Mental health goals

LECTURER……………Mrs. J. Mutambara
Module description:
Mental Health is under the branch of positive psychology. The main aim of the
module is to
understand how individuals can stay mentally healthy and contribute effectively to the society.
positive aspects of mental health e.g. self esteem ,optimism e.t.c. will be dealt with .Although
there will be constant reference to mental disorders it is not the thrust of this module to study
Mental health goals :
At the end of this module, you should be able to accomplish the following goals
1) Define mental health using both the positive and negative definitions
2) Identify how stress affects mental health as well as the various other factors that affect
mental health
3) Explain how mental health can be promoted both at individual and at societal level.
4) Identify the factors that lead to wellbeing in children and adolescents
5) Identify and explain factors that affect wellbeing in males and females
6) Be conversant with selected sections of the mental health act and the mental health
Module format:
The format of this module will include lectures, group presentations and information on
Course work for the module will consist of group presentations, individual assignments and an
in class test. Course work will contribute 40% of your final mark.
An examination will be written at the end of the semester and this will contribute 60%.
Students are encouraged to be serious with their course work and read the topics that will be
set for discussion.
Even though this module will be done by two combined groups plagiarism of assignments is
likely to be noticed. Plagiarism is a serious academic offence and will be dealt with as stipulated
in the University Regulations.
There are no books in the library that cover the whole module so students are advised to read
whatever book that covers the topics as well as to make extensive use of the internet. Lecture
material only will not make you pass this module
Module outline
1. Introduction to mental health
a) Definition of health
b) Overview of mental illness
c) Mental wellness
d) Characteristics of mental health
2. Aspects of mental health
a) Physical vs. mental health
b) Determinants of mental health
c) Stress and mental health
d) Managing stress
3. Promoting mental health
a) Why promote mental health
b) Barriers to mental health
c) Integrating mental health into primary care
d) Reasons for integrating mental health into primary care
e) Mental heath and self care
4. Child and adolescent mental health
a) Attachment
b) Breastfeeding and mother to child relationship
c) Mental health issues in adolescence
d) Parent adolescent relationships
5. Gender issues in mental health
a) Definition of gender
b) Overview of gender theories
c) Masculinity and feminity vs. mental health
6. Religion ,culture and mental health
a) Praying and psychological wellbeing
b) Benefits of spirituality
7. Mental health protective factors
a) Self esteem(definition, body image and self esteem, body image and SE,
improving SE)
b) Resilience
c) Optimism
d) Happiness
e) Social support
8. Ethical and legal issues in mental health
a) Zimbabwe`s mental health act
b) Zimbabwe`s mental health policy
Question :
What is the effect of Religion and Culture on an individual `s mental health?
Due date…………
3 March 2010
(Maximum of 4 typed pages ,font size 12,one and half spacing between lines)
Students will be advised of presentation dates but tentatively beginning of April. Students are
however encouraged to start working on their group assignments as well as questions for the
other groups. Tutorials are compulsory and those whole fail to attend will get a heavy penalty.
All students should prepare extensively for these discussions to avoid embarrassment. More
marks will be given to those who present using PowerPoint.
On the day of the presentations the group that will be presenting should submit 20 one page
summaries of their assignments for the other groups and a comprehensive one to be marked by
the lecturer.
Tutorial questions
(1.2 CLASS)
Grp 1: Compare and contrast the positive and negative definitions of mental health.
Grp 2: Discuss the social determinates of mental health.
Grp 3: Explain the mental health concerns that are particular to adolescents and how these can
be dealt with.
Grp 4: How can a person boost his /her self esteem?
Grp 5 : Religion can hinder or promote mental health. Discuss.
Grp 6: Explain the strategies that should be put in place for mental health to be integrated into
primary care.
Grp 7: What is the role of the community in promoting mental health?
Grp 8: What is the contribution of the hedonic and eudemonic aspects of wellbeing to mental
Grp 9: Does attachment have a role in understanding children `s mental health?
Grp 10: Explain the mental health issues that are specific to HIV/AIDS patients.
Gro11: As a psychologist how can you help a 12 year old girl cope with the death of her
Grp 12: How does personality affect mental health?
(2.2 class)
Grp13: Define and explain the contribution of happiness to mental health.
Grp14: Explain how and adolescent can manage his or her anger.
Grp15: How can a child who is adopted at birth be helped to attain psychological wellbeing?
Grp16: Why are women more prone to depression?
Grp17: What strategies should Zimbabwe`s organ on National healing adopt inorder to
effectively heal trauma victims?
Grp18: In many societies men are reinforced for internalizing their feelings. How does this
affect their mental health?
Grp19: Explain in detail and suggest solutions to problems faced by college students.
Grp 20:”People may not be happy with their lives-even with enough to eat, a roof on their
heads and good friends and family”. Discuss.