The terms HUT and PUT are often interchanged by clients , agency people and other people in the industry, but important to remember that HUT is Households and PUT is people. Like HUT levels, PUT levels also vary and the variations are different from one group to another. Can anyone guess what group of people consistently watch more TV than any other group? Women…They watch more…and they also keep track better. For Radio, PUR levels also vary. (Not a term HUR –households using radio) Adult listening is highest in what is called Drive Time 6-10a and 3-7P. Teen PUR is highest in PM drive (except summer when teens not in school. Some stations still program to school being in and out of session, however computers and IPODS are changing the radio landscape and less and less stations are programming to young people. Radio time bought and sold also in ratings and in the following time periods: 6-10a AM Drive 10-3P Midday (formerly Housewifes time) 3-7P PM Drive, 7p-12m Evening 12m-6a Overnight and weekends the same as above. Generally the highest listening timeperiods are M-F 6-10A and Sat 10a-3P. Talked about Ratings, Talked about HUT/PUT/PUR, now we’re going to talk about SHARE. Share is the % of HUT tuned to a particular program. Share also applies to PUT and PUR. In the business world, “Market share” is used as a benchmark to express % of total industry sales dollars a company has. Share in TV or radio is similar. It states what % a program or station has of the total viewing or listening audience. Go to your little houses. Home 1 and 2 are watching Greys anatomy. Home 3 CSI, Home 4 MTV and Home 5 not watching. 4 out of 5 homes are using TV in this example. Greys anatomy has 2 out of 4 homes watchong or 2/4 or a 50 share. CSI has 1 out of 4 homes watching or ¼ or a 25share. MTV has the same. *****Share is not about the total homes that have TV. Its about the the total homes that have TV that are turned on. So, in this example, Home 5counts when we are talking about HUT, but it does not count when we are talking about share. Ratings, Shares and HUTS are all interrelated. By knowing any 2 we can calculate the third and this is what media buyers and sellers do before they negotiate rates for shows. The first media formula you need to know IMPORTANT SHARE X HUT =RATING. Going back to one of our former examples: If 4 out of 5 homes are using tv, 4/5 or 80% or 80 is the HUT. If 2 homes are watching Greys, 1 home CSI, 1 Home MTV and 1 home not watching we have the following: Program GREYS CSI MTV OFF Rating 40 20 20 Share 50 25 25 HUT 80 80 80 Our HUT is 4 out of 5 or 80% or 80 because we drop the %. Greys rating is 2 out of 4 or 40 Rating Greys share is 2 out of 4 sets on or 50% .50 x 80 =40 Share X Hut =Rating. Remember when we talked about seasonality? If HUTS go up and down with the seasons, and shares stay stable, the ratings will also go up and down with the seasons. (shares will not usually stay stable, but wanted to show how this is relevant) As the projected ratings go up and down, so do costs. One thing to always remember is that Ratings, shares, Huts, PUTs and PURs are estimates. They are NEVER exact. The data comes from sampling and as we talked about last week, it is very imperfect. While it is imperfect, it is data that can be used to help planners and buyers work with approximations and give direction. All rating information is based on media consumption habits of a small portion of the population. Another important thing to know GROSS Rating Points or GRP’s are: The SUM of ratings delivered by a list of media vehicles. GRP’s are a % . Target Rating Points (TRP’s) are the same thing as GRP’s but is more accurate because it defines a specific target (M18-49, Teens, etc.) but the terms are totally interchangeable with each other. GRP’s describe the total ratings without regard to duplication…(one person might see the commercial 1 time while another person might see it 2 times, 3 times or 50 times) When talking about GRP’s or TRP’s, individuals are counted as many times as the see the add> They are the sum of ratings delivered by a given list of media vehicles They are how loud your “voice” is over all They are a rough estimate of how much ads are needed They are a duplicated number (overlapped audience) Our next formula will indicate GRP’s. Take the ratings a show does and multiply it times the number of ads…this will calculate GRP’s. Example: If a program has a 20 rating and it is purchased twice, the total GRP’s are 40 2 x 20. PROGRAM AVERAGE RATING # TIMES Purchased GRP’s Greys 20 2 40 CSI 15 4 60 Bachelor 25 2 50 Law and Order 10 5 50 Total 13 spots 200 GRP’s GRP’s in Print media For Magazines, GRP’s = coverage x # insertions (last week I told you that Coverage and ratings are similar…coverage refers to print, GRP’s to broadcast) Example: People magazine’s target reach of dieters is 21.3%. The number of ads to be placed in People is 5. Gross rating points =106.5 (21.3 x 5) Lets say you are trying to reach Women 25-54. Peoples coverage of W 2554 is 26.1 Readers Digest is 26.1 Shape’s is 5.3 New Yorkers is 1.6 Total women 2554 GRP’s is 59.1 GRP’s or 59.1 coverage of our target. IMPRESSIONS is next media term you need to know GRP’s are one way to express total audience delivery. Impressions is another. Gross impressions are the sum of all advertising exposures in DUPLICATED form. It shows the gross weight of the plan, but there is no indication of how many different people will be exposed because some will be exposed 1 time, some 2, some 3 or more. Impressions are the same thing as GRP’s/TRP’s EXCEPT that they are expressed in numbers instead of %’s. From our last example of 200 GRP’s, is the same thing as 190,000 impressions. There are 2 ways to calculate impressions: Add the audience delivered for each announcement in a schedule. In the previous example Program HH (000) Announcements Impressions (000) Grey’s 19,000 2 38,000 CSI 14,250 4 57,000 Bachelor 23,750 2 47,500 L&O 9,500 5 47,500 Total 13 spots 190,000 impressions Multiply the TRP delivered to a given population group by the number of people in the population group. If the US population is 95 million, 200 GRP’s x 95,000,000 =190,000,000. Impressions indicate GROSS delivery or delivery without regard to duplication. (1 person may see the spot 1 time, another 2 times, and another 3 or more) GRP’s and Impressions are useful tools for analyzing and buying media, but neither show how many DIFFERENT people will be exposed to the ads or how many times they will be exposed. We’re going to talk about that (Reach and Frequency) next, but before we do I want to make sure everyone understands what we’ve been talking about with regard to GRP’s and impressions. So I’m going to hand out an in class exercise and ask you to do it independently and we’ll go over it to make sure everyone understands. Do In Class Exercise Exclusive Reach next term we are going to talk about and the next one you need to know. Exclusive Reach is the number of DIFFERENT individuals or homes exposed to an ad schedule within a given time frame (usually 4 weeks for broadcast, a month for outdoor, life of a publication…1 month, 1 day) It is UNDUPLICATED and expressed as a % . IMPORTANT It is a measure of dispersion. Reach operates in two different modes: 1. within the same vehicle…3 different magazines 2. across media vehicles TV Radio Magazines SHOW GRAPH of 100 TV HOMES This graph shows 100 homes. Each box =1 home. Let’s say you purchase a TV schedule of 4 spots; 1 in Grey’s Anatomy, 1 in Bachelor, 1 in Law and Order and 1 in My Name is Earl. In this example, some people saw more than 1 announcement or spot. Some people that watched Grey’s also saw Earl. You will see every possible combination of the programs on this chart. In this example, 40 homes viewed at least 1 of these programs. The reach of the 4 programs combined is 40%...40 homes saw one of these commercials out of 100 possible TV homes. Each one of these shows has a 20 rating (20 boxes out of 100) This schedule of 4 spots produced 80 gross rating points: Greys Anatomy 20 Bachelor 20 Law and Order 20 My Name is Earl 20 80 To calculate EXCLUSIVE Reach, each viewer is only counted 1 time (unduplicated) no matter how many programs they watched. The dynamics of reach apply to all media forms with the only variation being in the time frame…example: For broadcast (TV, radio, cable) reach is expressed over a 4 week period)…”With this TV schedule, I will reach 40% of the market over a 4 week period” This is because it is how the research companies collect and tabulate the data. Reach refers to the % of people who will be exposed to the programs. 2 different terms that are often used by media planners are Reach and Coverage. The terms can be and often are interchangeable because Coverage often is synonymous with Reach. A more accurate explanation is that coverage and reach can be different because Coverage could mean POTENTIAL to be exposed to the advertising and Reach refers to those people who are actually exposed. KNOW THIS Reach VS Coverage Reach: Those who are actually exposed to an ad message. Example: Television program Grey’s Anatomy reaches 9 million women Aged 25-34 within a four week period…or Time magazine has a reach of 25% of women aged 25-34 within an average issue Coverage: Those who only have the potential to be exposed to an ad message. Example: Grey’s Anatomy has a coverage of 95% of TV homes in the United States…or Time Magazine has a 25% coverage of women aged 25-34 (in this came it means the same as reach) When we talk about combined Reach, we are combining Reach and Coverage and calling it Reach, but it is important for you to know that Coverage means “potential” to be exposed and Reach means actual exposure. Outdoor is generally a 1 month reach/coverage….”With the outdoor schedule I purchased for ALL STATE, I will (have the potential to) reach 30% of the population over a 1 month period.” With Print, reach is usually calculated over the life of the issue…a weekly magazine has an average live of 4-5 weeks (how long it takes everyone who is going to read the magazine to do so) Daily newspapers usually have a 1 day reach. Here is an example of how reach/coverage would be calculated for magazines: SHOW CHART: TIME is read by 20% of my target…some of those people also read Prevention and/or Sports Illustrated. TIME 9% (exclusive) 3% (read Time and Prevention) 4% (read Time and Sports Illustrated) 4% (read Time, Prevention and Sports Illustrated.) 20% To determine reach/coverage of ALL magazines combined, we need to add the exclusive audience of each to the duplicated audience (counting it only once) TIME 9% Prevention 6 Sports Illustrated 9 TIME + Prevention TIME + SI 4 SI + Prevention 4 TIME + SI+ Preven 39% (exclusive) (exclusive) (exclusive) 3 4 Frequency Frequency is the average number of times individuals or homes are exposed to a broadcast program within a 4 week period A measure of repetition (Average) FREQUENCY = GRP’s (or duplicated audience) REACH (Unduplicated) FORMULA GRP’s =Reach x Frequency Frequency = Gross Impressions Unduplicated Impressions EXAMPLE: If a commercial is telecast once each week on American Idol. American Idol has an average rating of 20 each week. Its 4 week reach is 43 ( which we get from Nielsen Data. Remember Exclusive Reach means UNDUPLICATED ) What is GRP’s ? Ratings x 4 shows = GRP’s 20 x 4 =80 What is average frequency? Av Frequency =GRP’s Reach Average Frequency = 80 43 Average Frequency =1.86 or 1.9 This means that 43% of the target was reached an average of 1.9 times. If we go back to the example of TV Homes (BIG CHART): 40 homes viewed 1 or more of the programs; 17 homes viewed only 1 show, 11 homes viewed 2 shows, 7 homes viewed 3 shows and 5 homes viewed 4 shows. If we add the number of commercials viewed in the 40 homes we get 80 commercials. If we divide the number of commercials by the homes 80/40 we get an average frequency of 2. What this says is that the average home saw 2 commercials. Frequency is usually referred to as Average Frequency. Here is a print example: Suppose People magazine has a reach of 54 for 6 consecutive issues (meaning it reaches 54% of our target audience with the 6 issues.) It’s one-issue reach is 29.5….What is GRP’s?.....29.5 x 6 =177 What is average Frequency?... go back to formula Average frequency =GRP’s (duplicated) 177 Total Reach (unduplicated) or 54 =3.3 Example: (Print media) Using previous example of 3 different magazines. TIME Prevention SI Time + Prev Time + SI Prev + SI Time + Prev+ SI 9 (Time only) 6 (Prevention only) 9 (SI only) 3 ( Time + Prev only) 4 (Time + SI only) 4 (Prev + SI only) 4 (Time + Prev + SI only) 39 Unduplicated But we want to find the average frequency and our formula for average frequency is GRP’s (duplicated) Total Reach (unduplicated) so we need to fine what our GRP’s (Duplicated) are before we can find frequency. Times GRP’s = (9+3+4+4) = 20 Preventions GRP’s = (6+3+ 4+4) =17 SI’s GRP’s + ( 9+4+4+4) = 21 58 GRP’s (duplicated) AV Freq = GRP’s (duplicated) Reach (unduplicated) of 58/39 =1.48 OR 1.5. This says that that 39% of the population will be exposed to our ad an average of 1.5 times. STOP HERE Reach Frequency and GRP’s all work together and are all related. Reach tells us what % of the population will be exposed to our commercials Frequency tells us the average number of times they are exposed GRP’s/TRP’s are the product of Reach and Frequency and express the gross or duplicated % of an audience reached 1 or more times. Here is your next media planning formula: Reach x Frequency =GRP’s Gross Impressions are the same as GRP’s except it is the number of exposures (duplicated) instead of a %. THROW BUBBLE GUM…Here is Reach. Here is frequency. How many people did I reach? How many people got 1 piece of gum? How many people got 2 pieces of gum? 1111111111 111111 11 1 Received only 1 piece of gum 4 Received only 2 pieces of gum 4 Received only 3 pieces of gum 1 Received only 1 piece of gum 1 10 (unduplicated) Reach Received at least 1 piece of gum 10 Received at least 2 pieces of gum 6 Received at least 3 pieces of gum 2 Received at least 4 pieces of gum 1 19 GRP’s Average Frequency = 19/10 =1.9 or R X F = GRP’s 10 X 1.9=19 How GRP”s and TRP’s are used 2 ways Planners cost out a schedule using GRP’s (ie I am going to purchase 1000 GRP’s and it will cost me $10,000) Planners calculate Reach and Frequency using GRP’s. (IE I have 1000 GRP’s so that will give me a reach of 50% and an average frequency of 20 …meaning I will reach 50% of the population an average of 20 times each) You will be using this when you do your media plan. In costing out schedules, for print, costs are calculated on units…# of full page ads. For broadcast, costs are calculated on the basis of a cost per rating point for a :30 second spot. If a schedule costs $10,000 and it delivers 25 rating points, the cpp is $400. Next formula: cost/rating =cost per rating point or cpp 10000/25 =400. This says to reach 1% of the television population, it will cost $400. Knowing the cpp of TV and radio a planner can use simple division to determine how many GRP’s/trp’s the plan can afford. Example: If the budget is $1,000,000 and the estimated cpp is $400, the planner can afford 2500 grp’s. 1000000/400=2500. We will get into this more next week…cpp and cpm. Reach and Frequency in TV are dependent on scheduling patterns. What I mean by that is that we can vastly vary the Reach and Frequency of 2 media plans with identical GRP levels…Concentration of commercials in a few programs will deliver more frequency and less reach…think about it. If I buy a spot every day in a M-F 6-6:30 Friends show, the same people are likely to watch that show so I might reach the same people 5 times. People tend to be loyal to their programs and in this instance we would reach the same people over and over again. By the same token, if commercials are purchased in a wide variety of programs, we will have greater reach because we are hitting or reaching many more different people. Radio works the same way. If we purchase a multitude of radio stations we will have greater reach, but if we only purchase 1 or 2 stations, we will reach the same people over and over again. But remember that radio is purchased off the MSA instead of thw whole market. In cable (satellite and FIOS) the same dynamics apply as TV, but 2 things make cable unique and its important to know and understand this. The 2 things that make cable unique are Penetration and Fragmentation. Penetration: Not everyone has cable/satellite/FIOS in a market. Most people have TV, but still only about 70% of the population has cable, so the population base is smaller. Fragmentation: Cable provides many more options than regular broadcast. So because of these 2 factors, the audience sizes are MUCH smaller than regular broadcast. Cable provides more targetability, but much smaller REACH. If your are Miller Beer in Dallas Texas and want to purchase a local schedule, cable might make that much sense (depending on price) because you’re not going to reach the entire TV DMA. However, if you are the 7-11 in Denton Texas, purchasing the Denton Cable system might make a great deal of sense. If you purchase the same amount of GRP”s on TV as Cable, your TV reach will be greater. The biggest thing to remember when looking at cable is that you are not reaching the same geographic area as TV. You might WANT a smaller area but if you have a product like Pepsi where anyone can buy it, it might not make the most sense to buy cable because you aren’t reaching the whole market. Talk about CABLE …draw DMA map and show cable pockets. Illustrate the differences of cable universe and DMA universe. Cable and TV should be compared on the same universe because they are TV. Cable salespeople will try to sell on cable universe. For Out of Home (outdoor) the outdoor purchase is made on the basis of daily GRP’s and Reach and Frequency are calculated for a month long period. Reach and Frequency of outdoor are affected by many factors: Size of Ad-is it a 12’ x 48’ painted board that attracts lots of people or a 2/ x 4’ one sheet? Location- Is your outdoor located next to a high traffic highway or on the side of an obscure building? Level of GRP’s being purchased Availability of your target to see your ads…example- if your target is AD 1849 and they commute to work everyday, they may see your ads frequently, but if your target is AD 65+ and they only leave home to go see their doctors, they will not see your ads frequently. Reach and Frequency in Print Because of the nature of the data collected by syndicated research companies (Simmons, MRI) GRP’s do not have to be used to estimate Reach and Frequency for Print. The syndicated research companies provide both rating and duplication data based on very complex formulas. As a media planner you can access the data on print either thru subscription from a research company or from the publication itself. But, just as with broadcast, print acquires new readers with each issue so there are some unique qualities of Print Reach and Frequency. A publications audience count is based on “average issue” Audiences consist of loyal and infrequent readers With each issue of a publication, there is “turnover” …new subscribers replace those who stop subscribing and new infrequent readers replace old infrequent readers. With each issue in a schedule there is “build” up of Reach, but the Reach (unduplicated) readers increase slowly. What happens here is that your frequency goes up against LOYAL readers and your reach goes up against NEW readers which is a smaller base so overall the additional reach is small. Daily Newspapers turn over new readers much more than magazines because there are more readers in newspaper who purchase a single issue than who subscribe. With single-copy sales there is more audience “churn”. In magazines, readers will purchase a copy for several days or weeks and in news paper, people tend not to buy yesterdays news. Large daily newspapers in each market tend to have a larger reach (coverage) than the average magazine. The larger the reach, the less the opportunity to attract new audiences. If a magazine only reaches 5% of a market, they have the opportunity to draw from the remaining 95% of the market. A large local newspaper already has a greater % of the market, so they have less opportunity. The average newspaper has less passalong than the average magazine (it is more short lived) Newspapers have less audience duplication than magazines…most people only read one paper. So everything I have just covered are things the media planner needs to think about when deciding on what medias to use in their plan. I want to now talk to you about HOW Reach and Frequency are used. Here are 3 ways 1. When we get into doing our media plans your will have to provide a R/F goal…it will sound something like this: “This plan will reach 75% of our target audience with a 4 frequency in the initial 4 weeks.” 2. Another way to use R & F is as a goal to construct various media plans against. You might want to set a R/F goal and then come up with media tactics that will provide that Reach and Frequency 3. Planners use Reach and Frequency to compare alternatives for a media mix: for example: SHOW CHART with 2 plans. If your goal is to have a higher Reach, you would go with Plan 1, but if your goal is a higher frequency, you would use plan 2. How do you know what to go for in a plan: Here is a guideline and you should know this: The life cycle of a product will generally guide you with what to use: IF you are introducing a new product you need high REACH IF you are growing a product you need both Reach and Frequency. If you have a mature product you need heavy frequency If your product is in decline…? Who knows? Nothing may help. Here are some examples to help you think about this: The new I Phone by APPLE is a new product. They needed to reach everyone so their media play emphasized heavy Reach Jared Jewelers in Dallas/Fort Worth has been here for a few years and they are opening new stores…they are growing their product. Their media plan emphasizes both Reach and Frequency. Pepsi Cola is a Mature Brand…everyone has heard of it. They emphasize Frequency so that the people they reach don’t forget about them…to keep their name out there. Wilson Typewriter Company has an obsolete product…no amount of Reach or Frequency will save that product. How impressions are used: Like GRP’s, impressions also report total delivery without regard to duplication. Impressions are used to determine delivery of audience schedules; SHOW CHART of 2 plans at equal budegets. Both deliver 120 million home impressions. If we were only concerned with total Women, plan 1 is better, however if the goal is to deliver more Women 18-34, plan 2 is better. Plan 1 delivers equal people in each age group while plan 2 delivers more W 1834 and 18-49 so if you are interested in a younger audience, plan 2 is superior. Modeling Activity: I will lead the class in setting up 3 columns on the board. In the first column we will list together the mediums that they generally see/hear/experience advertising: magazines, TV, radio, internet, etc. In the second column we will list specific vehicles that they watch, listen to, view, etc. (CSI, Vogue, Time, CNN, CBS News, Letterman) The third column will show specific products that are advertised in those shows (The object is to show that different shows are appropriate for different products) Example: Mediums TV Radio Internet Newspaper Magazines Billboards Vehicles CSI Wheel of Fortune Soap Operas CNN Letterman KPLX-FM KISS-FM WBAP-AM ESPN Home Shopping Network Pizza Hut Dallas Morning News Vogue 30 sheet Products Mercedes, Ford, Movies Pizza, cars, travel Antacid, school, insurance Political ads, financials Condoms, beer, music Rodeos, cars, concerts Nightclubs, music, concrts Cadllc, TV shws, Nwspap Sprts TV, aparl, beer, food Clothes, hme décor, grdn Food, promotions Autos, movies, Fashion, jewelry, make up McDonalds, Guided Practice/Independent Practice: Students will do in class exercises to determine gross impressions, and Gross Rating points. In class exercise for week 3 1) Calculate the gross impressions of each magazine and then calculate the gross impressions of this media plan Prevention =6,000,000 Vogue = 25,000,000 Elle = 6,000,000 Total 37,000,000 2) CBS TV NEWS = 1,440,000 DALLAS MORN NEWS = 1,000,000 KSCS-FM = 582,000 TOTAL 3,022,000 Students will break up into informal groups of 3-4 making sure that 1-2 people in each group are going to watch the superbowl. They will make a list of types and specific clients they think will not only be in the superbowl, but should be in the superbowl. They will make one list per group and exchange lists with another group. We will discuss the products of each group. One person in each group will be responsible for jotting down if those particular categories and specific clients advertised in the superbowl. 5 Students will give their prepared presentations on media. Reteach: Who can tell me what Reach is? What is Frequency? What is GRP’s? What is a Rating, What is a share, What is a HUT? What is a Medium? What is a Vehicle? Extension:.Students will give the formula for GRP and tell me how Reach, Frequency and GRP’s are related to each other. Closure: . Students will tell me if Effective Reach is duplicated or unduplicated (unduplicated) Students will tell me if GRP’s and impressions are duplicated or unduplicated. Homework: Students will be follow homework schedule on syllabus. They will also compare the products advertised in the superbowl to the products predicted in class this week.