Insurance Claims Queue - Community Clinic Health Network

Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
 Accessing the Application
1. Connect to the server in San Diego through Terminal Services
2. Launch Guardian Rx
 Usernames & Passwords
1. Username is First-Initial + Last-Name
a. Ex Kobe Bryant  kbryant
2. Password
a. Changes every 90 days
b. Must contain 8 characters
c. Must contain an Uppercase letter
d. Must contain a lowercase letter
e. Must contain a number
f. Must contain a special character  ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
g. Must not be the same as the username
h. Cannot be the same as the last 9 passwords that was used in
the past
i. Ex Main@234, John123!, aMy123$
1. Requesting access for a new user
a. Fill out a User Request Form (signed by a supervisor) and fax
to 619-542-4350 or email to
2. Unlocking a locked user access
a. Determine if you’re locked out of Terminal Services or
i. Call 619-542-4333 and tell the support representative
what you’re locked out of
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Logging into Terminal Services
1. Double Click the Remote Desktop icon on your desktop
2. Click
3. Click
on the Computer Usage Policy screen
4. Type your username and password
5. Click
Logging Into GRx
1. Double click the Guardian Rx icon on your desktop
2. Enter your Login Name and Password
* The store should default to your clinic
3. Click
on the First Data Bank acknowledgement screen
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Logging Off GRx
1. Click
2. Click Logout
Basic Navigation
1. Click
to view the modules you can access. This is
controlled by your clinic’s system administrator and/or pharmacists.
The modules:
Most users will have access to the following:
Retail Dispensing — is the module from which users can enter
and dispense medications
Report Manager — access pre-formatted as well as custom
Administrator — for users with administrative rights
Change Password — allows users to change passwords
Log Out — logs the user out of the system
Exit — exits out of the program
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Navigating in Guardian Rx
In order to navigate through GuardianRx, it is important to
understand the parts of the screen. For example, the Retail
Dispensing window is shown as follows:
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Patient Info
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Text Field
Title Bar
The Title Bar displays the title of the window. This is standard in
all Windows programs, including GuardianRx.
Menu Bar
The menu bar allows access to the different facilities using a
drop-down menu. Click the item on the menu bar and the
menu will appear; highlight and select items off of the menu
by pointing and clicking.
Button Bar
The Button bar has buttons representing the common
commands for a given window. You can use a mouse to
activate any of these buttons by single left clicking on them.
There are times when some of the buttons on the button bar
are disabled (not available). When this is the case, the
buttons appear in a lighter shade. These buttons are disabled
because the functions of the buttons are not appropriate for
the function that you are currently performing.
Using Context Sensitive Popup Menus
Throughout GuardianRx, you can access commonly used
commands by single clicking with the right mouse button. The
popup menus and the functionality they provide vary
depending on where you are working in the software.
Patient Info Bar (Heads Up Display)
Certain information found on the patient record appears in
the Patient Info bar for quick visual reference. This information
is updated as you save data on the patient record.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Navigation Tree
The navigation tree allows you to quickly access modules and
sub modules within the GuardianRx program. Expand portions
of the tree by clicking the plus (+) signs and collapse portions
of the tree by clicking the minus (-) signs. Click items on the
tree to display the associated window.
Text Field
Text fields allow you to enter data into the database.
Depending on the type of text field in which you are typing
data (e.g. name, date, social security number, etc.), you can
enter text and/or numbers.
Drop-down List
Drop-down lists contain pre-defined values. Use the downarrow button to display the contents of a drop-down list or, if
you know the item you want to select, type a few characters
of the name and it will be displayed automatically.
Alternately, use the up and down arrow keys to scroll up and
down through the values in the list. If you prefer using the
keyboard, use the Alt- keystroke combination when in a
drop-down field to display the contents of the drop-down list.
Zoom Button
Use the zoom button to display the detail of a selected
record. For example, when a doctor is selected in the Primary
MD field, clicking the zoom button will display the Prescriber
window that includes address and phone number
information. You can also use this feature to make edits to
the record.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Minimize Button
The Minimize button minimizes an application to an icon on your Task
Restore/Maximize Button
When a window is displayed full screen, or maximized (covering the
entire desktop), the Restore/Maximize button will restore the maximized
window to a smaller size. The smaller window can then be moved and
sized. When a window is not full-screen, the Restore/Maximize button
will return the window to a full-screen state.
Close Button
Use the Close button to close or exit a window.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
The GuardianRx Dispensing module is the main functional unit
of the CarePoint software. Dispensing is the central location
for performing daily tasks in the pharmacy including filling
new and refill prescriptions, transferring scripts into and out of
the pharmacy, obtaining price quotes, and adjudicating
claims to third party plans.
A unique design feature of the dispensing functionality of
GuardianRx is the division of dispensing windows into the
Prescription and Dispensing screens. The prescription screen
comes before the dispense screen and allows you to record
information exactly as it appears on the physician’s
prescription. The dispense screen allows you to make
necessary modifications to the original prescription including
changes in quantity, generic substitutions, pricing, etc.
Part One: Prescription Screen — type the prescription as the
prescriber/provider ordered the drug(s)
1. Launch Dispensing by clicking on the CarePoint icon and selecting
Retail Dispensing
2. Type the patient’s name (part of the first name + part of the last
name  EX: joh dou for John Douglas). Alternatively, you can
type the patient’s chart number by typing a “+” sign and the chart
number  EX: +9876543, where 9876543 is the chart number
a. If the patient’s chart number is unavailable, type the first
three letters of the patient’s first name, followed by a space,
then the first three letters of the patient’s last name.
i. Ex: to search for Kobe Bryant, type kob bry
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
ii. If there are multiple names with the same first and last
name combination, a list will appear. Select the
appropriate patient (based on DOB, address, etc)
b. Users can also search using the phone number, address or
social security number. To do advanced search:
i. Leave the patient text field blank
ii. Click on
Type the appropriate values in the corresponding field
iv. Click
v. Select the appropriate patient from the list by doubleclicking on the patient’s name
3. Type part of the medication name (as ordered)  ex Lipi for Lipitor
10 mg tablet.
Note: User can also enter an NDC number of scan the NDC
barcode from the medication bottle or other container
4. Select the desired drug, form and strength
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
5. DAW (dispense as written) defaults to N (no). Do not change this
unless the provider specifically indicates that he/she wants to
dispense the drug as written (eg dispense the brand name drug)
6. Enter the prescriber’s last name or part of it. GRx remembers the
last prescribers that ordered medication for the active patient.
Click on the drop down arrow to see a list of previous prescribers
7. Indicate the quantity written, units/dose and frequency
8. EX: 
a. Qty written – number of piils. For liquids, injectables and
cream, type 1P (1 package). If the order is for more than 1
package, type 2P, 3P, 4P, etc…
b. Units/Dose – amount of pills, liquids, creams or units
i. Sample Valid Entries: 1, ½, 1.5, 2, 1tsp, 5ml, 10u, 1GTT
c. Dose Frequency – number of times the med will be
i. Sample Valid Entries: 1, 2, 3, QD, BID, TID, QAM, QPM,
QHS, Q2-4H
ii. Additional Sigs (must be combined with a Q* sig) x10D,
9. Press Tab
10. To modify or append the sig:
a. Click the  (right arrow key) and type a space
b. Start typing additional sigs or modifying the existing sig
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
11. Indicate the number of Refills
12. Click the Dispense icon
Part Two: Dispensing Screen
1. Select the appropriate brand or generic drug. If you are using the
inventory module, the drugs active and on hand will be displayed
2. The payment method will default to the primary insurance. To
change insurance or payment method, click the drop-down arrow
as shown below
3. Double check the Patient Pay portion
4. Type the Pharmacist’ initials next to Dispensed by
a. Note: for dispensaries, type either the Provider’s initials or the
Registered Nurse’s initials
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
5. Click the Dispense button or the mock-up label to display the DUR
message, send the claim for online adjudication and print the label.
Part Three: Patient Profile
The Patient Profile facility provides access to prescription records entered
for a patient. A chronological list is provided that displays pertinent
information for prescriptions and dispenses that have been entered. This
will also contain any migrated data from your legacy system.
1. Type the patient’s name and press Tab
2. Click on
3. The patient profile window is now displayed
Num — Line Number
Rx# — prescription number
Dispensed Product — medication given to the patient
Qty Lst Disp — quantity dispensed (at last dispense date)
Units Remaining — quantity left for prescription if not fully dispensed at time of last
fill (Ex: if a prescribe wrote a script for 30 pills and the pharmacy/dispensary only
had 10 pills left, a balance of 20 units will appears on this column)
Lst Disp Date — date of last fill
Refills Left — refills left for the prescription
Status — either active or inactive (discontinued)
Prescriber — MD, NP, PA, Dentist who wrote the script
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Date Written — date script was written
Prescribed Product — medication ordered by the prescriber; this could be
different from the dispensed product (e.g. if a prescriber ordered Zocor and the
pharmacy/dispensary dispensed Simvastatin)
Expiration Date — expiration date of prescription
Original Fills — total number of fills ordered for the prescription
Total Price — total price of the prescription
Patient Pay — patient portion of the cost
Processing Status — status of the prescription
Entered, Label Printed, Adjudicating, Third Party Rejection, Deactivated,
Dispense Verified, Rx Transferred (External), Rx Authorization (Pending)
Rx Authorization Status — Date/Time of Rx Authorization Request
4. Activities/actions
— Click this to dispense a fill for an existing
prescription (refills or fills for a drug on hold). If there are no
more fills available, the following screen appears:
See notes below on processing refills requests
5. Click
— Click this to renew a prescription to a new
prescription number
— deactivate an active drug
— completely VOID the prescription. This action cannot
be undone
to close this window
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Part Four: Patient Demographics (Quick Add Patient)
1. Type the patient’s name and press Tab
2. Click the “zoom” button
3. This will launch the Patient information screen (quick add patients)
4. This screen is divided into many sections. The ones we will review in
this session are:
a. Quick Add Patient (basic demographics) – this data will be
automatically migrated from your practice management
system. If the PM is down, be sure to fill out the following:
i. Full Name
ii. Address
iii. Home Phone Number
iv. Date of Birth
v. SSN
vi. Chart ID
vii. Gender
viii. Language
ix. Primary MD
b. Allergies
i. Click
to enter a new allergy
ii. Allergies can be entered as
1. Ingredient (latex)
2. Product (Tylenol)
3. Class (Statins)
iii. Type part of the desired allergy
Press TAB
iv. Select the desired allergy from the list by double
clicking on the appropriate allergy
v. Choose the appropriate severity form the drop-down
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
vi. Click Details to enter symptoms
vii. Click
c. Insurance
This data will be automatically migrated from your practice
management system. Insurance will also be the
placeholder for grant/program or sliding fee scale level
information. If the PM is down, follow these steps to enter an
insurance manually:
i. Click
ii. Type part of the insurance name or insurance code on
the Insurer field
iii. Press tab and select from the list by double clicking
iv. Click the drop-down arrow next to Coverage and
select the appropriate level for this insurance
v. Enter the Cardholder’s ID Number
vi. Enter the Group Number (if applicable)
There is also a drop down list for some insurance
previously used
vii. Click
5. Click
to close this window
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Part Five: The Patient Bar
Blue for Active Patients, Red for Inactive Patients
The patient bar contains the following information
o Patient Name
o Allergies – if there are numerous entries, the most severe is
o Conditions — conditions and/or indications. if there are
numerous entries, the first entry is displayed
o Phone Number — patient’s primary phone number (home)
o Age and Gender
o Chart Number — same as NextGen EPM/EHR
o SS#
o PCP — primary care Physician
o Insurance — if there are numerous entries, the most primary
insurance is displayed
If there are comments for the selected patient, the
will be displayed
*** Type comments in the patient demographics screen
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Part Six: The CTRL button
While in Retail Dispensing, click the CTRL button to activate the Keyboard
Navigation Control
Access to the controls is based on user security by job function
Dispense History — The Dispense History button displays the various fills for a prescription that
is currently queued up for dispensing.
Quick Add Patient — The Quick Add Patient button allows you to enter a new patient record
(patient demographics screen)
Quick Edit Patient — The Quick Edit Patient button allows you to modify recorded information
on the current patient loaded into the system.
Drug Prescribed — The Drug Prescribed option allows you to launch the Edit Product window
to examine the currently loaded medication.
Prescriber — The Prescriber button allows you to view the physician record of the currently
loaded physician.
Product Dispensed — The Product Dispensed option allows you to launch the Edit Product
window to view the product defined in the Product Dispensed field.
Renew Rx — The Renew Rx button allows you to renew the prescription currently loaded on the
prescription screen.
Patient Profile — The Patient Profile button allows you to quickly view the Patient Profile listing
of the currently loaded patient.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Insurance — The Insurance button allows you to view and modify the Insurance screen for the
currently loaded patient record.
Print Drug Monograph — The Print Drug Monograph button allows you to print a copy of the
currently loaded drug’s monograph.
Sig Codes — The Sig Codes button allows you to view the systems Sig Code tables.
Transfer Rx — The Transfer Rx option allows you to launch the Transfer Wizard, a step-by-step
instructional guide for transferring in or out of the pharmacy.
Print Refill Authorization — The Print Refill Authorization option allows you to print a refill
authorization form to fax to the prescriber for the active prescription.
Edit Original Date — The Edit Original Date option allows you to define the original date that the
current product was written in the current quantity by the prescriber; this date is inaccessible via
the prescription and dispensing screens and is used when generating MAR reports.
Partial Price Quote — The Partial Price Quote option allows you to search for a price quote for
the prescription currently on the dispense screen.
Price Quote — The Price Quote option allows you to calculate a price quote for any given
medication and is not associated with the current dispense as is the Partial Price Quote.
Activate Product — The Activate Product button allows you to search for and activate products
on the fly, i.e. at the time of dispense.
Product Reference — The Product Reference allows you display cost information and
quantity on hand regarding the product that is currently queued up for dispensing.
Rx Workflow Queue — The Rx Workflow Queue button allows you to check for remotely queued
RXs in the system, from a web or IVR interface. Use this button to access DISPENSE VERIFY
Show Queue — The Show Queue button allows you to open the Insurance Claims Queue.
Cancel — The Cancel button allows you to close the Keyboard Navigation Control.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Part VII: Transferring Prescriptions (Out)
1. Press and release the Control key (Ctrl) on your keyboard.
This will display the Keyboard Navigation Control.
2. Click on the
button to display the Transfer
Follow the prompts to complete the transfer out process.
Hint: if you don’t know the prescription number, search for and select the
patient (in the Patient Name field) first. Then, click the “Rx #” hyperlink
and all the prescriptions for the selected patient will be displayed.
Click NEXT
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Click Finish
Part VIII: Renewing a Prescription
When a prescription expires or reaches zero refills remaining, the system
will prompt you with a functional popup window. You will have the ability
to renew the prescription or enter authorized refills.
This option will print a one page report that
can be faxed to the physician. The report
includes information about the patient and
the drug dispensed.
Renews the Rx and
assigns it a new Rx
After refills are authorized
by the doctor’s office, this
will let you add the
additional refills to the
prescription record.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Printing the Refill Authorization Report
When printing the Refill Authorization Report, you have the ability to direct
it to any printer on your network or to your computer’s fax.
When you click the Request Refill Auth button, a popup window is
displayed. This window allows you to select the doctor that you want to
show on the printed report. You may also select any facility with which
the doctor is associated. The comment field is a free text comment field
that can also be printed on the report.
When you select to print the form, a Print popup window is displayed.
Click OK to print the form to the default printer listed. Otherwise, click
Printer to display the Print Setup window where you can select from a
printer on your network. If a fax driver is installed on your computer, you
may select the fax ‘printer’ from the list of available printers.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Select a printer or
the ‘fax printer’
from the drop
down list to
determine where
to direct the Refill
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
If you choose to fax the report to the prescriber, the Windows Fax Wizard
will likely be displayed. As a convenience, the prescriber’s fax number is
copied to the Windows Clipboard and can be ‘pasted’ (using the Ctrl+V
keystroke combination) into the appropriate field in the Fax Wizard.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Part IX: NDC Checker
1. Double click
2. Enter your login information
3. Click
4. Enter your user ID (* one time only)
5. Scan the label
6. Scan the bottle
The bar turns RED which indicates an incorrect NDC
If the NDC matches, then the screen turns blank and a Match is
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Part X: Dispense Verify
To be distributed next week
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Part XI: Claims Queue
Insurance Claims Queue
The Dispensing Insurance Claims Queue serves as a visual queue of claims
being processed in the system. Though it is used primarily as a tool for
troubleshooting problematic third party insurance claims, the queue
shows other pertinent information, and can be used to reverse claims, as
well as to check payments on claims, reprint labels, and access the Edit
Dispensing window for any particular claim.
The Insurance Claims Queue is accessed by clicking on the Show Queue
button at the top right hand corner of the Dispensing window. Note that
the Show Queue button is either red or green, depending on the status of
claims in the queue – the hyperlink appears with a green background
when all listed claims have been accepted and with a red background
when the Queue contains rejected claims.
You can click on column headings to sort the contents of the Queue by
the data in that column, and click on data appearing bold and
underlined within the grid in the Queue to display additional information
regarding that particular claim. The buttons and checkboxes at the
bottom of the Queue window allow you to filter listed claims as you prefer.
Filtering the Insurance Claims Queue
A number of checkboxes at the bottom of the Insurance Claims Queue
allow you to filter claims that you wish to be displayed.
Once you have made any changes to these filters, click the Refresh
button at the bottom right hand corner of the Queue to update the view
to the new parameters that you specify. Claims may be filtered for and
sorted into categories including 3rd Party, Reversals, and Cash as well as
claim status, including Accepted, Rejected, and Submitted.
Note: After you have grown accustomed to using the Insurance Claims
Queue to troubleshoot problematic claims, it is typical to filter the queue
to show only 3rd Party claims, and to Show Rejected Claims.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Show 3rd Party
Toggle the Show 3rd Party checkbox to either display or hide claims that
have been adjudicated to a 3rd party insurance organization.
Show Reversals
Toggle the Show Reversals checkbox to either display or hide claims that
have been reversed in the system.
Show Cash
Toggle the Show Cash checkbox to either display or hide claims that have
been dispensed with a payment method of Cash in the system.
Show Accepted Claims
Toggle the Show Accepted Claims checkbox to either display or hide
claims that have a status of A (Accepted) in the system.
Show Rejected Claims
Toggle the Show Rejected checkbox to either display or hide claims that
have a status of R (Rejected) in the system.
Show Submitted Claims
Toggle the Show Submitted Claims checkbox to either display or hide
claims that have a status of S (Submitted) in the system.
Show Voids Only
Toggle the Show Voids Only checkbox to either display or hide claims that
have been voided in the system.
Show Last X Days
Select the Show Last X Days radio button at the bottom of the Queue to
select a specific date range within which to view claim transactions.
Specific Date
The Specific Date field (directly below the Show Last X Days field) allows
you to enter a specific date on which to view claims.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
The Find button allows you to search for a specific claim in the insurance
claims queue. Clicking the Find button displays the following window:
Select either Patient Last Name or Prescription Number and type the
appropriate information into the text box and then click OK to execute
the search.
Edit Dispense
The Edit Dispense button allows you to jump directly from the claim that is
currently selected in the queue to the Edit Dispense window for that
claim. This function is useful for quickly making edits to rejected claims due
to information that can be edited in the Edit Dispense window (including
the Override window).
Clicking the Refresh button refreshes the grid based on the new selections
you have made in the Insurance Claims Queue.
The Close button allows you to exit the Insurance Claims Queue.
Custom Guardian Rx User Guide
Part XII: signature capture
To be distributed next week
Part XIII: Daily Reports
To be distributed next week