BULLETIN ITEM: Earth Changes Bulletin Update As Of October 5 2005 [ECB, Black Canyon City Arizona, October 5, 2005, 23:00:00 UTC] CRITICAL ALERTS: SOLAR VORTEX IS MILD BUT ACTIVITY IS RISING AND WILL CONTINUE TO RISE FOR THE NEXT 15-30 DAYS. WEATHERFRONTS ARE ABOUT AS WEAK AS THEY ARE GOING TO BE FOR OCTOBER, STORM STRENGTH AND SIZE WILL NOW ESCALATE DURING THE NEXT 30 DAYS. CRITICAL HURRICANE DANGER PERIOD IS OCTOBER 15-NOVEMBER 5, PROBABLY GREATEST AROUND OCTOBER 20-25. QUAKE ACTIVITY IS LOW NOW AND PROBABLY WILL REMAIN LOW FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS. NEXT GREAT DANGER PERIOD FOR MAJOR QUAKES IS PROBABLY NOT UNTIL THE LUNAR SYZYGYIES IN DECEMBER 2005. THE HEIGHTENED SEISMIC ACTIVITY IN CALIFORNIA HAS BEGUN TO DECLINE AND WILL PROBABLY CONTINUE TO DECLINE DURING THE NEXT 60 DAYS. COSMIC VORTEX: The next wave of Solar activity has commenced. The Sunspot Count rose from 0 to 15 yesterday (October 4) and the Flux rose 9 points from a near low of 74 to 83. This was a vigorous increase which suggests that an energetic new peak in the Sunspot Count is about to form up during the next week or so. Date Flux Sunspots Area 2005 10 03 74 0 0 2005 10 04 83 15 60 The outlook this week remains similar to the past seven days. Most solar conditions continue to be very mild (relative to the surface of the Sun) even though the Sunspot Count rose. The Fluxgate Monitor at the University of Alaska presently shows little or no disturbance in the solar wind and magnetosphere of the Earth. NASA predicts about only a 1% - 5% probability of a major X or M class flare during the next 48 hours, respectively. This current low activity level is likely to remain in the Sun for the next several days. This forecast is probably true for the next 48 hours, but conditions could change in as little as 24 hours. Significant solar flare and storm activity should be anticipated in about 10 days. This activity will rise for the Earth | Mars alignment, during which the atmospheres of both planets will magnetically and electrically fuse together. This will act like an electrical circuit which will induce tremendous ion flows from the Sun. This ion flow could reach a crescendo as early as October 15, or as late as November 3. As the ion flow increases, the atmospheres of both planets will become energized and support vast storm systems. On Earth this could produce Category Five hurricanes and cyclones within 24 hours of a sudden spike in the Sunspot Count, which most likely will occur within the window of October 15 - November 3. Until then, the Sunspot Count is likely to waggle up and down between 20 and 50. Existing storm systems are not likely to be affected much. CURRENT WEATHER FRONTS National Hurricane Center reports for the Western Pacific and the South Pacific that “As of early Wednesday, there were tropical cyclones to report, and none are expected to form over the next 24-48 hours. However, an area of low pressure near the Marianas could develop into a tropical depression or cyclone this weekend.” This should be watched carefully in light of the rising Sunspot Count. NOAA is currently plotting at least one "tropical wave" (major storm precursor) in the Atlantic along "Hurricane Alley" which stretch from Africa through to the Islands on the Eastern edge of the Carib Plate. “A tropical wave along [Longitude West 35] shows no signs of development and should stay unorganized for at least the next couple of days.” This should be watched carefully in light of the rising Sunspot Count. If the Sunspot Count rises rapidly during the next several days, this West 35 “Wave” could become another Category Five Superstorm. FOR THE NEXT MOST DANGEROUS WINDOWS: October 15 - November 4: The Mars | Earth Alignment: STRONGER POSSIBILITY FOR MULTIPLE OCCURANCE OF STORMS EVEN MORE DANGEROUS THAN KATRINA. These predictions are based on reasonably predictable surges in solar activity combined with the Global Warming Trend. Danger "Windows" are defined from generalizations made with three years of observation. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON ALIGNMENTS AND SYZYGY: Mars and the Moon are more or less rising together. Look Eastward on the horizon about 10 P.M. Mars is currently about one half the brightness it will become at the end of October. For background information on the planetary alignments and lunar syzygy, see <http://www.michaelmandeville.com/earthmonitor/ecbulletins/almanac/index.htm>http://www.mich aelmandeville.com/earthmonitor/ecbulletins/almanac/index.htm look for the latest date. For latest information on planetary alignments, go to <http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/uncgi/Solar>http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/uncgi/Solar and make sure you reset the view to see "equal" orbits All you need to know is that the solar system revolves counter-clockwise in your spaceship’s eye view. (this repeats data provided last week) Another very important upcoming alignment will shape much of the solar activity and weather patterns October 2005. Three minor alignments will form up at various times in October with Mercury and Venus aligning with the outermost planets. More probable than not, these will produce only minor blips in solar activity. The big one will be the Earth | Mar alignment. Earth is already headed for its rendezvous with Mars on October 30 and as these two planets draw closer together, I expect their "tension" in the field of the solar system will keep the general average of solar activity higher than normal. Then at some point, perhaps a week before the alignment, the Sunspot Count will explode in numbers and the peak could climb past 100 amidst major solar X class flares, CME's hurled directly at the two planets, magnetic storms, very gusty solar winds, and other phenomenon of unusual strength. The atmospheres of the two planets will become ionically linked, Mars will become covered in vast dust storms, and the hurricanes and cycles which form on Earth during this time will rival the records. IF THERE IS ANOTHER KATRINA DUE THIS YEAR...THIS IS THE WINDOW: about October 15 - November 4. There is strong possibility that this window of exceptional storm danger will extend through to near the end of November, depending upon how this long, slow alignment between Earth and Mars influences the Sun during this point in Cycle 23 of the Sunspot Cycle. I expect a very stormy October in the higher latitudes and elevations, though the mid latitudes and the desert latitudes may be in the atmospheric "skip zone". The Earth | Mars Alignment: Technically the alignment is due about October 30 when Mars will be at its closest to the Earth. During the week before and after this date, Solar activity should be much higher than normal. Expect a very high sunspot peak and intense atmospheric disturbances on both Mars and Earth. Keep in mind that because these two planets are in relatively close orbits and similar orbital speeds, they are drawing together only very slowly. Accordingly, their alignment is much longer than with any other pair of planets. This alignment (and close coupling of Solar wind and magnetic tails) can be said to effectively begin at about the end of August and last about three months. During this time, the Sun will probably produce more than one, possible several major peaks of activity and Sunspot Counts. Here are some additional facts from NASA: "Here are the facts: Earth and Mars are converging for a close encounter this year on October 30th at 0319 Universal Time. Distance: 69 million kilometers. To the unaided eye, Mars will look like a bright red star, a pinprick of light... At that distance, Mars shines brighter than anything else in the sky except the Sun, the Moon and Venus. The visual magnitude of Mars on Oct. 30, 2005, will be -2.3. Even inattentive sky watchers will notice it, rising at sundown and soaring overhead at midnight. You might remember another encounter with Mars, about two years ago, on August 27, 2003. That was the closest in recorded history, by a whisker, and millions of people watched as the distance between Mars and Earth shrunk to 56 million km. This October's encounter, at 69 million km, is similar. To casual observers, Mars will seem about as bright and beautiful in 2005 as it was in 2003. Although closest approach is still months away, I EL NINO AND SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE WATCH: AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED: El Nino very unlikely this year and next, which correlates exactly with the X Wave Min phase we are now entering. El Nino almost ever occurs during an X Wave Min or Max. La Nina is possible. Pacific Equatorial water is slightly cooler than normal and could continue to cool enough to produce La Nina or near La Nina conditions. This condition generally is a very cold but relatively dry winter in the Northern Hemisphere except high in the Mountains. This could make for a very good ski season at high elevations, long lasting with fine dry powder. In a manner very similar to last Fall, the temperature of the Central North Pacific (Gulf of Alaska area North of the Hawaiian Islands) is substantially warmer than normal. This “heat island” will most likely act as it did last year by radically kinking the Jet Stream to flow into Alaska towards the North and then kink down over the Yukon to flow down parallel with the Coast of North America as far as Southern California before bending back up to flow over the Rockies of Northern New Mexico/Colorado. This will tend to make a dry but cold Northwest, early snow high in the Mountains, and a relatively wet Southwest, with much early snow in the Rockies. This condition is likely to reinforce the near La Nina like condition of the Equatorial Zone. All in all, Farmer’s Almanac has it right. A cold, dry winter with early snow in the Mountains – last Fall/Winter conditions and extremes only more so. POLAR MOTION: AS PREVIOUSLY OBSERVED: The 6.5-7 year X Wave in Chandler's wobble is close to its MIN point. Its tightly turning spiral is now confirming that the wobble has indeed wobbled somewhat irregularly this past seven years. It is beginning to appear that the center of the wobble has been displaced by perhaps 35% of the width of the Minimum Spiral Track. This may represent an acceleration of the rate of displacement. Although it is too early to be certain, the Spiral Track also appears to have migrated slightly to the Northwest of England from the Greenwich Meridian. This represents a shift in the direction of the drift of the average location of the spin axis, which generally has drifted to the Southwest of the Greenwich Meridian. This drift is not necessarily all that unusual, the track of the drift has meandered a few times during the past 100 years. What is significant is the distance of the drift during the past seven years. If an increase in the rate of drift is confirmed, it will strongly confirm the entire paradigm of Vortex Tectonics. This will be a highly important fact which will confirm, when confirmed, that the accelerating tempo of earthquake, volcano, and Global Warming phenomenon are all linked to force vectors which are created by changes in the rate and direction of the Earth's spin axis. These have been hypothesized as the key variables for the Vortex Tectonics Paradigm. These variables partially explain tectonic motion and the related phenomena of earthquakes, volcanism, rifting, downwarping, and uplifting. GEOPHYSICAL QUAKE AND VOLCANISM FRONT: More or less as expected and projected in recent weeks in the ECB, this New Moon period brought only a weak seismic response in the Earth during the past seven days. Like the past two prior weeks, the Earth remained about as tectonically silent as it ever gets. Worldwide, a thin scattering of quakes above 4.0 magnitude were generally randomly distributed around the Pacific Rim of Fire, on both sides and in both Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The Carib Plate remained quite active but its antipode in Sumatra was quite diminished in activity. The largest quakes were a 6.7 and a 6.2 near Papua New Guinea on September 29, which was a bit early for the syzygy. These were followed by a 6.1 quake in the Tonga Islands on October 4, which was well within the syzygy period. For quakes above 4.0, the totals were sparse indeed, the greatest number also occurring early on September 29, many near Papua New Guinea. Many others on the same day ranged throughout the Pacific Rim of Fire. Sumatra and Alaska were diminished in activity above 4.0. California, though down in overall activity, was relatively active during the past seven days, as was the Carib Plate (Central America) and Northern Chile, which was mirrored across the Pacific in the Fiji/Tonga/Solomon’s. This Northeastern corner of the vast Australian Tectonic Plate hosted a large percentage of the largest quakes of the world during the past seven days. Some five modest shape-shifters above 4.0 in magnitude struck in the Great Rift of the Earth, including another in Ethiopia, two in the East Pacific Rise, and two in the Atlantic Rise. St. Helens was even lower this past week than the week before but Long Valley in Eastern California hosted some 90 quakes above 1.0, which were fairly tightly focused to the South of Mammoth Lake. This is almost certainly reflective of increased magma intrusion (upwards) and swelling of the Earth in this area of California even as the magma was seemingly reducing its pressure beneath St. Helens.. Quake activity has fallen significantly during the past 48 hours, making this past week an "early" syzygy release. I expect a similarly tepid response for the next few syzygies (Full and New Moon periods) with a gradual increase bringing larger quakes and larger numbers in December and January near Earth’s Perihelion (closest approach of the Earth’s orbit to the Sun). Perigee will begin to orient closer and closer to the New Moon in early 2006, making the New Moon syzygies the most potent during the first part of 2006. Even as quakes were scarce, volcanoes were virtually silent. Clearly worldwide volcanism is at its lowest point for 2005, which it achieved about mid-September. Popo had only 4 ash/steam puffs during the past 24 hours, which is just about its lowest point of the past few years. St Helens and Yellowstone were all at minimal activity, St Helens even lower than its low point of the previous week. Most of the others which have been active this year appear to have gone to sleep, though 23 remain on the active list (mainly for seismic reasons) and alerts remain for 53 volcanoes while 5 are on the restless list of the SWVC. Only one volcano has a “red flag” alert, Santa Maria in Guatemala which seems poised to increase a major eruption of lava and ash. Overall, the situation is about the same as last week. Six volcanoes on the Carib Plate, three on the Kamchatka Peninsula, St. Helens, and three along the Northern edge of the Australian Tectonic plate remain visibly active, along with Kilauea which is still oozing lava and Stromboli and Erebus (which are still spitting lava and cinders as they have for all of the past 100 years). The eruption on September 24, 2005 of Erta Ale in Ethiopia (near the coast of the Red Sea) seems to have been a short-lived episode. AS REPORTED LAST WEEK: This volcano has been dormant but with an active lava lake in its crater since at least 1967. This volcano is very clearly at an important tectonic juncture point, the place where the Rift of the Red Sea (between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula) meets the Great African Rift, which runs down through East Africa into Southern Africa. Both Rifts continue out into the Indian Ocean. Since this part of the Earth is not well defined, relatively little is known how these tectonic plate margins behave. However, based on this general information, I classify both the volcano and its quakes as shape shifter events. This volcano probably behaves much like the world’s underwater volcanoes in the Great Rift which runs around the Earth like a gigantic “baseball seam” or ying-yang line (which it is in literal fact). Please note that a permanent lava lake began to be noticed in this volcano sometime during the 20th century, date unknown….and now we have global warming. Magnify this by several hundred times (there are tens of thousands of underwater volcanoes and Rift vents) and you can begin to understand how Global Warming most likely is being created. GEOPOLITICAL VORTEX: The Titanic is breeched and taking on water at an accelerating rate. There is no recovery, the Empire will and is sinking, like they all do, especially when managed by men as stupid and conceited as those who were able to seize control of the Republican Party with the aid of vast pots of money supplied by a still largely invisible cabal, the plutocrats who prefer to lounge and breed in dark places. August and September have seriously upset, confused, and fragmented the American political system and it is likely that those were just strikes one and two. Already the Republican juggernaut is falling apart with the indictment of Delay and several related bagmen. This disintegration is being helped by Bush’s lame nomination of merely another “safe” crony to the Supreme Court. This has the entire traditionalist right wing in a state of apoplexy over another “single” feminist gaining high power in Washington D.C. By the end of October, strike three may have the Imperial Presidency on the mat and unable to pretend that it can recover. Another damaging Category 3-5 super-storm may damage much boosting many more people and their insurance companies into bankruptcy, many more terrorist strikes may have fulfilled the Great Ramadan Offensive, gas prices may be above $5.00/gallon, and a major round of indictments against Cheney, Rove, and many others, possibly including Bush as well, perhaps given great power by Judith Miller’s capitulation to the Grand Jury, will have the center of the government tied up in legal maneuvering and scheming while the carpet bombs of reality explode all around the increasingly desperate managers of the Imperial Faction. We may not have to go to jail to get rid of these morons. We may just be able to push THEM over the cliff, perhaps even into jail. But keep in mind that this is the kind of historical circumstance in which stupid, desperate people undertake stupid, desperate actions in vain efforts to regain their “big mo” (momentum of power). What is good for us (as people) is now completely different than what is good for them (as rulers), and vice verse. Accordingly, the danger is still high that the U.S. may be manipulated by Zionist circles into attacks against Iran. Rally around the flag, boys, everybody else is an enemy. I doubt that Bush and nominally visible Republican leaders would go in that direction on their own steam, but we know for certain that there are those in power and positions of influence who want exactly this conflagration with Iran, and we also know that Republican officials have a seriously long track record of being manipulated by the Zionist lobby into support of policies and state actions which are highly damaging to the real best interests of the U.S. and its people. Watch this carefully. This site below has a very interesting “scenario” for an Iran operation which would virtually assure a 100-fold multiplication of the Tragedy in Iraq. I suggest you read it: http://judicial-inc.biz/Sunburn_Missile.htm ECONOMIC VORTEX: AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED - INFLATION INFLATION INFLATION, wait, it gets even worse. As predicted here over two years ago, we are now in the bow shock wave, brought on by the steady climb in oil and natural gas prices. The big squeeze will hit more and more all pocket books, causing gross revenues numbers to increase (gee look, see how our economy is expanding) while the actual goods consumed will decrease in absolute numbers. (Or be on “loan” from China Inc.) SAME AS LAST SEVERAL WEEKS - Choppy and chaotic in all opinions. Strong bear contraries continue, but the Gulf Coast rebuilding programs and the release of the stockpiled oil in government caverns could provide a hefty expansionary stimulus to the economy worth at least a few months of uptick. Indicators which dip negative in the wake of the hurricane disaster(s) could quickly reverse and go very positive in a relatively short time. INFLATION IS THE NAME OF THE GAME AT THE MOMENT, FOLLOWED BY STAGFLATION. Housing Bubble likely to decline slowly without too much noise for the time being...the rising energy prices and inflation of other goods are going to burst the Housing Bubble sooner or later. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Earth Changes Bulletin Updates are usually published in a brief form and distributed free on a weekly basis. Occasionally Earth Changes Special Reports are produced on timely topics. This is Shareware Information, if it is useful to you, please help support it by making a VOLUNTARY donation (you will not be denied access). A donation of $2.00 per month or $24.00 per year is requested to sustain this work and additional benefits may be available. To provide a mechanism for making a donation, a donation request will be emailed to new subscribers and periodically to all subscribers via Paypal, or click now on on this URL to make your donation. <http://www.michaelmandeville.com/catalog/donations_for_ec_bulletins.htm>http://www.michael mandeville.com/catalog/donations_for_ec_bulletins.htm See the bottom of this email message for website and contact URL's. To subscribe to the Earth Change Bulletins: <mailto:earthchange-bulletins-subscribe@yahoogroups.com>mailto:earthchange-bulletinssubscribe@yahoogroups.com or you may unsubscribe by: <mailto:earthchange-bulletins-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com>mailto:earthchange-bulletinsunsubscribe@yahoogroups.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++