3-Day Course – Waterflood Analysis, Evaluation and Simulation Deepankar Biswas, Ph.D., P.E. This three day course will cover various aspects of waterflood theory, diagnostics, planning, evaluation and analysis. Both analytic and numerical techniques to evaluate waterflood will be presented. The method of teaching will be a combination of slides, discussions and hands-on practice problems. The course assumes students to have basic knowledge of waterflood, experience in oil-field operations and familiarity with functions of Excel ™ software. I. INTRODUCTION General history and development of Waterflooding, case studies II. REVIEW OF ROCK PROPERTIES AND FLUID FLOW Wettability, imbibition and drainage concepts, capillary pressure, J-function, Height above free water level, air permeability, absolute permeability, effective permeability, relative permeability III. DETERMINATION OF OIL IN PLACE Current oil saturation versus initial oil saturation, gas saturation, porositypermeability cutoffs, net pay cutoff determination, calibration of log porosity with core porosity, rock continuity and floodable pay, water floodable pore volume versus primary production pore volume versus total pore volume IV. EFFICIENCY OF OIL DISPLACEMENT Frontal Advance theory, Water Tonguing, Viscous Fingering, Application of fractional flow, influence of rock wettability on oil production performance, influence of viscosities, influence of formation dip, influence of Initial gas saturation V. AREAL SWEEP EFFICIENCY Areal sweep Efficiency at Water Breakthrough, Areal Sweep Efficiency after Water Breakthrough, Injectivities of various patterns, Areal Sweep Predictions, Factors Affecting Selection of Waterflood Patterns VI. RESERVOIR HETEROGENEITY Vertical permeability variation, areal permeability variation, detection of stratification, selection of layers, Dykstra-Parsons coefficient, effect of cross flow, vertical sweep efficiency 1 VII. VERTICAL AND VOLUMETRIC SWEEP Influence of Mobility ratio, gravity forces, capillary forces, cross-flow between layers, effect of rate and layer selection VIII. AQUIFER INFLUX Schilthuis Steady-State Method, VEH Unsteady state, Fetkovich unsteady state VIII. WATERFLOOD DIAGNOSTICS Production plots, WOR-cumulative production, WCUT-cumulative production, Rate of Change of Watercut-cumulative production IX. WATERFLOOD PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Dykstra-Parsons (DP) method, Stiles method, Numerical methods X. PLANNING A WATERFLOOD Starting time, reservoir description, PVT data, primary production, gas saturation, patterns, injection water availability and compatibility Tuition Schedule (assumes candidates to provide training facilities): 1. 1 person - $4000 per person ($3600 – course + $400 – discounted software) 2. 2 persons - $3500 per person 3. 3 persons - $3000 per person 4. 4 persons - $2500 per person For the price you get the following: 1. One-on-one instructions and help solving the example problems. 2. A copy of Excel-based WFLOOD program. 3. A copy of all other Excel-based programs used in the class (e.g. fractional flow etc.). 4. A copy of the course material. Cancellation Policy: If cancelled 14 days in advance, full refund will be provided. After that the fees are nonrefundable. However, if after paying the candidate is unable to attend then a copy of the course material along with the software will be mailed to the address provided. Payment Policy: Please remit your check payable to SiteLark LLC and mail to the following address: 2 SiteLark LLC 5939 Smoke Glass Trail Dallas TX 75252 Contact: Email: dbiswas@sitelark.com Ph: 972-818-7450 (o), 469-222-5436 (cell) Website: www.sitelark.com 3